IFreqbeatat RH) lllptn lam l'rcc hclorc lllpnr 2-2 hctotc nutlntght. U altct " Jul l)atk antl tunk} clcctro. houxc autl hrcal» trout tcmlcnh \l\l\'\’ .itltl lllt' litt'aknnlhl

I Fur Burger at l'.|.l\l lllpui :alll Ltht l-l Jul lltc lllL'lll lot :uh who ltkc gul\ antl an cxct L'L lcctic tnum polic} lllti\t‘\ hi .i \kt't'l.t'lltl \kllll it llt".\ \L'llllt' Hop ncctl a lciualc cuott tor cntr}

I Give it Some! Free Party at lliL‘ liongo ('luh llptn ‘ani ltcc " Jul llJRctlti l( inc lt Sonic't llti\l\ tlux oncr oll lrcc part} pla}uig lalct pcriotl lunk. call} (JJ\tll .tlltl Hltl \\ lltml lllll limp. llunk l unkatlclu to ( ll.llltllil.l\lt'l l'laxh \ l.t \tlvittl .illtl '\Hll.lt‘ \titlit'\\llt'lt' llt'.ll I A Hard Days Night at \\ cc Rul Bat llptn i.tlll H 1U) " Jul \ou thc \Vcc Rle ncxxcxt allctnatnc night ol intlic. will and rock'n'roll

I Late Nite Groove at lllt' Jal/ Hat nntlnight i.un U \Vcckl} l<cgular l'tttla} night lunkxtta\agan/a \\llll li\c l‘tllltl\ and Mix ltittk antl |a// tor thc tl.lli\L'lltHll hour I titik Junction t" .Jllll lollouctl l\_\ \;il\.i. \ka autl l.attn hcat\ ltotn |.tno Roclta'x llaln lilt‘pltanlx 1 l4 .lllll

I Misfits at \ulma} ('ougalc.

llptn iain LC \\cckl_\ lntlic. clcctro. punk. rock and who \kllll hargatn tlrtnkx. a ('l) \uap ho\ antl rcgulai gig ttckct gi\t';i\\;t}x (‘licck llll\lli\tllllllit' couk lot ntotc titlo

I Modern Lovers at ltgo. I lptn Rain. H L5 Jul. .\ litt\l-llltltlt‘l'lll\l tni\ ol will and lunk. ia//. \ka. garagc antl pochc prmnlctl h} rcxitlcntx ('raig and Mr l)i\uic l‘or tnorc inlo cltcck tlthlct‘nlou'l\.co.tlk.

I Nightstrike at Rlzl). lll..ill[llll iatn. l'rcc hctotc tuitlnight. U altcr. 2N .ltil lcchno. clcctro and hi tck ltittk lront l’ttl;tl'l\ antl l-ultu‘c \l}tliolog_\,

I Nuklear Puppy at icgo. lllpnt .iain, [5. H Jul. chulcnh .laxon ('oi'tc/ and Phil York kccp lhc hartl tlancc llag ll} itig Ill thc capital.

I Pins 8. Needles at Rlzl)

lllptn iani. l'rcc hclorc llptn; {I hclorc

tnnlnrght; U altcr. 2| Jul. \loiitlil} l'caxt ol itch} glitch} tcch»hou\c lront .\lalthc\\ llart~\\'il\on. K.\l(} and Paul llcntlorix iotnctl h} \pcctal gucxt (ircg .\lungtn lot a hlcntl ol clcctro antl lt‘clllto.

I Planet Earth at ('itrux ('luh. ltlitlptn ,iain. £5. \Vcckl). .\lu\ic trotn N70 througlt to I‘m"). In othcr \xoi‘tlx. a licalth} tlmc ol' punk. nc\\ \\;i\ c. nc\\ romantic and clcctro pop

I Red Alert ;tl \Vct‘ Rt'tl liar.

ltUtipin .iatn. Ll tt'ii. l-l Jul. l)runt & ha“ and hrcakx l’rotn l).l Alcanc. llc\. llangatnouxc and Ill l)'S_\l\a.

