
The Omen l l5l ... lJUhII MIMIC. l'S. 2mm Schrmhcr. JIIIIII SIIlcx. .\1III I‘IIrrnw. Scurnux I)II\c_\ -l'Il/p;IIrIck lll‘hmrr Rnhuxl rcIIIIIkc nl lhc crI]n_I.uth l‘)7(I Ihcnlnglcnl IhrIllcr Thlx IIIIIc IIrnuIIIl Scllrcrhcr and SI} lcx IIIkc Ihc pluL'Cx nl Peck and RCIIIIL‘lx IIx Ihc l'S IIIIIhIIxxIIIlnr In l.nIIIlnII IIIIIl hIx u Il'c. \xhn ngIIlIIIIII} rcIIIIxc IIIIII then xan l)IIIIIIcn ISCIIIIqu Haw)- l'II/pulrlclxl Ix Ihc (lL‘\ II lliL‘llrlllllC. (iI-m'rul I‘I'lr'uw'.

Over the Hedge Il'I... I'I'IIII JUlillMHi/Kilrc) KIrlprIIrIck. l'S. 200m VnIccx nl lirucc WIIIIx. (Barry SlIIIIIIllIIIy. AI rIl l.II\ Ipnc. l‘l ‘llllll, Scc Alxn Rclcuxcd. pugc 4(I. (it'lu'l'u/ I‘('/¢'Il\¢',

overcoming Il’( i) I'l'nIIIIIx (ileIIxnII. DcnIIIIIrlx. lellSI liIIIrIIc RIIx. IUSIIIIII l'nllnxxrng lanIIcr 'l'nIIr Ilc l'rIIIIcc \x IllliL‘l “Jurllc RIIx IIIIIl lIIx no“ II'IIIII (‘S(’ IIx hc IIllCIIIplx In Will lhc lnIII'IIIIIIIcnl IIgIIIII. ()I'I'I'I‘ImII'III' prn\ ltlL‘\ IIII IIInghl IIIln lhc IxnlIIchl \N'llrltl nl prIIlcxxInIIIIl l'ltllllL'I I’IIrl nl Ihc liIlIIIhIIr'glI lircyclc l‘IlIII l‘cxIIVIIl. I’I'lm/Imm'. lu/In/mrulr

Paradise Now I IS) ..... IllIIII} Abu- AxxIIIl. l'rIIIIu-KicrIIIIIII}/NcIlIcr|IIIIle/lerIcl. 2005) KIIIx NIIxhcl. AII SIIIIIIIIIII. |,IIhn;I A/IIhIIl. AIIIcr chhcl. 90mm. 'l‘hc IIIlc nl Iun l’IIleIInIIIII L'ilf IIIcclIIIIIch IIhnIII In \I‘IIIIIrc In lerIcl (III II xIIIcIIlchnIIIhIIIg IIIIxxInII. l’urmlru- .N'mr Ix prIIIIIIrII) II hIIIlIl} -hIIIlIl_\ lllUVlt‘. 'I‘hc UK rclcuxc IlIIlc \IIIx panpnIII'Il hchIIIxc nl lhc 7/7 anlnn hnIIIhIIng. IIIIIl xIIIcc Ihcn II'x hccnIIIc Ihc lirxl l’IIlcxIIIIIIIII lillll In “III II (inldcn (ilnlw “Ward IIIIIl rccclw IIII ()chIr IInIIIInIIIInII. (i/Ilwmr I'I'lm Thflull'fl. (I/IIII'UII'.

Paris Nous Appartient I I AM .... IJIICIIIICx RlVCllC. I‘I'IIncc. l‘)(II)I Belly Schncidcr. l)IIIIII lixpnxiln. l-llIIIIII. Sec rchcw. pugc 4-1. (iluwnu' I'I/m I'llt'llll'l', (IIIMI'IIII'.



Happy Entfinqs

Made up of ten stories with intertwining characters all dipping their toes in various forms of sexual experimentation, the film, which boasts an

impressive cast of Lisa Kudrow, Steve Coogan, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Tom Arnold and Laura Dern, will get a wider release later in the year, so if you want to see it early, now is your chance.

