tnnc hut try not to stcp on your parlncr's Iocs.


I At the Hop ( 'unihcinauld 'I’hcatrc. Kildruni. 0I2 36 7 32887 7 45pm U3 II. III). A! lhc IIop taIscs you on a trip hack to thc days \thcn Rock was young. uhcn Icct lust couldn‘t kccp still and hIttc stlcdc sItocs \\ crc .i dcslt‘ahIc IiISIIIlliI acL‘csstit'}

Thursday 15


I The Alister Spence Trio Brcl.

3‘) 43 ;\\IIIHII I anc. 342 4066. 7.30pm. £5. ()rigmaI. contcinporary .-\ustrahan |a// cnscinhlc loincd hy spccial gucst Raymond MacDonald. I’ur/ u/ I/u' Ili'xl Izml /'('\Ill'(l/.


I Sara Mitra and The Backbeats IIIL' Jattl IIousc. .5 ()nccn Str‘cct. 226

4 380. 7. 30pm. I'rcc thot‘c I0pm; [.3 aIlcr. I’ianist Kirhy joins I.ondon»hascd |a// \ocahst \Iiti‘a. loIIoucd hy sc\clt- piccc will hand lhc Backhcals.

I Singers’ Night 'I'Itc Jal/ Bar. I ('hanihcrs Slrcct. 220 4200. 8.30pm £3. IItisIL'tI It) (‘ttlIIlt‘ tht‘ and :\le..'L'Ilt Jackson. this is an opportunity to hcar sonic ol lhc Iatcst cmcrging singcrs pcrl'orm m an intimalc sctting \yith lhc crcani oI Scotland's iaI/ musicians. 'I‘Iclscts a\ai|ahIc on lhc door or in .idyancc hy calling 0I620 86I000.

I Steve Kettley’s Odd Times Ja// ('cntrc. 'I’Itc I,ot. 4/6 (ii'asstnarkct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £7 (£6). Ja/I-hascd pcrl'orniancc \\ ith strong world and ()ricntal inl'Iucnccd tuncs by this sa\ophiinist/I‘Iautist/coinposcr l('au|d Blast ()rchcstra. Salsa ('cIticaI and his hand.


I Brass Jaw .Ia// (I‘lllt‘t‘. OIIIIL‘ I.()l. 4/6 (Irassmarkct. 467 5200. 7.30pm. £7 (£6). Iiun. c\hiIarating sa\ophonc quartct. inspircd hy 20th Slrccl and starring I’aul 'I‘oysndroyy. Martin Kcrshayx. (iracmc Wilson and :\IIon Bcauxoisin.

I Sara Mitra Trio Inc Jan Bar. I ('hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4200. 0pm. I-‘rcc. Sassy. |.ondorrhawd. soul and ja/l \ttcaIisl \\ Itusc‘ L'\IL‘II\I\L‘ t'cpcrtoirc includcs standards. Boh Marlcy. thc Bcatlcs and morc.

I The Dias Quartet IIcnry 's ('cllar Hal”. 8 HM Morrison Strcct. 225 0393. 10pm. [4. Scc Sat I0.

I The Dias Quartet IIcnry's ('cIIar Bar. 8 I6a Morrison Strcct. 228 0303. l0.30pnt. £4. Scc Sat I0.

I Fionna Duncan Ja// (‘cntrcn 'I'hc I.ot. 4/6 (irassmarkcl. 467 5200. l0.30pm. £7 (£6). chtm'ncd Vocalist Duncan prcscnts a \aricd rcpcrtoirc ol' run.

I Late Nite Groove ’l'hc Ja// Bar. l (‘hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4200.

midnight 3am. £5. Scc I-‘ri 0.


I Stevey Hay 8. the RayVons Bank Bar. 7 ‘) l'nion Strcct. 0l382 205037. 0pm. L'thc. Blucs guitarist Stcycy IIay.


I Tom Colquhoun, JazzCo and Acoustic Soul Brcl. 39 43 Ashton Lanc. 342 4066. 2 8pm. Iircc. choyyncd ja/l and latin guitarist (‘olquhoun l'oIonscd hy cmcrs lrom IiIIington to Zappa l'rom JaI/('o I‘oIonycd hy Madalcinc I’ritchard's Acoustic Soul.

I The George Penman Jazzmen Montrosc (‘cntraL 6/8 Watcrloo Strcct. 22I 0500. 2.30pm. Frcc. Scc Sat I0. I John Burgess Quartet MacSorIcy’s. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 248 8581. 5pm. Frcc. Tcnor saxophonist

Burgcss Ironts this IlIllU\.tlI\L' loursoinc. drau ing on inllucnccs as diycrsc as ('ohatn. Radiohcad and Dylan.

Tam White's Big Band ()ran \loi. 73I 7 35 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 357 6200 8pm. L'III LI I Scotland's Icgcndary hlucs \ocahst Ironts this tight ninc piccc. u ho crcatc a modcrn |.I// thcs sound. undcrIaycd u IlII lhrcads oI Iunk


I The Mellotones 80 ()uccn Sliccl Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Stt‘cct. 226 5007 2 5pm. I-rcc. Scc Sat I0

I House Trio 'l‘hc Ja/l Bat. I ('hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4290 3 30pm I'rcc. SL‘L‘ Sal III.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet IIIL‘ .l.i// Bar. I ('hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4200 0pm I'IliL'L'. 306 Sat III.

I Fish Fry 'I'hc Ja/l Bar. I ('hamhcrs Strccl. 220 4200. I Ipni 3am. I‘rcc hcl'orc I I.30pm; L5 allcr. Scc Sat I0.

Isle of Mull

I Chansons Choir .-\n 'I'ohai. :\rgy II 'Ict'racc. 'Itihc't'lttitr'y. III688 3022I I. 7.30pm. £8 (UH. 'I‘hc I’crth hascd chon prcscnts a \aricty oI picccs including opcra. classical. Scots and shiny tuncs.

Sunday 18


I The Witnesses ’I‘III‘L‘C .ItltIgL‘\. I)umharton Road. 337 3055. 3pm. I-rcc. I.i\c jail at this India I’alc :\Ic I'cstiyaI. I’url n/ I/It' Ili'x! liml I‘IWIIHII.

I The Michael Deans Quintet (‘otticrs ()3 U5 IIyndIand Strcct. 357 5825. 4pm. I-‘rcc. Scc Sun I I. I’m! a] I/It' II'MI Ifml I'r'slii'ul.

I Yamaha Music School RSAMI). I00 chlrcyy Strcct. 332 5057. 6pm. £6. 'I'Itc highly rcspcctcd Yamaha .‘yltisic School rcturns \sith oyct‘ I00 kcyhoard. guitar and \ocal studcnts showcasing thcir talcnts.

I Cocktail Showcase I.;tnsdti\\ltc Bar. 7a landsdoyync ('rcscnt. 334 4653 8pm. I‘rcc. Scc Sun I I. Part n/ [In Il’mr Ifm/ I'i'sll't'tll.

I Fraser Speirs ()ran .\Ior. 73| 735 (ircat Wcstcrn Road. 3.57 6200. 8pm. U) I; I0. Virtuoso harmonica pIaycr I'rascr Spcirs playing a mix oI' original ItIlIc‘s. I’rll‘l U/rl/Ir' Him! III/HI I't'wtt‘rll.


I House Trio 'I'hc Jal/ Bar. I (‘hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4200. 3.30pm. I‘rcc. Scc Sat I0.

I Jess Abrams Duo ('cnlott‘c. 103 (iL‘ttt‘gC SII'L‘L‘I. 5.30pm. I'II'CL‘. NC“ York ja/l \ocalist.

I Jazz Night 'I'hc Jam IIousc. 5 QUCCII SII'L‘L‘I. 2.26 4380. 8pm. I‘it'c't‘. SL‘L‘ Sun I I.

I Electric Fire 'I'hc Ja// Bar. I (‘hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4290. 9pm. I-'rcc. Scc Still I I.

Monday 19


I The Great Jazz Jam Session 'I‘hc Ja/l Bar. I ('hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4290. ()pm. I‘rcc. Scc Mon l2.

Tuesday 20


I Live Blues 'I'hc Jam “misc. 5 Quccn Strcct. 226 4380. 0pm midnight. I-‘rcc. SL‘C 'I‘UL' I3.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet 'I‘hc Ja/l Bar. I ('hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4290. 9pm. Iircc. Scc 'I‘uc I3.

Wednesday 21


I Michael Simons ’l‘chai ()yna. I69 Dcanston Driyc. 64‘) 7258. 8pm. £2. Scc Wed I4.

Edinburgh I The Swing Kings and D’Tox The

Jam House. 5 Quccn Strcct. 226 4380. 7.30pm. Iircc. Big hand and swing

IoIonscd hy tyso scts ot contcmrmrary cmcrs Irom I)"I‘o\

I Spontaniacs .Ia/l (critic. l'hc l oi. 4’6 (iiassmarkcl. 46" 5200 8 30pm L” IUH. I).i\c ('onyyay's inno\.iti\c group Icaluring talcnlcd sinch I ucy Iscndia. \\ ho hay c hccn dcscrihcd thus. nnagtnc Biork \\IIII IIcrhic Hancock or Join .\Iilcth| singing ()incttc (‘olcnian Scc lot youiscll

I New Bands Night Ihc .I.t// Iiat. l ('hanihcrs Sttcct. 220 4290 ‘Ipm I‘rcc SCL‘ \Vcd I4

I Blues Night lhc Ja// Bat. l ('hamhcrs Strcct. 220 4200. midnight I'rL'L‘. SL‘L‘ \Vcd I4


I Tea Dances Sn John Wilson In“ n “all. Stirling Strcct. 0I6‘)8 3020‘“). I30 3.30pm. £2 «£1.50I. Scc \Vcd I4.


I Fair Witness and The Dirty Martinis 'I’hc Jam IIonsc. 5 ()uccn Strch 226 4 380, 7,30pni. I'tcc hclorc 9.40an 3altcr l)uo I‘air \\'itiicss play out IoIky/ial/y organic music \HIII I\\o scls ol coycrs I'rom thc I)n'ty \Iartmis I The Band Lyne .Ia/I ('cnirc. 'l‘lic I.ot. 4/6 (irassntarkcl. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £7 IUH. hy ('anadian ctunposcr/hassist Toni I._\nc Iocussing on improyisation and hass.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 8


I Annie Grace ()ran Moi. (ircat Wcstcrn Road. 357 6200. I2.30pin. £5. 'I‘hc actrcss and cx-lron IIorsc singcr. pipcr and \yliistlc playcr is ionicd hy a scIcction ol‘ I'ricnds to pIay/pcrl'orm layouritcs. ncxx compositions and poctry.

I Nancy Kerr and James Fagan I.i\'c at thc Star. St Andrcu ‘s in thc Squarc. St Andrcys ‘s Squarc. 55‘) 5002. 8pm. £7 ([5). Top Iininsh/antipodcan duo. \yith skillcd \ocaI harmony and instrumcnlal chops.

I Agus an Cu RSAMI). chl'rcu Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £3. RSAMI) Scottish .‘yltisic (‘onccrt I.ast datc on thc Scottish Mttsic and Piping BA studcnts' Scottish tour. 'I'hc I5Astrong ‘And a |)og' sing in (iaclic aitd Scots. and play liddlcs. pipcs. cIarsach. accordion. piano. \shistlc and pcrcussion.


I Maggie Holland IIomcs' Bar. (‘UIISIIIlIIItlII Strcct. I.cith. .553 77“). 8pm. I'rcc. 'I'op Iinglish singcr and anard-yy inning songwriter pcrl'orms originals mixcd with Rohh Johnson. Boh Dylan and Billy Bragg coycrs. l’urr oft/2c [wit/I I'i’yllt‘(I/.

I A Night for Woody Guthrie ()uccn ('harlottc Rooms. Quccn ('harlottc Strcct. 555 6660. I0pm. £5. 'I'rihutc to thc grcat Amcrican working class lrouhadour in aid ol' lhc Scottiin IIuntmgtons .-\ssociation. I’ul'l u/ I/Ir‘ [III/l I't'slit'ul.

I Leith Community Concert Band St Thomas‘ Parish ('hurch. (ircat Junction Strcct. I.cith. 7.30pm. £3 (£4.50). 20th annual Icstiyal conccrt. I'caturing lhc ('oIIumciIIc ('cilidh Band and Shanc Brogan. I’ur! oft/iv I.cirh l-k'xtit'ul.

