Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.


/\r,tr/:trr;s<’. vents

Summer Walk ( ll.r\‘.'H'-‘- llrllnlth (l.llllt'll\ illl ( ll;'.ll \'\l\'lll l<rl.til. Hl .‘ l.‘.‘ .‘prrr lorn lhr‘ \lll.rlrll tor tlnx I'lllllk'll l\ol.rnrt.rl ‘.*..rll.

Family History Open Surgery \lrltlrr-ll | rhr.rrv .‘lll \orllr \llt'k'l. SH" .‘tl‘l‘l \ illprn lrt'c lr.r\rn_~_31\onr t.rrrrr|} lrr\lor} \ol \lllk' \xlrt'rt- to look ' lllk' mpt'rh .llk' on lmnrl. onto .l_‘.'.l|ll ottt‘rrnj: lrr‘lrr .tllrl .rrl\ ru‘ .rl llnx rlrop 1n cxcnrnp \urjnr'u

/\r;trvrtrr:s r‘é [vents

Reading the Leaves It h.” ( )\n.r. ll lll.r;'n I .rnv. h. li‘l hprn L-‘ lorn _‘.'llt'\l \xrrlcrx lor .rrr t'wrnny ol pot-tr} .rrnl \ nanny \xrrlrng' l’rcx roux runlcrx h.r\c

lllt lurk'rl | Ulll\k' \M'lxh. /oc \u.r\ lr.rrr .tlhl '\llll\' |)ono\.rn lor turtlth rnlornr.rlron or lo hook .r rmrlrnj,‘ \lllllilkl \.rlrrn l’rrul .rl lk'.ltllll}'lllk'l\'.l\\'\l” holrn.rr| (Ulll

Saturday 8


Inspire Playwriting Workshops \lrtt'lrt'll l rhr.rr_\. .‘lll .\ortlr Slrccl. 35" SW“) 3 ~lpnr (it'l )Hlll \lk'-lll\t' luncx llourny .rl Ilrt'xc [tl.r}\\llllllg‘ \\‘\\|Hll\ rrrn h} l’t'lt'l \Inolt lnmrl \Iilll\.(‘1|)I|'>\\Il?‘|ll\\lll‘lI("1)‘lk to hook .r


Sunday 9


Glasgow Tigers v Dundee Hurricanes ( '.rrnhu\|.rn;: Ruglr) (‘lulx ('o.rl\ l’.rrk. l..rn;_'lc.r lx’o.ul. (Irrrrhuxlnny. o-l' illti I illprn l-rnrl our ho“ tolk pln) lhc l\c.rulrlul gurrnc on tho ollu'r \uk' ot lllt' [\HInl .rl Ilnx lirrtrxh .\rncrrt'.rn l oollxrll lc.r;'rrc rn.rltlr


Watercolour Painting Class llllllt'll (illllt'k'llllll. :llhll l’ullrlk\ll;r\\\ l\’ :5" .‘fiill I -l]\lll l'ru' .r\n rnlrorlut'lron lo lxrxrt' dummy .rlul [hunting lct'lnnqut‘x III the prt’lurquuc \cllrngg ol l’ollok |’.nk llooknlj: t'\\t'llll.ll

Tuesday 1 1

/\(:trvrtros & l7 vents

Reopening of Kelvingrove lwhrrrgrow \r‘t (i‘rllcl) A \lnwunr. \r;_\lt‘ Slrct'l. IN" INN (il.r\_uo\\ \ l.l\lllllllL‘ Illllu'llllt It‘rll‘t‘ltx ll\ \lrmh .tllt‘l .t LIXrn rcturli. t'ornplclc \\ rlh .r \l‘lllilt' hanging tronr thc \‘crlrng. no“ rnlcrulnc tlrxplrxx .rnrl llu‘ rclurn ol lhc rnt.rrnou\ l).rlr nunnng ‘('hrr\l ot St John ot the



