I" I 1 I


Telford College End of Year Show t l5) (\arroux. Seotlattd. 2000) \.lllt)tt\ l20iittn Shoitx tiom Illl\ )ear‘K eiearii ot the eiop I'll/It/HINH'. I'a/rrrluu'e/r Ten Skies tl') tJariiex liermmg. IS. 2001) | “mm l'.\peiitiierital Ulhet‘utltttth ot iiattiie ei'eated b} hung the eariiet'a at a 15 degree angle arid \[lllt'lllg together \epaiate liloek\ ot tilm. l’url u/

I t/n'linrr/iltt. l‘l/IH/IUHH'. Ia/rn/tmje/t.

* Thank you for Smoking t IS) .... t.l.t\t)ttl{t.'lllll.tlt. [182005) :\.tlt)lt liekhat’t. Maria Bello. Katie llolme\. Rob l,t)\\L'. William H Mae}. 02min See prex tL‘\\. page ~13 and r'e\ text. page ~15. .Sr'lt'r lr'r/ I'r‘lt'uu'.

The Thief Lord tl’(i) COO

tRiehard (‘laum (iermaii). 2006) Aaron .loltttNott. Jaxpei llttl'l‘h. Rollo \Veekx. Uh'nirii I'air'I} ehariiiirig and \\ ell e\eeuted ehiltli'en's ad\etittrie tliek ttom the \triter/direetor ot Illt' [all/e lImr/un'. baxed on the [tubular iio\el b) ('or'nelia l‘urtke abotrt a buneli of ktdx on the Iooxe In a magreal \eiiree. Sela ml release.

Things to do Before You’re 30 tl5).. tSitrioiiSliore. l'K. 200-1) Izmilia l‘o\. Billie Piper. .lirrir \lixtr‘}. |)oiigr'a_\ Seott l0liiiin 'lit‘exoiiieeomed} drama abotrt a group ot Il'lL'lltl\ “llu are all dexpeiatel} rexixting the big 30. 'I‘lirx film \\.I\ originall) made tot lL‘lL'\l\l()ll in 2004 and for write per'\ei\e reaxori \\.t\ deertied more \trttable tor theatrreal teleaxe (‘irieiior/t/ It'c'ri/n'ii Street. (i/uwuii

36 (Ouai des Orfevres) I I5)

.. t()|i\rei .\larehal. l‘r‘anee. 200-1) Daniel .»\utenrl. (ier‘ar'd I)epardieu. .-\ndt‘e l)tl\\0lllL‘l. l I liiiiti l’r'edietable. dtiiitb arid triibeliexabl} ltea\} handed l’ttl'l\l;lll polieiei. \\ lireli plh brutixh deteetixex Depardien and .-\uteur| agariixt eaeh other .St’lr't'lt'r/ I'r'ft‘uu‘.

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada t 15).... t'l'onim} l.ee Jonex. l'S/I‘raiiee. 2005) l‘omni) I.ee .lUltL‘\. Barr} I’epper. Julio ('edillo. I)\\ight Yoakam. .l.tllt|;ll') Jonex. I2Imin. Mike Norton (Pepper) ll‘.t\_|tl\l mm ed to to“ n to Join the border patrol \\ itli his beautiful _\oung \\ rte [on .-\im tJoiie\). Around the \ame tiiiie loeal ranehei l’ete l’erkrrh t Jonex) littd\ tlte bod} of htx hL‘It“ ed raneh hand {\Ielquiadu l‘.\lt‘;ttl;t tt'edillo) iii a \hallo“ grin e in the dexert and Norton and l’erktnx' de~ttniex are wt to L‘t‘t)\\. Lee'x open hearted Ime letter to Peekinpah's trrisurpassable 197-1 reVenge Western Bring .llc’ Iltt’ Head ({f-xl/fh’JU (irll‘r‘iu

tlL‘llttthl'tthx Leek gift tor intelligent eiiiematie retei'eriee. brex It) and emotional impaet. l'l/Nl/luuu‘, Iz'tlrn/im-uh, Tidemarks: Legacies of Apartheid (the) (Sarah Abbot. ('aiiada/South Afriea. 200-1) ()‘ern. ’l'he doeuiiieritar) talks to tour ('ape 'l‘o\\ ii aeti\ ixtx \tho pla_\ed ke_\ role\ in the abolition of .-\partlieid. 'I'he tilm

lll\L'\lIg;tlL'\ their \lltlttltttll to date and their

\truggle to um I\ e ten }ear\ on. ('( El. (i/mgmt:

* Tony Takitani it?) 0000 tJtrri Ieliitt katt a. Japan. 200-1) l\\Cl ()gata. Rie .\1i_\a/a\\ a. Shinohara 'I‘akahumi. 70min. Death. ja/l arid lonelinexs hat e alwa} \ been eonstaiits in In") 'l'akitarii’x life. Writer/titreetor lehikrm a imbuex htx film u ith all the quiet reser't'e. \hort foeus nttrted bro“ lb. and paxxion for the minute that he ean muxter. The result ix ax otf krlter arid as unforgettable ax Murikami'x llL‘lttilt. (i/(Mgrm I’ll/II vii/tr'rlll't'. (i/rlst’utr. Trainspotting t IR) 0000 (I)attri_\ li()'\lL‘. UK. I‘J‘JS) l-Man Me(iregor. liuen Breiiiner. Robert ('ar'l) le. Jorm) Lee Miller. 93min. John llodge‘x sereenpla) perfeetl} eapturex the desperate humour ot lr\ iiie \Velxh‘s novel. keeping the epixodte \trueture of junkie \eenex for the t'rrxt half. before eoneentrating on Reiiton in London in the later \tagex, l‘axt arid \t) lish drr'eetion. ereathe \oundtraek and aeting that'x off-the-railx e\eellent. .-\ eineiiiatie blaxt from beginning to end. “ltlL‘lt alxo \ltt)\\ .\ a eonip|e\ and true underxtanding of the ltrre and t’atal eonxeqttenees ot drug-taking. (inmwim; (iluxgmr.

Tsotsi t 15).... ((ian Hood. l'K/South Africa. 2005) l’l‘C\lL‘) (‘lmeneytgau Mother Magano. Israel Makoe. l’ere} Matsemela. 9-1lllttl. 'I‘xotxi t('li\\erit~};igtrL-) \tealx a ear and drxeox erx there'\ a bah) iii tlte baek war. He deeidex to keep it. but \eekx otrt a )0tlllg mother to breaxtfeed the infant at gunpoint .-\

mo\ ing tale of kidnap arid /ero elite. Him/tome. Iii/inlmrgli.

An Unfinished Life t 12A) 0

(Lave llallxtrom. ['52. 2005) Robert Redford. Jennifer Lope]. Morgan l't‘CCllt'dll. .ltislt Lueas. Damien l.C\\ l\ “)7 min. See Also Released and Profile. (it’ltc’l'u/ I'c’lt‘uu'.

United 93 t )5) .0 it’qu (ireertgrass. L78. 2006) Christian (‘IernensorL (iary Contmoek. Polly Adams. ()pal Alladin. l 10min.

A chance to see this year’s graduation films from Stevenson College, Tetford College, Napier University and Edinburgh College of Art. I /~///ii/)oi):a). Edinburgh f/om Wed 2' Jun.

lltlll)\\titltl‘\ ltt'xl .tllL‘llth It) tlL'plL‘l IltL‘ eataxtroplite C\t'lll\ ot l I September 200! I\ ratlter [)()tllllc\\, :\\ the e\ent\ ot ‘l/Il

\\ ere eapttired It\ e nothing \\ iII add to the drama or \ettxe til “UlltlL‘l' tll Iltal tla} (it'llt'l'rl/ I‘r‘lt'un'.

