Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

74'; C , r‘ :' " ‘r/“f

Activrtres Arid Fun

Sunday Craft Club Sun 35 ltrrr «k Sun 3 Jul. IIarrr Ipm lrcc (ilaxgou \luxcurrrx chotrtu' (critic. 300 \Voodhcad Road. \rhltlll. 376 9375 Drop-in cratt \ luh unit a dlllctt‘ttt tltcrrrc cath \u'clx \L'L'S 5 l3 Saturday Art Club Sat 31 Jun & Sal l lul. I0am Iprrr l'tcc Hallcr} oI \lodcru .-\rt. Ro}.rl Ituharrgc Struarc. 33‘) WW» l‘urr art .lt'lIHlILN Ior agcx 3 I0. mcludrrrg draumg. collagc. \tulpturc trralmg .rrtd garuc~ l’arcntx can gcl \tucl III too

Alice Through the Looking Glass l'nttl Sat i0 Scp. |0am 6pm (il;t\grr\\ Scrcncc ('crrttc. 50 Pat rlic ()tra). 430 5000 l'.\plotc aII thc cool trrclx )otrr hram cart pla} on )ou. llrrotrgh lolx oI rurrtd hcudrng rtttcractnc acll\ Ilrcx

Burrell Family Club Sat 34 Inn. 3 4pm l'rcc. llurrcll (‘ollcttrorL 3060 l’rrllrrlx\lr.r\\\ Road. 387 3550. chular Iarrul} drop in \t‘\\lt)ll Icaturrng \tor‘)thImg. tourx. art\ and crth haxcd on thc llurrcll'x t'ttllt‘t'llUIIS.

It’s a Gas! Sat 34 S Sttrr 35 Jun. noon. 3pm S 4pm. lncludcd III .ItlIIII\\IHlI (il;l\go\\ Scrcncc (critic. 50 Pacific Qua}. 430 S000, szcr uorrdcrcd \xhat happcnx rl _\ou put _\our lrand III tr‘cc/rng rutrogcn .’ l'ind otrt at thix c\p|o\r\c lr\c \crcncc Slum. Go Potty I'ntil Sun 35 .Iurr. I0anr. (in Poll} Studio. (NI (ircal \chtcrrr Road. HI 0530. Drop in and makc )our' omr pot or Icaru hon to paint pottcr)

Make Your Own Pizza Sat 34 & Sun 35 .Iun. l)i Maggro‘x. 6| Rutlncn l,anc. (II-ll H.16000, Pull on )ottr chct'x Irat and makc _\ottr onn [tr/Ia. Hooking cxxcutial .-\gc\ I3 and undcr.

Playground Treasure Hunt 'I'Iru 33 & Sat 34 Jun I0arrr 5pm; in 1m Sun 35 Jun I Iarrr 5pm. l-icc. Scotland Strch School MUSCUIII. 33.5 Scotland Slr‘ccl. 337 0500. I:\p|orc thc .\ltl\clllll\ p|a_\grotrud and mlcrcxtrng Icaturcx. :\gc\ 5+. I’url ol :ll'r'llllt’t Illl't' llt’r‘l.

Schools for Superheroes Sat 34 Jtrn I0. 30am 4pm; Strrr 35 .lllll noon 4pm. 'l'hc l tglIIlIUltSL‘. II .\litcth| lanc. 33I 6363. Walk through “allx. ruakc trccx grrm and lattd _\otu' \pacccl'all on llrc \chool rool. Short chlgII actr\ rticx lor larrtilicx and lidx Hi all agcx I’ll/‘1UI.lIt‘/Illt'r'llll'(’ llt't'lL Recycling Art Class Sat 34 .lun. 3 5pm. £3. 'l'hc 'l'r_\ \t. llillhcad llaptixl ('hurch. ('rcxxucll Str‘cct. 339 I588. Iiun \\;I_\\ to thc _\our crupt} cartonx and tar» Booking L‘SSL'llllill.

Sunday Morning Family Club Sun 35 .Iun & Sun 3 Jul. 10.30am noon. £5. I’olIol llouw. 3060 Pollokxhtnm Road 6|6 64 I0. ‘Slalutfl .\1u\ic' i\ thc thcmc Ior 35 Jtrrr. l'ollo“ L‘tl ll) 'Makc Your ()“lt Book on 3 .Ittl. :\gc\ 5 I I. Booking rcquu'cd.

