* Atomised In .00. (MI: Brick \ 0.. k I I \ The Conformist (ll Contormista)

I<"\'IIIL'I ficrnmn} .‘INVII \IIIIII/ Iichhlzqii ,"III‘ I I‘ (I t |_ \ ..... I; .' IL

I IIlI\I|.IlI I IIIII'II \I.IIIIII.I ( II'IIuI I I.::tI.: I I '..t Ix’ \I.:" l I I I I I-


It'llk'“ I‘-l‘.r'k' I" \t .‘44 .'r If II ,4 In: III.‘ .: I‘.:II ~ .' r \ \I \

Awesome; I F‘ckin’ Shot That! I\ I\ IIt-.I.I IIII.I III

... '\\I.IIII \.:uIII I \t IINI'I \‘IIIzn IIIWKIIJIC HI: in \ti'fl iIt "Iizx II’

My llIIt'I\Ik"~\. I‘JL'U 11.IIIII Iyxn'xx pm" 1‘ Ill I mix .lI‘III :It II _'::I “pin 3

MINI/mun [din/hum: ‘-\I‘TII.II‘. I .llll.l /CII."I\.’ I‘I.' "In \

Big Momma’s House 2II'I II 0. III,-II \\ IIIII'i t '.~:.I 'Il I'-

'IHIIII “Inlcxt'll I \. IIWII \I.IIlIII II III_.I\ II.1.I\ :ILI III\ 'I‘ngt I; I .' \

I .I\\I\'II\k'. I huh I t-Iilant \I.I I uh: I Iciwi ( IIIIIIIIt-IIIIIIII In.‘ " I


II.t\\lL'll\\‘I1'H\‘\llllIIk'l\I'\k'I.HIIlt' I I.I\\I\ IIIIII III‘II In .. IIIHIII'YIII \ Il' ”" f

\IIIIIIIIIJ .I‘.‘.llll \.I\\n (III. \i'IIIII‘f \ II'I cIII~II I In: Curious George O. \I

(III/\LINII (1/1. lull/ll / I/Ill/wlylg (Ifigxsruz In”: [In “in (I u lll \ ' \\I I I

lilIIIlmglI The Cave of the Yellow Dog (Die W - I I I; ~ .- I I II

Bob the Builder & Pingu ii Hoehle Des Gelben Hundes) l‘II I

l\ltlll'll\l (Min/I lI/I/I/ru/ull ... III\.IIIIII.I\IIII'II II.I‘. :.I I' \I 'III\‘

Boudu Saved from Drowning II'( I‘ \IuII:'u|I.I ( IcIIII.In\ .‘INIZI ‘l *IIIIII \'I I\‘~ I

.... «Ivan Ix’cnuu. I Luke I” {fl IIIII \.lll\.tI \‘IIxI'llllII'l\ .tll .II‘.III«II‘IICII ',“I;‘I“. I' I:

\II\ Ich \IIIIIIII. I 'II.IIII‘\ I il.llllI\.lI, \I.IlthII‘ Ill \Itlllt'IlIlJlI llIIttlflI.Illl\ I‘III IIt'I nun .mlu Name ()Skar Rochlcr I|.IIIII.I N‘IIIIII IIIK' c\lI.InIIIIII.II\ I.lllllI\ II‘IIIM' In LIIII lI lIltIlI II pimp- I