Unveiled (Fremde Haut) I IS) (Angelina .\1aeearorie. (iL‘l'lltttlt). 2005) Jihllllll 'l‘abatabai. .\'a\ rd :\l\ll.'t\.tll 07min .-\n e.\arriirtatioii ot \e\ual and iiirgrant identit). l’erxeetited lexbran l';tt'tl).’t exeapex Iran to \eek freedom in aiioii}iiiit} b) pasxing ax a man iii (iei'iiian) I’art ot the 201h London l.e\bian and (ia) l‘llllt l‘extnal on lot”. (i/muuii l'l/nt I/rutm'. (i/(lyurm.

Vera Drake t I2:\) 000. ifstike Leigh. I’K. 2004i Imelda Statinton. Rtehar'd (iraltarii. liddie Marxan. .-\niia Kern ene}. I25miri. lent [Nukt' xeex I.eigh return \\ itli a ti‘agie eomie drama that boa\l\ both the “arm atteetioii of I.l/r I\ Street and the \liarp eruelt} ot Nit/ad Set in post-\tar Britain t 1950/1 I.oridori) and Itk‘lhltlg on the titular good little \\ rte. mother and seeret baekxtreet abtit‘tltittht (Staniitori). I'm: Drake beriet'itx trom eompellriig iiai'ratit e that \eex the good hearted it nai\e protagontxt \ubteeted to Ill\lllllllt)ll;tll\L‘tl \ ietiiiirxation (mu-u. l‘alrn/nu‘g/i.

Video Visions t I5) tVarrotrx. \Atl'lt)tt\l 85min. .-\ xeleetion ot iinrltietilttiial \lltrt'l Illllt\ troiii a \ariet} ot tlll'CL‘ltth \\ itli art L‘lltpllthh on war. ert ilixation and ideolog} l’ur! n/ I: t/H‘I'llltr'ltlrl l'l/Nl/Iullw'. Inlin/im‘e/i.

Wah-Wah t l5) ... tRieliard l'. (irarit. Iiritairi/l-r‘anee/Stitith Afriea. 2005) (iabriel B'u'ne. Miranda RIL'llttl‘thm. limil} Watson. Julie \Valtet'x. Nieliolru lloult. ('elta lriirie. ‘Niiiin Sua/tlarid. l‘)(i‘) and teenager Ralph‘x par‘eritx ha\ e been man ‘epie blood} \ulk~ \\ itli eaeli other tor longer than he ean reriieriiber' Despite betiig eon\ erittonall} xhot and edited. (iraiit tlltttlttgex to open the door on a d} mg \Hii'ltl ot aleoliol and erieket.


prmirieral lireiaieh} and \tioot} bah) talk \( i": t Inf It fr tJH'

Wat-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price i 15» ... tRobeit (ireennald. l S. 2005) ‘l5tiirii (iieeri\\.tld\ lo“ budget eoriiiiitiiitt) l\ axle I\ \oriienhete betueeii guilelexx and tiiipretentrotix

lla\ mg \et a template uith lll\ eiiergetie arid \I‘IIII‘JIHC Ill.l\lt‘\ .t}‘.tltt\l Rupert \illltltk It lt’illh‘lt u") .ltttl 1 IL'UIth' \\ lllhlt t( [It on n .1). thrx teelx \er) tiitieh like buxmexx ax ll\t|.ll ( u'Ntr‘r’. ItIiri/ririeli When a Stranger Calls t

.. iSiiiioii \\e\t. I S. 2000; ('aiiitlla lleIle. lttlllttl} l‘l.tlt.tg‘.ttt. lxatie {avid} Sfiiiiiii I’ooi rexxoikiiig ot the iriedioere late '0\ tieak taller hoiioi thriller ()r/(r'll It"! Allllltl!l(/. I (fin/Hugh

