Music Classical

* The Sixteen St Mar} \ ('athcdral. l’altncrston l’lacc. 'lilL'hL'lV 005 3””

7 30pm. £0 £lb‘. As part ol [lll\ )car\ (‘horal l’ilgriinagc. thc lcntmllcd carl} lllllle‘ group rcach lzdinhurgh as part ol thcir lb stops at c.’ithcdral\. churchcx and conccrtx halls ilk'ril\\ thc l'K Spanish chaiwmcc L'lllllpll\t'l 'l'oinax l.lll\ dc Victoria pril\ltlL'\ lllL' lllll\lL'. Willi lll\ L'\qlll\llc Rt‘qllll'lll ol l(i05 taking pridc ol placc. l’rc conccrt talk Willi conductor llarr} ('hrixtophcrx at 7pm.

I The Edinburgh Light Orchestra ()ticcn'x llall. ('lcrk Slrcct. (ifiH 30l‘). 7.30pm. £5 £3.50. .ltllllL‘\ llc}cr conducts a pcrlormancc ol light L'l;l\\lL'.’ll lamuritcx including songs h} ('olc l’ortcr. l.lo_\d Wchhcr. lzdilli Mal and othcrx, With mum-soprano ('arolc (‘larkc and solo \lUllllhl Lanicncc l)unn.

Sunday 28


I Junior Academy Chamber Orchestra Concert RSAMI). l00 chlrcu Strcct. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £6 t£4i. Alasdair Mitchcll cottdttclx tlic orchcxtra in a pcrlorinancc ol .\1arccllo'\ lllll'lltllll‘llllll. .‘ll'ltl mu/ I’I'mlo for Sui/tux, l’urccll'x What [am [mil in lltlI'I/I. Mo/art's Nun w [ii/i um: um. um! liit'i'iu. Richard Strauxx' Sci/c! front ('ii/ii'ii-i in. (lax in ll}ct\ 'I‘lii' I’m-u::i' I‘I'llg'mr'lll. liriich'x lx’omiiiiii' 0;) N5 and Sclttthcrt'x Sump/tour No.5 in I)’ Ha! I) 455'.


I St Giles at Six: Robert Gordon’s College and Durham School St (iilcx' ('athcdral. Rtl)ill Milc. 335 ()443. (ipm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc coiiihincd chainhcr choirs and nixlrumcntalixtx pcrlorm a prograiiiinc including 'l‘ippctt .S'pi'ri'nmlx c\ccrpt\ from Mo/art's ('m‘miulimi .llrm and lloh ('hilcolt'x Singing In Mun/wry

Monday 29


I Caledon: Scotland’s Three Tenors llrunlon 'l‘hcatrc. Lad} \wll Wa}. Mtixxclhurgh. (i(i5 3340. 7.30pm. £l3 t£l0). Rousing lllllL‘\ l‘roin lllL‘ hc-kiltcd “to.

Tuesday 30


I Ramshorn Lunchtime Concert Ramshorn 'l'licatrc. ()8 Ingram Strcct. 553 343‘). l.l5 Rpm. £3. Music from lhc chaixxancc to thc pi‘cxcnt day h) guitarist l’ctcr .-\rgondi//a.

>i< Scottish Opera: Carmen 'l‘licaiirc Roytl. 333 llopc Strcct. 333 0000. 7.15pm. £0.50 £55. Scc Thu 35.

Wednesday 31


I The Merchant Voices (‘it_\ llallx. (‘andlcriggm 353 8000. 7pm. l'rcc. Brand ncu communit)‘ choir led by tcnor and conductor Dominic l’cckham. co\ cring a broad \ocal rcpcrtoirc. ()pcn to adults of all ages. no prcx ious musical cxpcricncc ix rcquii‘cd just lots of cnthuxiaxml


I RSAMD Ye Cronies Opera Award RSAMI). I00 chl'rcu Strcct. 333 5057. 5pm. l’rcc. tickctcd. Vocal Sttidicx Dcpartmcnt showcasc cvcnl offering a l‘tirthcr opportunit} to hear senior \ludcntx singing from thc opcra stagc.

I The Winter Gardens Prom l’coplc'x l’alacc & Winter (iardcnx. ('ilaxgoxx (irccn. 37l 3‘l5l. 7pm. £7 tl.‘3~£5i. (‘olin Suckling and Alan 'l‘awiicr conduct thc Strathchdc l'nixcrxit} (‘onccrt Band. (‘hambcr Choir and Brass and Wind [Ensembles through a light-licartcd sclcction of pieces perfect for a summch owning. including arrangcmcnls of folk songs from the four corners of the British Isles.

78 THE LIST 2:3 Ma) —8 June 2006

s’ééfiis’it’ OPERA: DON GIOVANNI Theatre Royal. Glasgow, Thu 4 May oooo

For their much anticipated return to main-scale opera, Scottish Opera could hardly have chosen a more auspicious date. As the cracks of hell opened up on-stage in Tim Albery's dark production to engulf Don Giovanni with their

infernal flames, the thunderous sky outside was shot with blue lightning in a

spectacular electrical storm.

