
Margaret and HR Rey’s magical, cherished book series about a mischievous little monkey gets a cute-as-a-button makeover for this big budget animated movie starring

the voice talents of Will Ferrell, Drew Barrymore and Dick Van Dyke. Showing as part of Weans’ World season. I l ll/llllUl/St), Hamburg/i (Sun 16 Jul and 77 Jul only).

In The Realm of the Senses (Ai No Corrida) 1 IX) .0.” (Nagixa ()thia. Japan. 107m ’l‘atxuxa l'llll. lziko Matxuda. lll5min .'\t laxt deemed lit lor certification. ()xliima'x xliockmgl) erotic lilm can no“ he piihliel} xcreened. In the iiiilitai'ixt Japan ol l‘) to. a couple encloxe theinxehex in lllL'll' o\\ ii xenxual \Hllltl. their paxxion exealatmg iiiilil oiil) death can pi‘ox ide the next orgaxm, .\1axterl_\. tliotigh necexxarily e\tieinel_\ e\plieit look at the power ol xe\ua| aiouxal. \\ hich hax attracted

colilrm eix_\ throughout the world. l’art ol 5‘) Yeaix ol the litlmburgh International l‘lllll l'extixal xeaxon. I'll/II/IUHH'. Iz't/IIilm/‘gli. Inside Man i ISi oooo (Spike Lee. lb. .‘lNloi Den/cl \\'.ixliiiigtoii. (’lne l)“ en. Jodie l-‘oxtei‘ 2\'mm. Dalton Ruxxell t()\xeni ix planning the pcrlect robber). l)eteeti\e l-ra/ier l\\'.ixliiiigtoiii iiiiixt xtop him. .-\nd the bank'x proprietor hii‘ex l.l\\_\Cl' Madeline

low, 35 Juli /' {Op/n


Hum 27 ,lu/t 70 30am, 7 30pm 8 5" 30pm


Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

52 THE LIST 6—30 Jul 3006

White tl‘oxtei'i to protect liix interext. Sleek. intelligent and conxtinttlialel) made thriller that comex to an unexpected concluxion. ('i/ieii or/(l Rt‘ll/l't’lt' Street. (ilmemi _' l'lllll/IUHH'. lit/iriliurgli.

Ju-On: The Grudge 2 l lSi coo t'llikaxhi Shimi/u. Japan. 3003) Noriko Sakai. ('hiliaru .\'iyama. Kei IIorie. Yui lehikaxxa, 95min. See review. page 47. (men ('I'lll Re'Ii/reii' Street. (i/meoii ;

('meii (Ir/(I lz'tlirilmi‘gli. lz‘illIi/mreli. Junebug ( IS» 0000 (Phil Morrixon. l'S. 2005i Iimbeth l)a\'idt/. l)a\'id Kuhn. Alexxandro Nnola. ('elia Wexton. Scott \\'ilxtiii. Am) Adanix. lllomin llang croxxed the union lme lor the lirxt time xince Iiix marriage to art dealer .‘xladelame

tl)a\ idt/i on an otitxider art requixition trip. (ieorge (Niiolai takex her to liix lamil} home in North (‘arolma Welcoming home the bexotted cotiple are hix prickl} lamil) and hix innocently garruloux xixter m-lau .-\xh|e} (Adamxi Ax Madelame beginon conduct protracted negotiationx \Kllll an mxane local artixt. Axhley and .-\m} lind a connection. I,o\ el). quirk}. oll-beat laiiiilial drama that \mrkx ax both chamber piece and eoxmic meditation. l-i/niliome. lit/III/llll'u/l. Just My Luck 1 Pm to (Donald I’etrie. l'S. loom l.iiitlxa_\ I.ohan_ ('hrix l’ine. Ian/on l.o\e. .\lixxi l’}|e. Me l‘l}. Itlfiiiim. Manhattan xocialite .-\xh|e} tl.ohani hax a bit ol a xhocker alter her xeenimgl} nexerendmg luck} xtreak eomex to a halt l'olltm mg a bit ol' xmooehmg \\ ith tltWHl- and-out Jake tl’iiiei. ()ne lor Mel-l} laiix. (it'm‘l‘tll I't'li'tlu‘.

