The Cotton Cake collective bring one last party to the

GSA before they set up shop at the Arches. DJ duo and Bugged Out! favourites the Gucci Soundsystem (AKA Riton & Ben Rymer, pictured) provide a set of squelching beats and live synths and there's a live set from Mike TV just to help see the old venue off in style.

:"t'xi‘lw' it'l‘Y /i’.,ti’ii.»(}.?

londoni pi'o\ ltlL'\ a l'illL' wt in St'olland l'\[‘L‘k'l high qualil} diil} clt‘t‘ti‘o lltlll\t‘ and liltht liink} plial oht'x llanc} and l)l-l‘l' it'xiilt-nl (‘al (ii't't'n _L't‘l tliix pail} xlallt‘il I Dirty Record: at (ilaxgim l'niwi‘xil} l nioii lllpiii Iain. U tli'ct‘ £3». \\L‘k'l\l_\. l’aiil \".lit' l.\l'\ll gt‘tx ht-hind lllk‘ dt't'kx to tlt'll\t'l a xt'lt‘t‘tion ol Rx”. hip hop. xtllll and dixto, ()l‘L‘ll l)\'\ ix loi‘ up and t'oniing l).lx .iiid iiiiix \u'clxl} tlil\\ll\l.lll\ in lh't‘p h. .iltt'i a NW D] \\i\ll\\llll]‘ ilioin .\pini I Divine at (ilaxgim St'hool ol .\i't. lllpin lain, L' ‘50 to. Wall}. Ht't‘p lunk. Mix and 7llx gioowx and a lo_\al (loud at lliix \t'l_\ long iunning (ilaxgim it'xidt‘nlx‘ iiiglil. I Emergency at lllt‘ l’iiixcixal llpin lain LR Ill .lllll. .\lonllil_\. l)l\t'tl. Halo and all lliiiigx loll \\llll .\iidi'c\\ Hack pliix \l.iiit‘licxlt‘i"x llat‘it‘nda lt‘gt‘nd l)ann_\ \Vchh l.\l.llt' lx’ct'oidingxi and llt‘\\ lt‘\l\l\‘lll .lillllt‘\ l’illt‘. I Garage Saturdays .ii the ( iaiugc. lll illpin iain. t" iL'Si. \Vt'ckl}. lli‘ian \lc,\l.ixlt'i pl.i_\x .ill _\oui' l.i\oiiiilc (laxxit‘x lll lllL' main hall \xhilt‘ Kt'iiii) xoaix ihioiigh altci‘nalixc indie and who t'laxxit'x in the .\tliti

Gilles Peterson and Ed Motta .ii lx’cnli‘c“ l-ci'i'}. ‘lpni Iain. (13.5”. lll .lun. \‘t‘x. lhc Bia/ilian lt'gcnd lid \lolta ix joined h} lli'a/ilian adwcalc .\li' l’ctt‘i‘xon, Soc pm ic\\. pagc 35. I Home Cookin’ .il lie-lo. ‘lpin Rain. L" lllL‘L‘l_ \Vt't‘kl} Stt'xxait .\lt'(‘.illuin and .lot‘ lligginx \\ Illl iii'han and Mlx xoul. I Homegrown at Bamhoo. lll..“ll|llll Sam. [8 lUil, \Vcckl}. Slcxic Solc pla_\x a limb. xoiill'ul houxc xcl \\llll \ligiit‘l pla_\ing Rtkl’i and Dominic .\l.ii'lin xiippl_\ing tht‘ ltink and mu. I lDlOteque at littl'll}. 8pm 3am. H ili't‘ci. lll Jun. .\lonthl_\_ dinoxaiii'l)cathpcnguin and 'l‘igci‘x ()n VibL‘llllC l)J\ \\ llll tl lllg‘lll Ul- L‘L‘lL‘CllC hcalx [tom the likcx ol l’i'incc. l)a\id Home. litiga/i. thc l’i‘odig). l’uhlit~ l-incni} and Talking llcadx. l't‘llllll’lllf.‘ a liw xct t'i‘oni the (ii'atcx to pi‘oinotc the [K l‘clt‘axc ol (iriiiih lluiil (ii'l \ou l/ig/i. I Joga Bonita at .\lai'} hill (‘oniinunih (‘cnti‘al llallx. {h it'Sl. l" Jun. l.i\c niuxit‘ and pci'ciixxion. Bi'a/ilian dant‘t'i'x.