Whisky Galore tl’t i) .0000 t.-\|e\aridei \lat kendin k l k, I‘l~1"lll.t\ll RJtlIttltI. Joan (itt‘t‘tnnitttl. Jedtl t'adell 82min \ltith oned l'aling toured} bx the late Sand} .\laekeridrrek .-\ \lllp tanking a eargo ot \\ ltt\l\\ t\ \llll\\\lt‘\ ked ott .i Stottixli t\l.tlltl during \\.tllltltt'. \o the

lot .ll\ tlet itle it\ time to titreiit It then llllt\l l‘tlll ot \\ it and \lldllll that t)lllt'l\ tan oiil_\ hope to emulate (i/meuu li/ni l/tt (Hit, (i/thfiUti

The Wild tl‘).. tStexe \\lllt.llll\. I'S. 200m lx'ietei Sutherland. .l.tttlt‘\ lleluxhi. l'tltllt' l//aid. .laiieaiie ( iaiotalo ‘lkltlltll .\ toiiiitilart \toi} about a tatliet arid \tttt tailing to lioiid betatne ot the Plk'\\lllk' It) be ttlat ltt) “C eat) \t't‘ ltt)\\ tllt\ \\i|| pan out the iiioiiietit \\ e iiieet l{}.lll tlie Iioti etib. \xho plain to C\ttlllt' .\e\\ \ork /.oo and Iearii to roar like lll\ dad (am-ml I't'lr'rlu

X-Men: The Last Stand 1 l2:\)

.. tliiett Ratiiei. I 5. 200m I’atrrek Stenart. IItigli Jaekriraii. llalle Herr}. Sir lati .\it Kellan I0-1iiirri llie third tiliii til the IldllL'llht‘ adapted troiii Manel (‘otrirex‘ Iltt)\l popular title. [In [mt Siam! onee again iritiodiieex .r plethora ot next itiittarit heroex arid \rl|.rm\. btit \orel} laekx the \\ t'll tIL‘\tgttt‘tI .tt‘tttitt \L'l plL‘L t‘\ ol the pteHotix Illlll\ (r'c'lrt'm/ It'll'tlH' Yours, Mine and Ours r l’(i) oo tRata (itr\ltL'll. IS. 2005) l)L'tlllt\ ()uaid. Rene th\\t). Sean l'.ttl\. Katria l’exee Ulltlttll Soiriebod}. \omeuheie beliexex that “It.” the \toild needx right no“ I\ a

( llr'rl/H‘I In l/tt' [hum rip ott and, right on ette. eorttex )mu \_ .lllm' um/ ()mx. a remake ot a iiiueli older tiliii t\\lllL'll itxelt \tax baxed on an iriipiobable but true

\tot} ). \t itli l)enni\ ()tiaid and Renee th\\t) taking on the t'ole\ Ioimetl} p|a_\ed baek in I‘)(iH b). llenr'} l't)lltl.'t and l.uerlle Hall. .I\ a widower \\ itli eight kidx \tlio tallx tor a u idou \\ itli ten eliildreti ot her ottii :\ ‘)0 minute aigtiiiierit toi birth LUllllUl (’( ‘/ ('liilr'hunk. (fU/("HHIA ()(lt'llll I‘urt Kriiliurnl. la/in/uue/i Zathura tl’( i) .. tJoii l‘atieau. IS. 2000) Jonah lioho. Joxh lltiteher'xoii. lim Robbins. I I imm 'Itto liltilllL'l’x embark on an ad\ertttrre as their \ei ti hoardgaiiie eomex to lite l'riiiixpired elirldren‘x latttax} along the \ttlllL' IlllL'\ ot .lmmm/l (‘i/it'timlr/ l’urA/ii'ml. (Mummy ('im'ri (If/(l laliri/im‘u/i. Inlui/mrulr

Mon 22 june 70 30am, 7 jO/mi (91 / 50 pm THE SQUID AND THE WHALE (15)

Mon /6 June / 30pm CROSSING THE BRIDGE (12A)

7(163 27 June 70 30am, 7 30pm d / 30 pm MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA (12A)

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

8—22 Jun 2006 THE LIST 55