The Hades House Lecture \\c\lcrn lrrtnrn.rr_\ Ict‘lurc lhmtrc. l rnwrxrh ot (ilmgou. oh I nncrxrl} l’l.rt‘c. iilll‘l‘l-l o ~prn l'rcc l’rotcxxor Sn lx'cnncth (lrlrnnn. torrncr (‘lnct \lt-tlrtul ()tt‘rt'cr .llltl t'urrcnl (‘lLrngcllor ot lhc l rnxcrxrt}. \lm'uvcx lhc rcl.rtron\hrr‘. lwlchn lhc

l nncrxrl). lltt‘ (ll) .rrnl Il\ [\‘oplc v\l|

\\ t‘lt'illllt‘

Wednesday 1 2

Aotrvrtres & Events

Summer Evening Walk (il.r\:_'o\\ linldttlt‘ (Lil'tlt‘lh. “.ill (ir'cul \VCflL‘l'lt Road. 334 3422. “pm. :\ gunlcd \\.r|k through thc gar‘tlcnx and gltrw houxcx.

30THE LIST“ ._ . 3'.

Going the extra mile

‘Who is this scantily clad fellow?‘ I hear you cry. Well, you’ll be glad to know he’s

not just your average exhibitionist but a participant in last year’s BBC Sport Relief. Thankfully, taking part in this one-mile charity walk/run/hop/skip/jump doesn’t have to involve flashing your posterior. All you have to do is don one red sock and raise some money to help vulnerable people in the UK and around the world.

.\)/~:_‘rl;(2.'. (r'e'e‘f, (at: (Ii/l1. orrz' / )Jr/


Curator’s Favourites Hum-ll ('ollu‘lron. .‘llhll l’rlllnk\ll.l\\\ Rutul. IX“ 25*” II it) lprn l'rt-o .-\ Irrlk on ;r l’L'l\l.lll .\l.rqucllv horn |_’lh ccrrlur'} Irrrn h) .\'oor.rl1 .r\l (irrrlrrrn

The Soup Tours: 18th Century Dining l’nllnk Ilouw. l’rrllok ('Ulllllt} |’.rr'k. Illhll l’rlllr)k\ll;t\\\ Road. mom H). |_’. it) 3pm [Ill ('ur'nlor‘ Rolwr‘t l'crguxon lurlk\ rrt lln' \ot‘rrrl lnxtor'rt‘nl t‘ontmt .rnrl (ullurul ur'lctut‘lx \urrournlrng: rnml tnnc rn thc leh t'cnlnr} Hooking: t'\\k'llllill. l’rrt'c rnt'lntlcx .r ll_‘_‘lll lunch


Big Knit Out! North 8er ('.rtc. Ins ()nccrr \l.rr§_'.rrt'l l)rr\c. 57h HI I} 7pm. Krntlrngg. nur rrrnl txrkcx. Knitting: l\ lhc no“ rogk‘n'roll

l-oorl & Dr‘rnk

* Special Summer Tea Tasting \lono. l2 lx'rngx (‘our'L King: Slrccl. 552 W155 l *pnr Sou llrllrxt.


BBC Sport Relief (il.r\:_'rm (in-cu. (irccrul) kc Str'ccl. US" l 2 J-lJ-ll l. lllrrnr Scc plt‘lurc txrplron.


Glasgow Necropolis Historical Tour ( il.l\grl\\ \t't‘ll‘plllh. l'..l\l Hl (il.|\:_'n\\ ('.tlllt‘tll.rl l(..l\llL‘ Sll’L'L'l l. IN,“ lino 3pm. l'ru' ltrkt‘ .r clowr look at thc hamlmor‘k ot (lurk-x chrnc .\l.rt'krnlo\h .rrnl .\|c\.rnrlcr ‘( ircck' lhonlpxon Hooking cxxcnlml crntrrl tourxw gl.r\_~_'o\\ rrct‘r'opolrxor‘g

Wednesday 1 9


Curator’s Favourites Burrcll ('ollcclron.