I Gf-T Glasgow on Sun 25 and Mon 26 Jun only.

54 THE LIST 22 Jun—6 Jul 2006

Phir Hera Pheri Il’(;I INchIII \IIIII. lnIlIII, 3mm Aloha} KIIIIIIIr. SIIIIII Shun}. l’IIerlI RIIIIIII RIIJII. liIIhu Run and Sh'mm rclurn Ill IhIx Bull-\unnd xcqucl ()IlI-un :ll I/II' Qum. (ilmmm, (hie-nu I'ur! KIN/nun]. In/III/mru/I

The Pink PantherImiI o

ISlIImII Ln}. ('5. ZlNKII Slcw MIImII. Kcun Kllnc. BC}UHCL" Kill)\\lL'\. ‘IZIIIIII RL'IIIIIIII' rmnlx mg IIrnIIIIIl IlIc Ihcll nl Ihc cpnn} IIInIIx IlIIIIIInnIl ('hIcl lnxpcclnr

Dru) lIIx I KIIIIcI ll\C\ hIIIIIhIIng lnxpcclnr ('lnIIchIII IMIIrIIIII IIx II Ilccn}. nnl) In hInc (.IHU\CIIU xnhc lhc L‘rllllc, :\ ‘hculll‘ IIl lllUllL‘ll cxcrcrncnl IhIII IIIIIkL-x llIc pIIIch} anIuIIIIIx lnnk lIkc llllhlL‘HKIIrlxx. (Mum. IxIIn/mrulr

Poseidon I IZA I 0.. I\\’nltgung l’clcrxcn. ['83. 30W” Jnxh IIllL‘Ah. KIIrI RIIxxcll. JilL‘llltlil BIII'I'CII. RIclIIIrII l)rc_\luxx, JIIIIIII} BL‘IHIL‘II. UUIIIIII. liIIrcl) lIIIw Ihc lllUllC) crux nl pIIxxcngI-I‘x hccn Inlrnduccd IhIIn IlIc IIIImII-nhxcurrng xIIrgc Ix upnn lliL'lll. 'l'hc I‘CIIIIIIIIIIIg XI) nIlIl IIIIIIIIch IIrc tlL‘VUlL‘tl In pIIIIIIIg lhc xIIr\ Ixnrx IlIrIIIIglI IIll IIIIIIIIII-r nl l'IcIIdeh \IIIIcrlnggI-Il I‘lIIIIII'IIgL'x IIx lhcy xCIIrch lnr II \Hl} nIIl. (irnvm/ I‘l'll’rlu'.

* Pretty Persuasion I IX) one. INlIII‘cnx SrchI. l'S. 3005i li\IIII RIIchcl \N'nnd. l)II\ iIl \VIIgIIcr. BrL'lll (inlIlhcrg.

l IUIIIIII. Scc rcx Icu. pIIgc ~15. ('Im'unrlrl RI'IIII'I'II' SIN'UI. (i/(Hg'rm .‘ (IIIH'H (Ir/(l Iz'IlIIIIIIIIju/I. I'fI/III/iju/I. Prime I l2.»\I ... 2005i l‘IIIII 'I'IIIII‘IIIIIII. Mcryl Slrccp. IUSIIIIII. .-\ CUlIlL'tllC Innk III lnxc lhrnugh

lhc C} L'\ nl II nc“ ly (“\UTCCtl L‘IIrccr \k‘nlliilll.

Ihc )nung IIrIIxI xhc l'IIllx l‘nr IIIIIl hcr IlIcr'IIple. \xhn IIle IIIIppcnx In hc lIIx IIInIlIcr. |.IkcIIhlc NC“ ank-hIIxcd l'IIrcc. ('I'III'II‘urIII Rt'llfl'l‘li' Sll't't'l. (i/mgnu'.’ (‘IIII'II'III'II/ Ink/Inluu‘gh. Iz'I/I'n/IIIII'II.

IBcn Ynungcr. l'S.

