I Sophistifunk til ('it} lzdinhtiigh. Ilpiii itini {X Wet-kl}. RC\ltlL'lll D] John lllllcllhtlll p|.i_\\ ltllilkcd up Rik” l'L'llll\L'\ .ind houw luncx to .'i drcxwd up proud

I Tease Age .‘ll ('iti'm (‘luh

llpin igini. l'rcc hclorc ll illpin. ti lillcl. \VL'L'lxl} 'l'llh llltllL‘ \liil\\.il'l ill\llL‘\ up mcryllnng li'oin \\'.lll‘._‘lll_‘._' (illx llll\ to hiigg} \liinchtwlci lil\L'\ .'l\ \wll ;i~ .i hoxl ol L‘llrlL‘lll \'.lll. thgiit liothci‘crx \tith |)J Moiikcc Micki-c lzdinhiii'gh'x longcxt L'tllllllllldll) running indn- night

I 2H0! ill lago (i ‘sll l) illpni £5 \Vcckl}. l'ndci lhx night ol hip hop .iiid lll'l‘illl Rikli l'l.i\;i~ l\ll'lL‘l .igi' lL'\ll'l\'lltill ol li l7l.

I Ultragroove .il (Kilmicl \olltiit‘c.

lll .illpni lillll, l." hcloi‘c inidiiighl; £5 illlL‘l tL'Ti. l7 Jllll. lzdinhuigh'x [M‘L‘l'lL‘\\ rciil llouxc Pill'l} \\ ilh l'L'Htlt'lll (inrcth Soiniiit'i'x illc.

I Upstairs Downstairs .ii l:go.

llpiii iiini. U». l7 .lllll (’hi'is l’uton und (ii'4it'nic l' gi';idii.itc li'oni llzihiinii to l'.go with .i llll\ ol L‘illllllllL'\\. Pull} .llllllL‘lll\ and the hut lillltl \\til\ll ol the h'llx and till» l)ti\\ll\lilll'\ .»\l;in illltl Maggie .lo_\ go liélt'lx ltl lllL‘ll‘ l'Htilx \\ till the liL‘\l ill lo}. I Welcome to the Latin Quarter .ii lil lizit'i'io. ‘lpin _“;llll. L3 L5 tLZi. \Vcclxl}. Sec l'l'l.

Chart 8 Party

I All Sorts :il Suhnn} ('otignlc.

lllpni .iiini. l'i'cc hcloi‘c llillpni; £3 :illci'. \Vcckl}. .\l| lllL‘ L‘llill‘l. cliccw tind pint} lllllL‘\ )ou L‘illl liiindlc. plux illltllllL‘l‘ l\\ti litillt'\ til ll'i‘i' tin/Kit. Sli'cuth.

I Espionage til l{\pioniigc. 7pm .iiini. l‘i‘cc. Wet-kl}. Sec l-‘i‘i.

Edinburgh Sundays


I Babydoll .il l’o .\'.i .\';i. llpin .iuni. l-‘i'cc hclorc I 1.30pm; £5 tlllt‘l'. \Vcckl}. .-\ glilllltll'tllh and um} night ol' hoth \ihci‘c illl lll‘L‘ \\ L‘lCUlllL‘ in join it]. l-l'tllll lllt' l‘tllilllllfl l).l l’tl\lL‘l‘ ol \Viii‘nt‘i‘ l’onct'x. l)c;in .\'c\\toii. (ho (hum. ’l‘oinni} Kit}. lk‘t'ck \liii‘tln. lltit'i‘} tind liliin l\tlilt'\.