---».>i’kr.r'./' \J'

:llhll l’rlllr)k\l].l\\\ RtMtl. 357 :55” 13 ill lprn l'ru' Rclwun()urnlon cmrnrnu \ornc 17th t'cnlur} spot rnotrt


Thursday 20


Jogscotland 5km Challenge (iluxgrm (irccn.(irccrnhkc Strcct.ll.\'71 Ill” “)4” o 0pm till 5km tun r'urr tor rrll lcwlx l’r'r/cx. [HM raw cntcrturnrncrrl rrrt‘lutlrrrj: lllll\lL'. clounx. prom rrrrrl rctrcxhrncnrx l)t'.ltlllllL' tor crrlr'rm rx onc \wck lwtorc

On i w qo nq Glasqo Aclrvrtres & Events

Sussurus l ntrl Sat 22 Jul rnor Sunr (ilmgrm llot.rrnt' (inrrlcnx. " ill ( ir‘crrl \M‘xlcr‘n Ronrl. H4 30‘)? l 7pm L15“ (U 5hr Do It _\our\clt llrmn'c prcu'

\lL'\ rxcrl h} l);r\ nl l.L'(ltl}. .r\r’rncrl \\ rtlr rn.rp .llltl llL'.lthllUllL'\. pgrr'trt'rpnntx .rr'c tr'crrtul to .r \ll\|llllllt'tl rmlro pla} st} lc t'onnncntur‘} lxrxcrl on .l ,l/rrlxunmru .\ru/rr'\ Ihnmr. \xhrt'lr tuxcx homn}. ('[K'ld and rncrnorml lk'ltt'llLN In t‘lL‘JlL' ;r lttlL' rll lH\ L' .tlltl low Glasgow Show 8.” x «k Sun 0 Jul, (il.l\:_'rl\\ ( ilL'L'll. ( it't’L‘lltl} kc SIIL'L'I. UH“ l .‘llll “MU Ill illrrrn Sillpnr U rfillp LIL turnrl} to l; I“ lhc (ll) \ annual countr} \hrm pat'kul \xrlh 3:.rr'tlcrnng Lll\plil_\\. .rnrrn.rl nr.r;_'rt'. tun tor lxltl\ .llltl ILIUIILnl;_'l1trnc\\ lln~ )Lurr lornx torn-x \xrtlr lhc lord l’roxoxl\ l’.’rf_'c.rnt to L‘l'mlc onc cnorrnoux t.rnrrl_\ d4} out


Birds of America l'nnl Sat Ru Sup rnor Sum. \lrtthcll l.rhr';rr}. I”! North Street. 38" 390‘) Mon “at lll.rrn (rpm; 'l‘hu lll.rnr Spur. l-r'r Sal Ilkrth 5pm, l‘tcc .-\ t‘htrnt‘c to \xrtncxx ;r \olurnc ot onc ot thc \xor‘ltl\ lhrvxl \.rlu;rhlc hook\ rn lhc tluh ror' paper .’I_

Designer Mack l'nrrl Mon 2] Aug. Scotland Street School Mum-urn. Muwurn ot litlucrrtron. 335 Scotland SIrcct. 337 “500 Mon 'l‘hu & Sat lllnm 5pm: Fri 8:

.r!.\. .xothtrorx .r.\" .t‘. "\ if

t l1.t1lt'\Rt'fllilt‘\l.ltk171fw\" E ENS Books at the Botanics \rr '~' \lor‘ ‘.

.lrrl (ilrrxso‘o liofrrrrzt (LLTCCI‘A 'V'lrzmi

\tht'rri l\'r‘.:\l. “131:3 \ l‘“l‘rll.:f hook trunks? 2'9. the llrr"k:rk liLLfltlllfz'

l\\\\l & ll'l"'\

Mansfield Park Farmers‘ Market \.:Y \ ,lrrl \l.:n\lrt'k‘. l).rtk. wt! llurz‘rtxrrtor‘. l\’rknl. ‘11 'l\ 1-1 l'hnrr .‘r‘rrr \\ Ezo :._'crl\ \llpt‘llllJllxt'l tmlr \\llk'll \or; \c hot l‘..r;‘;‘\ I‘llKlle' Irorrr trn‘px pl‘rtcx' l.r\l\' tlrc \llllk-lk'lhx'

Queen‘s Park Farmers’ Market \rl 1‘ Jul ()nt'cnk l’rrrkv \‘H l .rl!;'\nlc l’.rrk .‘\‘ “"1 l‘l.rlll Iprrr


