Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.


Activates Anti Ftin

Saturday Art Club Sat I0 Inn & Sat l7 lun. lllani Ipiii l'iec (iallci‘y ol Modciii Ait. Royal l:\cliaiige Square. 33‘) WW» l'llll aiI .lLll\lllt'\ lot I liildieii aged i W relating to art on display

Alice Through the Looking Glass l'iiIil Sat 30 Sep. Illaiii (ipiii (ilasgoii Sciciicc ('cntrc. 50 Pacific Quay. 43“ 500“ laxploic all the cool tricks your lii'ain can play on you

Burrell Family Club Sat In ill” a Sat l7 Jun. 3 4pm l'icc. Burrell ( 'ollcctioii. 30(i0 l’ollokshaus Road. 387 3550 Regular lainin diop iii session.

It’s a Gas! Sat k Sun tiiitil 3o .ltin. noon. 3pm S 4pm Included iii admission. (ildeJtN. Science ('cntic. 50 Pacific Qua}. 430 5000 l‘At'l \sondercd \\ll;tl makes til/y drinks tiny ’l5ind out iii Iliis eyplosnc lI\c science \lltm

Sunday Morning Family Club Sun I I A‘ Sun l8 lun. l0 30am noon £5 iadults lI‘ccl. l’ollok llottsc. 30M) l’ollokshaus Road. (ilo (i4l0, liducational lllll l'or children aged 5 l l and their lamilies. Playground Treasure Hunt in Ir» Sun 35 Jun. l-‘ri & Sun llam 5pm. Sat l7 .ltin It Mon W Hill 33 Jun |0.ini 5pm l-‘ree. Scotland Street School Mtisetim. 335 Scotland Street. 387 0500. Pick tip a leallet and e\plore Ilic Mtisetini's playground and interesting l'eatttres. Ages 5+. I’urI o/ .lii'liilr'i lure lli'r'k

Portraits of a River Sun I8 .luii. ll30ani lpm & 3 3pm. l'ree. Mtisetim ol 'l‘ranspoi't. Kel\in Hall. I Bunhouse Road. 387 3730. Rixerscape painting \sorkshop int [he ltllle titles .-\:_'e\ 5+.

Event for Young People Tue 30 Jun. (fill 8.30pm. Free. (io\anlii|l Trinity (‘liurch. Daisy Street. 433 33(i0. Workshops. talks. henna liand painting and international loud. pltis the screening iii a liliii dealing \\ith reltigce issues. l’urr U/ Rt'lllg’i'r' Hi'r’k.

Theatre & Dance

Monkey l'ntil Sat l0 Jun. 'l‘hti it Sat l.30pm; 7.30pm. £0 (£5i; £35 taiiiily 'l'ranmay. 35 Albert l)ri\e. 0845 330 350l. Scottish Dance 'l‘heatre and the Dundee Rep l€iisc‘iiihlc‘ collaborate on this tun show for all the lainin Ages 8+.

The Emperor’s New Clothes Sat It i .lun. 3pm. £4.50 I£4i. Scottish Mask and Puppet (‘cntre. 8 l0 Balcarres A\enue. Keh indale. 33‘) (i185. A reuorking ol' Hans (‘hristian Andersen's tale of a [MlllPUIls emperor. Ages \4.

Rentaghost Stiii l l Jtiii. lpiii. £0.50 thaniily £33). Royal (‘oiiceit Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. Lu e renorking ot' the spooktacular 'I‘V caper Fimbles Live 'l‘ue l 3 'l'liu 15 Jun. Tue 5pm; Wed I030. l30pni & 4.40pm. 'l‘liu l0.30am & l.30pin. £l l.50 £l3.50 (£0.50 £l l.50i; tamin ticket £45. 'l'heatre Royal. 383 Hope Street. 333 0000, See pt‘c\ iexs.


Matthew Fitt Wed l4 lun. l.30pm. l-‘rcc Borders Books. l’tll'l Retail Park. 390

l’roi an Wal . 773 3910. Hit returns. brandishing his latest bestseller [It’l‘t’ll/t‘L Burn/ion and Heroes.

Scratch and Sniff Wed l4 Jun. 3.30pm. (iilmoreliilK‘i l 3. ‘) l'niyersity Axenue. 330 5533. Margaret Ryan gives an exclusive

62 THE LIST 8—22 Jun 2008

pleHeu oi her latest hook tcattiiiiig Ilic ad\enturc\ ot mo \ery entertaining dogs Tall Tales at the Tron Sal l7 Jiiii. lllam £3 'liron 'l‘hcatre. hi 'l'rongatc. 553 4367 liiteractixc storytelling session \sith

iiioyement. mime and props Ages 3 5


ACIiVitieS And Fun

North Edinburgh Arts Centre l5a l’ciiny \sell ('oui‘I. 315 3|5l The centre caters loi lainilies and children ol all ages Will] a multitude ol music. dance and an \mrksliops. including Big All ch Hands lor ages 3 (i ISat l0 30am and l 30pnii and Street Dance liiI .Igc'S I: Hi l\\t'tl 4.30 5 30pnii (in to iiiiithcdinhiirgharts couk lor lunher inlorinalion

