I Badaboom at .\la\\a lllptn 1am £5 \Vcckl}. 'l hc hcxt in commcrcial Rth and urban llL’k\ unh f._'llL'\l\ lrom lXtta and Radio I thing In loitnightl}

I Ballroom Blitz at llt-nr} \ ('t-llar Bar llpm lam £4 t£il ill Jtiti. (‘hccxc. trmtuphant rock and gcncral \llllllt'\\ ltom lhc 7ll\ and Hlk

I Beatroot at lzgo lll illptn 1am £(i hclorc midnight; £3 altct. ill Jun. chidcntx R}an ’lut'nci and Rick} l’.i|}\ pla} houxc. tiihal. Prog and tcchno with a gucst \lot lrom Stcic l’ortct ax part ol thc I’ll/'It'l'llllllu' alhum tour and thcir 'no rulcs. no hordcix‘ idcolog} uhcn it ctilltc\ to dancc lllll\lL‘. So c\pcct ltnikcd up hoth \iith a tcch} -cdgc. hicakx and clcctto.

I Big Toe’s Hi-Fi al \Vcc Rcd Bat

Ill. illpm iatu. l tcc hclorc l I illpm; £5 altcr t£4t 2‘ Jun. Monthly chgac. daticchall. hip hop and othct duhh} gltitHCN ltom Barha l’oppa (‘hoppa. (‘ Digglcx aitd Jttckttxx. plllx \ingmg scnxationx |)add} Scott}. \auhc. (icoigc l’rophct and Bax lxla Jamaica.

I Blaze at Iago. llpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. l)J Jamcx Longitorth ignitcx thc ga} ucckcnd \iith a chart and lunk} hottxc soundtrack.

I Boogaloo Bothy at cht’} ‘\ (’cllar Bar. 8pm 3am. £5. 23 Jun. Boogaloo Both} catcrs lor man} taxtcx unh itx hig. huhhling pot ol muxic and hcatx \kllll Inc \ctx lrotn thc Abdominal Show mcn and H" Jack.

I Cult at l’o .\'a .\'a. lllpm 3am. £2.5ll hcl’orc l Ipm; £5 al‘tcr. \Vcckl). l)J Nikki and lricndx dig up thc \ct'} licxt in lunk. dt\L‘o. R&li. hoth. kil\ch L‘I;i\\iL‘\ and part) lillll\ at thix cool danccl‘loor maxh up.

I EVOI at thc Liquid Room.

Ill..illpiii 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. ladinhurgh‘x longcxt running indic night. With thc ttxtlttl llll\ ol thc hc\l currcnt and clawic altcrnatixc. croxxoxcr tuncx. it\ an inxtitution.

I Four Corners at tlic Bongo (‘luh |(l.3(lpm 5am. £5. 30 Jun. Big Bcat and Dcpai'turc l.oungc join l'orccx to un|ca\h thc might) l’our (‘orncrx l'or thc hcxt in dancclloor ia/l and glohal gl‘nou‘x.

I A Hard Days Night at Sulma} ('imgatc. llpm 3am. £3. 23 Jun. Sulma) "x ucucxt altcrnatii c night ol indic. \ottl and rock'n'roll.

I Late Nite Groove at thc Ja// Bar. midnight 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. chular l-rida) tiight lunkxtrauigan/a \\llh ll\ c hand\ and l)J\. liunk llt;t\lct'\ l’aul Mill'x Impulsc 123 Jtlttl arc l'olloucd h} highl} chai‘gcd lunk \cwn-piccc Konkoma Ma\imum l.o\c(iat'dcn ()rchcxtra rill Junl.

3i: Mingin’ at thc Bongo ('Iuh.

l lptii 3am. £0 (£5 hclorc midnight). 23 Jllll. A dark. \t‘\}. dirt} hoth cluh. .-\lan Joy and Brian l)cnip\tcr arc thc |)J\ hchind thix \mall. intimatc. tricndI} and prcdominantl} ga_\ cluh \\ ith a onc oil at thc Bongo titx tic“ rcgular homc all going \iclll. Muxic rangcx l'rom trancc to dccp houxc \\ ith a tottch ol' tcchno and hard housc throix ii iii.

I Misfits at Suhua) (\mgatc.

| lput 3am. £2. \Vcckl}. lndic. clcctro. punk. rock and l'L‘ll'tl \\ ith bargain dt‘tllkx. a (‘1) .\\\;tp ho\ and rcgulai' tickct i—‘i\ca\\;t_\\. (‘hcck mixlitxonlinc.co,uk tor tuot'c into.

