Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.

Glasgow Thursdays


I '." aI lhc Bull (‘luh lll illpni 5.Illl £i llrcci \Vcckl} SIch and Hand I'Iiiniiiagc through lhcii I'ccot'dx Io hiing _\oII all lllc good xlltll 'l thc‘x llic odd Inc hand. xii cxpccl a lcxI ol cclccli‘onlca. dlxcolcchiiocaic} and oIlIcI‘ \iordx Ihc} 'xc iuxI madc up

I Anrk at Ihc (‘thouxc llpm iain

£3 £4 liJul. \loiilhl) punk nighl ollcriiig a l\\ii Iiiigcr xalIitc Io Ilic cxIahlixhinciiI. \lclal. all. chart and hip hop \xith l).l Bill} upxlairx.

I Bunker Thursdays at [BC Bunkc-i Bar midnight iani. l-rcc, \Vcckl}. Bunkcr Bar ix iiou xl;l}lllf_' opcn until iani at \xcckcndx and (ilaxgou indic xl.‘ll\\;ll'lx l'oolx (iold arc manning Ihc tlL‘L'kx t'ilk'll Illld I'H'l‘} 'l'lllllxdti}.

I Cigarettes and Fuck All at llIL‘ BuIIcI'l'l} and lhc l’ig. ‘lpiii 2am, l‘rcc. chkl}. Moloixii. iiothcrii xoul. hlucx. clcclro. indic. lhc qull _\our gl';tlill_\ callx iioixc and Ihc I‘ccordx _\our dad can‘t rcnicnihcr hu} ing.

I Club Clum at Bar Bloc. 0pm 3am. l-‘rcc. \VL‘L‘lxl}. lligh \ollagc I‘IIL‘k. dIIIIL‘L‘. hooIIch and hi'cakx to lump xIarl c\cii Ihc moxI grouiidcd ol l'ch. With lixc aclx and I‘cxidcnl l)J. I)irI_\ .\larc ll)L';Illlklll-ll)(l(li.

I Cotton Cake at Bar Bloc. llpm iam. lircc. Ill Jul. Thu ma} haw chI thc .’\rI_\ hut Ihix xunimcr \crxion at Bloc ix xurc lo kL‘L‘p lllL' L'lcclro It“ In. ('otIon (‘akc iiiaxxiw happ}.

Double Speak at tho Hold. ll)..i()pm 3am. £thc. l3 Jul}. .\'c\\ night at Ihix ncxx \cnuc \\ iIli \Varp‘x Jimm} lidgar gracing Ihc dcckx.

I Freakmoves at (il;ixgo\\ School ol' .-\rt. llpm 3am. £3 l£2i. \Vcckl}. l'ltra- Iinc hip hop night Mr lhc qudcnIx, \\ ith l)Jx UCIIIII Itlld NIL‘C. £l l'or USA qudcnIx al'tcr midnight. I'rcc hcl'orc.

I Lemon . . . the Kings of Indie at (‘luh l)uh. lllpiii 3am. £6 (£4). \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc xlIIII‘pL‘xl indic ctllx and Ihc l-I'cxhcxl indic llllx.

I Panic Room at MAS. £4. \Vcckl}. l)Jx l)a\c Young and Jim (icllatl) I.\'l-'.\li hoxl a night oI' indic and rock. .-\x an c'\tra hoiiux. lixc hand iiighIx \\\ iIch pltlL‘L'x \\ illi liool‘x (iold l)Jx MCI} l'oi‘InighI.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgmx School ol'.-\rt. ll).3lliiiii 2.30am. £3 l£3i. \Vcckl). ln Ihc Vic Bar. lli—l'i Scan Ik llll\llpllpp_\ pla} to an incrcaxingl} l'rcII/IL‘d crou d.