Sunday Science Sun l I Jun. noon 4pm. l'icc Royal Botanic Garden. li\hihition Hall. lllH‘l'lt‘lllt Rots. 553 7l'7l Messy. silly .iiid luii scicnce' l)ropiii e\cnt tor kids oi all ages and their taniilics. Edinburgh Treefest and Woodmarket Sat l0 & Snii ll .ltin.

l lain 5pm. l’rcc liiwileitli l’ark. Arhoretutit Place. 333 333‘). Sec Around limit.

Miniature Dolls House Show Sal l0 (s Stiii ll .ltiii Sat llaiii 5pm; Stiii

10.30am 4pm. £4 I£li Murray lield Stadium. Rixersdale ('resceiit. 0870 (H0 W35. An e\liihition ol dolls houses and miniatures.

Meet the Scientists I4 l8 liiii inot l'l'll. Wed t\' 'l'liti l030am lpiii. Sat it Sun llani 3pm. l'rec. Royal Mtisetini. 3 ('hainhers Street. 3I4 0350. A chance to meet the men and \Hilllell \\ ho spend months on end ll\ ing in the Antarctic. l’urr l” I)!“ oi i'rliilrm Ill (1.

Discover Antarctica at Ocean Terminal Sat |7 A’ Sun l8 Jun.

l0ani 5pm. l-‘rec. ()ccaii 'l‘erniiiial. l.eiIh. 3 I4 0350. All ahoard HMS lindurancc and the RSS .lanies ('lark Ross \\ here you can hug .i litisky. build a flat pack penguin and

Bits and Bobs: Banners and Flags Sat l7 .lun. llain 3pm, £5. Bits & Bohs Scrap Store. l'nit l5 Neis l.airdship Yards. Broomhotise Road. 443 0400. Make ltgtnllel's [0 help cheer on your chosen World ('tip team. Booking essential. Under a Tuscan Sky Sun l8 Jiiii.

l lain 4pm. Free. l.atiriston Castle. 3a (‘i‘aniond Road South. 53‘) 3063. A litiniper day ol lillllll) arts and cratts inspired by Italy. Bookiitg essential.

Bollywood Poster Painting Mon It) .ltin. I30 3pm. £3.50. National Gallery ol Scotland. The Mound. l.earn Ilie .iit ol Bollyuood poster painting Ages I4 l8. ('all 330 3977 to hook.


BSNO Scottish Power Proms: Family Concert SaI l0 Jun. 3pm. £5. l'sher Hall. l.oIhian Road. 338 l I55. See (‘lassical listings. page 8|.

Pass IT on Charity Concert Sun l I Jun. 7pm £l| (£5 £8). Queen's Hall. ('lerk Street. (ioS 3(ll‘). \Vlllt the Really 'l‘errihle Orchestra. and members ol Juhilo performing l’r'lr'l' it Illl' ll'o/[and other songs. l’ri/e lor best the Mill costume?

Theatre & Dance

Phil Kay’s Gimme Your Left Shoe Sat l0 Jun. l 3pm. £75 l£5i. Queen ('harlotte Rooms. 5(ia Queen ('harlotte Street. 555

hoot). (dilltlelc‘lltll) giggles in the hands of

(ilasgoxs 's l'axourite sun'ealist. l’uri oft/iv It'll/i I'i'siiitil.

Shell Connections 2006 Tue l3 Sat 17 Jun. 7.30pm. Royal Ly cetmi 'l'heatre. (it‘lltclld) Street. 348 4843. See Theatre listings. page 88,

Myths of the Vikings Sat l7 Jun. 3pm. £5 (£3 £3.50). .\'liA('. l5a Penny isell (‘ouit 3l5 3l5l. (‘lydehuilt Puppet 'lheatre bring to life characters from the ancient \‘ikiiig thrltl. Ages 5+.


Janey Jones Sat l0 Jun. l,30pm. l'ii‘ee. Borders Books. [hit 36. Fort Kinnaird Retail Park. 657 404 I. As Borders (ilasgtm Fort.