The Proposition l ISI mo IJHllll llIllt'nIIl. -\IIxIrIIlIII/l 'K. ZINDSIUII} I’I'IIII‘C. RII} WIIIxInnc. I)IIIIII_\ lllllxnli. Jnhn HurI. l)II\IIl \VcIIlIIIIII. liIIIII) \VIIIxnn. RII‘hIIrIl \Vlenn HHIIIIII BIIxhrIIngcr t‘nIIIIII}. .-\IIxIrII|III In IlIc 13.xle and ('IIpIIIIII SIIIIIlI-x IWIIIxInnI-I lIIIx (.lplllrL'tl l\\II I-xIrIIIIgI-Il IIICIIIhcrx nl II IIIIIInIIx IIIIIIIl nl Hlllld“ x HI- UllL'r\ lllt‘ UltlL'\l (‘hIIrlIC lillrllx ll’CIIlt’CI II prnpanIInII IhIII lIc cIIIInnI rclIIxc IlIc lrIIIlc nl UllL‘ hrnlhcr lnr IIIInIhcr .-\IIIl xn hcgmx II \ lL'lUlh IIIIIl \ IxccrIIl pIIrIIhlc IlIIII ICIIle ('hIIrlcx ln Ihc (Inc CIIlIIInt‘C nl lIIx Ilccpl} px}t'hanIllIIc nlIlcr hrnlhcr Arthur IHIIxInII I. and SIIIIIIC} IIIIIl hIx x“ ccl IIIIlurcIl III-Ix \\ Il'c MIIrllIII I\\'.lennI In IIII IIppnInIIIII'III \\ IIh IlICIr dL'\lllllL'\ \'IxI‘InIIx. \ IxccrIIl. prIIIIIIIIw IIIIIl III-III hIhlIt‘IIl lbhlnxx II WI‘xIcrrI lrnIII IlIc pcn nl \II‘k ('IIxc. Wcll \xnrlh xcckmg nIIl l-Ilm/Inuu'. III/lIl/Hll'u/l.

Quo Vadis, Baby? I ISI .0

IUIIhrIcIc SIIl\IIlanx. IIIII). ZleSI .-\III_'I'lII BIIIIIIIII. (iIgIn x\llk‘l'll. lllSIIIIII. l‘IlIccn _\L'HI\ AlllL'r IprII‘Ing III'Ircxx .'\tl£l.\ xIIIcIIlc. II hn\ nl \‘IIlCnIIIpr I‘nIIIIIIIIIIIg lInIIIx nl lIcI lInIIIc lllIH IL'\ III'rwa III_\xIcrInIle_\ nII llt‘l xIxIcr‘x III hn hIIppcnx In he II prIIIIIc dL‘lCL'llVL‘l Ilnnrxlcp. ('nIIIIIIg IIllI'r hIx Icrnl‘rc 2002 lIIIlIIIIp IlrIIIIIII I‘m .\'n! SI and SIleIIInII'x' IInII'Ixh \xhnIlIIIIIIII Ix II I'I'III IlIxIIppnIIIIIIII-III. laudcnll} IIIan- prcnchIpII-Il xx IIlI xI_\ lc IlIIIII xIIthIIIII‘c. IlIc IIIIIIIIII} Intriguing plnI Ix lL'll IIII‘IIIIIlcrIIIg IIlnIII: xn IlIIII h} lhc lllllL‘ _\nII'\c \Inrkcd nIII \xhn IlIIl \I'IIIII ln \Ihnm. _\nII Ilnn‘I lIIIw

cnnugh nl II \‘Cxlcd llllL‘l'L‘\l III I‘IIhcr xInr) nr

clIIIrIIcIcr In L‘ill'L’. (iluwnn I‘llm 'I'III'IIH'I'. (leXL’UHI

RVII’UI .. IliIIrr) SnIIIII-IIlclIl. l'S. 2mm RnhIII \VIIIIIIIIIx. ('lIcr)l lllllL‘\. JI'll l)IIIIIc|x. 98min. 'I'hc lIIlc xIIIIIle lnr ‘RcchIIIInIIIIl Vchiclc' IIIIIl IlIIIl‘x cxIIcIl}