I Rift Raff at Baiiihoo. l lpm 3am. £4 ll‘rcct “cc-kl}. lllxux Bi-oxin pla_\x Ihc hc-xI in Rth and hip hop. 'l'oaxl pla}x clcctro. pop ck rock in Ihc Rcd Room \xhilc .\laxh dcliwrx It 'Back to \llllc‘. \L'l in thc Loungc. \Vc likc Ihc xound ol that. I Rubbermensch at .-\B(‘2.

l lpm 3am. £3 ll‘rcci. \Vcckh- .-\ IIL‘\\ night for indic kidx and iiidic lU\L‘l‘x. And} \Vilxon ix in chargc.

I Skint aI Ihc ('athouxc. l lpm 3am. £4 I£2i. \Vcckh. limo. I'uiik. punk. L‘l'oxxo\cr. rock. goth and hardcorc tuncx Irom DJ Bill) Moat.

I Thursday Club at Ihc (iaragc.

l lpm 3am. £5 lI‘rcci. “cc-kl}. .-\ hit oI mouthing hcrc Irom “llx. indic and chart to R& B and claxxic rock anthcmx.



I Wigwam Thursdays .Il \\ igxxari; llpm z.iiii £4 «liccI “cc-kl} l).l \lark} \lark pl.i_\x an cclcclic llll\ ol pop. chart. will and dtxco at Ihix ncxx lhqudaj. nighl xhindig doun \\ igxiani nix

Chart 8 Part,

I Hip .il ('uhc llpni 5am lIcc

“ccklx NW} 11le lo\c Ihcii hip .ll ('Iihc. \th le xclcclioii ol old xchool pop and houxc

I Wanted .il Ihc lunncl llpiii :Jlli 1“ lllccl “cc-kl} \ night oI chart inllucnccd lun loi c\ci‘_\onc

Glasgow Fridays


I Babaza .il Bcrlo ‘lpni iani llicci \Vcckl} l’aul 'li.i_\noi. lx’oxx .\lc.\lillan & Bill} Joich pla} iaucoux Rth and hcaxx hip hop

I Ball Breaker .iI lllt' (‘atliouxc

lll 5UP”! 5.Illl £5 IL5l \\cckl_\ ()ii l,c\ cl ()nc l)Jx Barr} and Bill} pla} claxxic Iock. glaiii nicIal. lunk iiictal. nu mcIal. ciiio. hip hop, c‘liixxlni'l .ilIci‘naIix c lock and daiicc l’hcu

I The Blitzkrieg Bop .it Ilic .\icliI-x “lillplll 5.1Ill £(i i£~li l-l Jul \lonlhl} .v\ll Ihingx \xcird. clchro. rock. indic and Iun. 'llll\ month. king oI maxh Iip 'l'hc l'rcclancc llcllraixcr and (’hickx on .Spc‘c‘d l).l. SL'C prc\ Ic'\\. pagc it).

I Boogiedown at thu l‘.’l\L'lllL‘lil Illpni iain £5 llrcci \Vccklx. l’unkcd Iip |a//. dixco and raw groo\ c ix lhc iiiaiii courxc Ioi Ihc cwning \iith laxhingx ol Iunk} houxc Ior dcxch'l. courch} ol \l;Il\\;Il'l Schxarl Rcid. Bunker Fridays at Ilic Bunkc-i Bar l'I'cc \\cck|_\. Banihoo'x .'\nd_\ \\'i|xoii unlcaxhcx hix o\x ii hraiid oI indic. clcclro. pop and rock on Ihc Bunkci patronx.

I Burly at Ihc .-\rchcx. lllfillpm ‘aiii. £lll l£.\‘i. 7 Jul. Moritlil}. l-ricndl). maxctilinc cluh l'or ga) and hi-nicn 25+. lcathcr. induxti‘ial. iockxlrapx cncoui‘agcd. .\luxic lroin lll l‘i Scan and R;i_\mo.

I Canvas Club aI .-\rla. ‘lpni 3am. £5 il'rcci. \Vcckl}. l.i\c handx plux l),l .loc l)cchan pla)iiig lunk and part) claxxicx. I Coded at Vault. llpm 3am. £5 l£-li. \Vcckl}. Stcxcn .\lc(‘rccr_\ ix thc main man. \\llllL‘ llic‘ likcx ol lilll} \Viitiilx. Bill} Kilkic and Amanda l’ricc join in l'rom Iiiiic Io Iimc.

I Festival at .-\B('. l lpm 3am. £(i l£~l l. \Vcckl). liuan .\'cilxon docx Ihc honourx \\ iIh hix hag ol' I'unk} clcclro xoundx and L‘l'tixx gcnrc lrccl'orni iiii\ing pliix gucxIx.

I Fiesta al l";i\cla. lllpin 3am. £5. l-l Jul. l)Jx l’roni Ihc Latin Kollcctix c launch a cclchration ol' grcat muxic ll‘Ulll acroxx Ihc glohc. Latin. .'\lrican. RIle hip hop. I‘lamcnco pop.

I Freakmenoovers at Blaiikci.

llpm 3am. £(i i£3i. 7 Jul. .\loiiIhl_\. .\ llL‘“ \xcckl} rcxidciic) I'or Ihc lircaknicnomcrx cicu. l)Jx l)cma and .\'icc on rotation. pla}ing Ihc hcxl lll hip hop. I'unk. xIrch xtilll and RIkB.

I Funhouse at Barll}. llpm 2am. £o. \Vcckl}. .-\ Iiighl ol' punk and indic pop \inh l’aul \ccdlcx. ScolI Duncan and thc Ildd lI\L' act.

Goodtoot aI Riwi‘xidc ('luh. midnight 3am. £5. " Jul. Monthl). (icl do“ n to a inpci‘h xclcclion ol' l‘unk. xoul. northcrn xoul and RSB.

I Grind at ('luh l)uh. lllpin 3am. £(i i£-li. \\'cck|x Scottic B pla_\x Ihc hcxt urhan. Rck B and hip hop xouiidx to an up-I'or-it-croxxd.

I GTV Fridays at Ihc (iaragc,

l lpm 3am. £5 Il'rcm. \\cckl,\- Brian .\lc.\laxlcr pla_\x cxcrxthing Irom Brit pop to chart inuxic Irom cwr} cra.

I Ibiza Beach Party at Rt‘llll‘c‘“ l-ci‘r}. Ill.3llpiii 3am. £8 IUH. l4 Jul only With “J William l)anicl llnxidc Out! and Ihc Baxcincnt rcxidcntx. cxpcct an}Ihing lhi/a xounding. Bcach gcar “clcoinc.

I Little League at R.-\l".-\. 9pm lam. £4. l-l Jul. Monthl}. .-\ coxicr Ihcmcd National l’op lcaguc hack I‘or anoIhcr

xuitzzricr \ h1gltt of :Iidic'. in good conipaiix I Mungos Hi Fi .«.I \Mmilxltlc‘ xoc ial (‘luh "phi Ian: :5 “cit l4 III} \loiilhl} (iacxl \ll' \lha \\lll I‘c plaxing xliicktl} haxhiiicnl xclcclioh. haxx lic.i\_\ clcclioiiic :nuxic coming out ol Jamaica Icaluiing rough ragga \l('x .zlltllg‘ \xith lllc' l‘i‘} \

Numbers at Biuimxic k lloicl lllpni :.Illl LS 5 Jul \loiillil} (‘clchialiiig IliciI Ihiid hiithdax. Ihc \uiiihcix cicxx haw lll\ ilcd l‘hon ( ) Iioiii Bcilin'x iciioxxiicd \hilkalapult l.ihcl Io Icat Ihc IooI oII Ihc Biunxxxick‘x iiiulIi colouch haxcnicnl I Offset .it ('uhc llpiii Run £5 «£5r \\cckl\ llancc c l.l\\lc x and lull houxc lioiii chidciil l)Jx I Old School Funk .ll iliI- Iliiii lllpni 5.Illl Lo “cc-kl} (ioidic. lack and ('Iaig pla} old xchool tan and Iunk \Il.l\\l\ \ I .ll \\i\iltl\l\lt' Social (‘luh “pm Sun £5 iL-li 5 lul \lonlhlx l’Iiiupx icxidcnlx pla} Ihcii uxiial glaiiioioux nux ol indic. xk.i and I Ionc \Hlll lixc lllll\lc lioiii Um I ighlx .ind l'hc \dx I Pukka Funk .il Ihc lunncl llptii ‘xiiii £5 «L h \\cckl} Big houxc nighl lioni lxiix chgan. lain 'Saiion‘ llliillixli'l and ;\.l. I Return to Mono .iI lllt' Suh (‘liih llpiii iatii £S i£hi l-l Jul \loiiIhl} Siliconc Soul pchcnI an cwntng ol Iunc .igc Iii honouI ol lhcii iicu .ilhuni. xoon lo conic on Sonia l'.\pccl to hcai xonic ol Ihc ncxx Irackx in thix Plt'\lt'\\ xpccial I Rocket aI Banihoo lll illpiii 5.llll £o I£»li. \Vcckl} llouxc iiiuxic li‘oni (icoll .\l and ('iaig l..l\\\. RIKB and hip hop \inh \ligucl .iiid Stcx ic Solc in Ihc loungc. I Shitdisco Turbo Soundsystem .ii (ilaxgim School oI .'\l’l llpiii iain £5 l£,‘\l. \Vcckl}. .-\ lcfl-ll \ci‘xion ol lhc inlanioux nuiiihcr (il parlicx Shildixco pla} lixc and DJ \\Illl xclx lroiii .i plclhora ol palx. I Siren at Bar Bloc lllpiii iam. £3 lll‘L‘t‘l. \VCL'lxl}. l‘ilc'cll'o .Iltd lL'clilio Ix lllt' oi'dcr oI lhc da_\ Irom hoiiicgroun pur\c_\orx Kl Rcd and ('icrr). Bl}thc'. I Tunnel Fridays at llic lunncl. llpm 3am. £5 l£3i \Vcckl}. |.a\ixh houxc and urhan llaxax. I Tusk Fridays at 'l'uxk ‘lpni 2am. £5 lll‘L‘c‘l, \Vt‘c‘kl}. (iltlxxlc llllll\t' Illilllt‘lllx Irom lhc carl} ‘llic \\ iIh ('hi'ix Bigu/li. I Vice at Ihc (‘thouxc l lpm 3am, £5 (£3). \Vcckl}. DJ .\larIin Balcx l.\l‘.\li hoxIx an indic rock part} on lcx cl Ixio \x illi Iuncx old and iicxx. Irom .'\l't‘llc' Monkc'u to [cppc-liii.

Chart <3 Party

I Back to Basics .ii (ilaxgott l'nncrxit} l'nioii. lllpin 2am. £‘\ lllCL' L: I, \Vcckl}. l).l 'l'l'llllll-lxll Iakcx _\ou \ia} hack. maxhuig Iip lhc hcxl old xkool Itlilllcllix \kllll ncu claxxlcx. c‘llccxc. dancc. hip hop. pop. indic and RIKB I Cube at ('uhc. llpm iam £5

(£5 ll'L‘L‘l \\.k‘L"l\l_\. l‘l'hall. pop and c‘laxxlc dancc lI'oIlI (icorgc Him Ic and \llkc‘ .\lcl)onald.

. Fresh Ill lllt' l’illii Loungc.

l lpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .\lichcllc and And} arc In chargc ol Intixical dulicx aI Ihc \lcrchant (’iI_\ cluh.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Audio at Bar Bloc. ‘lpnt 5am. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. Bloc'x loiigcxl xIanding cluh nighl ,-\udio kccp up Ihcir rcgular xlot \\ ith lhc hcxl in liouxc. Icchno and clcctro. l)J .-\idcn xpiiix Ihc Iunc-x.

I Beat Down the Up at IRIli .\'oic- (Lac. ‘Ipm 3am l-rcc \Vcckl}. Kid 'l‘uixt l.-\K.-\ Ihc SltiInhcriack on (‘ Sidc 'l‘rax rccordxi pl.i}x rock‘n‘i‘oll and \}lllllL‘llc rohotic \Ulll.

I Bunker Saturdays at Ihc Bunkcr Bar. l'lL'L‘. \VL'L‘k'l}. Xl‘hlix \laxll Ix on hand with a next \ic-ckl) rcxidcnc} pla_\ing a hit of cxcr}thing “till a good haxx linc and an clcclronic houxc Iip.

il‘xrx ~i:l\l lM‘l‘


The latest club news

As you're probably all heading up to a field in Balado this fortnight. here's some line-up info and set times for this year‘s T in the Park and tenth anniversary Slam tent:


9.30-11pm but? Milk.

8.45-9.30pm ‘t‘ Iii I. 1.». 7.20—8.45pm l51"",'i1 'n Ml. 'llfl‘fll'e‘ It 6.40-7.20pm M a I rim“ 5.15—6.40pm Sim“

4.15—5.15pm ~'"e- I'l'I ll.»- 34.15pm cltil'itt‘; Hiz'llu'f 1.45—3pm N'Illlttriti'of. ti." ‘.‘.".I.x 1.15-1.45pm Clli(\,1_){\, .‘l,t‘ noon—1.15pm Dilllwé'l l .‘iAi'li': SUNDAY 9 JULY

9.45-11pm Him Ila lluim-r tit 8.45-9.45pm Laurent Carriii-r vtz‘m, 7.30--8.45pm ? Mani, l)Jx; 7-7.30pm My Robot l rir-orl nliwj-s 5.45—7pm CI illi'lK‘.

4.45—5.45pm (intuit!) 1‘ (Lilaxy 2". l (A l-leriiiahos; (li‘.'(‘)

3.30—4.45pm Mr Scrulf 2.30—3.30pm C'ilrltatl .l"-.’(}" 1.15-2.30pm Ham 8 i)()llilfl‘il{1 noon-1.15pm RUJ" (la Bank

While Ihr" Suki Club have terminated their ll‘.\./()l‘/(,‘lll()'ll Willi tho Bacardi B'Ll-xt: bar. you can still catch regulars Ham 3". DOHIOJIK; and ()pIiiilo in the“: Slain lent. lit: Stil)-l‘_3_‘3f‘. running; order of Ihr: Bacardi 8 law: bar is as; lollr’wne:

SATURDAY 8 JULY 9—11pm Gareth Sl’)."llll(,'r‘."lli; 6-9pm Osuhladi:

3-6pm K9".er McFarIarw; noon-3pm ltbl’ly Sm- SUNDAY 9 JULY

9-11pm Slaiiimin' 30y, 6-9pm Q'lC‘l‘tl'H Harris 3-6pm STE/l0 8.0V: K Gig/it“ h/l noon-3pm Mash

AI‘IIJ, of course. Sub/ell all be. the":

o.” perciiSQIOo ll'imuql‘bill the '13;

I Death Disco at Ilic ,-\rclic~x

llpm 3am £lll. l5 Jul. lzxpcct lhc uxual gliIch}. gliI/_\. dark. (lll'l_\. dcthl} dixco u ith a xpccial gIchI appcarancc h} Marlin .\loxcrop I.’\ (‘crlain Ratioi. Jon da Sil\a. DJ \liiigo-(io plux a llorxc .\lcat l)Ixco room \iiIh Jaincx Hillard. Andrcxi Back liaincrgcnc} l and Niall ll)ixcopiai,

I Dirty Record: at (ilaxgiiv. l'nixc-rxit} l'nion, lllpni 3am. £3

li: lrcci. \VL'Clxl-Y l’IIlll \dlc le'Xll gctx behind Ihc dcckx Io dcliwr a xclcction ol R8;B. hip hop. will and dixco, ()pcn l)c\ ix Ior up-and-coiiiing l)Jx and rum “cc-kl} dounxtairx in l)ccp (i. alter a law l)J \iorkxhop llrom Xpnii.

,. 'z' THE LIST 37