FIMBLES LIVE Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Tue 13-Thu 15 Jun; Edinburgh Festival Theatre, Thu 29 Jun-Sun 2 Jul

It was always going to take someone special to knock the Teletubbies off the CBeebies throne, but Fimbo, Florrie and Baby Pom were more than up to the challenge. Since their stripey frames first hit our screens in 2002, The Fimbles have remained top of the pre-school pops. And now, much to the delight of their pint sized fans, the TV show has transferred to the live arena. Joined by cohorts 8on Mo, Ribble, Bessie and Rocket, the cuddly trio will sing, dance, play games and send their topknots a-twitchin’. All with the help of CBeebies presenter, Sarah Jane Honeywell. Does she have a topknot, specially fitted for the ocassion? ‘I don’t, but I do have two bunches,’ says Honeywell. ‘And when l twitch them, all the little girls in the audience twitch theirs too - and the little boys desperately try and squeeze

their hair into bunches, it's very sweet.‘

During the show, Honeywell encourages the audience to help her find the Fimbles, join in with dances and send a star back up to the sky. Performing three shows a day and filming for CBeebies on her days off, former contortionist and dancer Honeywell is still amazingly peppy. ‘I really get energy from the children - it’s almost like convection,’ she says. ‘They jump around, run to the front of the stage - one little girl even gave me a bag of twiglets. You can‘t get a better audience than children; the reward is so big that it’s always worth finding that last drop of energy to give it your best.’

(Kelly Apter)

I We've got three family llefle to give away for the performance on Thursday 2‘) June at (1.30pm. To he in Wllll a Chance of Winning send an email to I)r()lll()lIOIlS‘mlISI r:r) iik no later than 91 June P006 Usual l lSl rules apply

Dominic Mielville Wed l4 .lun. 3pm. liree. Borders Books. l'niI 3h. lain Kinnaird Retail Park. (i57 404 l. The popular children's author reads from his

latest adwnturc. lfiu‘m /I('\l(‘l' Doim' and the

.Srlt'l'i'r/ (it’ll. Ages 3+.

Talking Trees Stiii l8 Jun. 3 3pm. Free. Royal Botanic (iarden. lixhihition Hall. lnxerleith Roxy. 557 5588. Tales of magic. mystery. trees atid tra\el lor children of all

West End Festival

9-25 June. Go to westendfestival for further information.

Make Your Own Pizza Sat & Sun until l8 Jun. l)i Maggio's. (il Rutluen Lane. 0l4l 334 (i000. Pull on your chef's hat and lime a goat making your oun pi/la. Ages l3 and under.

Go Potty Hi 9 Sun 35 Jun. (in l’otty

Studio. (Ml (ireat Western Road. 34l 0530.

Make your oun pot or learn hon to paint pottery The studio is open all day during the l'esti\al,

The Magic Hat Sat l0 Jun. l0.30pm l-‘ree. Anniesland Library. 833 (‘royi Road. ()54 5687. (ilasgots Librarics' Young People‘s Team presents a family puppet shoys for young children.

The Magic Hat Sat 10 Jun. 3.30pm. Free.

l’anick Library. 305 l)umhanon Road. 387 9835. See ahoie. Summer Strawberry Picnic Sun 1 l

Jun. noon 3pm. (ilasgoyy Botanic (iardens.

730 (ireat Westem Road. 334 3433. Bring your own picnic. relax in the Children's Garden and sample fruits from the harm“.

Vivian French and Henny Penny Mon l3 Jun. l0.30ani. £3.50 (iiliiiorehilKil3. ‘l l'iiiyersity Aienue. 330 5533. Acclaimed atithor Vivian l-reiich presents her new picture book l/Hllll I’r'nm. Ages 5 (i. Murderous Maths Mon l3 Jun. 1.30pm £3.50. (iilnioreliill(il3. ‘) University Avenue. 330 5533. Maths l‘un'.’ Oh yes it can be. isith Kiartan l’oskitt. Ages 8 l0. Tales for Tots Mon 13 l‘ri In Jun. 3piii l‘ree. .-\nniesland ('ollege. l‘) Hallield l)ri\e. A magical hour of storytelling tor pre-school children.

Don’t Count Your Chickens Tue 13 Jun. 10.30am. £3.50. (iilmoreliillGl3. ‘) l'niycrsity Axentie. 330 5533. Simon l’tittock presents his delightlul tale of Ruth- May and her eier multiplying chickens. Ages 5 (i.

Firestarter'l'hu l5 Jun. l0.30am. £3.50. (iiliiiorehill(il3. ‘) l'niyersity Avenue. 330 5533. A claustrophobic nev. thriller from rising (ilingtiW talent ('atherine horde. Ages l3 l4.

Fruity Day Out Sat I7 Jun. lllam. Free. llillhead High School. ()akl‘wld Avenue. llillhead. A charity fun day ol~ games and music for nursery and primary children. raising awareness about healthy eating. Fiddle for all the Family Sun l8 Jun. 3 74.30pm. Free. Hillhead Library. 348 Byres Road. 33‘) 7333. Have a go at playing the traditional Scottish fiddle and listen to a performance by the Glasgow Fiddle Workshop. Juniors 3.30 3.30pm. The Spook Series with Joe Delaney Tue 30 Jun. l0.30am a |.30pm. £3.50. (iilmorehillGl3. 9 Uniyersity Avenue. 330 5533. Author Joe Delaney introduces his Spunk series.