
Architecture Week l‘ll lo Sun 35 Jun Varioux \cnuc\. 33| (i3o3 'liiiicx \ar} 'l'ciith )cai loi llll\ tclchiatioii ol Scotland'x .‘ticllllk'Lllllill |.iiid\capc orgaiuxcd h} 'l hc l.l_‘_'lllllttll\t' Scc .iithitcctuicucck org uk


Sale of Cactus and Succulent Plants hat I” A Sun |l luu (ilaxgou Botanic (iardcnx. 7 3H ( iicat \\c\tcin Road. 334 3433 Illaini 4 3llpin \ \clcctioii ol hcautiliil \[X'L'llllc'lh lroiii thc lirllhll ('acttix & Succulcnt Socicty

The Gathering \loii I‘) \\cd 31 Jun Sl:(‘( '. l‘llllllL‘\lttll ()iia}. llXTtl till) .tooo, Scotland'x cliaiit} and \oluntar} \cctor lair. ttllelllI\L'tl h} thc SL‘tlllhll ('oiiiicil tor Voluntarx ()llellllxllllttlh

Food & Drink

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat Ill Jun, \lanxlicld l’ark. oll l)uinh.irtoii Road. 3-ll ith-14, lllain 3pm. \Vho nccdx \ulx-i'inarkct loxlt “llt‘ll )ou'w got liapp) [tl'ntlllL'L' lioiii ltapp} placcx'

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat l7 Jun. ()iiccn'x Park. 53” liangxidc Park. 337 7373. Want 3piii.


Refugee Week Varioux \t‘llllcx. 348 070‘). Mon l‘) 35 Sun .ltlll. 'l‘inicx \ar_\. 'l‘hix aria} ol c\cnt\ organixcd h} tlic Scottixh Rclugcc (‘otincil cclchiatcx thc contribution ol rcltigccx to thc [K and look at “am to proinotc undci'xtanding hcmccn dillci‘cnt ciiltui‘cx. Scc i'cltigcc\\cckorguk.


Talking the West End Talk \Vcd l4 .k \Vcd 3| .lun. llillhcad l.lltl‘;tl‘}. 348 li}i‘c\ Road. 33‘) 7333. lpiii. l’rcc. l.ocal lingunt l)ci‘cl\ Rogci‘x gi\c\ thix talk on thc intuit}- plus laitguagcx \pokcn cxci') da_\ in thc “'ch l'iltd. ll'l‘./7.


Voicebeat Multicultural Singing Group liu‘r} 'l'liti. 'l'hc .'\llllL‘\L‘. ‘la Stcuam illc Strcct. l’artick. ()7047 737137. 7.l5 ‘lpttt. £3. \‘oicc\ ol lhc \xorld unilc at llll\ \ingiiig group “ith an intcrnational llamur. .\'o audition ncccxxar}. liiiiail \oicchcattu gniail.coin l'oi' dctailx.


Activities & Events

Leith Short Film Festival Comedy Night ('arricrx Quartcrx. 43 llcrnard Strcct. ()845 458 070‘). h’ l l.3()pnt. l'rcc. A night of conicd} \llttl'l\. l’url of [with l'tWIll'tll.

Leith Safari 'l'hc (’anico liar. 3.3 ('oinincrcial Strcct. l.citlt. 554 000‘).

Hi | |.l5pin. [3. Last war .\'cil l)a\id\ott mmcd illltllt‘llt‘t‘\ \\ ith hix lcgcndar) ’l‘hci‘ntox llaxk collcclion: non hc i‘cturnx ax higganic litiiitcr Sir lloracc ’l'ck lo prcxcnt a lawinating cotnic \litlL‘NltU“ and talk. I’iirt or [with Italiml.


Leithal Thinking 'l‘hc lighthouxc.

33 34 'l‘hc Shorc. Leith. ()845 458 97th). 3 5pm. lircc. Sonic oll l.cith\ top crcatix c brains (including l.cith .-\gcnc_\ '\ crcati\ c dircctor (icrr) liarrcll. Mikc Stc\ cnxon oi l.cith l‘i.\l ttlttl l’clcr l.;tiltg. L‘dilot‘ oi Thy I.¢'i!/i¢'rl dcbatc \\ hat thc arca incanx to lltcttt. I’ur! ol'lx'i'lli I't'.\ll\'(ll.

