Why's this bird been lven an Englls accent? PAGE 12

Don't look so glum, AL and Simon

Standing up for St Peter's

Top comedians lined up for benefit gig. vim 13. Allan Radcliffe

/l(' Iii/'x campaign ln xaxc lllc SI l’clcr'x Scnlinal‘} in ('al'drnxx ix galllcl'ing mnmcnlum. 'I‘Ilc pliglil (li. lilix ‘gicucl in lilc CH)“ ll (ii. mudci‘nixm‘. cunxli'uclcd in NM» h} (iillcxpic. Kidd and (Mia and iL‘H in lilc‘ lL‘lldL‘l' lllcl'c‘ic‘x Hi~ [ilL‘ clcmcnlx. \andalx and cncl'naching \cgclalinn xincc ilx clnxurc h} lllc .'\i'clldinccxc nl‘ (ilaxgmx in 1080. liax lung lil‘cd lllc imaginalinn ul~ Sculland'x al'lx cummunil}. llx .xlai‘k hcaul} \\ ax caplul'cd in a painting h} al'lixl 'l'nli) l’alci'xun. \xllilc lilmmakcl‘ \Illl‘l‘a) (il'igul‘ pnl‘li';l_\cd lllc hililding'x bricl' \xnrking lilc ill hix piccc S/uu'c um/ liq/n. Sl l’clcr'x alxn lnppcd I’i'm/n'cl lnag;i/illc\ pull nl' Scullalld‘x lllll licxl lnndcl‘n liuildingx. l'ln' lixl'x campaign In kick—xlal'l a dchalc un puxxihililicx l‘nl' lhc lulln‘c rcxlnl'aliun and pl'cxcnatiun ul‘ llic building llax l'ccci\cd a liugc l‘cxpnnxc ll‘lllll our rcadcl‘x. ai'lixlx. pulilicianx lincluding cllllul‘c minixlcl' l’all‘icia I-cl'guwnl and lhc \xidcl‘ public. In nrdcr in lul‘lllcl' i‘aixc ;l\\;ll‘L‘llL‘\\. and pnlcnliall} bring on board Illnxc \\ ilil lllc xkillx and cluul in cl‘lccl lllc much—nccdcd i‘cpail' ln lhc building. campaigncl‘x hax c dl‘calncd up a

cnuplc nl' lligli prnlilc c\cnlx.

Willi llic ci'cam nl' lllc \xui'ld‘x cumcd} pcl‘lnrmcl‘x on our dnnrxlcp l'ni‘ lllc lidinbul'gll I'l'ingc. 'l'nmm} Sllcppal‘d. \\ lln xuppnl‘lx lllc campaign. Ilax pul lngclllci' a xlcrling pl‘ngl'ammc for a cumcd} hcnclil lo hc llcld al 'l‘hc Sland‘x (ilaxglm \cnuc on IS .-\uguxl. l)unrx \\i|| upcn at 7.30an mm aclx laking In lllc xlagc al 3.30pm. 'l’ickcl priccx \\ill l‘angc l'l'nm HIS. l’cl‘i'icr \\lllllCl' Simon \lunncl'} nl~ law/(c dull/HI 'Ii'l/ium lamc ix among lllc aclx cunlil‘mcd llnlx lal'. ax \xcll ax "\nung gun ul' Scullixll cumcdv lx'c\in Bi'idgcx and \xrllcriurncd— accl'liic xland-up .-\|. lx'cnncd}. \\ Iln ix alxn Iiapp} ln lcnd hcl' namc In lhc campaign. xa}ing ‘il \muld hc nicc il Scotland didn'l cumplclcl} lraxll ilx cultural hci‘ilagcf \Vc couldn‘t agi‘cc lnul'c.

.\ican\\hilc. planx al'c undcl'ua} ln xlagc an c\llihiliun ul lllc art and idcax inxpil'cd Ii} SI l’c‘lc‘i"x mcl‘ llic paxl Jll _\cal'x. during lllix )c;il"x ladinhurgll I‘cxlnal. \Vliilc l'ull dclailx al‘c xlill hcing cnnlil'mcd. il ix hupcd lliaI lllc \illl\\ \\ ill includc bull] all and al'chilcclul'al prnicclx ill a ccnll'al lidinliurgll \cnuc. \Valcll lllix xpacc lilr l'ul'lllcl‘ ncu x.


I The court action aimed at halting the M74 extension has been dropped. Friends of the Earth Scotland and Joint Action Against the M74 (JAM74) had been appealing against the Scottish Executive‘s decision to press on with the motorway link, despite an independent report‘s recommendation that ‘the proposal should not be authorised.‘ Campaigners took the decision following legal advice, worried about the impact of an unfavourable judgement on further such David-Goliath campaigns between NGOs and government. Duncan McLaren, chief executive of FOE Scotland said, ‘This case illustrates just how hard it is to get justice for communities and the environment in Scotland.‘ Meanwhile, the project continues to divide the public between those who accept the M74 is needed to relieve congestion on the M8, and those who fear it will rip the heart out of Glasgow‘s southside. (AR) z" : .. _. ." w ' : ' . .r

I Sean Connery may have pulled out of this year's Festival of Politics, but the star is set to be the major celebrity coup of the new Rome Film Festival. The star (pictured) will introduce a 14-film retrospective of his work, from his celebrated performance in Sidney Lumet's The Hill to 2000’s Finding Forrester, topping off the October event by accepting the inaugural career achievement award.

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Mona "a"; (it llnl,m:ul". piliiili, Putltlzilit. (L: :llilllliiifl,‘ .‘Jli! (lllll Alta (Jrililirii (lupin; "illui i:x‘:flil".'i,‘. Jim ion/ll}. Inc-f Till,- ;il,-':i:,;ulx t'l 'Li'ilfn' itliliin'lq luv “1': tm;

’2‘ ‘il lpiif‘l‘fi

I The award-winning Scottish Literary Tour Trust is about to write a new chapter with its Edinburgh Literary Bus Tour pilot. Tours will run twice a day throughout the summer, taking in the sights and settings of the UNESCO City of Literature. featuring dramatised commentary on the capital's literary heritage.

I Bil! Balm, Ed Byrrxr; and, arm. Tire, (3f/i’iié;",, are. r;."‘.I;'.'}t"vg L155 THIS ($081") E’ilnf)..‘igii C’Jrr‘erJ/ he! tickets. Tm; Forge 'M'i a rack": {)“1é1'r’lfnTJ SE36}: tickets In its, first .7064" of 321164. Read our E’iw 7!,1/9"? Fesiw’i/ Six/(162 put/us'wxi ’f‘: Wed ‘9 Jul, for

'rlore not llr,l<ets.