The main source of darkness was Don Giovanni himself. Peter Savidge's sinister portrayal of the ladies man as a creepy lounge lizard sends shivers up the spine. Yet, the magnetism that repeatedly draws mistreated lover. Donna Elvira - tellingly sung by Henriikka Gréndahl - back to the eponymous Don is somehow understood through the humanity of her unconditional love. Dark too is Tobias Hoheisel’s design. Maybe his seven doors set in a wall allude to the seven doors of Bartok’s Duke Bluebeard's Castle, another shadowy operatic depiction of dysfunctional relationships.

Not that Don G gets away with raping Donna Anna, fiance of Ottavio; or the murder of her father, the Commendatore, whose statue invites Giovanni to his famed final dinner. While Maria Costanza Nocentini‘s Anna tightens the tension as she realises who the attacker and murderer really is. Hilton Marlton's tuning lets him down as her partner. It‘s Mozart, so there are comic. tender moments too. James Rutherford is brilliantly laid back as Don Giovanni’s manservant, Leporello and under conductor Richard Armstrong. the orchestral sound is unwaveringly robust and earthy. (Carol Main)

I Dov GIOVANNI t!()!l.'/ll.’/'?.{ at in” t. 1'. (i

Fostrva/ 'l'hrmi‘m. Edinburgh, ..

"’4‘ ,‘v, f,

I Scottish Opera: Don Giovanni 'l'hcatrc Ro)aL 3‘33 llopc Strccl. 333 0000. 7.l5pni. £6.50 £55. Scc Sat 37.


I Live Music Now: Catriona Hetherington National Portrait (iallcr). l Qticcn Strcct. 634 (i300. (i (i._3llplll. l-‘rcc. Sllttl'l L'tttlt‘cl'l l1} c‘t‘lllxl (lilll‘ltlllél llcllicrington. including a pcrl'oi'inancc ot (in/u llim'r h} Still} llcainixh. uhosc portrait l'calurcx in 'I'liorouulih .l/m/r’l'll ll'umi'n.


I Glasgow International Organ Festival l'nixcrxit) Mcniorial ('liapcl. l'tti\cr\it_\ ol (ilaxgou. 'l‘ltc Squarc. ()ll l'iii\cr\it_\ .'\\cnuc. 'l'imcx \ar}. l'ntil 33 Jun. :\n intcrnational organ rccital \cricx to cclchratc thc rcccntl} rchuilt (’liapcl ()rgan ol‘ llcnr} Willis lll.


Scottish Opera: Carmen 'l‘hcaii'c Ro}al. 333 llopc Strcct. 3‘53 ‘lllllll. 3.l5pin. £o.50 £55. Scc 'l‘hu 35.

I RSAMD Youthworks Music: Wind Orchestra Concert RS.-\.\ll). lull chl'rc“ Strcct. 333 5057. 3.30pm. £10 t£bi. (‘onductul h} John Millcr. tlic

I'm. (W‘o

programmc lllk‘llltlt‘\ \lartin lillt'll\_\ \ ('luli [LIII'H/li‘. \auglian \\ illiainx' lug/ixli lit/Ix Sit/1'4 XII/Ir. l’t'lL‘l (il;lll.tlll‘\ ll/Ht/Hit \ o] [In World and l’.itil ('tcxloitK .\ \izlzl III .l/(llt 4'.

I Glasgow Chamber Orchestra Shcrhrookc St (iilhcrt'x ('hurcli. \illixdalc Road. 7.30pm. £.\’ t£5i. l’ctci ('}iili‘}ii Joltc\ conducts a pcrlormancc ol Rodrigo\ ('oiii It‘llt'tl..lI(1Il/llt'.' \xilh guitar \tlltll\l latiia lluxhandx. and unrkx h} Schuhcrt. llcrkclc} and l\'od.il_\ Scc gcoorguk lor lurthci inlorniation.


I Edinburgh Bach Choir(ii't-} ll'’\ Kirk. (irc_\lriar\ l’lacc. 333 l I55. 5 30pm. £|3 t£‘)i. \ctl \lantlc conductx a pcrlorniancc ol l‘aurc's It’i (/Hlt'Hl. l)\ .l/t'ni' ( rim .lii/H/o and

l)chu\\_\ \ .Vm Illl'llt’\. \\ itli soprano Natasha l)a_\ and liaritonc .lohn \rtliui‘

I St Giles at Six: Heriot-Watt University Orchestra Si (iiltx' (lithcdral. l<o_\al .\lilc. 335 0443. ani. l'rcc. SICK“ l\'lllg_' conducts lllL' Ul'cllc\ll';t through .i [\L‘l'lttl'lllttllc‘c‘ ol .\lo/.irt\ Sump/rum .\’o 4/; .lii/Hh'i' and ll;i_\dti\ Sump/tom \'.. IIIJ: [win/nit.