/' alt/ii”

t'apocii'a xltim. lli‘a/ilian l)Jx and thc lclhal drink caipii'inha on tap.

I Lust for Life ai .-\li(‘_ llpiii 3am. £7 it.i i~ \Vcckl). l).l (it‘ll) l,_\onx ix _\oui' man on Saturday pla} ing L'\Cl}llllllf_‘ ll‘illll tll\L'U lo indic and thundcring rock.

I Revolver at Soundhaux.

‘l.3llpiii 3.30am. to ilfii. Hi Jim. Monthly \th night \xith l\\o l‘imllh lt'atui'iiig indic. lli'ilpop. mod and px}t'h in Room I and \iii'tlicin xoiil. (illx. Rtklt. liink and xka in Room 3. lcatui'ing a lixc \L'l ll'Ulll l-iigui‘t' 5 to (Ulllplllllt'lll thc long llxl ol l),lx.

I Rockstar at (‘oi‘inthian lllpiii Rani. L'lll. \Vcckl}. Rock and dant't‘ lllll\lL’ t'ollidc Ill lhix nu“ night ll'tllll thc Mci'yhanl (it) \'cnuu. li\pccl lolx ol hig nainc I).lx li‘oin hoth \\ill'ltl\. Rt'xidcntx include Martin liaic. l.ixa l.ittlc\\ood and .'\lL‘\ l’.

I Saturdays al the (Killiotlxc.

lll.3llpiii 3am. to itlll. \Vcckl}. l)Jx Barr) and Mid} Ullk‘l' (lil\\lk' and ciii‘i'cnt rock. glani. inclal. lunk inctal. goth and hicak hcalx “llllt' D] Hill} hcllx out liix i‘cgulai' hlcnd ol hip hop. nu inctal. altt'i‘naliw “th and indiixti'ial.

I Scottish Samba Showcase ai ()uccn Nlai'gait‘t l'nioii. Spin. Eh. I” Jun. SainhaYaIlaniha add hi'cakhcat. l’ilplk‘h and drum tk haxx to thc ini\. cutting cdgc hull and hi‘calxx li'oin Ilai‘iilho. \oi‘tli liaxi lli‘a/ilian l'll}llllll\ li‘oni .\l;ii‘acatu lzxcot'ia and the l’lx'x ht-xt xainha hand. l.ondon\ \L‘l‘tlt' Val.

I Subculture at thc Suh ('luh.

llpin Rani. L'lll, \Vcckl}. llai‘ri and l)oincnic'x t'xtahlixhcd houxc inxtitutc L'UllllllllL‘x \xith Brighton haxcd houxc iiiat'xti‘o Kenn} llaxxkcx i lll Jun l.

I Superfly at \Voodxidc Social ('luh. lllpin Sam. ‘5. l" Jun. Fortnightly Ian and Duncan pi'o\ idc thc lunk and xoul xuppl} ax “Cll ax othcr hitx'n'hohx at thix qualll} night.

I Toots 8. the Matals Aftershow Party at thc .-\i'clit'x. l lpm 3am. {4 lll‘L‘L‘l. lll Jun. .\lungox lli l‘i proxidc thc i‘cgga and dancchall l'a\oui‘ith to hL‘CP )ou dancing long altci' ’I‘ootx and co haxc lcl't tlic xtagc. Hold on to )our ticket xtuh l'oi‘ I‘L‘Llllccd L‘llll'}.

I Tusk Saturdays at 'l‘uxk. 9pm 3am. £5 il‘i'cci. \Vccltl}. .-\ iniuurc of tank. xoul and claxxit‘ antlicnix “llll Ja} Blai.

IVegas at Rt'llllt'“ l't‘ll} ‘l lupin .‘ani L" 1:" l~ ,lun \lonlhl} lht‘ inultiplt‘ .ixxardrxxiiining. iniilti-gcnic tluh night toi iiiowrx. giooxt'ix. hipxtt'ix. llipxtt‘ix. fill}\ and dollx. it'd hot inaininax and lingt‘i poppin' \l.l\l\llk"

I The Winchester Club at \\ootlxidc Numl (‘luh "pin in” L1 lll Jun l‘ht' \\ int'hcxtt'i \llll‘ l).lx uill ht‘ xpinning lllt' \xht't‘lx loi _\oui plt'axuic pl.i_\ing all thc hcxt pop. t'lt't‘tionita. good indit'. xoiil. and \xhalcwi t'lxt' )ou tant} \\ llll xiippoi‘t lioiii lllt' Rovil \\t' and \lctionoint‘x

Glasgow Sundays


I Discobadger at llainhoo llpni ‘am 1515‘” Wall} Kiix chgan. l)oininit‘ \lai‘nn. l).l l\'.ixli .ind \laxli do thc hi/ cwi} \wck \Hlll xoint' tint' gcnit- ht'nding iiinagt'

I Discopia .ii lllt‘ l'um-ixal

3pm I: illani l-i't't' ll .lun \lonthly .\ll d.i_\ tlixw xpt't‘ial lioin lllt' pt'oplt' ht'hind tht' l)ixtopia \wh tan/int- ‘l'liix tiini'. xt'tx .llt' t'illll'lLN} ill (it'laltl I llilll‘L't‘lll l. l’t‘lt‘l' \ld‘luxlx} tl)ixt‘opial. l rank Jaixix illlat‘k x\l'l'tl\\ Sound S}\lt'llll and Jt'ii‘} and Hill} ll‘.lk'(lllllll\ l.

I Optimo (Espacio) ai lllt‘ Sub (‘luh llpin iain. to i£5i. \Vccltl}. lut‘x gcl lliix pail} xtai‘tcd: lllll\lL'. danging. lightx. liw at'tx. lllllll ol hai‘ Sa} '_\cx‘ lo anotht'i' mt't‘xx. prcxcnlcd h_\ H) 'lv. itch and J(i \\' l'lL‘llL'll clu'ti'onit‘ gciiiux .loaloni hiingx hix um hand to thc loi'i- i ll .luni Sm" pm it-xx. page 35,

I Plec at lllC liquid lounge. lllpin 3am. U it‘i. \Vccltl}. .-\ night ol Inc handx and l)_lx li'oni handx \Hlll \l~.\l St'otland'x \liii'tin llatc.

I Soul Sunday at ()i'an .\loi'. i "pin. l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl}. Nu“ altci'noon t'luh Plt'\k‘lllt'tl l1} l'l‘ltla} Sll't‘cl illltl lllL‘ lloogaloo lnthigatoi'x. lllL' i‘t‘xidcnt hand pla_\ing lllL‘ll' iixual xct ol (illx—xl) lc liw lunk and Rtkll \iith l).l xuppoi‘l li‘oiii \llkt‘} (‘olllllx Cl til.

I Spank at the (’atlioiixc. l lpni 3am. l-iu- iHi. \Vccltl}. (ict a good xpanlting on the Sahhalh. l)J Barr} pla)x allcrnaliw. punk. t‘laxxit‘ rock. hip hop. nit-tal and t‘i‘oxxowi‘ induxti'ial to a latt' \xccltcnd ci'oml.

I Sunday Sessions ai Bluu. J l lpm. li'cc. \Vt't'kl}. Andie“ l’ii‘it- l'l‘i'a\\/.\lclting l’oti ix l'L‘\ltlt'lll cat‘h and cwi'} Sunda) at lhix all-il;i_wi‘.

I Thirtynine at l-at (Kit. lllpni 3am, li‘ct‘. \Vccltl}. .\ llll\ ol lixc ia/l inuxit' and l).lx \xith houxc hand lag.

Chart & Party

I Shameless at the (image llpiii Rain. ‘5 L3 ili‘cci. \\'ccl\l}.('l1arl. llUll\L‘. Rikll pliix a tllL‘l ol xludcnl antlicnix.

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at the llull (‘luh llpiii lain.

£5 £3 they to puh and cliih xlall'i. \\t'k'l\l}. .-\ top part} alinoxphci‘c ix guai'antccd at thc ll\c-_\L'ai'-old xlall [light out. lhankx lo thumping dant't' claxxit‘x. lioin dccp to dixt‘o. iinlcaxhcd h} Norman and /.cux.