Falkirk I Session with Houston Folk Club I-‘alkirk l-‘olk ('Iuh. The Polish

('IuI‘. \rnot Slicct. 0| 324 6| 33"5 8pm I‘UII‘ \t‘\\lt\ll

Isle of Arran

I Arran FeisFest \.tlli'll\ \cnncs. IsIc ot .-\ 0| "0 302668 Inncs \.ny I‘riccs \aiy (‘onccits hy lhc ()Id Blind Hogs. \Ialinky and tlic -\\ci.igc Iolk Band. plus scssions. workshops and



I Annie Grace (Iran Moi. (ilt‘JI \Vcstcin Road. 35" 6200 I.‘ 30pm 2.5 SL'C III” N.

I Eoghan Colgan lion lhc-ant: 'I'rongalc. 552 4267 0 30pm (8 (K‘Icht‘alcd Irish sinch songxsiitci


I Dannsa and First Harvest \onli Itdtnhtn'gh .'\II\ ('cnttc. I’cnny \ycII ('ourt. 3I5 2I5I. 8pm t I 2 1L4 {M lop quality Scots and (iaclic traditional dancc cnscnihlc. plus traditional IIIII\I\ and song,

I The Fence Collective and the Deaf Mutes lcnh I)HcIst'l\ (‘Iulx .-\cadcniy Strccl. Icith. 461‘ “870 8.I5pm. [I0 Burnsong scssion lioni thc rainshacklc I'ilc coIIccliy c and Vic (iallouay \ I)caI Mutcs. \\ IIII spccial stlt'pt'lsc gtlcsls I’m! it] 1/1“ It'll/I /‘('\Ilt'(l/.


I North Sea Gas BcIIsInII ('ultuml ('cnlrc. .lohn Strcct. 0I608 3020‘)”, 7.30pm. £8 (£6 £7). Iintcrl.‘nning Scottish Iolkics comhinc guitars. inandolins. hodhrans. halllos. \slnstlcs. nlandoIas and \ocals


I The Dagersheim-Boblingen Brass Band Rolhcs IIaIIs. Kingdom (‘cntrc. (H.592 0| I NH. 7 30pm. [III (UN. 50 strong Bayarian hrass hand uith spccial gucst Jamcs (iourlay oI I‘tlc.


I Fundraising Ceilidh Dance ('oni Ii\chan:_'c. (‘ourt Strch 42‘) 0022, 7.30pm I.30am. £6. I’roniotcd hy I-ast I.olhian (‘arc (k chan' ('haritahlc Il'llsI. I.i\c hand. BYOB and nthhlcs. ('aII ()I62II 828 44.5 or CttlatI

carcandrcpairt" cIIiacotik Ior lickcts

Isle of Arran

I Arran FeisFest Various \cnucs. IsIc oI Art‘an. III770 302668. ’I nncs \ary I’riccs \ary. Scc Thu 8.

Saturday 10


I Annie Grace ()ran Mor. (iical Wcstcrn Road. 3576200. I2. 3IIptlt. £5. Scc Thu 8.

I The Lismore Sessions 'l‘ht- |.ismorc. Humharton Road. 576 (Hill 2pm & 5pm. I‘rcc. I-‘inc traditional singcrs and instrumcntalists. I’ur! u] 1hr Ili'sl Iz'm/ I-i'slri'ul.

I Glasgow Phoenix Choir Kclyinsidc IIiIIhcad I’arish (’hurch. Saltoun Stt‘cct. 427 ‘)‘)‘)5. 7. 30pm. [6 (£5). Thc ('hoir arc joincd hy lhc auard “inning I)III}_'\\ all (iaclic ('hoir Ior a niqu ol' '(‘cItic Summcr Sounds.‘ I’m! of tin Wm! Ixml I'mli'i'ul.

I Scottish Samba Showcase ()uccn Margarct l'nion. I'niycrsity (iardcns. 33‘) 0784. 8pm. £6. Samha Ya Bamha add hrcakhcal. rappcrs and drum & hass. Barulho add cutting cdgc lunk and hrcaks. Maracalu Iiscocia add rhythms from North Iiast Bra/ii; and Vcrdc Vai arc London's top samha hand. l’ur! aft/w Wm! Ifm/ I'i'slri'ul.

I A Night of Flamenco with Deseo Dancc With Attitude Studios. South Strcct. Scotstoun. 58I 340I. 8.30pm. £3. Hamcnco music and song from the Glasgow-based group. plus gucst danccrs and guitarists. I’ur! u/‘Ilu' Wm! liml I't'slii'ul.

8—22 Jun 200‘; THE LIST 79