, \UIIIII'IIIJIIHII ml lllHlJI nullimk lechn .I \\HIIII IIIIcII IIII'\ Inc In IIIIc I‘.\'\’II \I I I' \\ ‘I‘. x I, earn 21 Janqu 1959 V tramp \.I\k'\I IIHlll tlrlmnuig. and III\ “III II II! In: Cyberworld 3D I‘Iv \ I ~ I \ BaCkground Son OI scnptwmer In «In It'\\ III'I \KIIH th I'III\‘\ Ill\ Illl\It l\ I‘l‘III Chicken Little II I... I\I.:I- V n "I l, -' I ' \I I' I a I \\I 1. KIEIIIS ROOIWIOI' QIKI GISGIa EISHGF, \ II.IIIIIIII§: .IIIII \IhllllI‘lllfJ. .l\ Ix’t'nnu mph»ch IIIIItIaI, I \ ,‘H‘I‘I \IIII Ix III /.I\ II lira.“ \ ' ~ | I ' 'I ' ngar established a reputation IcI.IlIun\IIIp\ leui'cn uppnxilc wt litl\ of .I I’.IIIII k \II'\\.III II'.lll( II\.t\ it (LZI'. I I for C(HmOVchy by pennmg [\HIJIMt'tI trltlllllllIIIII} (I/Ingmi Ill/n \I.ll\Il.lII ‘Mlllllll I I'III“.\III‘,' IIII IleIII: ~I in l \ I l/Ile/Islvslal/on Deutsclrland a MUN," “mm” . "MIR-H h" h” I “1". I“ \‘ I I ' ' Bound for GIOWII’(II.... lII.lI \l.” III.IllI\IIIII'1'II'xII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIII.II;uti'l: lt--:‘ ..' : “Ohtlcally "ICOHeCI tale OI \\III\}. I S. I‘I'YH I).l\ltI ( '.iII.IIIIIIc. IIIIIIII l.IlIII'I \xhnk next-I II‘u‘II‘ IIII IIIII- m; -I.I;I'w a i r w M '. fill l \. German IIIICUHIIIOII. AS a (IIIG‘CIOI' \It‘IIIItIJ I)lIIUll. Rand} ()u.nil. Kuhn} ('n\ [III-n \k'II\I\ IIIk' Itmn Illln I Il.tl'\ .IIII’I /I- I (I .\ he has; been fascinated with sex, I IMIIIII \ I‘lltplk nl one of \IIIcIItix llll\\Il.l‘_‘llH\Ill‘.‘ III.II IIIK' \In |\ I.lIIIlI,' III; The Da Vinci Code ‘\ .. mom “()[Emlv m Sl/vesmr _‘.TI\'.lIL'\I lnlk \Injgt'h. “with (iuIIIIIc. \KIIII tun lu-tnmc IIlk‘ |.III:'IIIII:' \IIII k III .III I‘III .I I\'I‘l IIII.I..::I: l \ "WI I~- Ilun (jot/Inflow”) about a couple Of IL‘II Ill\ iIll\l \I\'\.I\I.lIk'lI It'\.l\ IIUIIIC Ill lIli‘ lcu L'tlll.III\ I\\II.I\ I\t'(I HiIiII\.III ItIi'IIII\ I .I\I \IIII'~ '. I.‘-IIlI»I. III \I, I\ I': :3 I1 'I..'I I‘Hlklnlimk lnI \xniknnh IUtII\\H\\‘I tIIc [I.I\k'\I.IIIIIJIItIJIIIIIk'll‘III\ I‘llI\\IIIIII\ I1\'Iil!. III".‘~.LIII I'III,,': .'I ‘II"II 80X “(MIMI)” Born” art's“; In \IIlchcingg .llltI \licnfglh III \IIIt'IIt'.I‘\ IImIl III lIIc Iig'Iil [\Iatc ( Illi hum." II II I I I I l ' Poland, the imaginatively IlIIOd \Kitllellj.) \ I.l\\ IIll\ I\ «Inc nl \xIIII} \ \ci} III/Alli Ili/ (l/il\'\'lll‘. ( IlIi uni/I." I .l'lwv uni" II I I ' I I III Illll fit/(2k MV DICK and I’tlS film about but IIIlll\ \xlIIt'II Il.l\ lu'cn I‘k'\\ IIIIcIIII_-.'l_\ II/I/Ilrmq/I III II ;~ I I III I II I “aHSOXHGIS' /\gn(_)8 8,7(1 l-{er ll\\'lIlNlI\\'tI I'JII HI \t'.ll\(‘ll (L'IL'I‘lllJilllt‘ III\' The Chorus I \l II IIII\I~‘I‘III‘ 2‘. It.:' '.‘..: .'. I._ ‘l g‘; 'I 'IIllli‘l . "I" l- I W \xnik nl i'IIIL'IIlaluL'Ia Ilt‘l II.l\ c (\Icr I.lll.lllt’l. I I.III\\"\\\|I/\‘II.III(I ( II'IIII.III\ Ivnx. i‘II'I.I 'fl ~ IIT_.'I'.! .I' IIIIII

RIDING/5' NICQ work If you can (ilmgun /-I/nr [hill/III. (i/Irxqun .‘lllllHicIaIII IIII'IIIII. I I.III\ I‘|\ Iii-Iliuuiil I III» III IIIIw I -II -. I'l I.',I‘II‘I I IIII get '1‘ Brazil I |5l.... (It-II_\ (ilIIl.llll.I \. Ivan II.I|III\lc \IJlllllt‘l ‘HIIIIIII \i't III .tll In I

