Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to gay® Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.

Thursday 22


I Time to Leave l/r Inn/u Um lx‘mh'i ('aineo. W Home Street. 32S «ll-ll l 55pm l'raneois ()Ion's latest lliek Is the \L'tllllll Ill his thing} on ninuiiung Rniiiatn leais he has s\ll)S hut it's \nlllkk'l He keeps ll ltorii his

ho} liiend and exer}one else. e\eept lot his d_\ trig grandmother .\ struggle to attept luiiisell ensues l’ouerlul lnu ke_\ stud} nl a llt'tlttIHSIIL' lIle \Hlltllll}: to an end Reeoniinended


I Fresh 'l'he l’nlo lounge. S1 Wilson Street. 55i l33l. llpiu iant. £5. \lielielle and Mid} are lll eliaige ol iiiusieal duties at the \lerehant (it) eluh,


I Blaze lign. l~l l’Ieatd} l’laee.~17l\'

7 l H, Ilpin iain. L5. l).l .lanies longuoi‘th ignites the ga) \xeekend mm a than and lunk} llttllsL‘ soundtraek.

I Mingin’ 'lhe liongo (’luh. .\loia_\ llottse. ‘7 llol}lood Road. 553 7(il)~l. llprn 5.!lll. 1 £5 heloie midnight). .-\ dark. \t‘\}. tlll'l) house eluh. Alan .lo_\ and Brian l)enipstet‘ are the l).ls behind this small. intimate. l'riendl} and predotninantl} ga} eluh. Musie ranges lrotu tranee to deep liouse u ith a toueh ol' teehno and hard house thrth in.

Saturday 24


I Pride Scotia 2006 lil}lhs\\ond Square. Ill 7203. l3.5llpllt. Scotland's national l.( ili'l‘ l’i'ide exent returns to (ilasgnu \\llll an arra} ol aetixities and e\ents surrounding the mareh. \xliieh starts li'nin Bhthsxxood Square and ends up at a ne\\ lesti\al site in (ieot'ge Square. See main pieee.


I Burly Too Mariner's. 4t) ('onunereial Street. l.eith. 555 5(122. Illnitlpm ~iain. £7 L'S'. last night lor the tune heing ol the ga_\ and hi men’s eluh that's designed to he eruis}. Note the dress eode: denim. sports. industrial. unil'oi'ni. ruhher. kills. leather. 'l'he lust lt)t) gu} s through the door eolleet a l'iinal \Vhistle (’l) mi\ ol’ llll'll Sean's liloor llllL‘l‘s.

I Fever ligo. l-l l’ieai'd} l’laee. J78 7434. llpni 3am. {Ill ([8 inemhersi. 'l‘aste mainsta}s l’isher & l’riee and Martin Valentine are on the main floor. \xhile the Visitor and Kaupuss take an an_\thing goes attitude into the ('oeteau Lounge.


I Rainbow City Book Launch ('it} .-\it (‘entre. 3 Market Street. 53‘) .W‘H. 3.30pm. Free. Join \Vord l’o\\ er lor the launeh ol‘ their 4th hook Ruin/mu ('irr: Stu/tn [rum [ex/mm. (im; Htwum/ (Ultl 'I‘I'ttltyet'lttlt'r‘ Int/tulture/r \\ hielt eomplenients the eurrent e\hihition ol' the same name at the ('it} :\l'l (‘entie

I Booty Medina. 45 ~17 l.othian Street. 225 (fill lllpin 3am. £3 helore midnight: {-1 alter. More ol~ a Sunda) soeial than a lull-on glam allait‘. with DJ Dale lush. Simone Blaek and oeeasional guest supastas iui\ing up Rtkli. hip hop. soul and lunk.

I Tackno ligo. l4 l’ieat‘d} l’laee. 47S 7-134. l Ipni 3am. £7 (£5 members and the appropriatel} dressed l. Trend} Weird} and her kitsch classics get kieks right through the night at this teen- lllL‘lllCtl tnonthl} L'tllllUn. Bad poetr) and hlaek e_\ eliner optional.

62 THE LIST 2;? June Jul 40:76

I Taste ‘l he{llltl Room. We \ I\ll‘ll.l Street. 335 25h—1 llpin Kim L5 helore ll ‘Hpiu; LS alter 4U) riienihersi lot the l'noltieial l’ride l’arl}. l'isher tk l’riee suppl} a progressn e llll\ nl house and garage in the main room at this inlanious Sunda} nighter. \larttn Valentine \xnus the iiu\ed/ga_\ eioud \xith lunk} l‘S house gems through the haek.

Monday 26


I Passionality ( 'uhe. U Queen Street. 32!» SW") ll.5llpl|i iani LC L" l’leasing ehartrstr} hunt I” Shaun Rttlk‘l'IS. l'L'Sllsellaltllg‘ lllt' \\ t‘t'kt‘ltd hit the gin/tuned einud.

Tuesday 27


I FUN ('uhe. H ()ueen Stteet. 32h H‘Ntl. lldllplll 5d”), U He'th l).l Shana llallmell llll\t‘s older elasstes and lun tunes. Requests \teleoine.


I Vibe ligo. H l’ieard} l’laee.~17S 7-134. llpin lain, H. (la) night \Hlll .laiiies littll‘LWHll‘lll on the deeks. plus the l)aneing Stud Mullins. the Singing llair) Bloke and the Shining .\'un. l)nn'l s;l_\ \\ e didn't uarn _\a.

