3 Thursday 1 5


The Thunday Show The Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 08706006055. 8.30pm. £6 (£5; £3 tttetttbers). Banging tltc chuckle dntttt are ( iordon Southern. Keir McAllister and Andy Mcl’artland. ('ompere Rayntond Mearns gees tltettt tip.


Big Word Performance Poetry 'lhe Tron. ‘) Hunter Square. lliglt Street. 226 093 I. ‘) I Ipm. £3 (£2). Jenny Lindsay hosts Scottser poet arid cotttedian Ricltard Allett. 50-word stories from Stepltett Barnaby attd tlte excitable word tttacltitte Miltott Balgonie. More to be conlirmed. The Thursday Show 'lhe Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £6 (£5; £3 tttetttbers). Jane Mackay kicks off a bumper nigltt in the cotttpatty of liberal ('anadian (ilenn Wool. Stattd Players Sttt 8: Paul. chav lee Nelson attd Scott Agnew. Capital Comedy The Arcade Bar. 48 (‘ockburn Street. 220 I297. 9.30pm. £3. See Thu 8.

The Snatch Social 'lhe Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. I lpttt 3am. £5. See 11111 8.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jottglettrs. U(}(‘ Building. Renl'rew Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. £l0. ('omedy. cocktails and cavorting with Kiwi talent Al Pitcher. Bruce l’ttmmey. Tony law (iii the Dinks with Dan Antopolski attd (‘raig (‘ampbelll attd Scotise satirist Steve (iribbin.

The Stand The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 6006055. 8.30pm. £8 (£7; £5 members). laconic. sex-obsessed (‘anadian Sean (‘ollins. master of banter (iordott Southern attd Andy Mcl’anland entertain. with direction from Susan Morrison (Fri) attd Raymond Meants (Sat).

42 Tl'lE LIST 8—22 Jun 2006


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongletirs. ()mni ('entre. (ireenside Place. 08707 870707. 8.|5pm. £l0. Surreal nonsense l'rom Daye Williams. 6' 7" Attssie gtattt ('olin (‘ole. Kiwi mimic Rhys Darby attd Ross NttDlC\ mate (iaytn \Vehster. Drinking aitd dancing t'ollow

The Laugh Bank the lett Bank. 37 (ilttltrte Street. 225 0744. 9pm. £6 (£5) See liri l).

The Stand The Stattd. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £8 (£7: £5 members). Relax tti the whimsical company of ( ilenn Wool. improy tay'ottrites Sttt & l’attl. gobby rogue Lee Nelson attd the high»octane lattice I’hayre. Jane Mackay comperes.


Blackffiars Bumper Value

Blackl‘riars. 36 Bell Street. 552 502-1. 8pm. £3. Bill Dewar attd two itty'stery' gttests are whipped ittto shape by M(‘ Sttsan (‘almati Jongleurs Comedy Club .lttliglt'lll’S. ll(i(‘ Building. Rettl‘rew Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. £l3. See l-'ri 16.

The Stand The Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870600 6055. 9pm. £l0. See liri lb.

The Comedy Womb The State Bar. H8 llollattd Street. 332 215‘). 9pm. £6 (£5). A new direction for the State Bar‘s Saturday night comedy. as l‘rances llealy' takes over.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglettrs. ()tntti (‘entre. (irecttside Place. 08707 870707. 8.l5pm. £l2. See l-‘ri l6.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £10. See l-‘ri l6.

Sunday 18

Glasgow Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 600

6055. 8.30pm. £4 (£3; £l metttbcrst llost Michael Redtttond's ltattgdog espresston is lifted by Big Brother star l's'ate layyler's scriptysritcr ls'etr Mc.-\l|tster. loyeablc comedy tied Ice Nelson atid simntaneous (ilasyyegtan Andy Vaughan


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? the Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. lpttt l'l‘t‘t‘. See Stttt l l.

Monday 1 9


VWX The Stand. 333 \Vixxlltttltls Rtliltl. 08706006055.8.30pm. £5l£21£l members). The Reyerend ()badtah Steppenyyolle Ill introduces the acts attd a horse. The audience decides the topics attd yy ho gets a paid booking nest tttttc. l‘eatttring the Horse's Motttlt. aka Jamie Anderson tk Keyin llrtdges. and Del Strain.

Al Murray: And Another Thing ls'mg's 'llteatre. 297 Bath Street. 340 I l l l. 7.30pm. £l8.50. The Pub Landlord crosses the border (or one night only. See :\lls\\ er Machine. page I I2.


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York l’lttct‘. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £l. (iary little attd Andy Sir are the seasoned pros (halted in to sltttyy the stand—up neyt'comers ltoyy it's done.

Tuesday 20


Red Raw The Stand, 333 \k'txxllands Road. 08706006055. 8.30pm. £2 (£l ). Standttp lirst timers try' ottt their best lines iii the mummy of old hands Sttsan ('altttan attd 'l'eddy'.


VWX The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £3 (£2: £l members). See Mott It).

Wednesday 21


Comedy Benefit Night the Stand. 3“ \Vixxllalkh Rttttil. “57” NM 6055

8. 30pm £6 (£1 students tk tttcitthcts). lic'llc‘lll Ill .llil (tl l’ll-\( ‘l‘ Scullalltl. a charity ollct‘ttig tttlortitaltott attd suppott on sexual ltealtlt The cltatttttng pairing ol (‘harlte Ross attd Scott :\gtte\\ stat. ystth tttote 'l‘ll.-\


Comedy Benefit Night the Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272 8. 30pm £6 (£4 students 8 titetttbetst Stand up lot the British Red ('toss and its work lot people tn L‘l‘l\l\ at thts chatin benclit ittgltt I me up Includes tlte \y cc darling ol teley tstott Des (‘latkc attd ( itl\ lays sc More 'l'l3.'\.


The Thursday Show the Stand. 3“ Woodlands Road. 08706006055.

8. 30pm. £6 (£5; £i tttctnbcts). .lattc Mackay rules the roost ttyt‘t SMII'V alumnus Des (‘larke. day lotig comedy record breaker Matk Watson. the ct‘tttttnally tittnded Del Sttatn and loothall reporter ( itts ’l'ayysc. See ptcy teys lot Mark Watson


The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £6 (£5; £3 tttctnbers). l’out days ol \sotk desei'yes celebrating: 16in lays. Mark liratchptcce (the Mttlltct'yyell \Vixxly Allen. some say ). Stcye Royle (ittgglcr‘. mate ol Bernie ('liltott) attd compete Joe lleettan agree. Capital Comedy The Arcade Bat. 48 (‘ockhttt'n Street. 220 I207. 0. 30pm. £ 3. See Thu 8.

The Snatch Social The liquid Room.

‘lc Victoria Street. 225 2561. l lpttt 3am. £5. See'l'hit 8.