gallcrys grcaIcsI hiIs. chImg Ihc punIcrs in unh snmc lamiliaI' hig hIIIcI‘s. hclnrc drauing lllL‘lll llp III lllL' L'\IL'II\I\L'lN1gl\ c‘;1l;1lii:_'llc'_

\nl c\ci'_\nnc likcs prngrcss nl cnursc and (has Mums iI. Shc anIicipaIcs \xhining. nnI nnl_\ ahnuI Ihc (ilasgnu hislnl') displa} uhich Iclls nl scharianism and ahusc againsI unmcn lll Ihc ciI_\. huI Ihc piccc nn Ihc rcmnIc ScnIIish Island nl SI Kllda.

"l'hcrc mighI hc pcnplc \shn nhich In sccing SI Kilda pm in an thnngraph} rnnm. huI ll(l\\ can _\nII nhiccl,“ asks (Era). ‘ln nhiccling _\nu‘rc prnhahl} rcwaling IhaI )nu'rc a liIIlc hiI racisI hccausc Ihcsc arc nnl} pcnplc. uhn arc nnI primilnc. huI Ir_\in:_' In Illlth‘ dn \siIh \xhaI Ihc}'\c gnl. \Vhich is \\h_\ Ihc SI Kilda slur} unrlts sn ucll nc\I In sIni'ics nl pcnplc \xhn li\c in Ihc dcscrI nr Ihc iunglc. l rcmcmhcr snmcnnc sa}in3_'. "\Vnn. isn‘I iI ama/ing IhaI a nu} lI‘nIIl Ihc iunglc. uhn has nc\cr c\cn sccn an cscalalnr is nnu riding nnc?" \Vcll uh} shnuldn'I hc‘.’ llck a luunan hcing? llc hasn'I sccn nnc hcl'nrc. huI _\nu csplain In him IhaI iI's “an cscalaIni'". and hc's likc "Righl. ()K“.'

'l'his is as scandalnus as H gcls. .\'n huilding nr rchuilding prnjch uanh iIs cnlumn inchcs unuld hc \inhnuI an nuncc nr Iun nl' sIarIling hcadlincs. 'l‘hc KclxingrnVc rcdcwlnpmcnl camc in nu hudch and an Iimc: a shncking rcx'claIinn gixcn Ihc currcnI lashinn l'nr l'laIulcnI hlidgcls and uncnding schcdulcs nn man} nIhcr prnjchs.

'l‘hc changcs aI Kclxingrmc arcn'I just musical. 'l‘hc} arc alsn spirilual. 'I‘n Iakc a




huilding which has hccn a pan nl‘ (ilasgnu‘ culIurc l'nr Ihc lasI lllll )cars and rthink iI lnl' Ihc leI ccnIury is snmthing. 'I‘n dn iI as succcssl'ull} as Ihis is magical.

Kchingrm c hrccds a IcrriInrial ln_\'alI_\' in iIs \ isiInrs IhaI lc“ csIahlishmcnIs cwr cnuld. ’l‘hc Barrnuland is pcrhaps nnc nl' Ihc l‘cu' nIhcrs IhaI cnuld claim such l‘crncinus lnxc l‘rnm iIs l‘aIrnns. "l'hcrc's a rcal scnsc nl' sncialism ahnuI Ihis inuscum: Ihcrc always has hccn.’ (ira_\ says. "I‘hcrc was ncvcr IhaI l'ccling lrnin Ihc Public. IhaI IhaI \x‘as "Ihcm" and Ihis u as “us”. \thn l “as dning my rcscarch. l cnuld nmcr pin in_\ lingcr nn an) nnc parIicular cra nr c\cnI IhaI madc )IIIII' awragc (ilasxx'cgian dccidc IhaI Ihis \s'as Ihcirs.

‘lI might \xcll hax'c hccn dnxxn In Ihc npcning I‘llll cshihiIinn. which “as a massch succcss. l’cnplc Ihink IhaI Kchingrmc \s'as huilI l'nr Ihc mhihiIinn. huI H “as Ihc nppnsiIc: Ihc c\hihiIinn \xas hcrc In ch Ihc mnnc'} In huild up Ihc cnllchinn. During IhaI c‘\hihiIinn Ihcrc “as an cnnrmnus scnsc nl‘ cgalilarianism ahnuI \shn camc and Min didn'I. In lacl Ihc) ust In ha\c rcduccd raIc's l'nr \xnrking mcn \s'hn camc alnng aI Ihc cnd nl‘ Ihc day. The} jusI lnscd i1 and l‘rnm Ihc \s'nrd gn iI jusI hccamc part and parccl nl' (ilasu'cgian scnsc nl‘ ci\'ic pride. NI} dad was \cr} much a real \x'nrking class (ilasxscgian and he really impressed Ihc l'acI nn mc. Ilc used In s;I_\'. "Ihis is _\‘nurs. cx'cryhing in hch hclnngs In _\'nu. \s'c‘rc \‘cry rich in