I Mocha Rocka! at Bcrlin Bicrhaux.

l lptii 3am. £5 hcl‘orc midnight; £(i al‘tcr. 3t) Jun. ()nc ol lidinhurgh'x hottcxt lunk} houxc nightx \\ ith John Hutchixon (Sophixtil'unkl. thc 'l‘ok)ohlu l)J\ arid thc Hook l'p crc“ \pin a qualit} \clcction ol lunk. dixco and Latin cdgcd houxc \\ ith l’cpc Santamaria on pL‘t'L‘tl\\iott duticx.

I Nightstrike at Rlil). ll).3llpm 3am. l-rcc hclorc midnight: £3 altcr. 23 Jun. Monthl}. 'l'cchno. clcctro and hi-tck lunk from Polaris and l-trturc M)tliology

I Planet Earth at (‘itt‘ux ('luh. 10.30pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .\lu\ic from l‘)7(i through to Nb"). In othcr “ordx. a hcalth) do\c of punk. nu“ \\ a\ c. nc“ romantic and clcctro-pop.

I Sugarbeat at (‘aharci \‘oltairc.

l l..‘~tlpm-.‘uim. £7. 30 Jun. You ncxcr

38 THE LIST '22 Jun—o Jul 2006

Perhaps most famous as one half of Ninja Tune’s Herbaliser, Ollie Teeba goes on a solo mission at this month’s Glenfiddich Independent Mix. As showcased on his tip top Solid Steel mix, expect scratches, edits, old skool hip hop, beats, breaks and funk. The Reptiles also return for another live set alongside the Trouble DJ crew. (-3/()/if/(/<//<,‘/'i Irirlopolidortt ill/x (if (Ia/mm! Vo/ta/Io. ("numbing/i. llzu (5 Jul.

knoix “hat to c\pcct doun Sugarhcat \tith Tim and .lcl ll'tah Saintxl. 'l'hix mouth thc} \iclcomc l)J/promtitct'/rcmi\cr Adam l‘t'ccland lot' a \lttoolh hlcnd till hip hop. clcctt‘o and nur\chool hrcakx. Scc prc\ icu. pagc 34.

I 33/45 at (‘aharct Voltairc. l Ipm 3am. £4 hclot‘c midnight: £(i altcr (£4i. 2} Jun. Night built around rcxidcntx Icon and liddic\ \L'\) hottxc “ith li\c \ocal\ l‘t‘ottt Ja}nc (' Wright and \a\ horn 'l‘rax [illh nc\\ rcxidcnt l)J Jo .\l_\lc\.

I Welcome to the Latin Quarter at lil Barrio llpm 3am. £3 £5 l£2i. \Vcckl}. Latin. RML chart and part} trackx dirch l'rom Spain and South .-\mcrica.

Chart & Party

I Archive at (’it}: lidinhurgh. lllfillpm 3am. £5 t£4l. \Vcckl}. I)i\co l)an pla}\ tltc hc\t lo\cd and ll'cxhcfl dancc and pop.

I Espionage at l'Xpionagc. 7pm 3am. l'lCL‘. “ccle l"t\ c ban in ct li\ c lloot'\. pla}ing cxcr}thing lrom Rth to maiuxtrcam chart action with plcnt} oi dark corncrx lot copping oll.

I Siglo at Siglo 4.3llpni 3am. l‘rcc. \VL‘Ckl}. Scc lhtl.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Back to the Future at thc liquid Room, lll..‘~llptu 3am. UN. 24 Jun. ()Id \kool night ol hard hcatx hardcorc and trancc \\ ith a hoxt ol xtarx ol' thc cra: ()l’X (loci. ()hxcxxion. Madman. X (’ontrol ili\cl. Joc l)cacon and .\l(' XXX.

I Burly Too at Marincrx. ltl..‘~tlpm 3am. £7 £8. 24 Jtiti. 'l‘hc ga} and hi tucn'x club that\ dcxigncd to lic cruix}. .\'otc thc drcxx codc: dcnim. \portx. induxtrial. unil'orm. rtthhcr. kiltx. lcathcr.

I Dancehall at ('aharct \oltaii'c. lll.3llpm 3am. £thc, 24 Jttii. ()nc oll cicnt l'rom thc hcadx hchind Riw [p .\'o dctailx ax )ct hut \ic'rc gucxxing tt'x a night ol‘ dancchall ll \\t)lltlL‘l' \xhctc u c got that idca l'rom'.’i.

I Diggity at thc l-thahlixhnicnt.

lllpm 3am. £7 t£5l. \Vcckl}. l)J l'tthllliil. Harr} 3|). Rico and .\l(' lilo“ gct domt \\ith thcit' had \clicx. p|a_\ing \iildxt} lc lth. hip hop and \trcct will.