I Solescience at (‘aharct Voltairc. “hillle Kant. (5. l4 Jul. l)ctlicatctl to bringing thc hcxt ol~ untlcrgrountl houxc. tligual til\t'(i and trackhcatl \oul \\ uh rcxnlcntx Nick Yuil and Rob .\lalhic mth Rctl \"otlka liar l).l cotnpctition \iinncr. \cclu. on hand to \\.tl'lli thingx tip.

I Suite 69 at llcnr) \ ('cllar liar. llptn .‘Hllll. {Sit-1i. H Jul .-\ night ol' ollx l'rcnch pop \\ itli a Inc \ct trout l’rcnch gat‘agc t‘ockcrx l.c\ Hot-7

I Welcome to the Latin Quarter at lil Barrio. ‘iplll .‘uun. £3 £5 it‘ll. \Vcckl}. latin. Rtkli. chart and part} trackx tlircct lrotn Spain and South .-\rncrica.

Chan & Party

I Archive at (‘tt_\’ litltnhut'gh. ltlillptn .iatn. {5 tut. \Vcckl}. l)i\co Dan pla} \ thc hcxt lo\ Cd and t'rcxhcxt tlancc and pop.

I Espionage at li~pionagc. "pin 3am.

l‘rcc. \\'cckl_\. l’i\ c harx oxcr lix c lloorx. pla_\ntg c\ct"\lhing l'roin Rtin to lll;llll\ll'L‘;llll chart action \xith plcnt} ot tl'ark corncrx tor coppittg oil.

I Funtastic Fridays at Mariner-x. ltlpni Sam. [2. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc ultitnatc chem) tii\CU part} with chart \lll;l\llt‘\ l'ront thc (ilk tltrough to laxt ucck.

I Sigio at Siglo. 4.30pm 3am. l'rcc. \VL‘L‘kl). SL‘L‘ Thu.

40 THE LIST '5- eo

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Afterdark at (‘ahat'ct Vollairc. Ill.3ll[itii 3am. t'lll tL‘Ni. 8 Jul. chitlcntx \cil Bartlc) antl Jannn} pla} otit tltc hcxt tunk} clcctro hcatx.

I Diggity at the lixtahltxlnncnt.

Illptn 3am. L'" t£5i. \Vcckl}. l)J l-ahulo/. llarr} 3|). Rico and .\l(' Hon gct \ltl\\li \\ith thctr hatl \chcx. Plil)lll:_' \\iltl\l}lk' Rckli. lttp hop and \trcct will.

I Edenangels at lltc \‘aultx Icntct' \ Ia .\'tcol litlxxartlxt. lllpin 3am. £5. l5 Jul l-‘caturing thc hcxt Ill tlirt}. tunk}. ~c\_\. trihal. tccli} hoth brought to )titi h} l‘L‘\I\lClll\ l);t\L‘ .\l}c‘r\. Di). l.llllL‘ .\ll\\ .\li\-lt and Barric .\li|lar.

I The Egg at \Vcc RCtJ Bar l lptn 3am {4 hctorc midnight; £5 al‘tcr \Vcckl}

Still thc hc~t tni\ ot’ tntlic. (ilk garagc. northcrn \oul. \ka. "(ix punk and ncu “aw )titi'rc likcl} to \taggcr acro“. .-\ \xcll loth lll\llilllltlll that rcl'uwx to changc.