Family Fun Day Sun 35 .Iutr. noon 6pm. l't'cc. ('otttcr' 'I‘hcalrc Mcnrorial (iardcn. 93 ll}rrd|and Strch 357 3868. l)rc\\ up a\ a lair}. clt' or gohlin Ior lhix altcrnoon gala. \\ rth hotmc} ca\tlc. Iacc painting and craIt acli\tltc\.

Parade of Wheels Sun 35 Jun. lprn l’rcc. Kcl\ in \Va). 387 3730. \\'hcthcr _\ou tra\ cl on tuo. tour or cight \xhcclx tthat\ c_\ clixtx. \latc-hoardcrx. “ltcclchair uscrx. prarux and rollcr‘»\l.rtcxr loin m thrx carnixal ol' tuotor'c} clcx and huxcx organixcd It} thc Muxcum ol"l'ran\por1. Pavement Pictures Sun 35 .luu. 3 4pm. £I chant) donation. Mugdock ('ountr‘} Park. ('r‘aigalliau Road. Milngaxic. 956 6I00. (‘rcatc )our o\\n colourful chalk dcxtgux and rarxc nrorrc} tor thc .\ln\cuIar ll} \troph} ('arupaigu.

Toy Cars Sat I Jul. Sat I I.30am Ipru & 3 3.30pm. I‘rcc. .\lu\cum oll'l‘ranxpon. Kchirr Hall. I Burrhousc Road. 387 365i. (it\ c )our lrdx thcir lirxt dri\ ing lawn in ortc of thc nutxcum'x to} pcdal carx. Agcx 5 8 _\car\.

Flame On! Sat I Jul 'Ihu 3| Aug. noon. 3pm & 4pm. Includcd iu .rammmn.

(il.r~3.'o\x Sctcncc (critic. 3” l’at‘lllx (Jud). 430 5000 ('tttltt' .rlltl IL‘L‘l Ihc hcat :tI thc St rcnc c (‘cutrck rcd hot mtcractnc \ltou


Garden Birthday Concert In 3? Jun. 5pm £4 I£3r (il.t\go\\ Botanic (iardcnx. 710(ircat \chtcrn Road. 334 3433 light tlaxxrcal conccrt in thc llrIIhcad ('Irrldrcnk (iardcn llrmg a picnic

RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Family Concert Sat I Jul. Ipm. £5 Rotal ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchrchall Strccl. 353 8000 A ttrn conccn tcaturrng popular L‘l.’l\\lt'\ and anthcrnx.

Join Us Summer Festival \Vcd 5 tk Hut 6 Jul £3 £3. (at) Ilallx. (’andlcrrggx. 353 8000. .\ rqutrtudc oI rrruxtcal attrxrltcx tor a \arrct} ol agcx uhrch mcludtw \lakc and Shakc. \thcrc )otr cart crcatc )our rmll runk pcrcuxxtou llISlt'lllltL'lII. (5 Jul.

I0. 30am. agcx 5 8r. \luxrcal .-\d\cnturc\ t5 Jul. 3pm. agc\ 3 6i. and Mini \luxrc \lakcrx (6 Jul. agcx 0 |8rrr at Want. ach I8m 3 at I Iarn and agcx 4 5 at nooni.

Theatre & Dance

Varjak Paw: The Outlaw lit 33 Jun. |0.30anr tk 1.30pm. £3.50 (iilrrror'cIuII(iI3. 9 l'nucrxit) .-\\cnuc. 3 30 5533. SI‘ Said prcxcnt Ihctr adaptation oI thc \ccond no\ cl Icatur‘mg \pccial litt} Varial l’au.

The Magic Hat Sat 34 Jun. I I 30am. l‘t'cc. \l;rr')IrrI| Irhrar} & l.carnrng ('cntrc. I508 .\1ar0ul| Road. 946 3348. I-anul) puppct \ltou Ior )onug cIuIdrcu.

The Magic Hat Sat 34 .lurr. 3. lupin. l‘rcc llrllhcad librar). 348 Ii}r‘c\ Road. 339 733 3. .’\\ ahorc

The Wiggles Sttrr 3 Jul. I Iarrr & 3pm.

£I 3. Ro}a| ('onccrl Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. x\tt\ll‘;tll;l\ Ia\ourrtc chtldrcn'x cnlcrlatucrx cornc to Scotland.

