I Soho Dolls, Exit Pilot and Mindset King 'lut'x \\.th \\.ih Hut. 272.: St \ tnccnt Strcct. 22! 527‘)

H Winn t0 lulccttii/punk/duncc trio \‘.lltI\L' \llljJIL' ’l’tincc Hurry [Mltl lt'thutc to thc tucking to}.il.

I Washington Street, Pimento Groove .mtl Set in Stone \tcc'n'Slcu/_\. 42| Suttchtchull Sltcct. ii“WU” S 30pm I’hc hcttdltnct‘x .trc .t \l\ ptccc tun/lunk hand.

I Glasgow Songwriters “Licklltutx. 30 Hcll Sltcct. 552 5024. Uptn l‘tL'L' l-oitntghtl} guthcting ol lhc tnuxtttunx‘ collcctrxc \xtth lc.ttut'cd .tlll\l\. opctt tnic illltl .t \tttcl original tn.ilctl.tl poth

I Wildflower i 3th \(llk‘ (\tlL". .5“ (3“ Km; Sticct. 553 I035. ‘lptn. t' 3. \lt'ittlllt llltllt' lHL’lx


I Jack L (\tlhtlt't \ttllttll't'. .3(\ ,3S liltut Sttccl. 22H 0|70. 7pm. t'thc. .-\l\':\ lll\ll \tnf..'ct/\ong\\tttcl .lttclx l.ukctti;tti \xho il.l\ .tptk'dlcd \kllll Nick (in c and \KlllL'l l’utttck .\lc( Ithc til it wrtcx ol [it'llHllll.ll|L't'\ Inning \pokclt \xord. poclt} rc.tdtng .tttd \ong.

I Band Showcase \Vhtxtlchtnktcx. 4 0 South lirtdgc. 557 5| l4. ‘lptn. l‘lt't’ \L'C lllL' 15.

I William Douglas, Alister McErlain, Daniel McGeever and Paul Hinnrichs Iglu. 2h .l.un;tic;i Sttcct. H0 53 3 3. ‘lptn. l'rcc. Scc 'l‘uc


Wednesday 21


I Fete de la Musique ()t'utt .\lor. 73 7 i5 (llt'dl \VLNIL‘H] Rudd. 3.57 02H“. 7.30pm. l'icc. 'l'hc tltird l-‘ctc dc

mm A

Li \llhlqllc l.\ltl\tc l).i_\ l tn .ISMK‘ldllHll \kllll.\lil;tllgc l‘t'.tt1c.tI\L'\\ttll l’oprl p. thc (ict't'tc\. l.ndot‘. .-\cou~ttc l.o\ c lzxpcrtcncc and Kid (Linuxctul l’ttrt or [/H' HM! /.llt//’('\Illt1/.

I Acoustic Open Stage lltc ll.ilt liar. Hill \\tmd|.tnd\ Road. 352 “"90 lell l'lL't'. SL'L‘ “Cd '4

I Immersed, the Ominous and Mummy Short Arms Hut'll}. 200 (‘l'\(lL' SllL'Ct. H871) 0th (NW). Spin {-1 I Michael Simons 'l'chtn ()\ nu. Ih‘) l)c;in\ton l)t't\c. 04‘) "258. 8pm. (2. SCC \VL‘d l4.

I The Hedrons, Cry Over Billionaires .iml Team Salt 13th \HlL’ (.tllc‘. 5“ (it) Klng SII’L'L'I. .555 I033. .S‘. 3llptn. £4. Snurhng girl punk lrotn thc Hcdt‘ottx.

I Sleeping Dogs uttd Retrofest \lL'L‘ill.SlL'tl/_\. ~12l Stillchlcllttll Sll'CCl. 333 (Mill .S’.3llptn £5. l'2~tnl'lucnccd hcudltttcrx.

I Gallusbilly Hut Bloc. I I7 Hath Strch 574 0000 ‘lptn. l-rcc. Rocktthill) cluh mth Itxc lllllSIt‘ to hc conlirtncd.