I Booty ill Medina. lllpni .iiiin. U hcloi'c inidnighl; £4 :illci'. \Vcckl}. .\ltil'L' ol ii Sundii} \llL’lill than it lilll~tlll glaini illlilll'. “ilh [)1 Univ |.u\h. Siniinonc liliick .iiid occasional gucxt \llpil\l£l\ ini\ing tip Kiwi. hip hop. \oul illltl l'unk. I Hobo in thc Bongo ('luh. lllpin Ruin. l‘i'cc hcl‘oi'c l lpin; U iil‘tcr. \\'cckl_\. ‘l.i\c

club venues

llllhlc .ind .iltcrii.ili\c tllu‘t‘ lor llhllllL‘Ll \iniicrx' l'cuturing l,o\\ Sparks and thc .~\L‘lllc i ll Jlllli lollim Cd it) lllL' Spyg‘lh

In Jun i.

I l Fly Spitfires .ii (lilmrci \‘oli.iiic Spin ‘mm. H. \Vcckl} Morc ll\L' llltllL‘ liction .l\ punkx l'itklc l’lll‘llk'. lo-li iock noiw incrchunh l)l\ltlplllil .iiid -\hcrdccn\ llookcr‘x (irccn .\'o.l tom the gig/chili ci'tmowr night

I Into the Mic .ii ('.ili.iit-i Volunt-

ltl .‘illpin .‘iiini. L5 l5 Jun. UL and hit lllll\IL‘ .ill night long .it the i‘c-hixiiidcd Riw [p 'l lll\ inoiith'x line-up l\ \llll the. hut lhct'c\ .i nun ltlrllldl \iith loui' .it'h pl;i}lllj_' lull \L'l\ \\llll the hut going on to pin} .igiiinxt othcr \\|llllt'l'\

I Kayos ill ()piuin. llpiii Mini. l-i'cc. \Vt'ckl). .-\ tnclul gind iock \oundlinck plti\ L'l tll'llll\\ kccp llic crowds .i inoxhiiig

I Taste ill the l.li|llltl Rooni llpin iuni. £5 hcloi'c ll.3llpin; £5 .iltci‘ tt'h incnihcrxi. \Vcckl} l‘l\llL‘l' & l’i'iu' \uppI} :i [ll'tlgl't‘\\l\c llll\ ol houw .ind g.ii;igc in thc iniiin room .it lhix lllllillltllh Sund.i_\ nightcr. Martin \kilcnlinc \tii\\\ thc tuned/git) ci‘otid \\llll llllll\_\ l'S houxc glL‘llh through the hack. 'l‘.iii_\;i \oii l’ciii‘ lioin~ the hop on ll Jun.

I Tipsy .il .\l;i\\;i. lll._‘illpin .iiiin. £4 iUi. \Vcckl}. Rtkli iind hip hop l'i‘oin l‘Cxltlt'lllx \lL‘lx (i lilltl l’lld/L‘ 2 til “it.” the} promise “Ill hc ‘thc lioltcxt Sundii} iiiglil pull} in toun'.

Chart 3 Party I Espionage ill lixpiongigc. 7pm .‘iiini. l-i‘cc. \Vcckl}. Sec l‘i'i.

Edinburgh Mondays


I DJ Vance at .\l;l\\il. 10.30pm .iiiin. L5 lL-ll. \Vcckl}. (ilihgtni liixoui‘itc [)1 \linct' spinning the host in l'unk} Scouxc dgincc itlllllL‘llh.

I Get Lo ill liiith. llpiii .‘igiin. U tLZi. l2 Jun. Nun .\lond.i_\ nightcr to kick \lill‘l the neck \\ ilh il dost ol hip hop and Rtkli l'roni l’-St}l/ iiiid Rico.

I Happy Mondays ill l’o .\'.i .\';i.

llpiii .iiini. £3 tl'i‘cci. \Vcckl}. (‘liih night llhlllg llL‘“ illltl L‘lil\\lL‘ indic. rock. l'unk. hip hop tilld .\llil(l\\ll.

I The Kinkeys ill llcni‘} \ (t‘llill' Biii'. lllpin 3.1m (PlL‘thC note I lpin cnti'} on l‘) .lun onl} l. U. \Vcckl}. l5lgiincnco. l.;itin illltl jun iiiglil \iilh it liw \ct limit the Kinkcp illltl ii \clcction ol' l)J\.