A Retrospective of the Leith Agency 'l'hc Lighthouw. 33 34 'l‘hc Shorc. l.t‘illt. 034.5 4.53 070‘).

5.30 7.30pm. l5rcc. Scc picturc caption. oppoxllc.

Saturday 10

Activities & Events

Gorgie Dalry Community Association Gala Day Mttricxton Park. l)a|r_\'. 337 3353. noon-~5pm. l-‘rcc. Annual gala da) \\ ith magicians. bands. lairground ridcx. face painting. go-kartx and more

Activities & Events

Bawsinch in Summer liauxlllcll .llltl |)udding\ton Rcwixc. lhiddingxton Road “wt. 44” 337l llain 4pm l icc llux littlc arm on thc cdgc ot lltltltllllj3\lttll l och l\ hi'iiiiining \\llll plant and .iiiiiii.il litc

'HH 4'! lll/iI/lh' “HA


Edinburgh Marathon 8. the Hairy Haggis Team Relay l’iiiicc~ ~\‘ticci. (Mill) 3”] (will *laiu llc thcrc to chccr on lhc luau"


Dr John Reid: Body of Evidence ('ii} :\l'l (‘t-iiiic. 3 Maikci Slit-ct. 53*) 3003 3pm, l-rcci 'l‘hc t'ttlhlllldlll iadiologiu .it llordcrx (icnci‘al lloxpital tl|\t'll\\k'\ lto\\ imaging tcchnolog} has ll‘dlhlttl'lllc‘tl our undcrxtanding ot anatoiii}

Tuesday 13


Living in Antarctic Extremes l:|( ‘('. l5ll Morrixon Strcct. 473 3lllltl. 7,3ll Upiii. £3 (H l. l’rolcxxor l.lo}d l’cck L‘\pl;llll\ lio\\ huntanx and ttlllltl;tl\ can xiii‘\ i\c at c\ticuic Antarctic tciiipci'atui‘cx. l’iirt or In“ rlli'l' .‘llllill't'lli‘il.

Wednesday 14


Journey into Africa: Keith Johnston Cartographer and Explorer National librar) ol Scotland. (icorgc l\' liridgc. 330 453 l. 7pm. l‘rcc. tickctcd. J;llilL'\ .\lc('arthc_\ tll\L‘ll\\t‘\ thc lilc and tram-Ix ol c\p|orci‘ Kcith .lttlllt\ttll.

Secrets in the Ice l'.l('('. l5ll Morrison ~Strcct. 473 3000. 7.3” ‘lpin [3 (U i. |)r \"alci‘ic .\l£l\\llll-l)L‘llllttllt' c\p|ain\ \\ hat thc icc capx can tcll ll\ about paxt cliinatc cltangc. I’url (it lli'si'oi'i'r.i/iliii'i‘lii'ii.


New Tales from the Old Town Scollidl Stontclling (’cnti‘c. 43 45 High Strcct. 550 057‘). 3 4pm. l‘rcci Martin l'il'axct‘ lalxm a look at lltc i\\tlc oi dcxigttittg nc“ building\ to c\i\l at thc hcart ol a World llcritagc \itc. Booking cxxcntial. I’ll/'1U’.‘llt'lllH't'llH‘l' “WA 300/).



[‘41 ‘i’

Workshops Club Noir: Burlesque Workshop lhc lit‘llgtttllll‘. \litla} llt‘ll\t‘. :7 llt‘l}TiN\\l Road. 55\ 7NL1 lll 3(lain hpiu {75 \cc (il.i\go\'.. \it lll

Sunday 18


The Great Scottish Walk \tcatloix hank Sportx ('ciitic. I3” I ondon Road. ohl

535] llani 33llpni L5 iL7i ScotlaHdK prciiucr tundraixiug \xalk along .i 13 oi o iiiilc couixc


