lIHIIl \Itlkmn. hatd Ink” llHlll 'lt'kanunc (I p \tatti and ll.tltlL'ch tuhun llHIIl I-ulx' NuI tJakNi \ 'Ickainiuc

I Evol .it lllL' l.|qllltl RHHIII

Ill illpiu iatn £5 \M‘ckl} Izdinhuigh'x lungmt running llltlIC night With thc uxual nux nl thc hcxl tllllL‘lll and clavn’ .'lllt'lll.lll\L‘. cimwu't tuncx. it\ an Ill\lllllllttll

I Fast and Ride This Train al lhc llniign ( 'Iuh Illpiu *atu £5 Ih .lun Inn k luhx Int lllk' pitu' til llllt' ax laxl It'llllll\ lllt' llt'\l III Itiin t-nctg} tuck'n‘tull. gaiagc and punk \kllll Iiw gllt'\l\ ( ll.l\_‘_'()\\ .tt'l [illlllw llllt'tilagt‘ (Illtl l'lk'llkll hit/ha“ guitah hum thc (it'lllt'\. \tIuIc lelt' llll\ Itam gut-x .iII tL-lii'l ttillttll} till )tilll .t\\ l\\llll lllL‘ \lt-ndtng llC.tlI\. ll\L‘l

I Freqbeat .il (‘ahan-i \‘ultauc

Illpin iatu I‘tcc hclnn' Illpin; £2 Iit'lut'c midnight. £ I .tllL'l. ‘) Jun. \lttllllll} Dark and lunk} clcctt'n. huth .ntd lHL'dlu Imni lL‘\ltlL'lll\ NINKY and thc lilt‘dlxllttlhl.

:31 Gilles Peterson & Ed Motta at thc Ilniigu (‘Iuh Illpni iani. U) 5”. ‘) .qu Night cclchtatttig thc l‘L‘xl in Ilia/than lllll\lL' ax nu |a// spukcxnian (illlt'\ I’ctL-i'xuu [HL'IMIL‘\ tn launch lll\ lit/(A III Hing/l nit\ thutn. tuiticd I\_\ (“IV ul Ilt'a/il\ niain p|a.\t'i‘\ and ;t\ll‘;tl tan. Iunk and \aniha lll;l\lL‘l ltd \Ititta. Scc pit-x tux. pagc 35,

I A Hard Days Night at Sulma} ('tmgatc. I lpnt lain. £ i. ‘) .lun. I'ut'tnightl). Sulma} '\ Imth altcinattw night ul llltllL'. \tilll and tuck‘n't'ull.

I Late Nite Groove at lllL‘ Jan liill‘. midnight iatn. £5. \Vu-kl}. chulat' I-tida} night lllllk\ll';l\;tf_‘;lll/;t \xith Iixc hand\ and I)J\. Salxa. \ka and Latin hcatx llHlll thc bah} Iilcphantx t‘) .ltllll pltt\ uml ht‘alx. \illllplt'\ attd [mi tllllllllllt'l'\ \\ ith lhc .luc Achcwn ()ttat'tcl ll(l .lunt.

I Mash at Ilcnt'} '\ ('cllai' Hat; midnight .iain. £3. ‘) .Iun. l'llllk. \Ulll and part) lllllL'\ utth I).I Nuntad Suttl. I Misfits at Sulma) ('tmgatc.

I Ipiu 3am, £3. \Vcckl}. Indic. clu‘tt‘u. punk. tuck and t'cti'u \\ tth hat'gam drink. a ('I) \\\ap Inn and i'cgulat‘ gig ttckcl :Jl\t‘;l\\il'\\, ('hcck llll\lll\tillllllt't‘tllllx Iui‘ tunic inl'u.

I Nuklear Puppy al Iigu. |()ptn 3am.

£ III. ‘) .Iun. Rmidcnlx .Iaxun ('ui'tc/ and Hill \Illl‘h lxt‘t‘ll lltt‘ littl'tl dancc lililg thing in thc capital. Sccund haII ul~ thcit‘ lilth hii‘thda} \xith gllL‘\l \ctx l‘t‘uni .\Iai'k Shut} tl’uhhc Dutnain) and (ia/ Wu! .-\K.-\ I)ai'k h_\ I)c\ign.

I Planet Earth at (him ('Iuh. IIHIIptn 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. Muxic l‘i'utn I‘l7h thiuugh tn I980. In uthcr \Hll'tl\. a hcaIlh} duxc ul punk. llL‘\\ “aw. not l'ttlllttllllt' and L‘lt‘t‘lt'tt pup.

TI? Pure at thc \L'nuc. lllpni 3am. £l4. ‘l .lun. ()nc ul lhc nimt iinpurtant nightx Scotland \panncd. thc Icgcndat') I’ut‘c t‘ctui'nx l'ut' ll\ Iaxt cwt' club night. :\nd lllC gitdlalllt'l' HI lllL‘ Scullhll lL‘L‘ltllU \ccnc IN going out in \I}Ic \xith a liw wt ll'tllll Spccd} J and Phil IIai'tnuII (Orbital) manning thc lop l’qut‘. lunch & Ilt'aittxtut‘ni tnan thc inainIqui‘ all night with thc Bill and Rub I)_\Ian III the cuulct. Scc pm icu. pagc 3-1.

