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Peebles Hydro

than l'lnat dn/ily iii the pnnl.

'l‘he pheiiniiieiia nl' places like l’eehles llydi'n emerged arniiiid the turn iii the century thy which I mean arniind llltll). nnt circa 2000) when the idea nt a lintel nl‘l'ering medicinal treatments and healing therapies was still laii'ly iinyel. l-‘ast l‘nrward tn 2()()(i and it's hard in imagine a smart hntel wnrth its salt with iin snil'l' til a steam rnnm nr sauna. Opened in NW. the l’eehles llntel llydi‘n still retains a delicintisly nld-l‘ashinned air. giving it the kind nt persniiality that a laceless cniitetiipnrary hntel wnuld

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sacril‘ice its intinity pnnl in lime. YL‘\. titll' t'tinllls were dated in e stayed in the inndern L‘\lL‘ll\ltlll hlnck. and by 'mnderii‘. I'm talking arnund l‘)7()). and yes. dinner slipped dnw n tn the sniind nl tiiikly piann mcdlcys that cnnstantly threatened in slip intn a renditinn nt’ ':\s Time (ines By". But all this antiquated ainhience effected the kind nl' charm that beats a heated hathrnnm lilnnr any day. l’eehles llydrn is the kind nl place where ynu chat unabashed tn the penple at the neighhnui'ing table at dinner; where ynti‘i'e ptit tn shame

Traigh Mhangurstadh, Isle of Lewis

You could be here

Take a trip to one of the most stunning places in

afterwards by the sight nl' eighty— }C;ll‘-Hld\ gliding ttc‘t‘iiss tltc‘ dance flour in t1 [k‘l'lcc‘t \yttlll. ()ls. Uls. l‘ltl getting nnstalgic here. but ynu knnw what I mean.

:\s e\ er. there was nn rest tor the wicked. and the nut innrning we were back in the saddle. this time nn a cntiple nt' l'nur legged l‘i'iends at the llydrn‘s nn-site riding stables. ’l‘hankltilly this ride was slightly less ta\ing 77 less an assault cnurse nii twn wheels than a sightseeing trip nii l‘iiiii' legs. Bliss. Yet hnrse riding in the Bnrders isn't always sn placid r it has a passintiatc and hlnndy histnry. which every year is played nut during the ('nmmnn Riding t‘estiyals that take place acrnss the reginn during the summer mniiths. ()riginatiiig t‘rnin the lfith & l4th centuries. the practice til‘ circling the tnwn's hniindaries inr 'marches’) nn hnrsehack nnce had a practical purpnse. tn prntect the land and liyestnck l‘rnm reiyers trnhhcrsi cnming trnm neighhnuring tribes nr acrnss the hnrder l'rnm lingland. 'l‘nday‘ the event‘s mnre ahniit celebrating lncal histnt‘y and identity than picking up thieves and the Bnrderers certainly knnw ltnw in dn this in line style. Take (ialasliiels for instance. where the party hegins early in the mnrning (even earlier it ynu're niic nt‘ the inner circle at the Braw Lad's hi'eakl'ast) with a seemingly endless cavalcade nl' hnrses setting nt‘l' l'rnm the main street arnund 8am. l"rnm there. the parade heads nut acrnss the cnuntryside with the rest nl‘ the tnwn t'nllnwing behind nn l‘nnt. liy'ei'ynne l'rnm tiny tnts tn gnlden nldies take part. each nl them loving the experience nl' gallnping acrnss fields in a lttassiy'e pack. It may make l'nr a pretty impressive

sight. but I know where I’d rather

he: sal‘ely on the grntind rather than flying from the hack nt‘ an ennrmniis heast gning at full pelt. which iiieyitahly happens at some pnint.

As you‘d expect. the (ialashiels

gallnp is l'nllnwed hy the kind (it

partying that Scntland is tamnus l'nr. Well. alter all that exercise and exhilaration. you deserve tn cut loose. right'.’

FACTFILE Where to stay A rcom at Peetues

Even though the Berders covers a relatively small area. each town has its own distinct identity and traditions that come to the fore at the annual riding proces‘Sion. Here are a few to look out for:

I Hawick Fri 9 8. Sat 10 Jun. The first of the area's common ridings is led by the Comet. a boy elected by the town to carry the Burgh flag. The ride also celebrates the Callaiits, who routed English plunderers in 1514 and captured their flag. hawickcommonriding.com

I Melrose Festival Week Sun 18 Sat—24 Jun. This culminates in a ceremony in beautiful Melrose Abbey on the Thursday. Here. the Melrosian is installed and the Festival Queen crowned.

I Peebles Beltane Week Sun 18-Sun 25 Jun. This gala dates back to 1897. bringing together Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee with the pagan Celtic festival of Bell or Baal.

I Galashiels Braw Lads Gathering Sun 25 Jun—Sat 1 Jul. A series of smaller-scale events lead up the main procession on the Saturday, led by the Braw Lad & Lass. Last year‘s gathering (the 75th anniversary) included a festival at Fairydean Rugby ground. which featured a performance by The Proclaimers. galashielsborder- net.co.uk

I Lauder Common Riding Sat 5 Aug. The last of the common ridings is also one of the originals. dating back to 1686. The Cornet leads the cavalcade to the Burgess Cairn. the only boundary stone still in existence. lauder.bordernef.co.uk

I See scot-borderscouk for fu// details.

Hotel Hydro ilnnerleit‘en Roarz. dinrer. Otner acacrr‘iriorlatvx‘ Peeb'es. ()1 721 7206132. peeblesi‘otelnyureceuk costs free:

and Hebridean islands, visit calmac.co.uk or €197. tricks trig be”. memes: and call 08705 650000.

Scotland. We cover 26 routes from five minutes to five hours away. Go on, visit one of the Clyde

(i/dlldl/‘C' ii" P‘fljlji‘o”) d'i‘Ll '1’} x .I/

.risitscctland can "/ rates aw} 7:‘,’Ei'labliii/ or cal 94:5”, 7/ ‘1‘) "/1 What to do H WI; t/Wn fi‘ lt‘:l1,t/ 'Glrf‘itress Forest. Peer/es ST 727 72‘173CT'V‘1F‘li/lllifi(:‘0“:$?7,9 ‘r'_,.'" i- 8 .08" '1a; for a starr1a"1t,;ke

DJ f’] a GEM/9 '7 ’1’1‘:

/ _“_3 3 . CaledonianMacBrayne

including heirnet, Booking :ii art/arr}; 3 recommended to (“1/in disappoint" 8-"? Riding at Peebles Hotel Hydro c0872

from :4; for a One and a rial. mix "w.

Fer more .1 .tsrrnafiori, see

Have a Caledonian MacBraynewave

100 THE LIST B—fi.‘ oi."

JlSETSCC’iflri’J COVT‘ ad Ntfl‘. .1";