My Day in Antarctica Rtt).tl .\ltl\L'tllll. 3 ('haiiihci\ Strcct. 347 43 I”

ll Warn [3 3llpiii l-rcc (icoll Sxxiiinc} lioiii thc .\'.\lS cclcltratcw Ill“ )c‘.tl\ ol \ctL'ttllllc t‘ttllltltttt’allttll l‘c‘l“ L‘L‘ll ~\icttllttlltl .iiid .-\i'gcutina, I’iu't u/ I’lM Ul t-rtiiiim iii a. Cafe Scientifique: Sailing South ()ccan 'lci’iiiiii.il. Icith. 3|4 ll35ll o ‘lplll l'rcc Join ('.iptaiii Nick lanthcit lioiii HMS landui‘ancc. lh‘ian Kcll} lioni RRS |)i\co\cr} and thc l{o_\al \ltixcuin'x (icolt S‘xxiiinc} loi Illl\ tll\t'll\\lttll about ho“ inodcrn \ailiitg lL‘c‘lllllLlllL‘\ coinpai‘c to [how oi carlict' t'\ttlttt'ct\ I’iu'l of “In our ,llllill’t {it u.

Monday 19


Rare as Penguins’ Teeth lidiiihiii-gli

/.oo. (‘oixtorphiiic Road. 3l4 ll35lli

73H ‘lpiu. £3 it'3i. l)r Kcith Rcid tcllx thc laxciiiating \lot'} ol lto\\ otii undcrxtanding

ol pcuguinx hax c\ol\cd. Scc inaiii picccr ’url of /)I'\i'oii’r.iiilun "((1.

Tuesday 20


Scots in the Antarctic li|('('. 15o Mot‘t‘tutn SIIL‘L‘l. 47.5 3H)“. 7.30 0pm. L5 (£3l. l)r l)a\id Munro takcx )ou hack to thc good old tla} \ ol' hct'oic Antarctic c\ploi'ation to cclchratc Scotland's lorgottcn polar ltcrocx. I’iirt of Hist Hi «i .-lItlu/‘i'lli it.

Wednesday 21


Park Volleyball Tournament 'l'hc Mcadtmx. .\lcl\ illc l)t‘i\L‘. “777” 9.3” 744 0.3“ 10.30pm. l'rcc. (‘clchi‘atc thc longcxt

' s. A-_ '3 I ' ' l -. 0v .9 l .2 to i; :2. a l!


Remember this handsome chap and his hairy ladies? It’s 7” M hard to forget them but what you might not know is that this, as well as similarly memorable ads for Carling, Grolsch and Goodfellas, was created by Edinburgh’s Leith Agency. In a one-off talk as part of the Leith Festival, creative director Gerry Farrell will be looking back at the company’s most successful campaigns. IA Retrospective of the Leith Agency. The Lighthouse. 32—34 The ShOre.

Edinburgh. Thu 8 Jun.

Around Town

d.i_\ ot thc icai to making .i tool ot _\oui\cll ioi \hoxxing ott M‘tlt x'killxi .it llll\ opcn \iillc}l\.ill \L‘\\li‘lt


Ice Sheets and Climate Change Ro}.il \ixit‘t} ot l diiil‘uigh. 33 3o ( icoicc Slit-ct, 11,1 o35tl 5 3H o 3tlpiii licc \\c'\c .ill licaid about thc icc \hcch iticlttitg and thc \ca |c\cl\ ll\l!lf..' hut hou inuch diltcicncc \Klll llll\ ic.ill_\ Ill.li\t' ' lti \lllxt‘ lit‘llllk'} ltNtlo .tl lllt‘ ;\\\\\ll\l\7 outcoittcx I'm: i" I):\. our \if.'..I. ii. Homelessness in Edinburgh: What Can I DO About It? \t l’.itil\ .\ \t (icoich ('huich Hall. liioughton \ticcti 55o l 335 ti 3“ 7 3tlpin lind out iiioic about thc lt‘tlllllkN ol llitltlt‘lt'\\ltt‘\\ iii ldinhuigh and \\ hat _\ou \ All do to hclp

A Midwinter Night’s Dream l\)i‘_\.ll (ll‘\t'l\.tlitl} \ l\llttl ('cittic. lilat ktoid lllll. mix X404 7 “put {3111i \\:ionoiiicz Ion ~\hankliu. thc inaii \\llt\ dixcoxcicd tht~ liolc iit tltc o/ottc Loci. gocx llll\ tout ol thc \l’lllllt'lll \lleN Ill/I of /):x. iiiir liri'im {ti ..'