A City of Glasgow Squadron Spitfire is suspended from the West Court roof (left), juxtaposed with various examples of speed, scale and efficiency from the natural world. Muriel Gray (top) among the Scottish wildlife, and (above) in the cafe’. in front of an artwork by the Boyle Family.

(il;isgn\\". ll \\as a rcall}. rcall} ln\cl} lccling. and IhaI lccling nc\cr \xcnI ;i\\;l}.' (in!) camc hcrc hcrscll l'nr Ihc lirsI Iimc as a

Inddlcr. ‘I rcmcmhcr hcing lnld nll h} nnc nl'

aIIcndanIs l'nr running uilh Ihcsc liIIlc ~iclls sandals nn.‘ shc sa}s. ‘l “as gning slu/I. \lu/i. s/u/i alnng Ihc marhlc; l musI ha\c hccn ahnuI Ihrcc. I rcmcmhcr m_\ Mum and Dad hcing rcall} angry \siIh Ihc gu) gixing mc a I‘n\\ hccausc l cricd. l \\as rcall} upr.’

:\s shc lcads mc arnund snmc nl' Ihc mnrc cclchralcd L‘\hiliils such as Sahadnl' l)ali‘s ('lirisl n/[S'umr .lnlm (ill/iv ('rmx (Bra) admiIs In using Ihc placc l‘nr mnrc Ihan cducaIinnal purpnscs in hcr Iccns. linding iI a grcaI \cnuc l‘nr mching hn_\s. Shc alsn rc\cals Ihc gallcr} Illspll'L‘d llCI' In :10 In all \cllnnl. Illlsl lnnlxlllg al Ihc l)IIIch Rcalisls. lnnking I'call_\ clnscl}. and jusI nnI undcrsIanding hn\\ Ihc} cnuld dn IhaI \x'iIh painI. l \xanch In hc ahlc In dn IhaIf

III llcl' hnnls. (ira) dcscI‘ilk‘s lhc gallcl‘} as a 'panal In Ihc \xnrld' huI yin ch Ihc l'ccling IhaI cwn il‘ _\nu phnIngraphcd Ihc cnIirc cnllchinn. gnI 3N) dcgrcc \lL‘us nl cscrfihing and gun iI

nnlinc. _\nu‘d nc\cr ch a scnsc nl Ihc scalc ni. indccd. Ihc lcclingg nl cnmmnmI}.

'\\c aluap imagmc hccausc nI Ihc mIcincI. lclc\isinn and chcap aII‘ II'a\cl IhaI c‘\t'I}lindt is ha\ing_' Ihis glnhal mpcrrcncc. lI's lusl nnI II‘uc. lhcrc arc Inns nl childrcn \\ hn hax c nc\ ci sccn a \sild animal. \cxcr, Snmc imng nmcr ha\c hccn nuI nl Ihc cu}. in hc ahlc In cnIIIc llL‘l‘L‘ IIIlIl L‘\llL‘l‘lL'llL‘c sHIIlL' Hl lllt' lillllfjs Is |Ilsl likc a magical \snrld lni' Ihcm. Rcall} magical.

lhal's \\haI l\'cl\ing_'i'n\c is. a palcxsa} In snmcuhcrc clsc. c\cr} \shcrc clsc. .r\nd In ma'sc II rc|c\anI and \iIal in an aggc nl nulillcrcncc and mcr-inmulaIuin is qniIc an achicwmcnI.

'lI's ahsnluIcl} hrillianI. hcing; ahlc In Icriil} childrcn \siIh pni'illas' hcads. and marhlc sIaIucs nl scar} unmcn \inh Ihcir IiIs nuI and \xiclding clans. Ynu can ama/c lllcm \kllll SpiIlii'cs. clcphanls. girallcs aI Ihc samc Iimc. l’cnplc sa_\ IhaI kids arcn‘I inIcrcsch in Ihcsc kind nl' Ihings huI lllc} arcf

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum reopens on Tue 11 Jul.