I Fever at ligo. llpinfiatn. L' It) tL'h' lllL'llil‘CrU. 23 Jul. 'l‘axtc tnain\ta}~ l-ixhcr

Taking over another venue and giving it their very own dose of swinging style as VEGAS! set out their stall at a marquee in the gardens. There‘s live lounge sounds from The Counsellors and burlesque from the delectable Missy Malone (pictured). Plus the usual VEGAS! japery and

big band soundtrack. Pit/K208 83/00! G(i""1t?”f§. Edinburgh. Salt 7:? Jul,

A; l’ricc and Martin \'alcnttnc arc on thc itiaiti tloor. “lilic thc \'i\ttor and Kaupuxx takc an ainthing gocx attitudc into thc ('octcau l.oungc.

I Fish Fry at tlic Ja/l Bar. l lptn .iatn. l‘rcc hclorc l 1.30pm; £5 allcr. \Vcckl}. SL‘Ulltxl] tau, i'unk, \oul and Latin hitlltlx

join l)J~ lirik l)'\'iking and Astroho}.

including thc cxpanxix c lunk ol' thc Joc .-\clic\on ()uartct t3 Juli and laptop lit/l nu\ctl \\lill Bra/ilian lunk lrotn

Sitlcu tntlcr IS Jllll.

I Headspin at lhc Bongo (‘Iuh lt)..‘~l)prn Rain. L'". IS Jul. 'l‘hc chonancc. .-\llan Dunbar. Stctc .-\u\tin and Bongo l)a\c proxitlc thc tour-dcck' run up ot lunk. hip hop. disco. houw and hcalx. \Vuh l)J Yoda alrcatl} conlirrncd lot‘ thcir l-‘cxuxal date 1 l2 Augi.

I Liquid Soul at l’o Na Na.

lllptn 3am. £3 hcl’orc l lptn; £6 al'tcr. \Vcckl}, (ict down carl} l‘or thix conxmcntl) capacin rctro-dixco and lunk} hottxc night. t‘caturing Po'x (Mn Mark B on thc tlccks {Using claxxic and hang up-to-dalc funk} houxc for [how in the kill)“.

I Mash al llcnr_\ K t'cllar Bat

nntlntght iatn {thc .\ Jul Soultul pam tuncx \xuh ll] \otnatl Soul Ili‘llllixl

I Mission Jnr at Studio 24 o lupin {5 \\cckl_\ (ioth. rock. punk and. ot coutxc. all tltat nu tnctal \tutt thc kitlx cta\c \o much It _\ou cxcr “ontlctctl \xhcrc all thth i‘ltlck't'ldkl )outhx trout liik' li‘l‘ ill (iik‘kl‘lllll \llt‘t‘l \H‘lll .liit'l tlark. look no ltuthct lhc original and hcxt untlcr l.\'\ tnctal gathcrtng itt limit I Mission at Stutlio 3-1 llptn iatn 5 H44 ntcrnhctxi “ct-kl) \tgltt ol inctal lll.t}llt‘lll. goth rock .llltl niorc trotn thc dark \itlc \\ llll nc\\ top lloor \l‘t‘\‘l.ll\ ol goth or lrcakctl ottt clcctto .ilili

dark“ a\ c

I 100% Dynamite at lhc Bongo t'luh l lptn iatn {-1 hctotc nutlntght. Lo altct .\ Jul l‘hc Soul .l.l// Rccortlx Sountl Sytctn I\ hack oncc again \\llll .\l(' ()\tnan tl)uh \cntlort antl l’ctc lx’cill} at lliL' controlx lUl anothcr t'\\'lil\|(‘il through tcggac. \oul. \ka. tunk. tlancchall. hip hop. root\ and tunglc Support liotti llcco} Ro} .llltl DJRcdo lll thc tnatn rootit \xith thc ()tangc St hon taking carc ol rooru txxo

I Pukka Up at lhc l itttutl Roont

lll illptn iarn H hclotc ll illpin. L" attcr l5 Jul. 'l‘hc lontlon c luh hrattd hcatl\ tip to latltnhutgh tor onc titgltt onl} tor a ntght ot lilth}. \c\_\ houxc \\llll .\lark (irahant .llitl ('hrixtophcr (i;l\lt‘l alongxitlc l’rogtcxxion‘x llctck Martin and Alan l)ol\\ou

I Reverend Funk at ltgo

lll..‘\llptn iatn. £5 [7. 8 Jul. :\ \crtnon ol ltttik t'l;l\\lL‘\. \oaring truinpct and Hammond organ gctnx antl niotlcrn :ll'll\l\ In \H)l'\lll[l ol thc prc-tlnco 7th \ountl, (‘hcck rcxlunkco tik tor inorc into.