Storytelling Children‘s Storytime l'ntrl Sttrr 35 Jun & l'ntrl Sun 3 Jul. 3pm. l't‘cc. Ilor‘dcrs liookx. l’ort Rctatl Park. 390 l’l'matt Wall. 773 39I0. chular \tor}tclling \cwron Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book Sat 34 .Iun. 4pm. £3.50. (irlruor‘chill (iI3. 9 l'nncrxit} :\\cnttc. 330 5533. Jtrlra I)onaId\on and huxhaud Malcolm rntroducc ltcr Iatcxt prcturc hook. Agcx 3 8.


Activities And Fun

Art-tastic! Strrr 3 Jul. noon 4pm. l-rcc. l{ti};ll Botanic (iar‘dcn. li\hihttion llall. lmcrlcith Rim. 553 7l7l. (ict \tuck Into Iotx ol cm ironrncntall} -thcmcd art

acti\ iltcx at lhix drop—in cxcnt Ior all agcx. Living History Characters I'ntil 'I‘Irn 3| Aug. l Iarrr. noon. 3pm & 3pm. lrtcludcd in ('axtlc adrruxxiou £10.30

(£4.50 £8.50). lidirrhurgh ('axllc. Ro)a| Milc. 335 9846. Mcct \oruc ilppttl‘llltillx I'rom thc paxt who ha\ c tra\cllcd through timc to cducatc and cntcrtain. liach da} ol thc \\ ccl l-L‘illlll‘L‘S At dillL‘l‘L‘ltl charactcr. Summer Time Art Activity Day Sat 34 .Iun. I0arn. £4 for thc I'rrxt \xorlxxhop; £3.50 Ior cach altcr that. North lidinhurgh .-\rt\ (critic. |5a l’cnn_\\\cll (‘ourt. 3|5 3l5l. l’un l'aruil} acthiticx throughout thc da) to cclchratc thc arrixal oI‘ \urruucr. Summer Fair Sat 34 Jutr. l Iarrr 3pm. Niddric Mill I’rirnar} School. 367 .\'iddric \lainx Road. 468 7037. I-"uu da_\ nith hounc} caxtlc. hcat tltc goalic and rtrorc. Drawing the Body Sat 34 Jtrrr. I Iarrr & Iprrr. I-rcc. ('it) An ('cntrc. 3 Markct Strcct. 539 3993. Drop in art \Vor‘lxhop haxcd around dra“ ing thc human hcad. Midsummer Razzmatazz Sat 34 Jun. I I.30arn 5pm. I'rcc. Rcdhall Walch (iardcrr. 97 latrark Road. 443 0946. A Iah da} otrt Ior all thc IamiI} \xrth mini-hug \atarrx. circtrx pcrl'ormcrx and \tor}tc|Icr\. phrx Iood. \\0rl\\l10p\ and Ii\'c music. Borders Fun Weekend Sat 34 & Sun 35 Jun. 'I'irncx \ar}. lircc. Bordcrx Book» [hit 36. l5or1 Krrtnaird Rclail Park. 657 404|. Fun for all ach in association \xith (‘raigrnillar Books tor Bahicx and Star'truckx. \\ ith rrruxic. arts. cral‘tx. darrcc and \tor}tclling acti\ iticx.

’LIIII I‘Rt N‘s i turn >N JOHN FARDELL The Flight of the Silver Turtle ll-{llittll .0. Open the cover of John Fardell's new book and you’ll hear the distinct sound of a yarn ripping. Brimming over with adventure, The Flight of the Silver Turtle is Fardell‘s second novel for young readers, following the successful 7 Professors of the Far North. Revisiting the same characters - five exceedingly smart children and several eccentric adults the story nonetheless works as a stand alone adventure, with Fardell filling in any relevant back story.

Set in Edinburgh and Geneva, the story reads like a Boy's Own 24.


fi" 0

’i‘flélfi” fauna

ranam it

-m-s‘; ~.

After some scene-setting preamble, during which the children help build a plane and discover a mysterious old photo, the main action takes place within one 24 hour period. And what a day they have. Suspending all disbelief that an 11-year-old boy could pilot a plane to Switzerland and back without a single flying lesson, the reader is swept along at a furious pace. Encountering secret World War Two missions, murderous terrorists and no end of gadgetry, the children act like tireless mini Jack Bauers. And yet, there is something comfortingly old fashioned about Fardell's style. which despite the modern setting transports you to another era.

On the downside, there are so many characters that none of them feels fully rounded. But what the book lacks in characterisation it more than makes up for in excitement. And, incredulous as the action may be. Fardell keeps you intrigued throughout. (Kelly Apter)

Fun Family Workshop Sat I Jul.

