
Cockles 8- Muscles (Crustaces 8. Coqulllages) ( l5) 0.. (Jacques .‘s‘lartineau/Uliyier l)ucastel. France. 2005) Valeria Hruni 'ledexchi. (itlbert Melki. Jean-Marc Barr. Romain 'l'orrex ltduord ('ollin. ‘Hmtn. Beatrix t'l'edescht) arid Marc (Melkt) go on holiday to the Riy tcra with their teenage son (‘harly t'l‘orrex) and their indetwndcnt-ininded daughter laura. w ho leases lor l’orttigal w ith her biker boylriend almost on arriyal Heatris and Marc begin to wonder about ('liarly \ sexuality dtie to his habit ol takiitg long walks along tltc coast with his lriend Martin t('ollin). Very silly btit entoyable ('ote d'A/ur sey' larce. ('umen. Iii/inhm'eh

Collective Gallery: Artists’ Film Screening Event (tbc) (Various. UK. 2006) 90mm A selection ol liltn attd \ tdeo work by' artists tront Northern Ireland. curated by Seatittix Harahan. whose collaboi'atiye e\hibition with Hedwyr Williaiits opens at the ('ollectiy'e on It) Jtiit. llarahan w ill also be m conyersation with (ilasgow -based artist ('athy Wilkes. to discuss and \ iew clips ol' past work including HUIt‘IiHlt/y. shown at the Venice Hiennalc in 2005. Weston Link. I-jilinhiireh Comfort and J0y(|’(i) .00 (“Ill l‘orsy'th. llK. I‘M-l) Bill l’aterxon. ltleanor |)ay'id. l’atricls Malahide. Rikki Fulton. l()omin. A quirky Scottish cotnedy. along the lines (it liorsy'th'x earlier (i/‘egory‘ 't (iii'l. which doesn't quite hit the mark in the same endearing way. l’aterson is on line l‘orm. though. as a disc jockey with more personal problems than he can handle who manages to get caught tip in art underworld dispute over the territorial rights (it ice cream y'ans. Part of .‘x’ .l’Ut'lt'y Around the World. (ii/iiim'e/iillU/2. (i/tlyleoti‘.

Crash ( l5) C... (Paul llaggix. tlS/(iermany. 2004) Sandra Bullock. l)on (‘headlc. Matt Dillon. Jennil‘er lisposito.

| l imin. A car accident brings together a group of strangers in his Angelex. linpressiy'e polemical drama investigating racism in modern day l.A. An insightful and occassionally‘ brilliant treatise supported by some very line acting. l’urt ofo‘ Movies Around the ll’iirltl. (it/nmrc/ti/lU/J. (iluy'tum'.

C.R.A.Z.Y. t l5) 0... (Jean-Marc Vallee. ('anada. 2005) Michel (tile. Marc- Andre (irondm. Danielle Prouls. limile Vallee. l27min. 'l’ormented youth '/.ac was born oit ('hrixtmas l)ay' Wot) he is the ltltll'th out of tlte the boys. Papa ((‘otel is a rolling stone with a penchant for beltittg otit A/itay'our tracks when drunk. The growing pains of Zak start aged sey'en when to the disgust ol‘ his lather he starts showing signs that he may prefer boys to girls. The family politics played out here will be familiar to anyone born into a large clan btit what tnakex ('.R.A.Z. l' special is the way director Vallee borrows from all the rigltt places (Sirk. (‘apra and Hughes mostly). A fabulous guilty pleasure. (ilusgmt' I'll"! Theatre. (i/uyeoit. Curious George (ll) 0.

(Matthew ()‘(‘allaghan. l'S. loom Will Ferrell. Frank Welker. Drew Barry more. David (‘ross. 86min. Feature animation based on the adventures ol~ the hero ol~ Margaret and HR Rey"x popular children‘s book series. Parents may be able to stem any suicidal impulses by listening to the laughter of their children at the films simple slapstick antics. (iem'ml release. Cyberworld 30 (PG) (Various. US. 2000) Jenna lill'man. Matt Frewei'. Woody Allen. 44min. Jenna lill‘man is the cyber- host who introduces its to yariotis unrelated segments ot‘ cyber animation The .S‘i'mpsmis and .-tn!:. make 3t) appearances iii a spectacular display of today‘s most impressiy e graphic technology. IMAX Theatre. (i/(M‘gou:

50 THE LIST 8—22 Jun 2006

The Da Vinci Code ( l3-\ ) .0 (Ron Howard. t'S. Zoom Tom Hanks. Audrey Tautou. Ian McKellen. l’aul Hettany HXmm llowards two and a hall hour yaw n-lest display x the worst hallmarks or a Hollywood rushiob. remorsclexsly cashing lll on a popular lad l)esptte nice locations. what was a decent page-turner emerges as a bum numbing melodrama ol little interest in terms ol' either cinema or tabloid theology (rl'llt'l'tl/ I‘t'lt‘uw' Diameter of the Bomb ( 12A) (Andrew ()tiigley and Stey en Silyer. l'K/(‘anada 2005) Homin Socio political doc on the ltyes allected by the 3003 suicide boiiibiitg in Jerusalem l'l/Hl/lltllu'. [pi/iribureh. Don’t Come Knocking ( H) 0.. (“int Wenders. France/(iermany/l 'S . Zoom Saiii Sltepard. Jessica lange. Tim Roth. l l0inin. Wenderx and Shepherd reunite two decades alter they locked horns on the resonant I’uriy. It'UH Screenwriter Shepherd also stars as washed tip actor Howard Spence. l'atitotix l'or being a lonesome cowboy. on and oil screen. Spence absconds lrom the shoot ol yet another lacklustre Western in search ol~ something more meanmglul. Intriguing it ultimately inane slice ol~ Americana myth and absurdity (i/memi' I'ilm 'I'heulrt’. (i/usemt: Down in the Valley ( IS) 0... (David Jacobson. l’S. 3005) ltdward Norton. liyan Rachel Wood. l)ay‘td Morse. Bruce Dern. Rory (‘ulkin |25min Jacobson‘x lunny'. romantic and disturbing lilm. 'l'he htimdrum lil'e ol a dysltmctional Valley family is ptll through the loop by the arriy'al ol~ Harlan Fairt'as ('arriitherx (Norton). a selllxty'led cowpoke. otit ol and work attd looking tor loy'e in the soulless suburbs. .St'lt't‘lt't/ I‘t'lt'tlu'. ECA Degree Show/FiIm/TV (tbc) (Various. UK. 2004) Various. "l'is the season for those student showreels 'l‘alent scouts alert? l'i/mhoiiye. Iz'tliii/iitreh. Election t 18) .00 (Johnny' 'l‘o. llong Kong. 2005) Simon Yam. 'l‘ony' I.eung_ l00min. See rey'iew. page 44. ('l'ni'tt'ol‘lt/ Rt'It/r‘t'ti' .Sll't‘t’l. (i/(lyemt'; ('(imeo. Iz‘tliIi/iiujeh. Eleven Men Out (Strakarnir Okkar) ( l3) (Robert Douglas. Iceland. 3005) Bjorn Hly'nur llaraldxson. lilta Nott orarinsdottir. 84min. (‘omedy about a pro


lootballer who comes out ol the c loset and ends tip lindtng success w ith a mostly queer team. btit only because the opposition runs the other w ay‘ Part or rh. JUIh lomlon I: shin/i and (int I'll/ll I't'yriiii/ on [our (i/ttyemt I‘l/Ill I'Iii'utn: (i/tlyutm

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room tl’(i) O... iAley (libney. l'S. 3005) ll0min. (iibney ‘s engrossing documentary about the rise and tall ot this corporate institution is an absolute toy Based on Hethan) Mel ean's book ot' the same name. (iibncy uses a llll\ ol real

\ idco l'ootage. reenactment. talking heads and story segmentation to bring the scale ot this w hite collar horror story to the lore ("intuit I'lllll I‘lll'tlll'l'. (rl(l\gi))t

Fanaa t IZA) ( Kimal ls'ohli. India. Zoom Aamir Khan. Kaiol. 'l'abu l40min /.ooni Ali Beg (Katol) \enttires otit into the world on her own tor the yery lirst time She quickly belrteiids /ooni. a blind Kashmirt girl and Rehan ()adrt tls'han). a local tour guide and incorrigible llii‘t. Zoom sees Delhl. llle and lo\ e \\ Illt Reltan. btit is he hiding something ttom her" Standard. mildly entoy able Hollywood romantic musical ()i/eon tr 'I’ht' Qiitty', Glasgow, Glasgow. (Menu for! Kinnuml. Iciliiiliiu'eh.