I Rewind at thc i,|t|liltl Rooin. “Lilith” .itlln. {5. 3 Jill ()ltl \ktml tll\t‘ti jockx Mick ('ool and Kalli l’oucr (ll\ii ottt thc hcxt tn 7llx. Hllx antl ‘llls poptaxttc llllit‘x.

I Rock Party at ()piutn. llptn iarn l'rcc. \Vcckl}. l.l\ c hantlx hclorchantl tl'rotn 7pm). rountlctl oll uith a tcaxt ol rock.

I Sophistitunk at (’it}: latlinhurgh llptti .iarn. £8. \Vcckl}. chitlcnt I” John llutchixon pla}\ lunkctl tip Rtkli rcnu\c\ and liouxc tuncx to a tlrcxxctl up croutl.

I Tease Age at (‘itt‘ux ('luh.

l lptti .iatn. l'rcc hclorc l l illpnt‘. H al'tcr. chkl}. lhl\ tntllc \laluat'l (Jl\llL'\ tip cxcr)thing lroni \\\Illglllg ()ii\ llll\ to hagg} Manchcxtcr tau-x ax \xcll ax a lioxl ol currcnl Nil/I. chart hothcrcrx \Hlll l)J Monkcc Mickcc. lztltnhurgh'x longcxt conttnuall} running intlic night.

I ZHOi :tl ltgti, (i. ii) ‘iiUplll. L5. \Vcckl}. l'ntlcr lH~ ntght ol hip hop and urhan Rtkli lla\a\ (\ll'lcl agc l't‘xlrlclitin ol l3 7).

I Ultragroove at (‘aharct Voltaire. ll)..illpin 3am. L'H tun. l5 Jul. litlinhurgh'x pccrlcsx rcal houxc part} utth l'L'\llelll (iarctli Sonuncrullc. l)i\kornatik‘\ .\'cil .‘\ll(JCl'\Ull ltlllh thc niain rootn tor \oinc tackin' clcctronic houxc gromcx antl Alro rh}tlun\. With .\likc} lllglllx antl l.ornc i‘llllllL‘ dropping \oul. lunk and tll\U) through thc hack. I Upstairs Downstairs at lzgo.

l lptn 3am. U). 15 Jul. ('hrix l’aton and (iractnc l‘~ graduatc lrorn llahana to ligo utth a nux ol carnpncxs. part} ttlilllcmx and lhc hcxl land \xorxti ol llic His and 9t)» l)t)\kn\litlr\ Alan and Maggtc Jo) go hack to thcrr rootx with thc hcxt ol Jo}. 1:1 The VEGAS! Garden Party at \cht l’rinccs Strcct (iartlcns. lllpni Zarn. ill). l5 Jul. ()nc oll chancc to gct down to thc big band and winging \l}lc ol Vegas? in i’rinccx Strch (iartlcnx l'caturing ll\L‘ gticwtx thc ('ounxcllors and htirlquuc artixt Mixx} Malonc.

I Velvet at Mariner» lllptn 2am. £4 hcl'orc lt).3t)prn; U) altcr 11.5). 5 Aug. Women's night for ga} girlics and thcir \pcciall} invited ho} l'ricndx tnicn cart onl} gain admixxton il' accoinpanicd by a lad) l. featuring a new tnUsic policy that \pans thc gcnrcx. utth l)J Random and DJ ('arpc Dictn.