I The Swing Kings and D’Tox 'l'hc .luitt Houxc. 5 ()uccn Stt‘cct. 220 43M). 7.30pm. l'rcc. Big hund and \\\Ill;_' lolloucd h} mo \ctx ot' contctnporttr} cox L‘l'\ lrotn I)"l'o\.

I Nexuslive 'l'hc Bongo (‘lulx Mom} llmtu‘. 57 llUl}t'tmd Road. 55S 7(lil-l. Hptn 2utn. 9.4. .\'c\\ mlth \lit)\\c;t\L' .\'c\u\ l.i\ c luunchcx \xith li\c hundx. Mix and \'.I\ through until 2am.

I The lso Bar Open Mic tm Bur. 7 lict‘nut'd Stt‘cct. 407 S‘)()4. S.3(lpnt. l‘rcc. SL'L‘ \Vcd l-l.

I The High Lines, The Whippets and Rejected By Hannah Hunncrtnttn'x. .\'iddt') Strcct. 550 3254.

Now here’s quite the line up for a cheeky

Saturday night, a quartet of pop acts unified by not only their G postcodes but their ear for bittersweet pop. First off, we have the ever charming Glasvegas, then we have My Latest Novel, who take the odd grandiose turn and the Dykeenies who rock out, but the cherries on top are headliners Camera Obscura (pictured), whose fine new album gets a review elsewhere this issue (page 67). This is their final show before they set off to conquer the US, which clearly is theirs for the taking.

Oil/1U. Glasgow Sat 77 Jun.

S 45pm L4 lndtc and rock including culit‘g't' [‘ltllh ltk lu‘h Rt‘lL‘clt‘d l‘_\ Hunnuh

I Steelyard Blues .mtl Sabai \Vhtxllchtnktcx. 4 0 South litrdgc. 557 5] l4, ‘lptn l‘t'cc ('o\ Ch .tnd UllgllltllS


I The Arguments, The Hostiles, Shoreline Alarm .llltl The Welks Hitt'll} tupxttutxi. 20” (ink Sttcct. us‘u no" own. 5pm. £5. llltllt' night

I Eddi Reader ( )t.tn .\lor. "3| 7 3.5 (ilL‘Jl \chtctn Road. 353 won. Spin £2”. l‘ht'cc cottxcculn c .tL'tllhllc pctlottnuncm lrotn onc ol conlctnpotur} litittxh tnuxtc‘x hurtling Lidtcx Incorporating pop. |.t//. lolk. Burnx .tnd h.tl|;td\. hcr \[k'L'lgll gttcxtx \xtll tnclttdc guiturixt .tnd \tngcr Itoo Hc\\ct'dttic .tnd .tccot'dton \\ t/.trd :\l.lll KL'H}. ’41” :i/ [In HM! lam] I'('\llltl/ 3mm,

I Foxface .\l.tcSor|c} \. 42 .l.itn.ttc.t Stt'cct. 24.\' S53]. 3pm. £2. plth lt‘cc \uccttcx. Sotnctttncx \trtdcnl. \UlllL‘lllllL‘\ haunting lolk} trio l-o\l;icc pl;t_\ thc ltttc\t Doll} .\h\turc ntght. \xhilc Monica ()uccn l).l\.

I Levi Weaver, Call to Mind, Nick Reilly and Andy Patrick 'l‘hc l'ni\cr\;tl. 57 5‘) Sttuclttchull l ttnc. 33 880‘). Spin. (4. l-olk/countt'} \ingcr/xongurttcr hcudx up thtx hill. I The Metro Gnomes lchut ()\ lid. 42 ()tttgo luttc. 357 4524. Split. t2. .-\K.-\ Andrcu 'I‘otnlinxon and Mark Rttllcl'l}.

I The Ronelles, Latonic und The Frequency 'l‘hc Vipcr littt‘ & ('luh. 5l)() (it'cut \chtct'n Road. Kch inht'tdgc. 334 0500. Split. L5 (ilttxgou t‘ock‘n't'ollcrx thc Roncllcx. \xho htn c \upportcd thc lllu‘x ol' thc /.uton\ and Kltlgx ol~ l.con join lhl\ Jukchtn li\ c night. I’url or 1114' Hi'xt Iim/ l'i'slit'ul.

I The State Broadcasters, Finniston and Vivien Scotson 'l‘hc Liquid Ship. l7| I75 (ircttl \chtcrn Rottd. 33 I‘m]. .S’ptn. lircc. 'l’hc \Vcnd} llousc collcctnc pt'tH idc thc lllll\lL‘ tit this l‘rcc ('und} Scxxionx night.

I Jack L, Paul Malcolm and Adam Beattie .\'icc'n‘S|c;t/_\. 42l Satuchichttll Strcct. 333 (Will). 3.30pm. SL‘L‘ luv 2”.

I Psykonaut, Kickflip, Banana Hammers und Yak l3lh .\'otc (MC. 5() 00 King Stt‘cct. 553 I033. ()ptn. £3. I Vancouver Deluxe Bur Bloc. I I7 Barth Stt‘cct. 574 0000. ()pm. I‘rcc. Dark. drulntttic clcctt‘onicu ut (‘luh ()lutn.

I Drive By Argument, The Acute and Odd Shaped Head l-‘ircuutcr. 34| Suuchichull Stt‘cct. 354 0351). Ill.3()ptn. l‘t'cc hclot'c |()pnt: £5 itllt'l'. Rocking .-\_\ rxhirc-httxcd quintct l)ri\ c B} .-\t‘guntcnt luxc gllllitl'S. hL‘}l\U;ll‘tl\ gtnd itL‘UllSIlL' und clcctronic dl'lllll\ to form thcit' duncc-t'ock \ound.


I Toots 8: the Maytals 'l‘hc Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Stt‘cct. 225 2504. 7pm. £l2.5(l. (’.-\.\'(’lil.l.lil).

I Dawn Chorus, Riotmen und Centurion cht'} '\ ('cllut‘ Bur. S l0u .\lot't'i\on Strch 223 9393. 7.30pm. £5 t£4l. Jugg} l‘ll}lhlll\ and cntct'tuining \UL‘ulS lrotn linglixh ult.t'ock combo Dunn (‘llot'ux

I Fair Witness and The Dirty Martinis 'l'hc Jami Hullxc. 5 ()ttccn Strch 220 4380. 7.30pm. I'rcc hcl‘orc ltlptn; £3 ul'tcr. l)uo l-‘uir \Vitncxx phi} out l'olk) [in/l} orgunic tnuxic \xith txxo \ctx ol~ coxcrx lrotn thc l)irt_\‘ Martinis. I Angus Gunn, Fine Dining and The Uptown Three Bunnct'tnun'x. Niddr) Strcct. 550 3254. H.45ptn. £4. Songuritcr (iunn rcturnx \xith hix hlucs) \oundx.

I Dealer 'l‘hc l.clt Bank. 37 (iuthric Strcct. 225 9744. 9pm. l-‘rcc. Scc Thu 8. I Paranoid Monkeys, Rubix Touch and Taylor Kayne \\'hist|chinkicx. 40 South Bridgc. 557 5| l4. 9pm. Frcc. Local rock and indic.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 8

G asgbw

I Jim Clelland Trio Huxttllc Locinc. 02 .‘\tg.\lc \tcudc. 221 NH 5 Spttt :5

.\ \clcchon ol \oc.tlt\t\ tout (‘lcllund lot |.l// \l.tll\l.tl\l\ .utd nc\\ tt.tt kx


I The Dias Quartet ()uccn (‘lt.tt|ottc Rootlh. 50.1(‘ltlt't'lt (.llulhtllt‘ Sllt‘t'l. 5.55 000“ Spin ‘45, l’lll\.tllllf.f gtomcx lrotn thtx Lil/innit quuttct ltontcd h) lll'd/Iildll ttutnpctct chtnuldo l)l.l\ It’d/I n! [In It uh I( \tIttrl'

7" Guitars 3 ()uccn'x Hull. ('lctk Stt‘ccl. 00S 2H1” Spin t3 t' l 7 \l.tttttt 'l'.t_\lot l\ iotncd h} likc tntndcd tnuxtcmm tn tltc lottn ol Sting gtntuttxt \cil Stucc} .tnd \ trtuow guituttxt Hottttntc \ltllct lot llll\ \pcctul gcntc huxttng pctlotntuncc

I Mario Caribe’s Nu Quartet .l.l// ('cnttc. lhc l ot. 4x0 ( il.l\\tll.lll\t‘l. 40" 520”, S. 3llptn. LU" tUu lolloutng .in tmcxotnc .tllllllllll pctlotnmncc. thc lll'd/llldll l‘;t\\l\l and hund tcttttn \Hlll ntorc tolhcktttg lll}lllltl\ .tnd inlccttoth groom-x. “uh I :tlll'd .\l.icl)on.t|d t.ilto \;t\ l. Km itt \ltthcn/tc and Tom (iordon ldt'tllll\l.

I The Neil Cowley Trio 'l tic .l.t// Bur. I (’htttnhct‘x Sum. 22” 42‘)” S3llpnt. L5. Sottl ttnd lunk \pcctttlixt \xho ll;t\ totitcd \Nllll thc Itkcx ol thc lit‘utid \cu Hc.i\ ltN. (i.tht'tcllc .tnd /cto 7 pt'otttoltng ill\ ncu ulhuin ol chtllcd ticottxtic lit/l. “Hp/m ml

I CC Jazz Club ()uccn ('htttlottc Rtmtlh. 50tt ()uccn ('httt'lottc Stt'cct. 555 000i). 8.3tlpni. £20 puxx lot' thc \xcck. (it‘cut lInc-up ol Sculllxll lit/l l’urt or [hr/1'1”! I't'\II\'(l/.


it Guitars 3 ()run Min. M 735 (it'cut \chtct‘n Road. 357 02()(). Split. U05”. Scc Tim S. I’d/'1 u/ Illt' Hint/1m! l't'xlituf


I Niki King and Marcus Ford Jun ('cnlt‘c. 'I'hc l.ot. 4/0 (iruwnttrkcl. 407 5200. 7. illptn. t'lll. ‘l'cndcr und tnutntitc itL‘UlhllL' hullttdx und \ophtxttcttlcd \tttndut'dx lrotn thc \tttr lit/lic‘llttlllcthc und tttlcntcd gutlurixt.

I RSNO Scottish Power Proms: Classic American Songbook l'xhcr Hull. Lothiun Rottd. 228 1 I55. 7 30pm. £5 £25. Sing hullcluitth. cotnc on gct huppy . . . thc Ktngx ol Suing. \ocuhxt Bccc Sundct‘xon und tnctnhcrx ol Scotland's lit/l ltulct'llll) \xill hc totning lhc RSNU Big Band lot it night ol‘ clusxic \ongx lrotn grctttx including l)ort\ Du}. l‘rttnk Stnutru. Rod Stcwtrt und l)u\t} Springlicld.

I The Goat Stew World Jazz Party Ju/l ('cntrc. 'l‘hc I,ot. 4/0 (it';t\\ll];tt'l\L'l. 407 520“. 8.30pm. L7 lUH. World rotth ulro hcztt and Luttn lltnourcd iii/I lrotn lob} Shtppc} "x ncu xix-piccc hand.

I Lorna McLeod Quartet ’l‘hc Jun Bur. l ('hutnhcrs Strch 220 42‘)”. Uptn. l-‘rcc. Lorna Mchod and hcr quurtct pill) u llll\ ol \litl‘ltlttl‘ds and thctr ()“ll C(annxtltnllx.

I Late Nite Groove ’l‘hc Jan Mar. l (‘hzunhcrx Strcct. 220 42‘)”.

tnidnight 3am. £5. chulur l'ridu) night l‘unkxtrtnztgtut/tt utth li\c hundx and DJx. SitlSd. dim and Latin hcutx lrotn lhc huh) lilcphunts 4‘) Jun) plux cool hcuts. \LtlllPle and [v.0 drumtticrs with thc Joc Acheson Quurtct.

'3—22 Jul 290") THE LIST 77