Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.



353 x\lj_'.\lc Sticct. “3—.” 3-1” 7535

lllam lllpm. Sun noon lllpin

Folk l'nlil 'l hu 15 Jun |)i\torlcd pnl'llitllx h} lan llcal}. ll\lll_‘_' \tock pliotox la}crcd with paint


3W)” l’ollokxhaux Road. 337 355“.

Mon 'l‘hu & Sat lllam 5pm; in k Sun llani 5pm. l'icc,

Through Your Eyes l'nnl Sun 33 Ma). li\hihnion ol pliotographx takcn h_\ communit} groupx acro\\ (il;t\gii\\ that ollcrx ncxx nap ol looking at ohicclx lrom thc litnrcll ('ollcction, t/«Sl CllANCl it) Si l.


350 Sauchichall Sticcl. i53 -l‘)l)ll.

'l'uc l‘ri llani (ipm; Sal lllam (ipm. Ross Sinclair: Real Life Painting Show lililil Sill 3 Jun. l‘l'L‘c. .-\ \(lltl \lltl\\ lrom acclaimcd Scottish contcmporar} artist Rii\\ Sinclair locuxing on thc itllpol'tancc ol colour. l’urr of (i/mqmi Irrlr'rmiliurml. [ASl Cl lANCl lt) Si l Matthias Muller Thu 35 .\la_\ Thu 1 Juli. (i..’~(lpin. U50 (£3). 'l‘lic intcrnationall} acclaimcd tll'li\l and lilmmakcr introducc'x thix thrcc part rctroxpcctiw ol lllx work. Part onc \xill hc \llt)\\ll on 'lhu 35 .\la_\. lolloxx cd h} part\ [no and thrcc on 'lhu l Jun. NE

Sl l()W.

The Upgrade! Scotland \Vctl 3| .\la_\. 7pm. l’rcc hut tickclcd. Dcwlopmcnt oppot'tunil} l'or artists and ctlt‘aton norking in art and lcclinolog}.


3i) Watcrloo Strcct.

Mon Sat noon 5pm.

Art in the Workplace Thu 25

May l5ri ‘) Jun. l-‘rcc. To mark thc 3(lth annch-rxar)‘ ol' :\rt\ & lilhlllL'SS Scotland. lltlx cxhihition ol' \cwnt} art \HH'l'xS (mucd h} htixincxxcx in Scotland aims to \ho“ thc positixc rolc pla) cd by busincxx in supporting artists \xhcn thc} purchxac art l'or displa) in thc \Hll'kpliIL‘L‘.


l'niwrxit} ol' Strathcl_\dc. 33 Richmond Strcct. 548 3558. Mon l'ri Illani 5pm; Sat noon 4pm. l-‘rcc.

Insect Safari: Barbara Reed l‘niil Sat 34 Jun. li\hibition ol appliund tc\tilc\ dcpicting thc culturc. laiidxcapc and \xildlilc ol' Botmana.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Ro)al li\changc Squarc. 33‘) 10%. Mon \Vcd & Sat Illam 5pm: 'l'hu 10am 8pm; l'ri & Sun llam 5pm. Material World: Sculpture from the Arts Council Collection 0... l'ntil Mon 35 Scp. l-‘rcc. :\ SL‘lL‘L‘llUn ol \\Ut'k\ h} lil'llhlt artixlx. including Damicn llirst. Sarah Lucas and RtlL‘llL‘l Whitcrcad. l’iu‘! u/ (i/uwuu Inn'rnulionul.

Chad McCail Thu 35 Ma} Sun l3 Aug. l"rcc. An c‘\hihition ol‘ no“ “ork uploring thcmcx ot' \ iolcncc and social unrest. NEW SHOW.

Artist’s Talk: Paul Finnegan Thu 1 Jun. (1.30 7.30pm. lace. :\l‘li\l Paul l-‘inncgan talk\ about his contribution to thc .lluri'ri‘ul li'orlt/ c'\hihition.


43 King Strcct. 553 0704. 'l‘uc Sat

ltlam 5.30pm.

Keep Right l‘ntil Sat 37 Ma}. Painting and prints by (‘il’S mcmhcr Paul Kcnncd)

lan Healey - Folk


and magazines dragging them through his own fantasies to become new humorous characters rendered in acrylic and gloss paint.

I l/lt,‘/ll(,‘/l(’fi. (ii/(isgriitz wit/l Hit) '5 Jun.

looking at thc conccpl ol' timc and waiting l'or public ll‘;tlt\pot‘l. lASl

Cl lANCl lU Sll .

Dot Simm Sat 3 Jun Sat l5 Jul. \cu lltc‘lttl \tol'kx l'iil' holding \L‘L‘ltlcd oil\ and lk‘rl’umc. Ni ‘4‘." Si lOW .

Over and Over Sat 3 Sat 24 Jun. Scrccn prints and draw ingx h} Racth Duckhouw c\plot'ing thc rclationxhip hctchn \implicit} and coinplmit}. Ni St l0W.

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART l(l7 chlrc“ Strcct. 353 450i). Mon l'ri Illain 5pm; Sat lllam 3pm. lacc. Kaleidoscope l'ntil Sat 37 Ma}. Atrium (iallcry .-\ \honcaxc ol’ \wi'k h} lltc (iSA .icucllcr} dcpartnicnt'x artists in

rcxidcncc. Marion Barcla} and :\i Morita.

lASl CHANCE l0 Slit.

Hiscox MFA Interim Degree Show l'ntil l‘ri 3o Ma}. Mackintoxh (iallcr). Annual c‘\hihition ol \xork h} lirxt )c‘ar \tudcntx on the po~tgraduatc Maxtcr ol' l'inc art courxc curatcd h} (iraham Ramxa} lol‘ Bcaglcx & Ramxa} lamcl. lASl CHANCE TO SEE.

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY liniwrxit) ol' (ilaxgou. S3 llillhcad Strcct. 330 54.”. Mon Sat ‘).3llam 5pm. I'il'L‘L‘.

Nenty Etchings by Rembrandt l'ntil Sat l5 Jul. Sonic ol thc lillL'SI ctchingx lrom thc gallcr} \ collcction ol' o\cr St) \hcctx h} thc grcat l)utch artist. Animal Architecture: Do Brighter Birds Fly Faster? l‘ntil Sat 37 .\la_\. .\'c'\\ tilmx and photograph\ crcalcd ax part oi a collaboratiw proicct hchwcn .\lark \millc and \cicntistx l'roni (ilaxgon l'iii\cr\it_\\ lnxtitutc ot Biomcdical and Lilo Scicncc'x. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


3 Sinclair l)ri\c. (333 (lSltl. .\lon N 'l‘uc lllam 8pm; \Vcd lllani 5pm; 'l‘hu noon~8pm; l5ri Sat 9am 5pm. Nature’s Fury l'ntil Sat 3 Jun. Photographs h} Shahidul Alain dcpicting

pcoplc cllcclcd b} thc carthquakc in Pakistan. lASl CHANCE l() SH


ll Milchcll l.anc. 33l (i3h3. .\lon «Y \Vcd Sat lllflllam 5pm; ‘l'uc Ilam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3 (Slip). Architecture in Scotland 2004-2006: Defining Place l'niil Mon 5 Jun. .-\n cxhibition ol~ cighl rcccnt proicctx to mark thc third hicnnial rcx icu ol' architcclurc in Scotland. lASl CHANCE l() SEE

Inside Out l'ntil Sun 4 Jun. Shoxicasc ol \xork h) cighl dcxignciN lrom thc \clwt Boutiquc collccli\ c. on tho lhcnic til~ 'lltxitlc‘ (lllli. lf‘xSl CHANCE l0 SH Babes in Sport l‘ntil 'l‘uc 37 Jun. lmagcx maniining tltc rclationxhip hctuccn l'cmininit} and \porl haxcd around tltc work ol Anna (iulmann. xx ho t'c\\orkcd traditional sporting outlitx using lcchniqucx such as patclmork. knitting and hcading.


Edinburgh-based Healey uses photographic sources - unknown visages from newspapers

Visual Art

GOSSID, Chat and rumour from the gallery floor

I The National Gallery of Scotland continues to expand its world-class collection of works by Renaissance masters with the recent acquisition of a painting by sixteenth-century writer and artist Giorgio Vasari. A small- scale replica of the large altarpiece ‘The Adoration of the Magi’ has been purchased (with the help of The Art Fund charity) for £580,046.

I The Friends of the Royal Scottish Academy will award an artists bursary worth up to £3000 to an artist resudent in Scotland. The prize money will be awarded for protect development, and to cover travel. research, for the attendance of a course Or a workshop or to supplement or replace income during the period of research. Preference will be given to artists over 35 who have shown a commitment to developing their work over the last 10 years since qualification. For more details visit royalscottishacademy.org.

In After 16 years as MFA programme leader at Glasgow School of Art, Sam Ainsley will retire in September 2006, to be replaced by New York academic and art critic Dena Shottenkirk. This enormously successful programme has established Glasgow as an international centre of contemporary art with many of the MFA’s graduates dominating the national and international art scene. Graduates include Turner Prize winners Douglas Gordon and Simon Starling.

.'»‘ i

_. 7L : ,. ' '2gR \I

. roydl academy Alastair Saivmii scholarship

. . scholarship winner 2005

EOGHANN MacCOLL Edges I Oirean 2 June - 2 July 2006

Artist Talk: 10 June 2pm t mu

The North Atlantic from Shetland to the Fmoes, lreland and Nova 'ir om

The Royal ‘)(r)lti‘,h Acarlnmy Building lhv l1 wind [(l'HIJllHll: Admission free i (H31 2256671 WWth-ydl'x'il'F-iwet'd’lvlfly""2

25 May—8 June 2006 THE LIST 91