I Solescience al (‘aharct \liltau'c. Illfitlpni 3am. £5. 0 Jun. I>cdicatcd tu hi‘inging thc hcxt ul' intdcrgi‘uund llUll\L‘. digital dixcu and ti‘ackhcad wul \xilh I‘t‘\ltlt‘lll\ Nick Ytul attd Ruh \Iathic. IiIcctm-l‘tink and dixcu \ ilicx in thc hackt‘uuni ax (ii'cg \Vilxun niakm a \ci'} \wlcunic t‘cturn.

I Soul Biscuits at (’ahat‘ct \lillait‘c. leni 3am. £thc. l0 Jun. 'I‘hc wal in hip hop. hcatx and ht'caks li'uni Naxt) I’. I Welcome to the Latin Quarter at Iil Barriu. 9pm 3am. £3 £5 (£2). \Vcckl}. Latin. Rah. chart and part} ll‘;lL‘l\\ dit‘cct truin Spain and South .-\nict‘ica.

Chart & Party I Archive at Cit): Iidinburgh. I(l.3()pni 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly l)i.\Cu

Bricola e Punk club Fast are joined by Glasgow art-punksters Bricolage for a live set of fiery, energetic 9 rock. Word on the street is they could be the next big thing. The Gerries are also on hand for some buzzsaw guitar action, plus upstairs in the rebel country arena the Mending Hearts complete the triptych

of live sets.

PE fast at Cuba/tat Vo/ta/m. hamburg/t. //I Hi Jun.

I)an pla'u thc hcsl lmcd and ll'L‘\llL‘\l dancc and pup.

I Espionage at Iixpiunagc. 7pm 3am. l'il‘L‘C. \VL‘L‘kI}. I‘iw hal'x in ct Iiw lilUUl'\. pla}ing cwi'ything It'uni R&Il tu lllilllhll‘L‘dlll chart actiun \xith plenty ul' dat‘k L‘Ul‘llcl‘\ l‘ut' cupping ull in.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Afterdark at ('ahat'cl \kiltait'c. |(i.3()pni 3am. £thc. Ill Jun. Rt‘\ltlt‘lll\ Ncil Bat'tIC) and Jainnt} ill‘L‘ltllIlCtl h} Ralph l.;l\\\t)ll and hi\ Ill/ll)

Sunnth \tcnt l‘ut' a Ii\c \ct ul lk‘dlx. qupx. haw. I".\ and Lll'lllll\ hit a lull un hmth L'\pcricncc.

I Clash! at llcnt‘} \ ('cIIai‘ Ilar.

I Ipni 3am. £5. II) Jun. chi punk clcctru club night ('Iaxhl \iith I)J\ (‘ht‘ix I'axt (I-iaxt) and Nick .-\K.-\ ((iuulag Bcati with a Iiw lllll\lc hunt the I-hing Matchxtick .\lL‘ll.

I Diggity at the Iixtahlixhincnt.

lllpin Rani. £7 t£5i. \Vcckl}. I)J I"ahqu. Ilai‘t'} 3|). Rico and .\1(‘ I5qu gcl dimn \xith thcit' had who. pla}ing \xildxt) Ic R&B. hip hup and \tt'cct wul. I Edenangels at thc Vaullx tcntcr \ ta Nicul Iidxxai'dxi. Illpni 3am. £5. I7 Jun. I'L'attit'ing thc hut in dirt}. l'unk}. \m}. tt'ihal. tcch} huuxc hi‘uught in put h} i't'xidcntx I)a\c .\I}cr\. I)I’. I.ittIc .\li\\ .\li\-|l and Bart‘ic Millat‘.

I The Egg at \Vcc RL'd Bar.

I lpin 3am. £4 hcl'urc midnight; £5 illilCli. \VL‘L‘hl). Still lllL‘ lkNl llll\ til

indic. (illx gat'agc. llttl'lllL‘l'lt wul. \ka. 7()\ punk and new \xaw )uti'i‘c likcl} tn \laggcr au‘uxx, .-\ \wll Imcd IIl\lIlllllHIl that t'cl'uxcx tu changc.

I Fish Fry at thc Jan Iiai.

I Iptn 3am. I-‘iu' hcl‘urc I l._illplll; £5 altct'. \Vcckl}. Scntlixh ia//. lunk. mid and Latin handx tutu |)J\ Iit‘ik I)'\'iking and .-\\tt'uhu) including l.i\c\t‘icnt'c\ ('ht‘ix Hall and hcat hum-1‘ l’x} Icnt \' aitd thcir gI'UIHCMllllL‘ hip hup \\ llll Snqucr ( III Inn) and Ilt'a/il clu'ti'u liitxiun l'ui‘in Sidcuindcr I I7 Jun I.

I Fusion at llcni‘} \ ('cllai' Hat. midnight 3am. £3. l7 .Iun. I‘uic lunk. will and hip liup.

