
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.



253 Arg} lc Strut-I. 087“ 24“ 7523. |\\'('. WA]

Oh! What a Shame! Thu 32 Sat 24 Jun. 7, illpm Il‘rr mat lillpnn. ('nructhc. trash} rL'-llllL'l'pl't‘iiIlI(Ill nI .ilt'mmr Im- .Ilr'mrmn I’ur! u/ .X'lmlu'x/u'un' In Mr ('I!\.

Scratch Night 'l'hu (i Jul. 7.30pm. l’a}

“hat )nu can. We” kmmn and up-aml~

t'nmmg [wrlnrmcrx Ir} nuI nut ltlL‘d‘ In lrnnI nl an authcnt't' and \cck lcctlhatk


‘I lulu-NI} .-\\cnuc. NH 5523 1\\(‘. \VAI

The Flats l‘nIIl 'l hu :3 Jun Npm I'IL'C In“ \xnmcn tll\ ltlL‘tl h} nalrnnaht} huI llllllL'tl h} hruIal pasts drxcmcr Ihc \Ircnglh nI t'nnuuuml}. lnIt-rtmmng “mutual. IIathIInnal and pcrxnnal xtnncx Irnm all nxcr thc unrhl. lhc pla} \\.I\ aim thl and pcrlnrmctl h_\ ax} luru \L'L'le'IN. I'Clllgccx antl ltit'al I'L‘Htlcnlx ni l’tilllk‘lx. l’rll'l Hf RI‘IIIL'H' IIl't'A

Varjak Paw: The Outlaw In 23 Jun. SL‘L‘ Kltl\ ll\illl:_'\.

I CARNIVAL ARTS CENTRE letl I’iltltll'. 3-1 .-\ll3lnn SII'CL'I. 55: M) r Perdition Sun 2 Jul: 3pm lam. £5. ;\ \pccial Iundramng mum lcaIurIng a


University of \\ ,,


Ramshorn Theatre, 98 Ingram Street, Glasgow 0141 552 3489



The Lyric Club swing to hot lan. cool blues and the big Broadway musical. Tickets: Wed - Thurs. and Sat matinee £10 Frl - Sat £12 Advance Booking : Collins Galler on 0141 - 548 2558



flckets: £7 from Jazz Festival on 0141 564 4220


Tickets: £10 from Jazz Festival on 0141 564 4220 FlONNA DUNCAN VOCAL JAZZ WORKSHOPS

FIONNA DUNCAN TUTORS CONCERT Tickets: £7/5 at the door or through the Ramshom on 0141 552 3489


FIONNA DUNCAN STUDENTS CONCERT Tickets: £1/s at the door or through the Ramshorn on 0141 552 3489

Advance Booking: Collins Gallery 0141 548 2558 (Mon-Fri 10-6) or from the Ramshorn

rcathng nI Jun \Ht'n'x tnnlrnwrxral plat Inrlgmall} thrcgtml h} Kt'n l nat’lI' In rtuw Innnt‘} InI Ilit' l-It‘ctlnm l'ht'aIrc ill l’ah'xunc. Icaturrng pcrlnrlnant‘u h} (Ear) lcms. Barbara lx’aIIcrt} .lIItI 'lam “can Burn I( il.I\_‘_'n\\ nn|_\u Hull] cwnh \lal’l mm a \t'rt'cnlng nI .ltuhann \it'r Khan“! llllll ima‘ '\ ( mm It. and lllL‘ tllrct'tnr llllll\L'll \klll lw llIt'It‘ In Inlrntlut‘t' ll In (ilaxgnu


"3H (in-at \Vcslt'm Rnatl. 1H 3-132 Il’. M1 \\.-\|

The Comedy of Errors l'nul Sat \ Jul Illni Sun/Mnnr " JSpm L“ {III

1U» {"r (inrtlnn liaII tlllt'CIN SlI;Il\c\[x-ar't'\ nuxlalu-n Itlt'nlrl} lal'u' ax I“ Ill\ \Inla and St-haxuan. wparatctl .ll hIth. lllltl lllt'lll\t'l\t‘\ In the \amt‘ ln\\II at lllt' \arut' Irmc.

Sussurus MM) 30 Jun Sal 33 Jul InnI Sum. 1 "pm (-1 SHIN Si)» Mn ll: _\nur\cll lhcalrc PIL'L‘I' tlt‘\ l\t'tl h} l)a\ ltl lultl}. Armed \\ llll map and ht'atlphnut'x. partrcrpanlx arc Irt‘alt'tl In a tlhliHlllt'tl rathn pla} :\I_\ lc cnmmcmar} hawtl nn .i .Ilrt/mnmu'r M's/HR lht'um. \tht‘h lll\t'\ hntan}. npcra and Int‘mnrral hunches In CI‘L‘IIIL‘ tI ltllt' nl ln\ L‘ and lil\\.

This Fearful Country . . . "Inc .1 Sat .\ Jul. .\’.|5pm, (7 I111 {SI .\ rcunrltmg nl' Shakupt'arc'x I’lrt' [UH/N \l. Int'uxmg nn Ihc rclatrnnxhrp nI maqu .lIItl \L'l\.lllI hclchn l’Inxpcrn and ('ahhan


2‘)? Bth Sun-I. 34H I l I l. Ill. \\'('. \\L\| Dance School of Scotland: Bat Boy Hi 23 N ~Sal 34 Jun. 1.31lpIII; 7.30pm. £28. lintl nl Icrm \llnu pcrlnrmctl h} pupils aI (ilaxgnxx \ pr‘cxtiginus tlillIL'L' \t‘hnnl. 'l'hix )t‘ar'x prntiuctinn Ix hast-II nn the cult .-\mcr|can musical. “hich has hut-n callul. ‘la/mm/ .S't'iunr/Ium/x mcclx III\ l'rlll' l.(1I/\.. Dancing in the Streets Sun 35 Jun. 4.30pm tk 8pm. linjn} a night nI

Mutt)“ n'x grcalcxt lutx aI Ihix \pcclaculal cclchralinn nl \nngx I'rnm thc Inan prnhlic lul-laclnr} cwr.

The New Statesman .\lnn 30 Jun Sal l .lul. 7.3mm] (Wt-d t\ Sal IuaI 3..‘\Ilprrn. (7 £33.50. Rik Ma}all returns ax pnliiical lu\ \ Ic Alan B'Slartl \xlln has nnu tlclt'clt'tl In NC“ l.ahnur

Girls Night MIN] 3 “ml 5 .lul. ". illpm. U3 L'le .\Ill\lL';tl cnmcd} ahnul Iiw girls nn a hilarinux kar‘ankc nighI nuI Igrnan). \tarring ('hcr}l Baku. Lut‘} Sliced I:\l\'.-\ Natalic Irnm lam/I'm/r-rn and lncal lass l)nuna lla/clInn.


I) Burgh llall Slrccl. 287 SSI l. Reinventing the Weal: Absolute Zero Thu 32 & Hi 23 Jun. 3pm. £2. .\lu\ical Ihcalrc l'rnm Ihc l’aragnn ('ullural linginccrx as the} bring: In lllt' ltllllnllx Sunlx inwnlnrx and Ihc llllllgx the} made IhaI l‘C\UlIIiIIIIIl\Ctl nur liwx. l’ur! u! "11’ llk'xl lim/ [TH/HM.

I PAVILION THEATRE Ill lx’cnIIt'ltl SIIt‘t‘I. ‘13 l\-Ih \\ \}

Girls Big Nite In I nu! \II )1 lun

“mm 111 tl‘ ('nmctlx kahuna: a grnup n1 mum .1\ [ho gt'I Hath In' .In \nn \urnznt'rx Iqu} Please Stay “mi 38 Jun \u I\ Ian me I\.II llI.tI .‘pvnn t l 3 L l *

It'll ‘IM \ lllll\l\.ll tnrnctlt \L'l In Ihc ialnntlx l ntaInn liantt‘hall III the nth



"8 Ingram \Irt't'I. ‘3‘ 11V) Il'. \\(f

\\ \. \\ \ \}

Strictly Musical 1 nul \II _‘I lIIII

I‘pm I\.ll lll.Il I ‘IIpInv tlH tI.‘ llnI [ti/l. \Iltil l‘lllt'\ .llltl lllt' \llllll\l\ nI Il'rt- lug; lilnatlua} llill\l\'.ll\lll‘lllIll.l\1‘I‘\\ \ lurt (‘luh