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo DrifttlZA).. (Justin lin. t'S. Zoom l.ucax Black. Lynda Boyd. 0" llllll See Also Released. (iv/tern] I'i'li'ilyt' FOCUS ( l5) (Various. Various) 80min. Sis short (thus by dillet'ent directors I'he (ireu! .‘l rt of Knowing. Ii'rmt e 4‘). Iii o Hours In Xero. The Spare Iii'ltt ('('N. hm [hm '! Brine me I‘loit‘ery and Fugue I’ur! o/ I'Qt/iei‘inientu. I'll/liltinlw'. lit/iiiliiireh. Films by Vladimir Wulkin t 15) (Vladimir 'l‘yulkin. ls'a/akhstait. 30050000) 75min. 'l‘wo liliiix esaminmg humanx' relation to the animal kingdom and their need to control it. Part or I'ft/u'ri'menlu. I'l/Ill/IUNV‘. Izdiiihureh. Flightplan ( 12A) .0 (Robert Schwentke. US. 2005) Jodie l'ioster. l’cter Sarxgaard. Sean Bean. lirika ('hristensen. ()Xmin. l’lane designer Kyle (Foster) is llying the body ol‘ her dead husband back home. At 37.000 feel she suddenly realises that her daughter is missing but nobody remembers seeing the girl. Another hysterical ‘woman and child in danger‘ thriller l‘rom Foster's underwhelming

middle earcei (io see ()tto l‘ietntnget is brilliant i‘N“ liltn HHL‘IH lake l\ Unxnze instead. it has the same plot and is loads l‘t‘llt‘l (in ’\l( '1: ’I (i/tng'i 'H

Friends with Money . t< i 0.. (\aeole Ht‘lt‘ltt'llt'l.l S. .‘t)t)oi lenmlei \ntstoit. l-iances \leHoimand. Joan t'tixack. (’atheiine Keener ( iieg ( ieimaiin Sb‘min l'he 40 something protagonists meet at hip iextaurants and ate detiited by their bond \\llll the opposite se\ the ll\ h helping pooi storyline is tlte starting point lot a lunny. baibed .titd siiiieptittotis attat k on the attitude ot moneyed \meiit a lt)\\.tld\ the poor \i In It u’ tr/i'iiyi Glastonbury l l‘t C... ilttlteti l‘emple. l'ls'. Doom l iSmtn Released during the music lesttyal‘s yeai oll. 'l'emple's engiossiiig. kaleidost opie documentary portiait ol the eyent is compiled ltoiii ptinteix' home itioyies temple has ie t reated the experieiit e ot spending three days in those muddy tields in Soiiteixet \nd it's the ne\t best llllll‘,‘ to actually being there (iliiyeott lilni l/lt’illlt'. (i/tlytfitlt

Hard Candy ( is) .0 .Im .a Slade. (S. 300*) l’alittk \\ ilsoit. l lleti l‘age l0-l min See icy tew. page it (it"lt'l'tl/ It li'ilu‘

Hidden (Cache) 1 IS ) 0.... (Michael Haneke.

l‘lallee/-\tl\tl‘l.t/( iei many /lt.ily. .‘l )( iii l)aniel Autetiil. Juliette lliiioelie. \ldlllke Hemehoti. -\nnte(iiiaidot. | estet .‘ylakedonsky |l7min (ieoigesi \titeuili the presentei ol a literary iey iew programme on l-iench l'\'. and his publisher wile -\tinc l lliiioche) ieteiye packages containing \ ideos shot outside their nice suburban house \x the tapes and the drawings they come wrapped lll become more personal and alai'iiiing. (ieorges begins to lose his mind llaneke has always dilltised polemic thiottgli the iitost personal ol scenarios [Ill/(It'll is .i deyastaling. giddy mg esaiiunattoii ol middle class xitiiignexs. the burden ol the past and the deeply obieetioiial sell obsessions ol‘ the intellectual Heatitiltilly acted. paced. edited attd directed. ll w ill leay e you gasping .iitd peipleyed .ix all great cinema shotild It you want to know why 10 French tow its and cities burned in October aitd Noyembet' ol 300*. the answer is here l’url o/ 5' .lloi It'\ .‘ll'lllllll/ the llill'lll. (ii/morehi/l (i/J. (i/mgmt

Andrew Quigley and Steven Silver’s documentary focuses on the aftermath of suicide bomber Mohammad Hazza Al-Ghoul, whose martyrdom on a Jerusalem bus in June 2002 killed 20 people and wounded 50 more. The filmmakers balance out this powerful piece by interviewing, among others, the bomber’s niece and one of his victims’ parents.

I Fi/mhouse. Edinburgh from Mon 79 Jun.