Krrish l IZAI tRakexh Roxhan. India. loom Rekha. llrithik Roxhan. l’rl);ln;t ('hopra. Sharat Saxena. 150mm. The xuperhero lather and mu duo return in thix xequel to Kn! ,lli/ (imu. (Menu :l! The Qum. (ilmemi; (Mean for! Kumuml. litliIi/mruli. LA Confidential l 18» .0... «(Unix Ilanxon. l'S. WWI Kenn Space}. (in) Pearce. Ruxxell (‘rou e. Kim Baxmger. 135mm. Adapted from Janiex Iillro} 'x neo-

noir iio\ el. the bext .-\mericaii lilm ol l‘)‘)7 L‘\tikt‘\ a gllll} poleVUl'ltl “at ll l.()\ Angelex underpinned b} .in allpei‘xaxixe. lextei'mg corruption An intricate. drop-dead brilliant plot Iiiikx bent copx. good copx. llollxuood xtar lookalike pioxtitutex and the mob. The dialogue cracklex and the actorx burn up the xcreen: thix ix one ol the text lilinx one \Hitlltl dare mention in the xame breath ax the delinitn e (‘limulmur I‘ll/iiliouu'. Iii/inlmre/i.

The Lake House «PM 00

(:‘xlelandro Agrexti. I'S. Zoom Keanu Rce\ex. Sandra Bullock lll5mm l‘lUrltl, xtilted. boring. banal but oecaxioiiall_\ poetic xupernatural roinancer xtarrmg X/u'ul lreakx Sandra Bullock and Keanti Reexex (lenel'u/ I‘t'lt'tlu’.

The Lake House (Gold Class) ll’Ul O. t:\|e|andro .-\giexti. ('8. 200m Keanu Reexex. Sandra Bullock Illflmm, I‘Iorid. xtilted. boring. banal but occaxionall} poetic xtipcrnaltiral romanccr xlar’rlng .S/u'ul lreakx Sandra Bullock and Keanu Ree\ex lite lat/mlrureli ()nmr. lit/inlmreli

Last Holiday « Ilm 000 tWa) ne \Vang. l'S. :llllhl Queen l.atilalt. l.l. (‘ool J. 'l‘imoth} lltittoii. (ierard l)epardieu l l Iiiiiii l.ikeable drama abotit a xh} \toman ti ho ix diagnoxed \Hlll a terminal illnexx and decidex to xpend liei remaining \teekx on a Izuropean \acation. Director \\'.i_\ne Siriuke Wa} tie and \x riterx Jellre) Price and Peter Seaman keep thingx bubbl}. oll centre and ClllL‘I’ltllnlllg‘. ()ne lor the ladiex. perhapx

l'm' lit/III/Hll‘g'll ()l um. Iztliiilmreli. Lemming l 15i 0.. (Dominik \loll. l'rance. 2005i Laurent l.ucax. (Iiarlolle (iamxbourg. ('harlotte Ramplmg. Andre l)uxxollier 129mm. Young ll1\ entor .-\lillll (Belt) ll.;tllfL‘llll ix xmaxhed tip in a car eraxh. getx bitten b) the title rodent. and xeex hix

u ile BeneLlicte1(iamxbourgiapparentl} poxxexxed .-\x \Nllll liliiiiii;ikc'r .\loll'x pre\iotix. xlightl} xuperior \tork Hum Hex Here In Help CHOW. [.4'IIIINIIIL' entertamingl} explorex him a complacent

cotiple‘x equilibrium ix dixiupted l‘_\ the arii\al ol lll}\lc‘llwtl\ mtiudei (lane-on l:.'ni Illt‘u'fli (ran (a In

Little Manhattan l‘t ‘o 0.0 Alaik lex m.l \A 200‘! .loxh lltitt heixon. ('hailie Ra\. Bradle_\ \\ hitloid. t‘xnthia \i\on.

\\ illie (i.ll\i‘ll .\ iiiiin (tile. iiianipulatix e. \er_\ \xatthal‘le but \ei\ \xhite. l‘ll\ll\'}‘t‘tl look .it urban puppx loxe. xet to a bat ktliop ol landiiiaikx, “lllxll lo\etx ol \eu \oik \xill enim xpottmg lhe liliii boaxtx the xaiiie huxband and \\ Ilt' l‘ltklllclli‘ll team behind

'\ Illt llitlltl't 7 Ii (1" \(llll!(14"l(l‘lli\f Lost Embrace t 1*. oo illatiiel Burman. \igentina l iante Ital_\ \pam, .‘lNLli l)aniel llendlet. \diiana -\i/eiiil\eig. Jorge l).l’ll.l llNlmm llixappomtme comedx drama xet in a Buenox -\iiex xhoppmg mall \hmalt/ and \llk'dl‘ PltKllltllt‘Il \aluex derail xome iiiteiextmg inoinentx l-ilnilioun lilmlimeli