* Summer Weekend \rl \ r\ \nn H .lan l\cl\rn§_'ro\c l’.rrk llouirnz' ( .rct‘rr. l\t'l\lll \\.r}. hi“ \3" " ll'.rrn ‘prr: llk't' \k‘k' lllllt\l


Drop in Class for Beginners l on llrrr (i|.r\§_'o\\ lirrrlrllmt (‘t'rrtrt' i.“ \rrn hn'lmll \lrr'cl, 1‘ “‘31

1H “ern noon tilt.‘ .rhout llnrlrllnxrn .rl lll\'\k' \wt'klx lwfnrrrrn'h

l l llhl on! llll‘lt'

Hip Hop Dance Classes l \t'r_\ llnr (‘('.\_ KiH\.rutlrrt-h.rll \rm-r. h.‘ who

" Hprn U \Hkrlvllll} rrlx tour trxrt rlrrn to \lmkc tour lroon kllk't'l‘.lll\ .lllll lNN‘kIll‘.‘ ruornrncnrlcrl

Voicebeat Multicultural Singing Group lwr} llru llrc \nncw. ‘l.r Stunnrhrllc Strut l’.rrlrtk H "H' ‘i'|\' " lg ‘lpln Ll \Htu'\ ot the \kr'llrl llllllk' .rl thrx \rrrurngx group will ‘rn rnrcrrr.rlron.r| ll.r\our \o .rurlrtron rrux‘wrr} l rrr.rrl \ort‘clxurtlr' yrrmrl \l'lll tor tlt'l.t|l\ Readers and Writers l on \.rr l’.nlnk lunar}. “)5 l)urnl\.nlon Ro.ul. 35" ‘l\' i“ Ilkrnr Inc New group tor l‘llrlillllj.‘ .rullrorx .nnl .n rrl lt‘.ltlk'l\

Drop in Meditation Tasters l m; “ml (il.t\),'rl\\ lilltlrlllhl ('t‘llllt‘. l.“ Saut'lnclmll Sln'ct. “HHS-l l.‘ ill [pm {3 lawr} \ktllltlt'lt‘tl ulml .rll tlr.rl ‘runrnrnrnnrnnn‘ \tutt r\ .rlmnt \M-ll lrcrvk )our t'lr.rnu' to lrrrrl out


Actrvrtres 8i Events

The Shiants: Exhibition Opening Stottrxh l’ocll} l.rl\r.rr}. ('rrtlrrorr'x ( 'lrm'. (‘.rnong:.rlc. 5*“ 23"!) 3 illprn ln'r'. trt'kctcrl \lu'l tlu' .rr'trxtx .tltrl rnuxn I.rn\ lwlnnrl tlrc Sl’l \ \llllllllt'l cxlnhrnon

Saturday 8

Actrvrtres & Events

Stills Open Day \rrllx, 3*(‘otklnrrn Slr't't't.h33(r31lll ll.rnr firm l‘lk't' (it’l trunnc tit thrx tun tlrr} tor .1” HIV t.rrrrrl}. mth photograph} \xorlAlropx. .rnrnmlmn \cxxronx .rrrrl .r plmnnc lo lllk'L'l lllt' .rltr\l\


Swami Vishwananda lllL‘ \uyrhtrnc (.lllllk'll. ~ll -l l (iL'HljJL' l‘v llllrljJt'. ()(lh lel‘) 5pm l'rcc 'llrc llhl L'\L'l pulrlr; tlgrrxhrrn h} thc \l.rurrlr.rn )rrur, .r\.rl.rt .rllrl \prrrturrl tcuchcr.


Scotfairs Antique Fair \lc;rllrr\‘.l\.rnk SIM!“ ('cnlru. l“) l.rrnrlnn errl. ‘ll "(*1 (54555 Ilkrrn 4 illprn Ll Il'rccr Hunkxc \l.rll\ lrrtlcn \xrtlr rcucllcr}. cornx. lrrrcn. rncdalx and untrtruu

Monday 10

Actrvrtres & Events

Boxwars Five - Battle of the Clans! Studio 2-1. 3-1 26 ('zrlton Road. 5555' 375K Xprn. £3 £5 ll'rcc tor hoxurrrrrorxl.