\xlIIIl linl‘ \lIIIIIn I\\ IIIIIIIIIxI II‘IIIx In Him lIIx Il} xIIIIItIInIIJI IIIIIIII} nII .I InIIIl IIII‘ In llIc ('nInIIIIln Rnt'kII'x \\ IllIIIIIIx' II'IIIIII In my LIIIIII) t'nIIII'Il} Ix .I Irkml‘lc II l.llll\ IIIIxIIrpIIxIIIg .IlIIIII. I‘llkhk‘tl xnIIII‘\\lII'II‘ lwlu L'L'll ( ‘III IIpI I M {In l’m': II .‘ .IIIIl \IIIIIIIIII/ IIIIrI/nu In '\ \III “III In (I: II: III! Ir/I'IIH

Red Light (30 (Double Bill with Sprint) I l.‘ ‘\ I I Hun HIIIIIIIIIl. lnh} HIII'IJIIII. \l.IIIII) Kl\U\\ll/.l 5. 31M?» isnllll lIInglII IIIIn IlII' Il.III;_'I‘InIIx .lllIl IIIxIIIIIIlIII; \xnIIIl nl \t'\\ \nrk lukc lllL‘\\t'll:._'L‘l\ \xlIn Ika IlII'II III'I'kx nII .llhl nll lllt' (luck IllNI/II'HH, IIIIII/Iurg/I ReekerIIMe II).I\I' l’IIxIII'.l lx. .‘INISI I)I'\nII ( iIIIIIIIII'IxIIll. llllIl l’.I\ lk‘ ‘NlIIIIII SI'I' In It“. Inge in \I l“ I: I.” Ic'lc'IIH‘

Romance and Cigarettes I IN ... IJnlIII lIIIIIIIIn.l \. .‘INHI J.IIIII-x (}.IIIIlII|lIIII. \IIxIIII SIIIIIIIIlnII. KIIII' \\ IIleI-I I ISIIIIII IIIII- nl l‘lllt‘ \l‘ll.” IIIlIIlI'IIII III\nl\IIIg I'lIIIIII xIIInkIIII' IInIIIInIkI‘I MA I( SIIIIIlnll'IIII I. InIII lquI'I‘II \\ Ilc lxIIIx IS.II.IIIIlnIII IIIIIl .\lJ|l\'lllllIlll IIIII \\ IIII .I lII'.III lIIIII I\\ IIleclI lIIIlIIIIn IIIIIx IIIIn |)I‘IIIIIx l’nllI'I'x III» xxnt‘ lllll\l\'.l| \ll.|lt‘}'_\ III \\hl\ lI I‘lIIIIIII‘II‘Ix IIxc panIIIII leLLN In lllllt‘.l\ll llII'II L‘lllHllUll\ lI/m/quu'. II/I/I/rqu/I Secuestro Express I Ii» 00. IlnlIIIIIllIIIII JIIkIIlInIx II'/. \L'llt‘lllt‘ld. SINHI \lIII .\l.II‘xlIn. RIIthI llIIIIlI'x. ( ..llle ,llllltl \lnlIIIII. l’I‘IlIn l’I‘IC/ ‘NlIIIIII SI'I' II-\ It“. pIIgc in (.Hll‘lll’lI’I/ II’I'IIIII II \In-I‘I. (i/IIII-nII, ('IIHII'II I I/In/IIug/I

The Shaggy Dog Il'I.. IHIIIIH Rnhhmx_ l‘S. Illllm l'IIII \llcn. KIIxIIII I)II\Ix. DIIIIII} (l|(I\L'l. RUl‘I'll |)I|\\llt‘_\ .II ‘llx'IIIIII I).-\ I)II\I' l)nII3:lIIx I -\|lI-III gI-Ix IIIIII'II l3} HIIL' nl L'llll} l)I Kn/.Ik'x ll)H\\liL"\ JI'I lIIh Ilngx. nII|_\ In IIIIII min .I xIII-I'pdny lIIIIIxI-ll \VIIIII'II h) lllt' III.II;3III.I|I} IIIII'IIII'Il

Writer/director Don Roos is probably best known here for his dirty little 1998 comedy The Opposite of Sex starring the lovely Christina Ricci. His new movie has been chosen as one of the flagship films of the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival.