Visual Art

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings compiled by Rachael Street.



35i \I‘,_'\It' Slim-l. “hall 31H "533

Illain IIIIHH. Sun noon Illpin

Spinach l'nlll Hm I} lul “nth It} IIIIS \lillt'k liw ol I l' \ xludvnlx and IL'LL'III piaduattw ‘.kl‘w t'luo} t'xploiunf: allcinaliw

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART RH}al lxuhangc Squaw. 33‘) I‘ll)“

\Ion \Vcd A Sat Illain 5pm. 'lhu

Illain Spin. In A Sun Ilain 5pm Material World: Sculpture from the Arts Council Collection oooo

I'lllll \Iitll SUP I‘l‘t't' \ \L'It'tllnlt HI \\ttlI\\ h} I'Il'llhll .II‘II\I\. unludm; Damn-n Ilu'st. Sarah I ULJ‘ and Rat'ht‘l \Vlutt'irad * Chad McCail: We are Not Dead Ioiu stars l'ntil Sun I i Mr: Jim Sct' IIlIIl\I

Artist‘s Talk: Chad McCail 'I hu 32 Jun. o It) " Illpin INC The aithl

dmumcx Ill\ ruricnt wlo \Ilou

I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO IS Klllfl Sti'ccl. 553 (FIN Iut' Sat

Illarn 5 illpin

\P.“ ('\ Dot Simm I‘ntll Sal l5 .lul \cu inclal I CCA \xorkx loi‘ holding: \LL'lllt‘tI Ull\ and

I5” Saut‘lnt'liall Slit't't. I53 l‘lllll Inc I U Haul (nun. Sal III.lll| (\pm

Digital Design Studio Exhibition l'ntil I‘ll 3* Jun \ wln'tion ol animation with h} 3|)r’il) motion piapluu \ludcntx lioin IIII\ )cai'x (iS.\ tIL'fJIL‘t' \IIH\\ '


Rachel Duckhouse Sat 1 Sat 2‘) Jul I’icu'x uploring: the lL'l.tIIHll\IIIp leuccn \unplu'it} and (HIHPILWH)



l(i-,‘ RCIIII‘L‘\\ SII'CL‘I. ‘51 ~53)

Art Product Design Degree Show l'nlil In 3‘ Jun. l‘iu'. 'l he annual tIISPIJ} ol \ioi'k h} students Ironi IIIL' dcpartincnt HI Pl‘HtItlt‘I dt'SlL‘lt. I/«SI I“ IAN“: I '(3

SI I GSA Degree Show 2006 l'nul Sat 24 Jun. I‘llllli )car \hou lioui the lint art and arclutu'tun' & tIL‘\l_‘_!ll dcparlrncnlx tIl\pIa_\L'd ilt'l'tt\\ lIlL‘ \L'IIUUI, I ’TIIANCI ll? Iii I

Cordelia Oliver Festival Drawings [mules tlt‘l‘lL‘IllljJ IIIL' culture. Iandxuipc 1949-1960 Sal I Jul Thu .‘I .-\ug_'.

and \xildlilc ol Ilnluxana. .,»'«>;I ’h 1»‘«I\.'(,I .\I;IL‘I\IHIU\II Building. I’Hl'll‘dlh and

’« 2 55 I di‘au ingx l'roin lhc L'dl'llL‘SI dam ol thc Annual Exhibition: Scottish Glass Izdinhurgh Intci'national I~L'\ti\;il. NI ‘.'.'

Test Transmissions l'nul Sat 22 Jul, .\ \hoxx cwlorlnj: \ ltIt'tI artile lt'ldlltllISIIIP will I\ lioni IIIt' L'.lll_\ \kttlh\ ol \'.un Illllk' Path and \Voll \oxtcll lo lhc

picwnl da}


l'nm-ixn) ol Sualht‘lylc. 33 RIL‘IllllHlltI Suu'l. 513 355K \Ion I‘I'l Illain 5pm; Sat noon -1pm l‘icc.

Insect Safari: Barbara Reed l'nul Sat 3-1 .lun I:\hihiuon ol appliqur'd

A glut of work by freshly graduated artists takes over the buildings at Glasgow School of Art, temporarily turning the school into an enormous art gallery. Work by Daniel Munday, Claire Rooney, Fiona Mackay. Eilidh Gilbertson and John Woodman is well worth a look.

I Olglfaflra' Stun/w or All. (Mia-1t will (in . luu

GSA Degree Show

Society Sat I Jul Sal I3 .-\u;_'. SI il?“.'.’.

('oniprt'hcnxiw mhihiuon and \alc ol L‘Ulllt'lllpttldl'} glass \xork h} munihcrx ol thc S( ES, NI \.'.‘ Sr ll >‘\.'.’.


3-4.4 5. ..'¥--:. .‘ 1 “.- .' . 3‘} ‘.. 5

Video art and television George Barber. Valie Export. David Hall. Paper Tiger TV. Andrew

Lowenthal. CACW


(Lillorv ()poinnii tumor;~ 11am Iiplll.

tipm. 10am -

(Emilio Int (Ioritonitunarv Ailr. .iflll 8.1m Itli‘lt.lll filrool Iil.l‘-<|H\'.’ (i.‘ All)

lol ill-l ltl) 1-11 3.53 I‘Itltl ‘.'.’\‘.’\'./t t .l t]l,l‘.(]t)\‘,’l riltt

Iiii.ii| lion

(oi (IIJ‘JII‘VXt Hlll


94 THE LIST 3;? Jana: Jul 204;)"

Terra Nova Ill Sal l Sat 22 Jul. Mackintosh Building. .-\n mhiluuon organith in (oniuncllon \iith Map Maya/inc looking at the but work lroin IIIL‘ IiltL‘ :ll'l dcgl'L‘L' \llim. Nth? SI KN...

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'niwrxil} ol'(ila\go\\. S3 IIillhi‘ad Strccl. Fl) 54.”. Mon Sal 0.30am 5pm. I’rcc. Nenty Etchings by Rembrandt l'ntil Sal I5 Jul. To cclchratc lhc 4lllllh hirthda} ol' lhc great Dutch painter. IIIIS displa} picks out \HIIIL‘ ol’ his lines! clchingx l'i'oni the gallcr} '\ collection ol incl‘ SI) \IIL'L‘IS.


l I Mitchcll Lanc. 33l mm. Mon ik \Vcd Sat 10.30am 5pm; 'l‘uu llain 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3 (Stlpl.

Babes in Sport l'ntil luv 37 Jun. Photographs portra} ing the uork ot Danish lashion designer Anna (iulinann. \\ ho has rcxiorkcd traditional sporting: outlilx using lcchniqucx such as patclmork. knitting: and hcading, 1A8? CHANCIW IO SH?

Earthquakes, Landslides, Pakora and Tea l'ntil Sun ‘) Jul. Iixhihition documenting thc \xork ol‘ \tudcnh from the Mackintosh School ol' Arclntccturc

\\ ho hclpcd “illt rebuilding progratnmcx in Pakistan.

Marcel Breuer - Design and Architecture l'nul Sun 37 .-\ug_'. The old} I'K shown; of this major L‘\IllI‘lIlUll ol' \xork h} thc Iiilllllillh graduatc and teacher. including l‘urniturc. photograplh. models and draw ingx.


('cntrc I5or Dmclopnicntal .-\rt\. IS .-\Ihion Strcct. 553 3833. .\Ion I-‘ri Illain 5pm. Face Value l'ntil Fri 3] Jul. I’tll'll'illh h} artists l'rom thc 'l'rongatc Studim and Stopping Storm.

Living with the Sea I'ntil Hi 31 Jul. Seascapes h} :lrllxh with learning tIISiII‘IIIIIC\ l'roiu (ilaxgou and 'l‘hurxo. highlighting Ihc contraxt hctuccn the north caxt and (Inlc coasts.

I Q! GALLERY 87 h“) Saltmarkct. 553 7578. I lain 5pm. Sex, Love and Homophobia l'nul Sat

I5 .IuI. I’hotographu' [HIIIIS puhlixht'd h} .-\lllllL'\l_\ International and cit-alcd h} \‘lllk‘wa lill‘d.


(ilaxgoxx (‘alcdonian I’niu'ixit}.

(am caddcnx Road. .iil ill—IS Caledonian Creates l'nul In 2 I .lun. Iiud ol _\car \IIU\\ loi' (ilaxgou (‘alcdonian I‘lll\t‘l\ll_\. IllL‘llltIllljJ \xork lroin llu' produrt dolgn. audio lt't‘llnolog}. laxhion and gaining: dcpai'lnu'nlx. . 2137 9' 0947,: T0 I.

I ST MUNGO MUSEUM OF RELIGIOUS LIFE AND ART 3(‘1isllc Strcct. 555 3557. .\Ion 'l‘hu & Sat Illam 5pm; I-‘ri it Sun Ilani 5pm I'IL‘C.

Women and War l‘nlil Sun I i :\tl:_'. Photographs h} Jenn} Mauhmu uho has \xorla'd in war INNS such as Iil Sal\ador. the Middle liaxl. .-\Irit'a and .’\If_'lllllll\lilll \lllL‘C l‘).\'3.


35 Albert I)ri\c. 0845 “(I i5lll. 'I'uc I’ll Illani 5pm; Sal & Sun noon 5pm.

The Hiscox MFA Degree Show 2006 O... I'ntil Sun 35 Jun. Su-

rm icu. pagc ()3 and IIIIIlsl. {ARI CHANCF It", SIP.

Whiteplane 2 l'nuI Sun 35 .Iun Sound and light installation h} .-\lc\ Ilradlc} and (‘harlm I’oulct. I/«S‘ CHAN”)? T0 SH The Collector’s Landscape: Pamela So I'nlil Sun 30 Jul. noon 3pm. Iliddun (iai'dcnx. :\nulItL‘I' L'ItallL‘C It) \L'C llll\ mhihition h} I’amcla So. \\ ho uplorw L'r()\\-L‘lllllll';ll IIIL'IIIL‘S l‘L‘IdIlllf.’ to her ('IllltL‘xc-SL‘UIIHII hcritagc.


\\ \\ \\ .architccturcn cclx .orguk Architecture Week l'nul Sun 35 Jun. Varioiix \cnucs. 'l‘uncx \ar} Icnth )car lor [Itl\ L‘L‘lL‘I‘l‘allUn HI SL‘UIIJHLIS .‘tl'L‘IllIL‘L‘lurliI landscape organiwd h} The Iaghthouw.

k/HH' IK/C ‘KJ \

Private Galleries -

I 13111 NOTE CAFE SI) ()0 King Strcct. 555 I633.

Ouotidian Strength l‘ulil I‘ll NI .lun ‘lnxlallalionx giolt'xquo In (ilaxgou hawd .u'tixt Iilllt'ht' ' MN.” I


I CAFE COSSACHOK GALLERY III Kin}; Street. 55 I (I7 i I. luv Sat

I I.iII;tlll llpni

Otar lmerlishvili l’nnl .\lon H Jul I‘igurauw \iorkx [lttl‘ll.l}lllf.' tIUIllt‘Sllt' \L'L'IIL'S ol lllt‘ in (iuoigia. as well ax L‘\L‘L‘l‘|tl\ Il‘ttlll IIIt' It'fJL'Iltl\ HI lltt' ('aut'axux


'l‘hc llriggail. HI Ilruljgt'gatc. 55i IIHN \M‘d Sun Ilani “pill

The World is Becoming Better l'nul Sat 3-1 Jun Ilhldlldllltll. \t'ulplui'i‘. textual and pt'rloriuam'c pints. \kIlIL'II cnggagc in an ongoing; \L'QIIL‘II lor moaning: h} (iS.v\ graduate Sand} Snulh l RBI (,I lidlflI

ll SI I

I MARY MARY I’Iat 3/I. (i l)i\on Strut-I. H77§nnxl~1|i ’l‘uc Sat noon 5pm Aleana Egan 00

Sec rm It“. pagc 03

l'ntil I'l'l 7 Jill


3‘) \apn‘i'shall Sticcl. HI 0034 Nature’s Fury l'nul ’l‘hu () Jul. I’Iiolographx h} Shahidul Alain dcpn'tuif: thc drtcrnnnation and I'L'SIIIL'HL'L' ol [IK'IIPIC allcctcd h} the carthquakc in I’gll‘.l\l.lll IASI Cit/«MCI I”; SI I.


‘~ 5 (ilhstln Sim-i. (177M ()on72tl David Gillanders l'uul In H .Iul Black and uhilc pliolographx ol .\Ia|am


300 Bath Strcct. 55] “733 Inc Sat

9am ()plll.

Remnants: Endurance in the Wake of Progress Sat l Wm] 36 Jul. I’hnlugruph\ ol abandoned (lulu \Illp}itrtl\. emphasising thc hcaut} ol