
Ramshorn Theatre. 98 Ingram Street. Glasgow 0141 552 34.89 culture ramshorn

Strathclyde Theatre Group THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING


by Oscar Wilde

directed by Susan C. Triesman

One of the most hilarious plays ever written. where twists of fate sparkle like the best champagne. The play holds a mirror up to the witty and fashionable world in which everyone knows very well that their world is not as stable. as exclusive, or as moral as it pretends to be.


Mon - Tues £6/3

Wed Sat £9/ 5 from Collins Gallery

(ar- the Fret-id! Institute

Music and much more from 5pm onwards Free!

The French hstitute The Lyric Club

13 W Crescent W 5...; 7" STRICTLY MUSICAL WWWercossaorgus Swing and swoon to the sounds of hot jazz. cool blues. and the big Broadway

musical in a skilfully staged summer entertainment. Tickets: Wed - Thurs £10, Fri - Sat £12. Sat matinee £1o

_l_" “I Advance Booking: Collins Gallery 014.1 548 2558 (Mon-Fri 10~5l g .-................. .. 2:; E EEK-Z E] ,‘ or from the Ramshorn

Stan Won’t Dance

a moving and darkly humorous journey from a nervous pub flirtation to a suffocating psychological thriller.

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The List Lunchbox is ready from noon every weekday.

Saturday 10 June, 8pm

Traverse Theatre. Cambridge Street. Edinburgh Tickets 8. Information 0131 228 1404 wwwtraversecouk (no booking feel

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