I Edinburgh Competition Festival ()tlccll\ llttll. (‘lctlx Strccl. (ifiH 3lll‘). 7pm. £l0 i£5i \ail-htttng llltilllcllh as talcntcd lllll\lL’l;lll\ coiiipctc in thc linalx ot

lic t‘oiiccito (lixx and thc l dinhuigli Royal (‘lioial I won .l\\.ll\l (all—14“ 13Wi toi luitlici into

Monday 5


I BBC Radio 3's: Discovering Music (‘itt ll.tll\. (Liiidlciiggx. 353 \000 ll‘lll licc_ titkctcd \\uli tltc liclp ol the llllt \\l l. I’m on rm: \Itnzt .illll\ to lllll\ll.ll\‘ rust \xltat gocx into

t lk'.ll|ll_‘_‘ lllll\l\.ll c\pciicntc\ h_\ tlixxccting .i [\ictc ot lllll\l\. lllll\l\.ll lotiii oi toiiipoxci'x xttlt‘ I Scottish Opera: Carmen Unwrapped llit-aiic Roth. 3.\.‘ llopt- \ltccl. 333 ‘lllllll ltl‘lll l'icc hut lickclcd \ pcck hclnnd tlic \tx‘llk'\ ol \tottisli ()pci.i\ production ol lli/ct‘x l‘.l\\lilll.llt‘ Ul‘t'ld

I PLUG: RSAMD Sinfonietta

l\’\ \\l|). l00 lx’cnlicxx Sticct. 33.‘ 505' " :tipiii licc. lickctcd lhcic\ tiinc toi lll\l onc l.i\l [icilotinancc licloic llic pluv l\ piillcd on tlic lll\l tcar ol tln\ ncu lliicc da} .ill ncu numc lt‘\ll\.ll llic piogiaiiiinc lllcllltllllf.‘ lll\l Hllllll_L'\ ol (ioidon \lcl’licixon'x '\[‘|ll\Hlll-. \l.t\tl.tll .\pi.itt\ ‘l )ion and ('olin lliooin'x "Itig \\.i\p'

(3|; isg' l( )W I Ramshorn Lunchtime Concert l\).llll\llttlll lllt‘.lllt‘. ‘lh Ingram Slit-cl. 553 343‘) l l5 3pm £3 Soloandcliainlici Iniixic h} llic RS \.\ll) .llllllttl \t'adciin Scottish Opera: Carmen I'limiit- l\)tt}.ll. lltlllt‘ Silt't'l. H3 ‘lllllll “.l5pin £0 50 £55 Scc lllll 35


I Get Organised! . . . Plus Voice l'xltcl llall. lolltlait Road. 333 l l55 l.l0pni. £3. .lolin lx'itclicn pit-writs llll\ lunch hour introduction to organ lllll\l\'. llll\ tinic .ll\il lcaltiiing local \oc.i|i\l\

Wednesday 7


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Afternoon Performance ( 'il_\ ll.lll\. (Lindlciiggx. 35% Milli), 3pm. £5 'l lic llll(' 580 grain up loi ll\ loi'tliconiing lzdinhurgli l'cxlnal and Ill“. l’l'ttllh \camnx Wllll .i pci'loi'iiianct- ol .\l.iiccllo'\ ()I’IH'

("ii/ii i'I‘Iu. llcrg‘x lio/IH ("ii/ii (Ito and l)\\\ cclclttalcd (it'//1'('i'lli('llll. ('ondiictcd h} \pmm \hino/aki. lltc conccit \klll liioadcaxt Inc on ltll(' Radio 3.

I The Merchant Voices ( 'it} Hall». (‘andlcriggx 353 X000. 7pm. l‘lt‘t‘ Scc ch 3|.

I RSAMD Guitar Department Concert l<$.v\.\ll). I00 chlrcu Strccl. 3 33 5057. 3. 30pm. l‘rcc. lickclcd. Annual cottccrl ol \ti'uniining and plucking. lll|\ _\car lll\[lll't'tl h} llic |a//. llaincnco and c'l;l\\|c.'tl ll.ltlll|tlll\_

Thursday 8


I Opera School Showcase .-\lc\andcr (llltxiill ()pcra Studii i. RS.-\.\ll). l00 chlrcu Strccl. 333 5057. ".l5pni. £l3 t£Hi llcnr} Maxim (lll'L'L'l\ \lttdcnh ol mt- .-\lc\andcr (illhtill ()pcra Studio in tlicir annual \llii\|.c;t\c.

T} Scottish Opera: Carmen 'l’lit-airt- l<ii);il. 3N3 llopc Slrccl. 333 9000. 7.l5pin. £050 £55 Scc Thu 35.


711 RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Passionate about Tchaikovsky lKltcr llall. l.tilltiari Road. 333 ll55. ".30pin. £5 £35. ‘l'lic opcning night ol llic RSNU Scottixlil’oucr l’l'llllh \ccx .\lu\ical l)ircctor. Stc‘phanc l)cnc\c. conduct lllc orcltc\lra in tlircc ol 'l'chaikoxxkvx llltt\l popular \xorkx. lroin lhc lighthcarlcd lllL'lllL‘\ (ll Ill/14'

.Vult I’m Arr. I’Imio ("um i'rlu .Vn/ and cnding on .Stm/i/ium No 4.