IN: llnpt' Strt'cl. Hf Imnn III. \\I_ \\V\j

Wars of the Roses: Henry VI \.II ll .lun lIaIII LI” {.7} *H. \t't' .lll Ihrt-t- play nu Sat 3-3 .luu Int 1“) \nnhpm lirnatlxult'x and “mi \nrkxhut' l’l.l}lltlll\t‘ t‘nllal‘nralt' nn Ilux IIIln:‘\ nI SlI.Il\t*\pcaIt'\ linuxh luxIantaI th.nn.:\ \IaIImg \\llll lllk' Ialt' nI _\nun;.' km,- llt'nI} tlt'lcuthuu lnx t'rnxxn Irnm 1hr .unhrtrnux \nrk

Wars of the Roses: Edward IV \.Il 3-1 Jun, i illpm til“ (I: *II \IUlk' pnhlu‘al Inlrruut' t‘nnIInut-x a\ lllt' Illum- nI \nlk tlt'lt'.ll\ Km; llt'm} .lllll \ IH‘t‘. nx ll\ nun l tl\\.utl Ill lu\ platt' liuI nnnv L'Hllltl Imagnnt' lllL' t‘nltl hlnntlmi aInhIIInn nl lll\ hrnthcr. \klln “aux In Illt' \hatlnux Inr lll\ llltilllt'lll In lwt’nnn ng.

Wars of the Roses: Richard III lhu 33 Sal 31 Jun lhu t\ l'll " Winn, \rr Rpm L'IH L33 *H. lhrx IIIn nl Shakthcarcan dramas t'uhmualt'x uh Iht‘ hlnntl} lll\litl) nl lx’rt'hartl nI \nri. uhn mampulalcx and lllllltlt'l\ Im \\.I. In the Inp. nIIl_\ In ht- tlt'lt'JIt'tl .Il lllt' lmlllt' nl linxunrllt

La Traviata luv 37 Jun Sal | Jul

7. me I'l'hu t\ XaI IuaI .‘. iilpnn

L95“ {ll—‘5”. \til'lllt‘lll liallt'l lllt'aII’ Plt’\t‘lll\ illl\ atlaplallnn nI \t'ltlh‘ p.t\\InII.Ilt- npcra ahnul Illt' \L'\ lL'l Int alIaII lwluccn Irnhlt‘ jgcnllt‘man \lthliIl and t‘nIIIIt'xan .\lar;:ut'IIIc St't- I‘M". run. page XE

Starlight Express lut- I \II IuI ". illprn I'l'hu «k Sat mat .‘ illpnn

Ll :.51) (‘5. (.l.l\\It' .\lltlit‘\\ l lnxtl \Vt'hhcr quxlt'al t'\IIa\aj_'.u‘./.I It'aIunny Inlme nll l'tlllt'l \k.tlt‘\ \\l|.Il llliilt' L'iillltl )nu ask Inr’


25 Alix-rt l)rI‘.c. IFS-1* “II HHI \\'.I\|

Mouth of Silence lhu .‘2 it‘llplll. {H 4‘5». lit“ [‘lt‘t't' manunmg Illt' .lllt'llllJlll nI t'\llt' h} liIrtlx nI l‘arathxt' 'l hL'aII't' ('nmpan}. l'rll'l H/ /\’(‘/I(L't'( III I


\.II )1 Inn

Theatre Guide

Thursday 22 Friday 23 Saturday 24 Sunday 25 Monday 26 Tuesday 27 Wednesua,» 2k:

Arches Oh! What a Shame! Oh! What a Shame! . Oh! What a Shame! - i I i see For Gilmorehill ' p I}. ' K1,: KING'S 80y m 7 Sat Boy 7 » Dancing in the Streets New Statesman, New Statesman New Statesman Ramshorn bt't.. It: \ I St' Mast-r; i 7 V

H élChard l” a Ill“, - T u oi i-heTRgses-v h 7 TV i v u i i i Travtata La Travrata

- Tramway . Mi‘wf' " 3 ("1v 3‘00?" S I"? 2:;- U 4m . 5,» 1,-

» 11-5..” " ' VJackie . .. ragga we; " ' Lamas" " Love engage; ii 2 _ _ Brunton Playhouse firms: ' v . ' a a a t I: -

88 THE LIST 22 JIM—6 JLIl 2036