Love + Hatetliie lllt‘lllllllc Saxaged Ix Ireland. .‘HUM lom lludxon. Saiiiina \uan Mimin -\nothei -\xian and Biitixli clU\\ \llllllldl iomant e in the tradition ol ltl\l :\ luxl. \i' It'lltl RIM and lie/ill /! I ll; H: t Lliimi lliix time the '\\I.lll ix I” )eai old .\axeema t ’\\\.tlll and her lo\ e inteiext ix .‘\tl.llll Illudxoni \xhoxe laiiiilx are B,\l’ thiotigh and lhiough llie l.l\ e

that '\\l.tll\ \xlio abandon their laini|_\ traditionx xliould be leted and that


tlioxe that aren't \(‘ll\ int ed b_\ the melting point xhould be beaten up \\t‘lll\l make \oinian 'lebbit proud Seiinonixini' \xell paxt itx er| b) date (ilmeun lilm lliealu'. (Hawaii

The Magician ( IM 00. «Scott Kym. .»\uxtralla. Ill”) Scott l\‘_\.m_ Ben Walker 35min liiteiextmg. blackl} ctillllt iiiocktiineiit.ii'_\ lolloxx mg the da_\ to da_\ acti\ Itiex ol an .-\uxtia|i.m liitiiiaii (imuo I'ali/tliu/eli

March of the Penguins ll l 0.. (Inc Jacqucl. l'iance. .‘lllhi Himm l)elightlul il laii|_\ routine (III a l)ixto\ei} ('hannel kind ol ua} l docuinentai) \xhich lolloux the lampeioi l’engmiix' annual attempt to bring new lile into the lree/iiig climbon :\'llt.l \loigan l'reeman'x rich. cheex} \HIL e o\er makex the llllll (i/mu'nm. (i/uwmi

Matewan t I5i O... tJolin Say lex. l'S, I‘)H7i ( 'hrix ('oopci, \Vill ()Idhain. Jaiiiex Izail Joiiex I illnim lhe mining company ti\\ll\ the entire toun. and the men‘x \toikmg conditionx are harxh enough to pltl\t|l\t' a \xalkout b) the iiiimigiaiit \xoikeix While the boxxex tr} to bieak the xtiike. the armal ol a union organixei leadx to \ iolent conlIict 5a) Iex' tiiodextl} budgeted account ol a ke) moment liom :‘tmerican labour hixtoi) liax an extraordinai) leelmg ol authenticin deri\ ed lioiii line [X‘ilorinancex. xplendid photograph) and a precixe e}e loi detail .\ tad o\eilong peihapx. btit a iouxing. humane and \iortlmhile piece ol work Part ol xeaxon celebrating the \Hilk ol cmeniattigi'apliei llaxkell \Vexlei (iluiigmt l‘l/m I/li'rllli', (ilihuuu

Microcosmos ll l.”.. l( ‘Iautlt- \uridxam/Marie l’eiennou. l‘lilllLL‘. I‘N‘i 75min :\ bug e_\ed look at the 'aorld ol inxectx. thix l'rcncli one oll lalIx xoiiiexxheie betxxeen a narratixelexx dot umentar) and an enxemble piece loi itx aira} ol tin} characteix What unloldx ix a kind ol lile iii- ada) between the bladex ol graxx man mergromi meadovt 'l he an aid \iinnmg mac iii-photograph} and imaginatix e xound L‘Hikc and xttrpaxx the .irlillclal \xorldx created in all lhoxe xctcncc llclion mm iex (illnmni I'llm l/ll'tllH', (i/uu'uii Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday t M n O... tJacquex 'l'ati. l'rance. IUSJI Jacquex 'lati. Nathalie l’axcaud. Michelle Rolla ‘Hmm .\I Ilulot. the accident‘prone bachelor arrixex at a tutti"). coaxial rexort and dexaxtation \er} xoon enxuex. (‘oinic timing at itx moxt irrexixtible. ax 'lati getx aua} mth a number ol memorable. xlou- burning gagx. all undercut b) the xtabbmg notion that \k e all hax e an uncle exact!) like Iltilot l’art ol 5‘) Yearx oi the Izdinburgh International l'llIII l‘C\ll\;il xeaxon l‘l/Hl/IIIHH‘, lulmlmreli

* Offside ll’Gi O... lJalar l’anahi. Iran. 3000. 8mm Mobarak-Shahi. Shayexteh Irani. .-\_\da Sadeqi ()Imm See fC‘-IL‘\A.. page Jo. I'l/In/IHUH‘. lx/uiliureli