3 4pm. £4. lidinhurgh I’rintruakcrx. 33 I’nion Strcct. 556 3497. Mccl thc illllSlx and malc cool prints. Agcx 5 I0. Hooking L'SSCIIllill.

Teddy Bear’s Picnic Sat I Jul. Ipm. l'l‘L‘L‘. Bordct'\ Hooks. [hit 36. l’ort Kinnaird Rclarl Park. 657 404 I. ('omc along to tltc Kid's \cction Ior \tortcx. cr'aItx arid a tcdd} hcar hunt?

Take a Little Bit of Elbow Grease Still 3 Jul. I0.30arrr I330pru. £3. laurixton (‘axtlc. 3a ('rarnond Road South. 336 3060. l-trrd otrt “hat it \\;I\ Iikc to hc a \CH ant in liduardran tirncx at thrx drama norkxhop. Agcs 7 l3. Booking cxxcntral. Mammal Detectives Strtt 3 Jtrl. I 4pm l-‘r‘cc. IIolwood Park. 6538I50. llccomc a naturc \Icuth on thc trail oI' tour-Icggcd turn crcatur‘cx. Agcx 8 I5.

Big Art Wee Hands Inc 4 Ht 7 Jul. I0.30aru noon. I.30prn 6'; 3pm. £30

(£8 £I6r. North lidinhurgh :\t1\ ('cntrc. |5a l’cnu} \tcll ('ourt. 3I5 3|5l.r\r1 “orkxhop lISlllg cla}. collagc. painting. digital photograph) and morc. Agcs 3 6, Wildlife Art Workshops Inc 4 Thu 6 Jul. I0.30arrr Ipru. £3. laurrxton ('astlc. 3a (‘ratrrond Road South. 336 3060. An workshopx inspircd h) thc \Hxxlland gr‘ourrdx. Tuc: Magrtiliccut Mini-Bcastrcx. ch: \Vacl} Wildlrtc Mohilcx. 'Ihu: Pandora's Sccrct B(i\. Booking cxscntial Minibeast Magic Inc 4 Jul. 3 3.30pm. £3.50. Walcr ()l l.ctth ('ortscnation Trust. 34 lanark Road. 455 7367. Bc magnilicd h} thc micro world (it rrrinrbcaxtx. Booking cxscntial. Agcx 8 I5.

Theatre 8. Dance

Fimbles Live Thu 39 Jtru Sun 3 Jul. I030am. 1.30pm (\ 4 30pm

£8.50 [l 3.50 l't'SllMll ‘l'hcatrc. l 5 3‘) NICHlSUlI Strcct. 539 6000 Join lrrrtho. I‘Iorrrc. llah} Porn and Irtcrtd\ Ior thrx lllll packcd part}

The Girl who Lost her Smile Sal I Jul. I Iain & 3pm £5 t£3 £3 50) North lidmhurgh Artx ('cntr'c. I5a l’cnu} \xcll ('otut. 3J5 3l5l. 'l‘hc colour'lul lalc ol Jchan and hcr Illlclliplx to n m llilt k hcr uondroux \rrulc Agcx 3+


Storyteller of the Day Mon 36 to AU Jun. 3.30pm I-rcc. St'tillhll Slor}lcillttg ('cntrc. 43 45 High Slt'cct. 556 9579 Stor}tc||mg IaSIcr \cxxrorr Iroru a drIIcrcrrl tcllcr L‘dL‘lt da).

Outside the Cities

Activities And Fun

BBC Sea Monsters Sat 34 Jtm Sat 30 Scp. Sat/Sun |0am 6pm; in Mon

|0am 5pm. l)ccp<Sca World. North ()uccrrxlcrr). 0| 383 4I I880 Au t'\lllllllltill ol thc ruodclx uxcd in thc llll(' \crrcx ‘Walkmg with l)mo\aur\'.

Family Fun Day Sun 35 Jun.

llaru 4pm. £3.50 (U r. ('aldcrglcn ('ountr) Park. Strathaxcrr Road. Izaxt Kilhrrdc. 0I899 339059. Macrrullan ('anccr Rclict' host a day oI Itrrr “llll irrilatahlcx dog and duck displtr}s. trcaxurc hunt. balloon racc. pipc hand and

(‘ounlr_\ sidc Rangcr aclhitim.

22 Jun 7‘) Jul 200‘) THE LIST 63