I Latin Quarter .ii Malina

lllpni ‘xini l'rcc. \Vccklt DJ J.iinc~ (‘oinhc \tilh icul dc.il \.ll\.l .ind \xorld lllll\lt‘. nou in ll\ third _\c.ir .iiid \llll going ~troiig like .i lillL‘ \xinc. iinpioxing \tith .igc

I Trade Union .ii (‘.ili.irci \‘oli.iiic lllpin Run (2. \Vcckh \cu night to giw \oinclhing hack to the hut .iiid cluh \kiil‘lkt'h. \tl lllL‘} tliill'l llll“ iilll till lllt‘ cluhhing upcriciicc \\llllL‘ trapped hchind the hut lt'x houxc and techno .ill the \Kil} in thc in.iin i'ooin lioin (il‘dlll Putt-non. \\llllL' room tho I\ .ill hip hop .iiid Rtkli ti‘oni |)J liccl. I)J Kunnl and DJ l‘i‘cxh

Chart 8 Party

I Espionage .il lixpioiiugc "pin 34in l'l‘L‘C. \VL‘L'kl}. SL‘C l'll‘l

I Eurostarui Mood. lllpin 34in l'iu‘ hclorc midnight; {I illlL'l‘ it'l lllL‘llll‘L‘l'H. 3 Jul. Thu hut iii L'llL'k'\_\. (illllp lzui'o pop illltl L'llill'l. li‘oiii thc fills to the prowl With [U Mink (il'illll.

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Code Blue git ()piuin. lllpin Ruin l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl}. Punk rock cliixxicx \\ itli lixtliilx ol vino and dot chucked into thc pol l'oi‘ good lllL‘thlll'L‘.

I Motheriunk .ii ()pul Loungc.

lllpin .‘uiin. l'l't'C. \Vcckl}. (iino and ii} ct iii‘c hack \iilh thcii' 'l'ut-xdu) institution &l\ the} \plll I'lll'c .ind L‘lil\\lL' l'unk} .isxcd. littor—xllttlxlllg (ilh tilld 7ll\ groin L'\. dL‘L‘p ltink. |.;ilin. \olll illltl \o lllllL‘ll “1011‘.

I Run ‘Dat All the Bongo ('luh. ltl.3llpin 3am. lice. \Vcckl}. 'l'iideii} chill out ol‘ i'cggtic illltl duh lroin the White \Vlixliliii'itinx.

I Split tit ('zihaii'cl \iilliiirc.

l l..illpiii .‘iziin. l'i'cc. \Vcckl}. l)rtiin & haw. clccti'o .ind hi'ciik hcul \\ ilh Slltitlimdxlll. thc Dropout Dis. |)ogni;i and it \niiitlci‘iiig ol \ci'} lillL‘lllCtl lociil gllL‘\l\. l)l‘lllll & htixs illltl hi‘cnkx collcctiw lidiiihui'gh Biixxcd lukc L‘ill'L‘ oi the iniiin l'titllll cwi‘) othcr neck.

I Vibe .it ligo. llpiii .igini. £4. Wall} (in) night \iith .lillllL‘\ Longnoi‘th on the decks. plu\ the Dancing Stud Mulliiix. the Singing llzlll') Bloke and the .\liining .\'un. l)oii't \il) “0 didn't \Hll'll )il.