I Monday Night Misery Club at ()uccnx ('liih. Spin midnight. L5. \Vcckl}. 'l‘axxdi'). dixnial. poiiitlt'xx and gum \x itli a tll\L' iockt') callcd Dirgc and a llHll\L' hand called l'iitilc.

I Mondays at Bainhoo. lllpin 3am. {-1 iUi. \Vcckl}. Soul and lunk \iitli Rohin ll. xtudcnl l'awx u itli 'l‘oaxt tu-Shaclti 'l‘llt'l'L"\ tilMi Rtkli \Hlll Scotlic ll.

I Passionality at ('uhc. l l.3llpin 3am. £2 (3. Wall}. l’lcaxing chartixtr) Mom I” Shaun Rlllk‘l'l\. i'cxuxcitating thc “cola-lid loi‘ thc gin/iiiiwtl croutl.

I Poptimism/Rocktimism at ihc (iai‘agc. llpin 3am. £4 lllL‘L‘l. \Vccltl}. l)iicx maul} \\ hat it x;i_\x on tlic tin. .-\ hcalth} doxc ol hoth pop and rock tor inid- \xcclx part} pcoplc.

I Why Don’t you Like Mondays Bob? at Blankct. I lpm Rain. lircc Ll \Vcckl}. 'l'radc xizitl' and xtudcnt night \x itli l)J l.ll. Rich pla_xing ainthing that L‘UlllL‘\ to hand. cheap. L‘hccrl‘ul and hux}.

The latest club news

a. The chance to chill out and soak up some reggae vibes and dub grooves in the sun is too good to miss (if we get any bloody sun that is). So why not head down to Leith Links. Edinburgh, where those fine purveyors of skanking grooves. Messenger Soundsystem. will be playing out from 11am-5pm on Saturday 10 June. Check for more info and details of other DJ sets as part of the Leith Festival.

Same goes for the West End Festival through in Glasgow Chmk westendlestival.(ouk for full (liélilll‘) of some of Glasgow's host DJs. such as the Fat Ape events at tho Vllwf Bar 8. Club, which run tliioughout the festival (9—25 June).

a: Modern Lovers have just announced they have secured a monthly residency in Gothenburg. Sweden. The resident team of Craig Jamieson and Mr Divine will be joined by guests from Teenage Fanclub, Belle & Sebastian and St Etienne over the next few months. Check or for more info.

I31 And finally, look out lot a new addition to Glasgow‘s Renlrew Fem, They now serve hot l()()(l in lllf:ll galley With burgers. pakora, hot dogs. chips and more on the menu You'll never go hungry wliilo oot daiitzing again.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I All Star Tuesdays at Bamboo

lllpni ‘ani. Lll ili‘cci. Wet-kl}. ln lllt' main room Kaxh p|a_\x Rik” and hip pop uhilc And} \Vilxon di‘opx all lllllt‘ L‘l;l\\lc\ tll'l/llL‘tl \\ Illl a lllllc lHL'lx and indie in the lounge.

I I&|Sounds at Bar llloc ‘Ipiii lani. l‘i‘cc, \Vcckl}. Rootx. i‘oclt and reggae lll a duh xl}lcc \\ itli And} la} lUl' and l’aulic.

I Kaleidoscope ai :\li('2. l lpiii lain. L41£3l.\\'cckl_\, Rctro lllll\lL' plillk} digging claxxic i'ocl.‘n‘roll. xoiil. lunlx. punk and [l\)L‘llL’tlL‘llil lroin lllL‘ L‘rillL'\ ol (illx to thc pl'C\Clil da} With rcxidcnt l’aul Nccdlt‘x.

I Killer Kitsch at ilic Bull.

lll.3llpiii 3am. {-1 iUi. \Vcclxl}. lzuan and Dine pla} all _\our laxouritc clcctro mixed in mm xoiiic h’llx x}lllll. hip hop and an_xthing Cle' the} lane}. l)o\inxtairx. Roxx pla}x xoul. lunk and tlixco.

I Revolution at ()uccn Margaret l'nion. lllpni 3am. £2 tL'l l. chkl}. With DJ Martin Baic iXl-Mi.

‘i~22 J‘J' 1". THE LIST 37