I The Egg at \Vcc Rcd Bar. l lpm igtlll. £4 hclorc midnight; £5 altcr. \Vcckl}. Still thc hcxl mi\ ot indic. (ills garagc. northcin \oul. ska. 7ll\ punk and ncu \ka\ c )ott'ic llkL‘l} to \taggcr acroxx. ;\ \Kcll |o\cd llhllllllltlli that rcluxcx to cltatigc.

I Fever at ligo. l lpm 3am. £|ll (£3 mcmhcrxl. 24 Jtm. Monthly 'l'axtc llltllll\l;l}\ l'ixhcr & l’ricc and Martin Valcntinc arc on thc main floor. \xhilc thc Vixitor and Kanpth takc an ainthmg gocx attittidc into thc ('octcau Loungc, I Fish Fry at thc Ja// Bar. llptii 3am. I‘rcc hclorc l |.3llpm; £5 altcr. \Vcckl}. Scottixh ia/l. l'unk. \oul and Latin handx ioitt l)J\ lirik l)'\’iking and .'\\ll't)l\t)_\. including acid ja/Atcrx (iccko 3 t24 Junl.

I Give it Some! at thc Bongo ('luh.

I lptn 3am. £4 hclorc midnight; £(i altcr. 1 Jul. (ioittg l'rom \trcngth to \trcngth. |)JRcd(i\ dancing club is back \th thc U\ll;ll \clcction ol' lunk. \oul. tau and rarc grom c to gct _\our l'cct mm mg and put a \milc on _\our lacc. chgac. rool\. \ka and duh upxtairx l'rom l)cco_\ Rn}.

I Liquid Soul at l’o .\'a .\'a. alm 3am. £3 hcl'orc l lpm; £(i al'tcr. \Vcckl}. (ict domt carl} tor thix conxixtcntl} capacit} rctro-dtxco and lunk} houxc mght. l'caturing l’o\ own Mark B on thc dcckx lusing clawic and hang up-to-datc lunk} littlht.‘ l'or thoxc in thc knou.

I Messenger Sound System at lllt‘ Bougo(‘luh. llpm iant £.\‘ 24 .lun li.t\\ ol houcl \lultmg piopoittom ax lhc might} .\lc\\cngci Sound \jwtcm lilaxlx out thc hch lll llL'lllt‘Ulh [Huh an.l duh l'L'ggat'.

I Mission Jnr at \llltlltl 24 (i alm £5. \\cckl_\ (ioth. tock. punk and. ol Utlll\t'. all that nu mctal \tull thc kltl\ ciaxc \o much It )oii c\ ct \wndctcd uhctc all lhoxc lilac k clad )Hllllh liotu thc top ol (ticklititii \ticct 'acnt altct dark. look no lutthci. lhc original and lit-\t uudct lhx mctal gathcimg in [Hull

I Mission at Studio 24 llpm iain. £5 l£4 lllt'llllk'lw. \\cckl_\ Night ol mctal uta_\hcm. goth rock and moic lioiu thc dark \idc, \\nh ncv. top llooi \pcciah ol goth ot' lt'cakcd out clcctto and datkuaxc I Rock Party at ()piutu. llpm iattt l‘l‘L'L‘ \VL'L'kl} l.l\c haltdx hclol'c'h.‘tlttl llt’om “pint. touridcd oll \itth .l lcaxl ol rock,

I Sophistifunk a! (it): l'.(lllllilll_‘,'ll llpm iam. £3. \Vcckl} chidcnt l)J lohn Hutchion plaix luukcd tip Rth lt‘lltl\.t'\ attd houxc tuncx to a tllL‘\\t‘(l up \lllU-tl

I Stereotype at Bcilin lilt‘lllltlh

lllptn iatu. £0 £8 24 Jun. llltgg}\ top notch hillhc \houcaxw \otuc ol Izdtnhuiglh hch lalcttl ;t\ \cil Bat’llc} t:\ltci l)at‘kl. .\la\tct (and and DJ Bccl} dchc ltlltl th'tt‘ l‘thL'\ lot \ttlllt' \otll. dtxco atid lunk gcmx

I Tease Age at (‘iuux ('luh. llpm lam. l'rcc hclorc Illllpin. £i altcr \Vcckl}, 'l'hix indic xtaluart (ll\llL'\ up L'\L'l}llllll},_’ lrom \umgmg ()ll\ hll\ to hagg} Manchcxtcr la\c\ a\ \kcll ;t\ a hmt ol currcnt \fl‘ill; chart holhcrct‘x \iith l)J .\lonkcc Mtckcc l;dinhurgh\ Iongcxl continual!) runtung mdic night.

I Telefunken at lhc Vault» lllpm iam £4 hclorc l 1.3llpm; £5 altcr. l Jul, l)ccp