What‘s he up to now? He has

What .InII.Il|I.In Puma Kim (illt'\I. lx’nlIcIt

.IIhchc Innirilinjc \\ Iinnl III III\' pmt \\ \\ ||

Dave Chappelle’s Block Party w

jtlSI adapted MICIIGI IIc \IIH. I’L‘lci Vaughan l-IIIIIIII [Ii-rind. l/II (‘IIII/ux lolllm \ II\'\\ II'.II Ilk'l .... ‘\II_ III I l Inizilr, I \ ‘I II I‘M Houeuebecq's ContrOVerS'al “Ovel I'.\Il.l\.lj_'.llllI} (It'\lf._'llt'tI .tlliI III-It (-IL‘IIICIII \IJIIIIK'II I IIII'IIHI I. \\III\ .IIIIII|\I I'IIIIIIII I II I;‘_'II. I II III ItII I‘M \'.:lt' ~I-II huinulnux ( )I\\clli;in \l\lllll nl IIIC luluu'. lllllllt'lIl.lI\'I_\ Iunyiiiwx IIII' IIIIIIIIV pull III IIII; I‘lll. II! III I‘I a I lull?” Ill IIII‘

Alo/msed. Controversially he has taken the most horrible aspects of the novel and given it a happy endIng. Influential trade magazme Var/elv accused him of being a wimp by haVIng a Hollywood ending. Roehler says. ‘I don't agree with that. The ending Is a deCISIon you have to make. WIth what way yOu go when you make a film and what type of film you want to make. We decided In the beginning to do a movre like we did. the compromise would have been to put pornography and the difficult aspect In It. You have to do one kind of mowe or another.‘

What he says about Houellebecq’s book ‘lt‘s a ver Interesting book and a book from someone who reproaches socrety. It's not a cIaSSIcaI book: you have a seeial histOry thing that looks on mankind and says you are finished and have to make place for a new race I thought this was very embarrassing for me when I thought longer about it, I couldn't share this opinIon with the author. With the first readIng I could accept It, but when I started to reflect on It. I couldn't acceptnf

Interesting Fact Roehler doesn't trust people who are not comfortable wrth hIs own sexuality. because he claims. 'I have a lot of It.'

I Atom/39d IS on selected release from Fri 14 Jul. See review. page 47.

.l\ llIlNIt‘\I hurt-.Iut‘ml l’I'y‘c ILIlllcx lIk‘ IHH'L‘\ nl IHI.lIII.lll.llll\lll .Ind lighlx for Ill\ (Ilt'Jlll _L'llI. chxt} truckci (il'lt‘\l ()xcrlnny .mil l.llll\Il.l(I\IL' I.tlll.l\l.l. \\ IIII IllHllk‘llh nl \hcci (It-.Ilnc .MIICIIJIIII .llltI a (Low

culling; Si ulwmm XI ri'i'nmu li’imni.

I IIIII/qu/l

“" - - v

III-\pcmnnn IHl lt'.lI t'II\UIII.I‘.'\‘IIIk'III .mII lt'\[k‘\l ,-\ntI nnu' IIt' IlixtmI-n III.II \C\\'I.II of [IN Imp .llt' 7.:Illcil \lllf.'\‘l\, III- iltx IIIm lII.Il lllll\l\ (UllItI lu' IIII'II \.tI\.lIlHll .lllII. III ii \II.III_~:c \\.II. III\ III‘.III\\.IIIIIIII:'_ IIIII l.I\|IInIIcII. \cnluncnlal (lIIIle INI\ «IllII I-

\lll.l\Il (ill/\zjrm ll/III III! Ill/I (l/il\'."4"-‘.

_ .: ..~, »g u a 1' _ I‘ "(:‘f'!. ‘4 .' .._ "-f-r ..h; o I . ° ' ° Last chance to see Paul Crowder and John Dower’s enthrallin and entertaining Once In A lifetime 9



liIIIII‘. III: IIIC ZYIII‘II I.:Il l-II .III IIIIIIIIIIII I'. IIII tII‘II' IIIItlllllfilII..l‘. II'IIIIII ml III "I," I‘IIIIIJ \IIIII‘I\ III. iIIIIII (w I li’, NI. \‘l,.’ (I “IQ/In, In /,,‘I'I Hi! thin"

‘..._' y‘.-- ; <4 my“

documentary about the fast and high times of the New York Cosmos, the international US soccer team from the 19705. Any film that features contributions from, and old footage of Pele, Franz Beckenbauer and flamboyant Italian striker Giorgio Chinaglia has got to be worth the price of admission.

I FI/n‘holls‘t‘. Edinburgh (Tue 7 VTllzl 787 Jul (NI/III

50 THE LIST 5 3m: