Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport® for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.


AW = Part of Architecture Week WEF : Part of West End Festival


Actrvrties & Events

The World That Comes to Glasgow - Art Factory Kniglitxxiood (‘oiiiiiiunirx (it'llllk'. Jlll x\ltlt'll|l.’tll letl. “NH” W55 4‘0 "pin. l'ioo Shouoaxo ol tlioatro. lllll\lL‘ and \l\ll;il all h) _\oung pooplo ltoiii tho ax} ltiiii \ooking ooniniunitiox iii Klillell\\\HH(l. Hooking L'\\L‘ It’ll.


Clyde Riverboat Tour - Redevelopment of the River Corridor'l'lio l.lf3llllltlll\t'. Il \litolioll lano. 33| 0‘03 "pin. l-roo. lind otit nioio ahout tho plannod iogonoration ol tlio (ink ualorlront \\ itli Stow Inoh. diiootoi ol do\olopniont and rogotioration \or\ lt't'\ at (ilaxgou ('it) ('ouiioil. Booking oxxontial. .\ll'.

Ten Years of the West End Festival llillhoad I.ihrar_\. HS lint-x Road. 33‘) 733i 7pm, l‘roo. l'oxtnal loundoi and tllt't‘t‘litl‘ \llL‘llttL‘l l);tlt‘ lt'll\ .tllL‘L‘tlHlLN ahout tho laxt dooado ol \xorking \\llll tho \\'l:lx ll'l;l-.

Activities & Events

Kitchen by Confab .\lar_\|iill (“onual (‘oinniunin Hall. 304 .\lar_\|iill Road. 337 55! I. J Spin. l-i'oo. l‘ood. inuxio and good oonipaii} lroni around tho \iorld ax part ol thix llllllllit‘lllltll‘dl stor}tolling \L‘\\lUll. Soo u\\\t.ooiiliilioi‘gttk lot tlL‘lilll\. Rll Celebration Event ( imanhill \oighhout'hood (‘ontro. (i |)ai\_\ Stroot.

o. ‘0 S. 5llplll. l-‘roo. lntornational gathoring \\llll \po;ikoi\. \tallx. iiiuxio. llllltl tilltl L‘l';tll\ RH:


Storytelling for Grown Ups llilllioad lihiar}. HS ll}ro\ Road. 3.“) "7333. 3pm. l‘roo. liiitortainnioiit li'oiii Raohol Sinilio lroni tho Villago Stor}to|ling (‘oiitro in l’ollok. ill-.I.

Saturday 24

Activities & Events

Pollokshaws Carnival and Gala Day liongal Stroot. l’tilltk'lx\ll.t\\\.

l l._‘~0aui 5pm. l‘roo. ('arnixal [‘l'tk‘t‘\\lttll and fun l’aiiiil) da}. lx’ll'.

Garden Party l.llikc\ l’t'oiool. 3U“ linoolii .-\\oiiuo. l opiii. l‘roo. .\lulti oultuial oxont \\ itli poi'l‘oi‘niaiiom lroni Iooal rol‘ugoo groupx. lx’ll'.


Pedalling for the Homeless

Koh iiigro\ o l’ai'k. ()tago Stroot. 553 0385. lllaiii 3.-l5piii. .\liiiiiiiuni donation roqutrod. .loiti llll\ ltiii l5 niilo o}olo rido to raixo iiiono) lor llUlthlL‘\\ oharitiox. 7-a-Side World (Without Borders) Cup (iarxouho Sportx ('oiiiplo\. (iarxouho lixtato. \Voxt ol' Sootlaiid Soioiioo l’ark. .\l;ll'}lllll Road. (Willi 553 3‘)". Illillaiii. U5 por toani. li\jwrioiioo tho to} \ of tho loiig hall gaiiio at thix lun loolliall touriianioiit. Rll‘.

Activmes & Events

The Sunday Afternoon Philosophy Club Tho Tr} \t. llilllioad Baptixt ('huroli. ('roxxuoll Stroot. 33‘) I538. l3.3llpiii.

28 THE LIST qt.” ti . .


For this year‘s Bard in the Botanics, writer and performer David Leddy has created a walking tour with a difference.

The rise of the audio tour, like podcasts, seems to be a particularly 215t century craze. When you‘ve got little or no time to read a newspaper, having the news of the day piped directly into your aural canal is a necessity. Likewise. if reading all the information panels in a museum or gallery seems just too tedious. wouldn't it be useful to have your own

personal running commentary?

It was this very idea which inspired David Leddy to create a radio-play- cum-walking-tour for Bard in the Botanics, one which promises to be far more creative and interactive than your average audio guide. ‘You walk around with a map and you‘re given eight different sights. each with its own track, so everywhere you go is referenced at some point,’ explains Leddy. ‘It sounds a bit like a radio tuning in and out of different frequencies you hear all these short contradictory snippets which eventually link

together into a whole'.

For the Shakespearean element, Leddy was naturally drawn to the forest setting of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Yet this is no simple retelling of the fantastical rom-com. ‘I wanted to look at the themes in it rather than simply trying to tell the story in a different way, so it doesn‘t use any of Shakespeare's characters or his storylines. Instead it makes lots of thematic references - of falling asleep in a forest. of people falling in love with the wrong people.‘ But it wasn‘t only the setting that made the play the perfect starting point for an audio-drama. ‘I drew quite heavily on Benjamin Britten's opera version, which he made in 1966, and there are references throughout the play to listening. hearing and music. For example, when Puck and his craftsmen perform Pyramus and Thisbe, they make lots of jokes about being able to see a voice and hear someone’s

face, so it was perfect really.’ .[50L'1'7’i‘(itil’lr‘lib, (Li'liitflfl'.

l‘roo. l’liiloxopli}. dohato and a oup ol toa. ll'l;/-.

Tea Dances .\lu\ouin ol 'l‘raiixpoit. Kolxui Hall. I liunhouxo Road. 38," 3o5l. 3 4pm. l’roo. ’l‘rip tho light ltlllldfllt. Coach House Trust Open Day (‘oaoli llouxo. SJ liolnioiit l.aiio. Kolxiiihridgo. 334 (iSSS’. 3 (iplll. A l'uti da_\ in tho grouiidx ot llll\ l’t‘\l0l';lll0ll proioot. ooniploto \\ itli li\ o lllll\l\‘. pootr} roadingx. troo olunhing and a harhoquo. ll'lzl'. Ashton Lane Festival Closing Party .\\hton I..uio. 3pm. Stallx. hatidx and othor oiitortaiiiiiioiit to mark tho oiid ol' tho \Vlili ll‘lzlz

Wednesday 28

Activities & Events

Raleigh Information Events (ioorgo .\looro Building. (il;l\:_'tt\\ (‘alodoniaii l'nnorxit}. ~r0 (‘ouoaddom Road. 030. 3"! S535. 5.30 Spin. l5roo. liitoroxtod in \oluiitooruig on ooiiiniuiiit}. oii\ iroiinioiital atid adwnturo proiootx iii Alrioa. Ana and ('oiitral Anionoa .’ lloro‘x )ottr ohaiioo to

i.l;‘,'t. (it/J,” \)(1t. .

Jot“ ‘riii.’ Sly/it, t;/;i::g<>;'.lotion}.

oliat to paxt \ttllllllL‘Cl‘\ and got itixpirod. Soo \\ \\ \i.raloighintoriiatioiialorg


Big Knit Out! North Star (‘alo. Ills ()uoon Margarot l)ri\ o. 57o 0| [3. 7pm. Knitting. loa and oakox.

Thursday 29

Activities & Events Speed Dating Event Aria. 'l‘ho ()ld ('hooxoniarkot. 13 ll) \Vallx Stroot. 553 3l01. 1piii. £33. ('alliiig all \lllglc iiioii agod 3r» 50. 'l‘hix Spood dating o\oiit ticod~ )ou. All llio ladim ha\o liookod up do _\ou ha\ o ulial it takox to ho lhoir pruioo'.’ Volunteer Night S'l'A 'l‘raxol. ISJ B}ro\ Road. 338 o000. ".3llltiii. l‘roo. A ohanoo to lind out nioro ahout \oluntoor trawl troni tho pooplo at STA.

Talks Imaging the Universe (ilaxgou SL‘ICHCC (t‘ltlt'c. 5” Pacific Qua}. 4:“

i000 "pin {4 "5 Hr Rohot't \l.t\\o_\ from tho Ro.\al (iiooimioli ()hxonatot} loukx at how toolinologioal .id\.uioo\ iti xpaoo and oaith toloxoopox li.i\ o ohangod out undoixtanding ol laiiiiliai oliiooh

Workshops * Sunday Social l‘.l\Cl.l. l~ John SINCLJ “Pill l'lt‘c Soo lllllhl.

Thursday 6

ActIVIties & Events

Summer Walk (ilaxgtm llotatiio (ial’tlL‘lh. 5‘ 5ll ( llk'dl \VLNlt‘l'll Rinltl. A 5-1 3433 3pm .loin tho ouratoi lor llll\ guidod hotanioal \xalk

anoinq Glasgow

Activrties & Events

Friends of Glasgow West Guided Walks l'ntil Sun 35 Jun \.ll'lttll\ \onuox. \Voxt Iiiid.ll5‘l-1-l 55H 1 3. 'l‘iniox \ai} {0.50. A \oriox ol popular \xalkx o\ploring tho \ightx of tho \Voxt Sido lt'l-l‘

* Sussurus Mon 30 Jun Sat 33 Jul ltiol Stttil. (ilaxgtm liotatiit‘ (iat'doih. xll (iioat \Voxtoi‘n Road. 3 H 3133. l Tpiii. U50 t £3.50i. Soo panol and llllll\l.

The World that Comes to Glasgow: The Landscape of Me Sat 24 .\ Sun 35 Jun. :\l'll\l\ iii li\ilo (ilaxgtm. S ill ()xlioriio Strool. 553 WioS. Sat 7. i0piii; Stiii 7pm. l'roo. A night ol' |i\o lk‘l‘ltH'llldllL‘L‘. diania. iiiuxio. lilni and pootr} o\p|oring I\\llC\ rolatod to oxilo atid iiiiinigralion. lollouod on Suiida} h} a dohalo tilt tho l\\l|k‘\ t'atxt‘d. Hooking CSSL‘lllltll. It’ll.

Tchai Ovna Games Society l'.\L'l’_\ \Vod. 'l‘ohai ()\iia. lfi‘) l)C;lll\l0ll l)ri\ o. (All 7353. noon 5piii. l'i'oo. Roiiioinhor. throu ing tho hoard tip in a had tonipoi ll _\titl low l\ ClllltlISll.


Designer Mack Sal I .Iul Mon 2| Aug. Scotland Sti'oot Sohool .\lu\ouni. .\l11\L'lllllttl liduoation. 335 Sootlaiid Stroot. 387 0500. Mon 'l'hu & Sat

lllaiii 5pm; l‘rt & Stiii Ilain 5pm. An iiitoraotn o o\hihition and \Mtl'kSllpr inxpirod h} tho \iork ol ('harlos Roiituo Mackintosh.

Food & Drink

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 34 Jun. .\laii\liold Park. on l)uniharton Road. HI 0344. 10am 3pm, Who llL'CtlS \uporiiiarkot toxh \\ hon )ou'i o got li;ipp_\ produoo lroiii liztpp} plttcL'V.’ 'l'axto tho tllllL‘l'CliL‘L‘.

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat | Jul. ()uoon'x Park. 530 Langxido Park. 387 7373‘. Want 3pm.


Provanhall House Historical Tours l'iitil Sun 35 Jun. l‘rmaiihall llouso. Atiohinloa Road. liastorliouxo. 337 (i776. Illain. 13.30pm & 3pm. l'i‘oo. A walk around llll\ pro—Rolliriiiatioii lllitllSlltll. \ihtoh datox lroiii around Holt. Booking L'SSL'llllitl. :lll'.

Glasgow Green Historical Tour l'ntil Sun 35 Jun. (ilasgou (iroon. (iroond) ko Stroot. 037] 200 3940. 1 Iain. lpiii & ,‘spni. l'roo. l‘ind out iiioro ahout tho arohitooturo and historical iiiiportanoo ol llllS parkland aroa. Booking L‘\\L'llllill. All'.

Glasgow Necropolis Historical Tour l'ntil Sun 35 Jun. (ilaxgou Nooropolix. liaxt ol (ilaxgou ('athodral t(‘axtlo Strooti. 387 (i776. llaiii. lpiii & 3pm. l'roo. A olosor look at tho handiuork‘ of ('harlox Roiinio Mackintosh and Aloxandor ‘(irook' 'l‘honipxon. Hooking oxxcnllal. xlll'.

Southern Necropolls Tours t’ntil Sun 35 Jun. Nooropolis ('oiiiotor}'. ('alodonia Road. (iorhals. 3X7 55l I. lpiii. liroo. What do tho Nooropolis' 350.0le graxos toll Us about Glasgow's paxt‘.’ Soo Vi.\k\l..\()llll‘lcrllllccrl)p()ll\.C(Luk. .-lll'.