
Schemie Centaurs

monstrosities familiar to every modern city-dweller.

I Analogue. Edinburgh until Thu 22 June.

Women and War l'ittil Stiii l3 Aug. Photographs by Jenny Matthews. who‘s worked in war [ones such as El Salvador. tlte Middle liast. Africa and Afghanistan since l‘lX2.


25 Albert Drive. 0845 330 35tll. Tue l-‘ri ltlam 5pm; Sat & Stiit itooii 5pm.

The Hiscox MFA Degree Show 2006 Thu I5 781"] 25 Jtiit. l’inal degree show from tlte GSA master ot‘ line art postgraduate course. NEW SHOW. WhiteplaneWZ: Live Performance liri l6 & Sat l7 Jun. 8pm. £6 (£2). To conipleiitent tltcir sound/light installation. Alex Bradley and (‘liarles Poulct present this live show Using ambisottics (limbs 3- I) sound. iit case you're wondering) and shimmering LED light.

Whiteplane_2 Sat l7 Sun 25 Jtiii. Sound and ligltt installation by Alex Bradley and (‘harles Poulet. NEW SHOW. Artist’s Talk: Toby Paterson Wed 21 Jun. 6.30pm. Free. The Beck‘s Futures ."\ward-winiiing artist discusses his installation. wltich has been chosen as the 'l‘ramway's first permanent artwork.


63 Trongate. 552 4267.

Robin Taudevin Exhibition Sat

l7 Sat 24 Jtiii. Photographs by the late Robiit Tatidcviii whose work is a powerful reminder of the reality experienced by people seeking asylum. I’urt ot’Rtjtiigee Week. NEW SHOW.


22| 6362

Architecture Week Fri l6—Sun 25 Jun. Times vary. Tenth year for this celebration ol‘ Scotland‘s architectural landscape organised by The Lighthouse. See architecttireweek.org.uk

Private Galleries



The Briggait. l4l Bridgegate. 553 I ISS. Wed-Sun l lam—6pm.

The World is Becoming Better Sat l(l»—Sat 24 Jun. Installation. sculpture. textual and performance pieces by USA graduate Sandy Smith. which engage iii an ongoing search for meaning. NEW SHOW.


Flat 2/l. 6 Dixon Street. 07730 68l4l5. Tue«Sat noon—5pm.

Aleana Egan Until Fri 7 Jul. See preview. page 93.


73 Robertson Street. Suite 6. Floor l. 2424 37] l. Mon r-Fri lilam 5pm: Sat

noon 5pm.

Dirk Bell 0... Until Tue l3 Jtiii. New photogrants aitd an early film work by German artist Dirk Bell. in which l'aded ligures aitd gotltic landscape create a sombre romanticism. [AST CHANCE TO SEE.


5 St Margaret's Place. (l7b’l 2 605745. Thu Sat 1 5pm.

=i< All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go .00. l'ntil Sat 24 Jttii. See review. page ()3 attd Hitlist.


507 Alexandra Parade. 0778‘) 4S7‘ll 2. Sat & Sun noons6pnt.

:35 Decors du Silence! eeee Wed 5 Jul. See review. page ()2 aitd lliilist.

Artist Spaces

I ARTISTS IN EXILE GLASGOW S-ll) ()sbornc Street. 552 7668. Sat noon 5pm.

Open l‘iitil Fri 3() Jun. Work by artists from Kosovo. Bulgaria. lraii arid the Democratic Republic (ll. Congo.


334 Duke Street. 556 7276. Tue Sat noon 6pm.

Studio Six l’ittil Sat l7 Juii. Sec preview. page 93.



2 Market Street. 52‘) 3993. Mon Sat ltlaitt 5pm; Sun noon- 5pm.

Per Annum: Painting the Seasons Until Sun 9 Jul. livocative landscape works by historic and contemporary artists. including William McTaggard. Iain Patterson aitd ()liy ia lry inc. Rainbow City: Stories from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and flansgender Edinburgh l'ntil Sun 9 Jul. Free. Collection of memorabilia from the Remember When archive. which looks at how the capital's LGBT lives have changed.

Anatomy Acts Until Sun 9 Jul. Free. Exhibition examining the changing significance of anatomy in Scotland over the last 500 years.


Edinburgh-based artist Kirsty Whiten exhibits new drawings of anthropomorphised neds. Mythical beasts are spliced with gurning teenagers, creating Boschian

Breaking with Tradition: British Art 1900-1975 l'ntil Stiit ‘) Jul. l'i‘cc Works by Stanley Spencer. Patrick (‘aull'icld aitd l‘raiik :\ucrbaclt charting the deyclopiiteitt ol iiiodcrit art iii Britain Curator’s Tour: Anatomy Acts In it

Jtttt. 2l‘tit. l'rcc. Di‘ .-\itdrcw Patti/to leads

this tour.

Rainbow City Cartoon Event Sal Ill Jtiii. l2.3() l.l5pm. l‘i‘ee. .-\ look at l.(iIiT llisltit‘} lllt'tillgll IIIL' C} CS til lltL‘ l7K's leading queer cartoonists. Day id Slieittoii and Kate ('harleswortli.


22 2S ('ockbui‘it Street. 220 I260.

Tue Sat noon 5pm.

Seamus Harahan & Bedwyr Williams Sat lll Jtiit Sat 22 Jul. HI!” and sculptural work by these two artists. both ol whom have represented their countries (Northern lrclattd and \\.ilcs l's‘Spc‘c‘llH'l} l at [he 2Dll5 Venice Biennale. NE'V‘.’ SHOW.


7.3 Bell'ord Road. 624 620”. Daily

ltlant 5pm.

Paolozzi’s Patterns l'ittil Stilt I l .lllll. Display looking at tltc ttsc ot pattern iii IIIL‘ Iatc tlrlisl's \leis. LAST CHANRE W) SEE.

Visiting Picasso l'ittil Stiit ‘) Jul. Kciller Library display docuiitentiiig the long-lasting friendship between Picasso and Rolattd Peitrose. lASl CHANCE l3 SEE.

The Knight’s Tale: Roland Penrose and Picasso .\loit l2 Jiiit.

l2.45— l .l5piit. l-‘ree. .’\n iiit'oi'iiial look at this library display with lili/abetlt Cowling.


74 l.auristoit Place. 22l noon, .\loii Thu ltlaiii-Spiit; Fri Sat lilaiit 2pm.

ECA Degree Show 2006: A New Perspective Sat l7 Tue 37 Jun. Work by over 400 students graduating truth the art. design and arcltitecture departiitcitts. NEW SHOW.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 l'nioit Street. 557 247‘). Tue Sat lilam -6piit.

Collaboration & Facilitation l'ntil Sat 8 Jul. A selection ot~ prints recently published by Edinburgh Priittiitakers. including pieces by Derrick (iuild. Toby Paterson and Rosalind Nashashibi.

I EICC I50 Morrison Street. 300 300i).

Gossip. chat and rumour from the gallery floor

I Roderick Buchanan will captain a team of art world dribblers in a Scotland V Denmark game of football - the final of the 2006

International ArtCup. Buchanan's work continues to use football as its main subject matter. and his video ‘Tombez Ia Chemise'. 2002. is currently on show at Dada '5 Boys. The Fruitmarket. Edinburgh (see main review). An associated exhibition. entitled Le Salon des Refuses will take place at Huntley FC Club House from the 23-25 June. Jim Lambie, Graham Fagen and Peter McCaughey will also be demonstrating their skills. Kick- off is at 1pm, Saturday 24 June, at the grounds of Huntley PC.

I Glasgow-based artist Rob (ititiiii. will replace Alex l—liiSl (it Sfll’lllt'l Dallzits' Stiiitiiiitr (lelllNllUll it: New York (Broadway 160;." Trust has backed out (tut: to other (:Oitiiiiitmertts. thus (twain; ()lttiiiii (lead SillQOf llt Park Aunt-k: a chance to debut With Dallas;

I As featured in News (page 9), Scottish artist John Lowrie Morrison (Jo Lo Mo) has launched a major new painting prize with Lloyds TSB. The Jolomo Lloyds TSB Scotland Award of £30,000 will be presented to young/emerging artists who specialise in painting the Scottish landscape, with another £10,000 being split between the runners up. The closing date for entries is December 16 2006, with the award being presented in June 2007. For more information contact michael.wheat|ey @thejolomostudio.com.

The Antarctic Photographs of Herbert Ponting \loii l2 [hit 22 Jun l'rcc liit.iges lioitt Scott's British .\ittai‘ctit l.\petlitioii ol I‘ll“ I‘lli /'mi N, lllyt Illt'l .lilluit [It u, '1? x t' White Horizons - British Art from Antarctica 1775-2006 \loii l2 Illll 22 Jtttt l'i‘cc. 'I lie liist exhibition til its kind Ill the l'ls'. leattii'iitg o'ch 5‘) paintings. I’m! ml /)I\t w. u Ill/Il/t /II n llii'y'. SHOE.


4.5 Market Street. 22.5 23M \lon Sat llaiit 6pm. Sun noon 5pm

* Dada’s Boys: Identity and Play in Contemporary Art oeoo I not Sun l6 Jul. l'rcc. Sec iiiaiii piece and lllllisl.


5.56 l7(il.

Ronald Rae Sculpture Exhibition l‘ntil Sun 27 Slay. laxltibitioii ol sculptures. band-can ed ll'Hlll Scottish granite. placed iii strategic positions around the park.

.. g, . I THE LIST 95