I Headspin :ll lllL‘ litillgti (illll). Illfillpnt 3am. £7. I7 Jun. Monthl} 'I'hc chunancc. .»\IIan I)unhat. Stew :\ll\llll and Bungu I)a\c pi'm idc thc I'uur-dcck Illl\ up ul' lunk. hip hop. dixcn. huuxc and hath.

3%? The Last Ever Night @ the Venue at thc Vcnuc. I Ipiu 3am,

£8 £Ill. Ill Jun. What can \u' \a} .’ ()nc ul~ thc \cniinal L'Iuhhing land gigging) llt\llllllitttt\ in Scutland. lhc} gaxc ux l’ut‘c. 'l‘t‘ihaI I‘unktiun. Intputcnt hit} and man} Illtll‘L'. Input a \ClL‘CllHll ul thc gt‘cal and guud \xhu haw inanncd thc duck\ in ct' thc )Cul‘x tucking thc placc nnc litxl lllllL' (\ltitldt) .-\-( iii (in lluxl lllL‘ [up llmlt'l. ‘lpng ll\L' lltL‘ nicnitii‘} ul' thc IlltllllL‘l\lIIp and all \ihu danccd lll hut". Sec .-\gcuda. pagc III I Liquid Soul al l’ti Na .Na.

Illpni 3am. £3 hcl'urc I lpnt; £0 altcr. \‘v'cckly (icl dtmn carl} lttl' thix L'Ull\l\lCllll_\ capacil} l‘L‘ll'U-leL'H and lunk} huuw nighl. lcaturing I’u‘x mxn Mark B on thc dcckx lll\lllg L‘l;t\\l( and hang up-tu-datc lunk} huuxc Iur thmc in thc knmx.

I Messenger Sound System at I.cith Link, I lain 5pm. I-‘t‘cc. Ill Inn. The lat dub and rcggac wundx} \lL'lIl l;lkL‘\ llx dccp mutx grtiti\C\ ll) Leilh Links as purl n] tho [with l’c'sliiul.

I Mission Jnr at Studio It () Itipni £5. \Vt'ckl}. (inth. Hick. punk and. Hl UHIML‘. all that nu ntctal \tull lhc kltl\ claw \u much, It )uu cwr \Htlltlt‘lL'tl \ihclc all lhmc hlack clad )«iulhx lI'Hlll lhc tup (ll ('m'khtu'n Slim-t \wnt alch dark. Imik nu lllI'lllk'l. I lit utigtnal attd hcxt undt't' Ihx nictal gathci‘ing lll timn I Mission at Nttttlit» 3-1 I Ipnt iaiu £5 t£~l Illk‘llll‘k'l\l. \M't'kl} Night ml ntctal lll;t}llL‘lll. gnlh link and lllttlt‘ ll'Hlll lhc dark \idc. \\ith llt'\\ ltlll llnui \Pt‘k‘lill\ ul gnth HI' li‘vakcd nut clt'ctt'u attd dat'kuaw.

I Obscene at Izgn. Ill illpnt 3am. £2. Ill .Iun. Sunnnct l’;tl'l} It'uni thc dt’tnn & haxx cullcctiw attd thcn‘ linal (tillllllllt'tl datc hclut'c tIic} Iind a nun pciniancnt hunic. ltnitiug wnic ul thcn' laxnui'itc local I'L'\ItlL'lll\ ax thL') upt'n up thcu IIllI\lL'ill lllL'lllltg put lk'}tllltl |ll\l I)&Il. I 1000/0 Dynamite :ll lllL' litillgti (‘Iuh I Ipni iani. £4 hcluic midnight; U) allct. Ill Jun. 'l he Stittl Ja/l Rcundx Sutmd S}\ICIH I\ hack uncc again mth .\I(‘ ()\tnan tI)uh \t‘lltlttl‘l and I’ctc Rcill} at thc L‘ttllll'tll\ lHl' anuthct' L'\L‘lll'\lt)ll thi'uugh t'cggac. \tilll. \ka. lunk. dancchall. hip hup. l'l)t)l\ and tunglc. Supput't ll'ttlll Dew} Ru} and I)JRcd(i In the main mum \Nllll thc ()t'angc St hu'u taking can- ul I'HHIII

I Progression at lllL' Liquid Rumu. lll..“llplll 3am. £|I). I7 Jun. 'Ihc lllllll'L‘ til huuw lllll\lL' ll'Hlll thc cwr t'chahlc l’t‘tigt'g‘sxiun crcu _]()lllL‘tl h} hut Sunliin \lar ('ht‘ix l.akc lRixing RL‘L‘Hl'th. Scc pl‘L'HL'“. pagc 35.

I Rewind at thc Liquid Ruuni. III..’~Ilpiii 3am. £5. ll) Jun. ()Id \ktml tlI\C(l tuckx Mick (‘tml and Kalli l’imct‘ tll\ll nut thc but in 7le. fillx and ‘)U\ pnplthltc luncx

I Rock Party at ()piuni. I Ipin 3am. I-‘rcc. Wet-kl}. I.i\c handx bcl‘urchund tl‘rum 7pm). ruundcd (ill with a least (it ruck.

8—22 J‘)’ 2'13"; THE LIST 39