Chart 8 Party I Funky Monkey ill lfxpiollttgc. ()llln .iiiin. lircc. Wall}. Next \llltlL‘lll

night .igi‘oxx tlic liw ll\i\\l\ ol l-xpiondgc. i.inging ti‘oin t'hccw to tuiik} houw ‘.lll \ll’llll\\ Ll Sill

IShagTag .il Stereo lllpin Run {5 it‘i, \M'ckl) lll\.lllt‘l§ unccxxlul night ixixcd on .i coinplm nuinciiml tinting

\_\ \Ir‘lll ll \itlllcitllc‘ t'dlt‘lltW _\i\lll t‘_\t‘_ ton \xi‘itc lllL‘ll nuiiihci on thc ho.iid nut to _\oui oun. lhc idm hcing lli.it thc_\ thcii ruxh tip to ton and gct .i hit ol


Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Apocalypse .it ()piuni lllpin Kiin l‘icc \Vt'cklx .\li\ ot goth. nict.il. llltllhllldl .iiid punk

I lndi-Go .it lllt‘ l iiiiiid Rooin

Ill illpni Run U lLll Wall} lllk' latest indic night to hit lllt‘ (.ll‘lldl \\llll thc hut in nctx inuxit‘ i.ind lllt' l).l\ .llL' llllm‘} to ink lt‘tlllt‘\l\l.

I Juice .il \l.i\\.i ltl illpin Run l;5 \Vcckl} l’hc oiiginiil licxhl} \tiut‘c/cd ‘lllx .ind (Nix \ludt'iil night it'luinx

I Hexuslive .ii lllL' lloiigo (‘liili

Spin 3.iin. Ll 2| .lllll \L'“ lllll\l\ \llti\\t‘il\k' \L‘\ll\ l iw l.iiin.'lic\ \\llll liu' hiindx. l).l\ .iiid \ .lx lliioiigh iiiilil :dlll. I Tease Age in (‘iiiin (‘liili

I lpni .‘iuin. l lL'L' hcloic ll illpin. ti llllL'l'. \Vcckl}, SL'C Sui,

I Totally Sound Productions .ii lllt‘ liongo('luh. lllptn Kim H it‘i l-l Jun :\ night ol St‘tlllhll hip hop \\llll liw i;i// and hip hop lioiii lllt' \t'llllll (ii'oup. lzdinhui‘gh l'tlll duo Rh} lllt‘RllL' .\ .\l(' lilind) and Mix 31d lilcini‘nl. l’h.i/c illl hoxtcd h_\ the MM lliittci.

I We are . . . Electric .ii (Lilmwt \iilldll'c. l lpiii 3min, l‘icc hcloic iiiidiiight; £2 .illci' ili't-c loi lllt‘llll‘t'l\l “cold-v Jgicck /..'iinoixl\i llllll\ i't‘\iilciit (Eur) Mac in llll' lliillll iooiii on .lun. \\ ilh \llliltilll dixco illltl dccp lioiiw li'oiii (itii'cth Soniinci'ullc iii thc hut‘kiooiii. \Vhilc lii');iii liliit'k t.\lotoi/.\'lo\ci'i It'l\ in Hill" l.:\ to guest in tlic lllillll iooiii llJ Juni. \ihilc lik‘ill lintltllllt‘ Km \Vi'ighl lltlL'\ lll\ thing in thc lidt'lxl’tiiilll

Chart & Party

I Espionage ail l’,\[lltlllil_t_'L'. 7pm .iiiin l'il‘L'L'. \Vcckl}. SL‘L‘ Hi.

I Shark in ('il}‘ Izdinhui‘gh

ltlpin Mini. L11. \Vcckl}. lhc lllltlllliillx

\llltlL‘lll night iii ('il) \\ itli .i \clt't’tion ol L'lllll'l. L'llt‘L‘\L‘ illltl Rik“,

Down and dirty club


pre-club venues

I Assembly

41 Lothian Street.

220 4288

I Bam Bou

66/67 South Bridge. 556 0200

I Beluga

30a Chambers Street. 624 4545

I The City Cafe Blair Street. 220 0125 I Cuba Norte

192 Morrison Street. 221 0499

I The Human Be-ln 2/8 West Crosscauseway. 662 8860

I The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) Buccleuch Street. 667 6907

I The Outhouse Broughton Street Lane. 557 6668

I The Pond

22-24 Bath Road, 467 3825

I O Bar

5/11 Leith Street. 557 5830

I The Street

2 Picardy Place. 556 4272

I The Wash

The Mound. 225 6193

I Berlin 3 Oueensterry Street Lane. 467 7215. Selection of cool house nights. See listings for details.

I The Bongo Club Moray House. 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7604. One of the coolest and most eclectic clubs in town. See listings for details.

I Cabaret Voltaire 36—38 Blair Street. 220 6176. Mixed bag from house to drum 8. bass. See listings for details. I CC Blooms

23—24 GreenSide Place. 556 9331. One of the city's most enduring gay clubs. With hi-NRG tracks every night of the week. I The Cellar Bar

1 Chambers Street. 467 2539. Cool beats from global $0unds to Trouble's unique take on jazz. See listings for details.

I The Citrus

Grindlay Street. 622 7086. Mainly studenty venue that goes for an indie vibe as well as a

dash of punk. new wave and 805 classics. See listings for selected highlights.

I City: Edinburgh

1a Market Street. 226 9560. From student nights to big house and guest DJs. See listings for selected highlights. I Club Pivo

2-6 Calton Road, 557 2925. A selection of the best Edinburgh DJs play every night. for free.

I The Commplex Commercial Street. Leith. 555 5622. Semi regular nights in this old church from lesbian club Velvet to techno and house. See listings for details.

I Ego

Picardy Place, 478 7434. Home to some of the capital's best loved nights as well as a selection of big gay clubs. See listings for details.

I El Barrio

104 West Port. 229 8805. Spanish fiesta every night of the week. I The Establishment 3 Semple Street. 229

7733. Chart and party night with plenty of drink on offer to wash it all down with.

I Espionage

4 India Buildings. Victoria Street. 477 7007. Five floors of varied chart and dancey action.

I Gig

31 Lothian Road. 229 7670. Huge indie club venue.

I The Honeycomb 15-17 Niddry Street. 530 5540. Big nights and big guests from Manga to Audio Deluxe. See listings for details. I The Liquid Room 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. One of the top venues in town for guest DJs and live music. See listings for details.

I Massa

36-39 Market Street. 226 4224. Glam house. party nights and hip hop and R88 on a Sunday with Tipsy.

I Medina

45-47 Lothian Street. 225 6313. Laid back vibes with cool hip hop and other $0unds. See

listings for details.

I Mood

Omni, Greenside Place. 550 1640. Chart and party tunes. not forgetting gay night Poly Super on Mondays. See listings for selected highlights.

I Opal Lounge

51 George Street. 226 2275. House and funky beats for a dressed up crowd.

I Opium

71 Cowgate. 225 8382. Rock. punk and metal, no messing.

I Po Na Na

43b Frederick Street. 226 2224. Student nights. funky beats and more. See listings for selected highlights.

I Potteer

Bristo Square, 650 9195. Student heaven. I RED Vodka Club 73 Cowgate. 225 1757. From house to reggae. See listings for details. I Stereo

King Stables Road. 229 7986. More big party tunes and drunken dancing.

I Studio 24

Calton Road. 558 3758.

nights. specialismg in techno and goth. See listings for details.

I The Subway Cowgate. 225 6766. Now more of a rock and cool indie night as well as some cheesier club nights. See listings for selected highlights. I The Subway West End

Lothian Road. 229 9197. Another one for the after office crowd. I The Venue

Calton Road. 557 3073. Varied mash up club nights ranging from Optimo to techno heaven. See listings for details.

I The Wee Red Bar Edinburgh College of Art. Lauriston Place. 229 1442. Student nights for the arty set. See listings for details. I Time

24a Frederick Street. 220 1226. Chart songs and plenty of booze all night long.

I Why Not?

14 George Street. 624 8311. Hits from the 805 to last week.

40 THE LIST 8—22 Jun 2006