Talks * From Life in the Freezer to

Planet Earth l'l(‘( '. l5H \loiiiwii \ticct_ 473 30”” 7 3” ‘lpni L3 it'li \cc llllll\l

Ongoing Edinburgh

Activities 6; Events

Mertoun House Tours \toii lll lllllll l'il‘l lo lun \atioual (iallci) ol Scotland. lihc Mound, (ill (ijotl U Iii”) ] tsp.“ U3 llc'llli -\ guidcd trip to \lcrtotiu llouxc ncai' \lcli‘oxc to \cc inoic ot thc lhila' ol Stithci‘land'x art collcction

Leith Festival l'ittil Sun ll .lun \.tlltttl\ \cnucx.l.cith.llX-15~15N‘l7ll‘) lllllt'\ \.ii_\ l’riccx \;ir_\ |.cith\ giomiig coiniiiiinit} lL'\ll\.ll lt'llll'lh Scc lL‘lllllL'\ll\.tl coin Stitch and Bitch l‘.\t'l) liic lhc lioiigo ('lttl‘. \lola} llouw. ‘7 llol}tootl Road. 555' 7(ilL4, 7piii. l‘icc. 'l'hc \mol haxcd i’cxolution \prcadx ll\ \\ iiigx

Discover Antarctica Mom I: lllll 33 Jun. l'.|('('. l5ll .\loii‘i\ou Strccl. Wt “NM 'l'iiiicx \ar_\. l'oi‘ thc lirxt tinic in 37 thc l'K hoxtx thc x\lll.tlcllc 'l icat} ('oit\ii|t;iti\c \lccting to tll\c‘ll\\ lltc continticd protcctioii ol thc \xoild‘x llllt\l C\lt'L'lllL‘ L‘ll\ lt'tttlltlclll. Scc lllaltl ptccc


Antarctica: A Continent for Science Mon l3 Thu 33 Jun, l'.l(‘('. l5ll .\lorri\oii Strcct. 30H 3llllll. WM 14 Thu 33 Jun iiiot \lttll/lillcl. .\lon lit 7 lllpni. Sat «k Sun Illain (ipiii. l-rcc (ict an inught into thc rclmancc ol .-\lll.’tl'cllc \ciciicc to our undcrstandiiig ol our world, l’iii'i n/

l)l\i Hi ('I’ xllllill'i [It (4‘.



* Edinburgh Treefest and Woodmarket Sat lll & Sun ll Jun, ln\crlcith l’ark. .-\i'hoictuiii l’l.icc. HI 3| 333 333‘). llain 5pm. l'i'cc. Scc llllll\l

The Royal Highland Show Thu 22 Sun 35 Jun. l<o_\al Highland (‘ciitrc. llllethH. 335 (i3llll. {Io L'lh ttl,3i. .-\niuial agricultural iaiiihoi‘cc coniplctc u ith ciitc HRH. ltait‘} ltttt'\L'\ and lots oi Ullth latttt- i'clatcd tun,

Food <3 Drink

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market l.\L'l'_\ Sat. ('axtlc 'l‘crracc. (i53 5940. Want 3piu, Morc qualit} producc than )ou could \ltalw a dick at,


Boost Your X Factor l'.\cr} 'l‘liii. \\ill.’\l.l'i.. .5” \Vc‘xlltllrn (irm L'. \chtcr llailcx. 45K 3367, ii 3pm. l-rcc. l'rcc \oicc coaching tor ainonc undcr 35. tcaching \ocal tcchniqucs and harmonic»

Zoot Swing lixcr} Mon. ('aic Rinal. l7 \Vcst chixtcr Sticct. 55h 354‘): 7pm. £45” l£3.5l)i. Suing that thing' licginncrs 7pm. llllpftt\cr\ 3pm.

Social Swing Night lzxcr} 'l'uc. 'l'hc Bongo ('luh. Mora) llousc. 37 llol}rood Road. 55h 7am. 7pm £4.50 $3.50). Bcginncrx \tan at 7pm. iniproxcrx at 8pm. 7/2“. THE LIST 29