Music. 03$in 1} : v ’4'

I RSNO Scottish Power Proms: Classic American Songbook l \lict

lltill. l.otlilaii Road. 333 ll55 L5 L35 Sing hallcluiah conic on get happ} the Kirigx ot Suing. \ocalixt liccc Satitlt'rxliii and the ctcatti til Scotland’s ia/I ll'ttlL‘lllll) |i)lll\ the RS.\() Big Band tor a night ot tltixxrc \ongx tiorn greatx including l)orr\ Ha}. l‘rank Sinatra. Rod Stcuart and chl} Springlicld,

Saturday 10


I Symposia and Scottish Voices (ilaxgou l'nixeixit} ('onccrt llall. l‘ni\cr\it} :\\cnue. {iii-1003. lpiii. l'rec limited It) 3003. Stinposia IS a _\oung SculllSll eiixeinhle pci'loiming \\(lli\\ penned “Hill” the last the }ear\ l’art ot the l'tllu'ixll} (ll(llingll\\'\.‘,ll\ltr1.Vlilll textual. lll|\ pertoiinance includcx \kl)ll\\ h) ('ohn Broom. J Simon \an dei Wall and (iiaham Hair.

Scottish Opera: Carmen 'l tit-airt- Ro}a|. 333 Hope Street. i*3 9000 3.|5prn. [050 L55. See llllll\l.

I Organ Recital: Kevin Bowyer l'ni\cr\it} Meritoring ('hapel. l'nr\ei\it} oi (ilti\gt)\\. 'I he Square. ()0 l'nnci’xit} .-\\enue. 5pm l'ree. .-\ pertorrnancc ot works h} (illt‘\ Swain. Michael l-innexxc). ('lirix Hench and Hill lltiplxilh ax part ot the l'nixerxit} ot (ilaxgou \ .ilmu (1 Mini l‘t‘xltutl.

I Edinburgh Quartet and Alan HaCkel‘Ulaxgtm l‘nixerxit} (‘oncert llall. l'niwrxii) .'\\cnue. 330 4003. 7.30pm. l'ree. ('Iarinettixt Alan llackcr ioiiix “till the acclaimed quartet in a pertorinancc ot clarinet quintetx h) \Villiam Succne} and lltll'l‘IStHl liirtxxixtlc as part ol' the l‘nixcrxit} oi (ilaxgou '\ .ilmim Noni l'exthal.

I Naughty Baby ( )ran .\lor. 7.i| 735 (ireat \Vextcrn Road. 353 S000. Spin, U0 lL'h'). ('laxxical cahcret h} incl/o Sandra Porter and pianixt (iracine McNaught. leaturing smoking. one and cabaret \oitg\ lioiii lllt‘ 3ll\ and illx.


I RSNO Scottish Power Proms: Family Concert t'xher Hall. l.orliian Road. 33S l I55. .iprn. £5. :\ tun packed tamil) concert featuring popular cl;i\\ic\ and anthems. including e\tract\ l'rorn ('urmen. Iii/Ii U'Slriiiiler and the /«\'/3 ()l't'l'llii'i’.

I The Calton Consort ('anongate Kirk. 153 ('anongate. 339-1048. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). l’crt'orniing Bach'x A'umm. .lt'm. Kumm. l)aan Mannckc'x Iii/rm. Nik‘lltit‘lSStillll.\ I‘Ulll’ Silt I'i’r/ Sultgw tilltl Sclttitl'x ll'i'i' lie/ilir/i \llltl Ih'iiii' liii/Hlllllg’t‘ll.

I RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Last Night of the ScottishPower Proms l'shcr Hall. l.othian Road. 33’ ll55. 7.30pm. [5 £37. l)u\t off )our saline and loin conductor Jaincx l.o\\e. lllt‘l/llwnpl‘illll) Jane lt'\\lll. the RSNt) ('liorux and the Scottixhl’tmcr Pipe Band. tor a rousing night of tlllthlltllllctl claxxical pop. ()ne ot‘ the biggest nightx on the c|;i\\ica| calendar. highlights include ’l‘cltaikm \k} '\ c\plo\i\e /-\'/3 ()t i'rluri'. Iii/et'x ("limit-n. l’hil (‘unninghain'x might) (iii/rt art and the \lirring Hie/iluiit/ (ill/[(11111].

I Scottish Chamber Choir: Summer Nights St (lilL'S. (‘atlietli-al. Royal Mile. 33o 0073. 8pm. £7 05). Michael llarrix dircctx the choir in a performance oi motetx. chanmnx and inadrigals. incltrding \xorkx h) Delia“). Delius. (iuerrero. l.atirid\en. l’alextrina and l’assereau.

I New Edinburgh Orchestra ('entral Hall. West ’l‘ollcroxs. mix 30W. 7.50mi). it) till £3). 'l'iin l’a\ton conduct\ a brace ol' concertos l'or \xind - .\lo/art I-‘luti' ('oiit'erio No l and Malcolm Arnold'x ('Itirinei ('oiicerio No 3 alongside tltc grander scale .\’_\'niplimi\- .\'u .i‘ h) Sibelius.

Glasgow I Choral Eucharist St Mary’s

" itipiii

82 THE LIST 822 Jun 2006

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RSNO SCOTTISHPOWER PROMS Usher Hall, Edinburgh. Thu 8—Sat 10 Jun;

Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Tue 20 Jun-Sat 1 Jul

Although there are a few untraditional elements in the RSNO's plans for after the summer. new ideas such as rush-hour concerts and naked classics are not likely to be seen in the comfortable familiarity of the annual summer proms season. Music for Everyone is the general theme, appealing to a broad range of tastes for three busy weeks in June. Popular classics. big band jazz. film music and. of course, the ever-popular Last Night are all there. ‘The whole idea is based on the concept of something for everybody,‘ says the orchestra's Chief Executive. Simon Woods. ‘If you were to walk down Glasgow's Buchanan Street and pick people at random, you‘d find something that each person would be interested in coming to hear.‘ Music Director Stephane Denéve conducts his first RSNO ScottishPower Proms concert. Appropriately

enough for the man who claims to have an ongoing love affair with his orchestra. the title is Passionate about Tchaikovsky. But the jewel in the series is the Scottish premiere of Howard Shore‘s symphonic version of the Oscar-winning soundtrack to Lord of the Rings. ‘lt‘s been done all over the world in over 200 performances.‘ explains Woods, ‘and has met with huge success everywhere. It's a really big extravaganza. a substantial evening, combining visual images with huge orchestra. vocal soloists and both the RSNO Chorus and Junior Chorus. We're expecting it to sell out quickly.‘ he says.

Ever alert to the RSNO's role as a national orchestra, the Last Night will include an opportunity for the audience to join in singing five different possible contenders for a Scottish national anthem. which will be subject to vote in an online poll. ‘There‘s no big philosophical statement we can make about the Proms.‘ says Woods. ‘It is what it is a great series of strong programmes aimed at a broad audience.‘ (Carol Main)

Cathedral. .{00 (heat \chtcrn Road. 337 3803. |0ain. l‘ree. Join the choir and congregation in celebrating the lt‘tixl ol the limit} and the 350th anni\er\ai'_\ ol' .\lo/ai‘t'\ hirth. I’ui‘l o/ I/It' lli'xi Inn! l’i'\lil'(l/.

I Bach Organ Recitals Si Britte'x lipixcopal (‘hurch. (it) ll}nd|and Road. 3pm. £5 at the door. l’la}ing the magnificent llill organ. l)a\id llarniltoii gi\c\ a \erie\ of three concerts featuring major romantic \\t)t'k\ coupled \\ tlll \tillic til~ liachK grcatcxt l’tt‘lllde\ and Fugue»

I Scottish Voices t‘nixerxii} Meritorial ('hapel. l'nixerxit} ot' (ilasgow The Square. ()0 l'ni\er\it} :\\ cutie. 330-1003. ~lprn. Free. A pert'ormancc ol' ( iraharn llarr'x Set (‘II Him/s. t‘caturing \oloi\t\ Amanda Morrison. la) lor \Vilxoi) and l)orca\ ()“cn. Part of the .iliisii'ii .Vril'rl textual. I Choral Evensong St Mar} ‘\ ('athedral. 300 (ircat Western Road. 337 3863. 0.30pm. Free. 'l’|)e ('athedra|\ taiiious choir perform a \liL‘L‘ltIl l't‘xllull \L‘l'\ lL‘L‘ til (Illtil'ill li\cn\ong tor 'l‘rinit). I’m! oi the HM! Izlir/ l-i'xlii‘ul.

I Adam Binks l'nixerxit} Memorial ('hapel. l'nixerxit} ot (ilaxgtm. The Square. ()0 l'nixcrxit} .-\\ enuc. 7pm. Free. .-\ L‘liltcct'l til lii‘gtiti \xoi'kx h) the l'ni\ci\it_\ ot‘(ila\go\\ '\ t‘oriner \uh- organixl. Binkx.

I Edwin Paling St Margaret's (’hurch. 353 Kilniarnock Road. .\'e\\|ands. 433 74-10. 7pm. [l0 (£5). Mtixic h} Bach and Vixaldi tron) RS.\’() leader l’aling. and friends.

I Opera School Showcase :\lc\ander (iihxon ()pera Studio. RSAMI). I00 Rentreu Street. 333 5057. 7.15pm. {l3 (£8). See Thu 8.

I Cappella Nova: A New Song Saint Andre“ ‘s in the Square. I St

Andre“ '\ Square. 353 8000. 7.30pm. L") L'I3 (£6.50 £3.50). See Hi i).

I Guitar, Guitars: Anne Chaurand and Friends ll)ndland l’arixh (lunch. 7‘) SI ll)ndland Road. 7.30pm. 9.") it'o) An exciting ol' guitar music l'roni Spain and Latin America lcaturing sornc oi the countr} '\ most respected [)L'I'ltit'lllL'l'S. I’iirt of Illl' lli'xl Iim/ I'i'tlil'lll.

I Glasgow International Organ Festival l‘nixerxit) Memorial ('hapel. The Square. ()0 l'nixcrxit} .-\\enuc. 'l‘irnes \ar). See 'l‘hu X.

I Scottish Concert Singers and the Scottish Co-Op Brass Band Acadeni} ('onccrt Hall. RSAMI). I00 Rciili'e“ Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. U4. Voices and instruments in concert.


I Pass IT on Charity Concert: From the Sublime to the RidiCUIOUS ()UL‘L‘IhS lltlll. ('lcl'lx Strch. ()(ih’ 30l‘). 7pm. L‘ll (£8; £5 children). litindraixing lamil} concert featuring the Juhilo (horns and lidinhurgh‘x intuitions Reall} 'l‘errihle ()rchcxtra loiindcd h} litixxlitmlxl (and author) .’\|c\ander .\lc(‘all Smith performing Peter A‘ the ll'u/l and other works. l’ri/c t'or hext \xolt L‘USllllllL‘. rattles and gillticx.

I The Hermitage Ensemble l'ndcr Junction Bridge. (ireat Junction Street. l.eith. 9pm. l-‘rce. (‘Iaxsical rixer music and tilm soundtrackx to cloxc the l.cith l‘c\ti\a|. “llll an accoinpan) mg light installation from Warpro. l’urr of the [with l'i'Uil'ul.


I Opera in the City 'l‘ramwa). 25 Albert Drive. 08-15 330 350i. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). The orchestra and Chi)st of

Scottixh ()pera pertorni e\ceipt\ lioiii \lilllL' ot the \toi'ld'x llll)\l popiilai opcrax. including work h} lit/ct. Mo/ar‘t and Strauxx.

Tuesday 13


I The Mikado (iiliiioiehilK i | 3. " l'nixcrxit} .-\\entie. H0 5533 3 i0pm l'ollouing on iron) the \ucccxx ot Iaxt _\eai’\ l’iiuim u] l’i'ii. um i'. the ()ipliem ('Iuh return to the theatre \\ till a hraiid tic“ production ol (iilheit and Sti||i\.iii\ lilt)\t popular opera

I Katerina Chrobokova l iii\ci\it} Memorial (‘hape|_ lhe Square. ()tt l'iiiwi'xil} :\\enuc. 7pm l'rcc lhe internationall} respected (‘/ech lilj_'.illl\l takes the ncul} l't'ltlllihllt'tl \Villix organ iota \plll. hr! of Illt' lli'xl [Jul /(’\/llii/ Soon.

I Allan Neave ()ian Moi. 7H 7 ti (ircat \Vextern Road. i5i 3000 7 itipm U) lt.7). the popular L'l;l\\lcttl guitar \it'llltixt) pertoiinx lllll\lc ltl)lll lll\ i‘cccntl} i'cleaxcd (’I). liIIl’IIltl/IIIHH/ (iiului'. in his inrmatrhl} laid hack axle l’url of the um lam] l'(’\lllrl/ 300/)

I Closeshave Barbershop: Chorus at the Cathedral St Mar} '\ ('atht-tlial 3M) (ii‘cal \VL'SlCrll Road. 3 i7 3Sfi3 7.30pm. l'rcc. h} donation. 'l he \\ lllllt'l\ til last _\c;ii'\ (i/uiqmi .Uiixii It'xliiti/ return to hrigliten t'\c'i"\iiiic"\ da} v. tlli their \unn}. unacciimpanicd programme I’ll/‘1 (if the HM! ILIIi/ I'r'\!l)ii/ 30’”).

I Jacques van Oortmerssen l'nixcrsit} Memorial ('hapel. 'l he Square. ()0 l'nixersit} Axcnuc. 7 itipin U) (£7). A concert oi organ ll)tl\lL' h} the internationall} renouned lirthtllhl, I’ril'l rift/iv lii'xl Izml I't'slitul.

I Russian Souvenirs Hyndland Parish Church. 7‘) SI Hyndland Road. ()l-ll 638 loll). 7.30pm. £5 (£3). An a