
he_\ ‘\ e done it set again. Pixar Animation

Studios‘ se\enth feature is hit/ling light

_\'ears ahead of the eompetition. It’s by liar and tl\\'it_\’ the hest eai'toon teomptiter generated or othertsise) sinee. \sell. the otitlit's last. The liit'n't/i‘ltlt's. lti its 30th )L‘tli' in the business. Pixar hits onee more LthttnL‘Cd the “Old til. (‘(i animation \\ith a series ol‘ astonishing teehnieal innos'ations tmost notahl) iii this ehrome-plated eomed}. reprodueing eoniputer-tinl‘riendl} t‘el‘leetions iii ear bodywork). 'l‘eehnieal itino\';ttiotis do liot, however, a great mo\ie make. and Pixar kl]U\\s this. 'l‘hus. onee again.

there‘s a good deal tnore impoitanee giVen ox er

to eharaeter. story. and humour. .-\s a result. this liltii about talking automobiles is more engaging. eomineing and deepl} alleeting than ttiost li\ e aetion liltns \\ e see on einema sei'eens toda}.

In ('urs‘. Lightning Mthteen (\oieed by ()\\ en Wilson) is a hotshot. motorinouth raeeear. Zooming aeross .»\meriea en route to the Piston (‘ttp Championship. he's pit-stopped in the sleep} Route (to Iti\\ll. Radiator Springs. \\ here the loeals. led h} a Vintage 1%! Hudson Hornet named Doe (Grand Prix fan Paul Newman).

teaeh the young hothead that there‘s more to hit- than li\ ing in the last lane.

Made for kids atid adults alike. ('u/‘s gixes great speetaele (the opening stoek ear raee is a

jam ~dt'opperi. but also has a message l'or _\ottnger

attdienees tisalk. don't run). souped-tip \sith

jokes for older \ieuers and high-tuned \\llll

raeing rel'erenees l‘or the petrolheads t.\lieliael Seliuniaehet‘ eonti'ihtites a ‘di‘i\e-on‘ \oiee eameoi. Perhaps the i'ilm's most impressix e aehiex'ement. hotseser. is the htiitianising ol the ears. \Vhile .\le(‘)tteen. Doe Hudson el ttl look ;l\ etimhersome as a ton ol' ehronie ought to. the \iindsereens that double as peepers reall_\ do

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After a seven-year break, Pixar boss John Lasseter’s return to the director’s chair is triumphantly on form. Miles Fielder talks to Lasseter about the trials and tribulations of committing Cars to celluloid.

bring all that glass. rubber and metal to hle.

(.(HN ls l’l\;tl' litlllttlct‘ .ltiltlt l,il\\k'lk'l-\ litsl llllli tts tlil‘t‘L‘ltil' since l‘)‘)‘)is /u\ .ii'u/i 3. ll.t\lttj: \sot'ked 24/7 splitting his time between making ltio\iet and running the studio tiiieltitliitg hroket'ing a deal with l)isiie_\ \\t)l'lll a staggering $7.4 hillioni. l.assetet”s haek iii the di'itiiig seat \\ itlt his most personal liliii to date.

'l “as working so hardf l.assetet sa_\s_ '.\l} \sile uas \et‘} supportne ol Ill} \sliole eai'eei. hut alter 'Im .S/urt 3 she got \sori‘ied. She said: "He eat'elttl. heeatise one da} )oti'ie going to \sake tip and _\otii‘ kids \till haxe gt'otsii tip and )(lll‘ll ha\e ltllssCtl ll.“ SH l (lL'Clklk'tl lit hike lllL' stitiinier ol Soon oil. Bought a big motor home. piled the kids into ll. pttt otir leet tn the l’aeilie ()eean. and turned east. We had l\‘.H itioiitlis and the onl_\ goal \sas to ptit our leet iii the .-\tlaiitie atid ttirn haek. l eame haek lrom that trip atid said. “Now l knots \shat I want this moxie to he about." l‘\ e realised that the totirne} in lile is the reward. 'I‘hat's what this motie's ahotit. 'lhat‘s \sh} it's a \er} personal itiosie.'

Fri 28 Jul