Wednesday 28

Glasgow I Allure 'l‘he 'l‘unnel. S-l \ltteliell Street. 20.1 ltllltl. I l.3t)pni 5illll. U.

llapp}. theess pop trout l)_l Darren and the gins hehiud l’asstnnaht}

Thursday 29


I An Audience with Horse Sheridan's Hat and (irrll. I \\ lutehall (‘reseenL lll VS: II It“ Spin {Ill lhe unstoppable lllll\l\l.tll play an .ltl‘ll\ll\ set uith support troin lltl\_\ litaitlmaite

Glasgow I Fresh l'hel’olol ounge. .\~1\\ilson Street. 55‘ l33l llpin 5.1”] t5 See l'll

I Utter Gutter Rneiside t‘luh. it l'o\ Street. 11S zIll Midnight ‘ain LS tUH Madame S and llushpupp} present a night nl diseo slea/e. eleeltn punk. enek pop. toek tk toll. dirt} house and lk'kll heats \ll \xeleonie as long as )ou llll~\\\ )ntlt'st'll around the room like a lnon \\llll aplonih l'tter (iultei Is on hols in _lul_\. haek in \ugust

Edinburgh I Blaze lago. l-l l’itatd) l’laee.-1‘S 7'11 H llptu lain L5 See ll] 3‘


I Velvet Mariners. ~lt) ('nnuneieial Street. l.eith. 555 5(i32. lllpni 3am. L'ti tt5i. U helore lll.3llpiii. \Vnnien's night l'or ga} gu'lies and their speeiall} rm rted ho} lrtends tnien ean onl} gain admission il aeeotulmnted h} a lath l. leaturing a



Sex, Love and Homophobia


. (VJ

As Glasgow celebrates Gay Pride, this exhibition of prints from

Vanessa Baird’s new book, published by Amnesty International, is a timely reminder that LGBT human rights are still under threat around the world, with more states than ever before punishing homosexuality with death.

I O.’ Gallo/".1 87—89 Saltmarkef. Glasgow. until Sat 7:3 Jul.

neu inusu l‘itlle} that spans the genres. \xrth l).l Random and Ill (Lupe lhem


I Taste lhe | ltlllltl lx’nniu. "t \ tttntia Street. 335 I5h~1 llpiu ‘sun LS zltl hetore ll ‘l'piit.1ltl Ll: .ittet liig 12th hiithda} hash \\ith spetial guest .losh the

l'unky |


I Passionality t‘uhe. Vt Queen Street. 33!» won ll illpiu 5.llll t.‘ 1‘ See \lnn In


I Eurostar \Iond. ()nini. (iieeuside l’lat’e. 55” Iti-lll ltlptn Run l-tee helnie midnight. L'.‘ alter it'l iiieinheisl lhe best in ehees}. eariip l ttto pop and t hart hour the Slls tn the present. \\lllt lll \l.tlk (iiant


I (.lll‘t'. 5-1 (‘lllk't‘ll Sllt‘t‘l. .‘jlt .swn ll 5UP”! Run Liitg‘l See lue

Edinburgh IVibe ltgo. ll l’ltatd) l’late. VS "31H. lll‘m 5d”) L-l See lue .‘5'

Wednesday 5


I Allure l'he lunnel. S1 \litehell Street. 2m ltltlt). Illllpin iani U See \\ed ZS.


I Disko Bloodbath lugo. I-l l’teaid} l’laee. >158 743-1. Ill, illpiu 5.1”] l3 lidinhurgh‘s lirsl queer .ilteinatixe night. this is an eeleetie ll|l\ nl elet'tto. indie. punk and rnek loi those \\llt) .ue set'eaniing ntit lot something dillerent on the ga} seene.

Scene & Exhibitions


I Bennets Noun (ilasstoid Street. 552 57(il‘ \Ved 'lhu t\' Sun l| illpin 54H”. l'ri Sat llillpin i. illlllll, l-irendl}. dnmt to earth late night disen \enue reeentl) i'el'urhished and using how the ashes alter a major tire,

I The Polo Lounge H-t \Vllstill Street. 553 llll. Mon 'l'hu 5pm lam. I ll Sun 5pm 3am. Spaeious. s\\;tltk}. g.i_\/iin\ed Merehant (’it} eluh. \Hlll se\eial rooms and a dnmistau's danee l’loni open at the \xeekend tl;5 alter llpini

I Sex, Love and Homophobia l'nul Sat l5 Jul. ()7 (iallei'). S7 S‘) Saltniarket. 553 7573. l’hntngraphie prints h} Vanessa liird. puhlished h} Armrest} International.


I Blooms (‘(' llllHllllS. 3i :4 (it'eenslde Place. 550 U i l l, Mott. l‘l'l Sat (ipni iant; Sun. Tue 1 hu Spin iaru. the CNS! C(NlSl \L‘L‘HL' queen plttllps Hlll tlttllL'L' and eheese delights e\er} night.

I Mist Joli l)uhhn Street. 51S 7775. Mon 'l‘hu noon lain; l-ri Sat

noon 2am; Sun l3, lllpin lain, l'ttllllL‘l'l} the Neuinun Bar. and rum reopened alter a st}le rexainp. 'luist leatures a diseo har dtmnslttll's exer) l-rida} and Saturda} night.

I Rainbow City: Stories trom Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Edinburgh l'nul Sun *) Jul. ('it} .-\rt (‘entre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) 5995. llltttll 5pm. liree. ('ollcellon nl memorabilia l'rnm the Remember When arehixe. \ihieh looks at him the eapital's LGBT ll\L‘s hm e changed between the ltith and let eenturies. lixeerpts lroin oral histories stand proudl} alongside banners. badges. T-sliirts and photographs.