Seamus Harahan and Bedwyr Williams 38°“ “tu’es

nominee Bedwyr Williams exhibits work that puns and sounds like his name, and installs a cocktail bar that demonstrates how names are created, mixed, swallowed or spat out. Harhan shows work based on CCTV film footage, showing teenage boys drinking booze to a pop sound track.

I Col/active Cry/on. Edinburgh. until Sat 22 Ju/.


l‘lat l. S5 llutchexontoxxn (‘ourt. (it)t'h;tl\,(J773-1 20465 I. l lam (iptli. Mother’s Milk t'ntil Wed 2 Aug. .-\ next group \hou l'rom ()ne 'l‘on l’i'op'x artists Michael Ro). (iraeme Roger and Stephen Murra).


300 Bath Street. 33l 0722. Tue Sat 9am 6pm

Remnants: Endurance in the Wake of Progress t'nul Wed 2t» Jul. Photographs Ul- ttli‘alttltiltetl t‘l}de diip}at'ds b} Mattheu l’adden.


S7 S" Saltmarket. 552 7578. Hum 5pm. Sex, Love and Homophobia t'ntil Sat l5 Jul. Photographic prints depicting the global struggle against homophobia lTUlll a new book b} Vttltexxtt Baird. \xhich has been published h} Amnest) International. LAS T CHANCE TO SEE.


(‘hinese Arts and ('ultural ('enti‘e. 4| (iraham Street. 354 033-1. 'l'ue Sat Itl.3tlam 5pm.

Journey to the West: The Scottish Chinese Chronicles t'ntil l-‘ri 7 Jul. Photographs and memorabilia looking at the liistor) ot' ('hinexe people in Scotland. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

I ROYAL CONCERT HALL 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 SOHO. Mon ASat ltlam—(ipm.

The Glasgow Group Thu b Jul. ltlam.

The 48th annual exhibition for the longstanding artists' eo-operati\e featuring prints. paintings. dranings and sculpture. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Artist Spaces


Hat Z/l. (i l)i\on Street. 07730 (iSHlS. 'l‘ue Sat noon 5pm.

Aleana Egan co t'niil l‘ri 7 Jul. Ne“ sculptural and poster \HH'kS dealing “tilt the interpla} ol memor} centred on a liked l'oundation cmering the galler} lloor. lAST CHANCE TO SEE.



3 Market Street. 53‘) .3993. NIH” Sat Illam 5pm; Stui noon 5pm.

Per Annum: Painting the Seasons t'ntil Sun ‘) Jul. Landscape \iot'ks b) lllSlUrIC and contemporar} ttl'IISIS. including William .\lc"Iagg;tt'tl. James l.a\\ton \Vingate. lain Patterson. and ()li\ia lrxine. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Rainbow City: Stories from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Edinburgh t'ntil Sun ‘J Jul. liree. (‘ollection ol memorabilia from the Remember When arclme. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Anatomy Acts t‘ntil Sun 9 Jul. l‘ree. lixhibition examining the changing significance ol~ anatom} in Scotland

ox er the last Slit) wars. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Breaking with Tradition: British Art 1900-1975 t'ntil Sun 0 Jul. l-‘ree. \Vorks b} Stanle} Spencer. Patrick (‘aullield and lirank Auerbach charting the dexelopment of. modern art in Britain. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Artist's Talk: Claude Heath Sat \ Jul. 2pm l tee lhe arti~t talk\ about lll\ nexx \xotk cicatcd loi lean-“:2 l. .'\


:3 IS t‘ockbuin Sheet. .32" lIN'

lue \at noon 5pm

Seamus Harahan 8. Bedwyr Williams see t on! \at 32 Jul

l lllll and \ctlll‘ltlldl \xoik l‘_\ thexc t\\o .tlll\l\. both ot xthom icptcxented tlieii ct‘lllllllk'S i.\ lielatid and \\.ilc\ lLNPeclHt‘l} al Illt‘ :JNJT \L'lllce liicnnalc


T: lic‘llt‘ltl l\)t\:ttl.(\:~1(\:llll l).lll} lllam 5pm

Visiting Picasso l ntil Sun ‘J .ltil Keillei l ibiat} tll\pl.t_\ documenting the ltlllgrldqlllg‘ lllt‘lltl\lll[‘ betueen l’icawi and Roland l’cnroxe ‘i '

Van Gogh and Britain: Pioneer Collectors l'll T Jul Sun 11 Sep Lb iHi. tll:\ lice l:\hibition chatting the relationship bctueen Van (iogli and lll'llhll art collectorx. locuxing on (ilaxgtm dealer :\lt‘\.tlltlt'l Reid “wk on \liou include ‘l:nc|o\cd l-ield \\lllt l’lougliman'. ‘\\'lieatlield \\llll (‘_\pie\\e\' .ttltl ‘llead Hi a l’eamnt \Voiiian‘. Ni Srit

Eduardo Paolozzi: Prints and Drawings \lou loJul Sun 1 ()ct .\ \t'lL'Clltill ol \creenprintx. etchingx. \xoodcutx and dra\\ ingx b} the lamoux \etllptot'. Nl Si li’

Ten Bindings for ‘Stone’ Sat l5 Jtil Sun S ()ct. l)i\pla_\ ol book bindingx b} t-‘auh Shannon created lot’ Slum; a book ol poemx b} (ieoi‘ge \lacka} BTU“ n. Nl l... Sl 1023'.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 t‘nion Street. 557 247‘). Tue Sat Illam opm.

Collaboration & Facilitation t‘nul Sat S Jill. A selection ol printx recentl} published b} ladinburgh l’riiittnakcr\. including pieces b} Derrick (itiild. lob) l’ateixon and Rosalind .\'a\ha\hibi. tASl CHANCl TC St E.


~15 Market Street. 335 2333. Mon Sal

l lam opm; Sun noon 5pm.

Dada’s Boys: Identity and Play in Contemporary Art 0000 t'nul Sun In Jul. l‘ree. (ii‘oup e\hibition looking at the c‘tilltllitll‘ulltillS. iii-ioch atid laddixh behaxiour ol the Dada mmement. including \mi'k b_\ Keith l'arquliar. Damien llll'\l and Sarah l.uca\. l/«Sl CHANCE. TC SEE-f


'l‘he Mound. (13-1 (CHI). \ltill \Vetl «K

liri Sun Illam 5pm; ’l‘hu Illam 7pm. Rembrandt at 400 l'nttl Sun 37' Aug. .-\ selection ol master prints to celebrate the «llllltli annnerxar} ol the Dutch ttt'tht‘x lilt'tlt.

Devil in the Detail l‘ntil Sun 3 Sep. Ui tEJl tillx lree. Rti}al Scottish .-\cadem} Building l’aintingx b} Adam lilxlieimei‘ t HTS lfillli \\ ho uorked ttL‘l't)\\ a \ariet} ol genres and inlluenced tll‘ll\l\ \uch ax Reubenx. Rembrandt and (’laude Lorrain.

Vincent’s Views on Art Hi 7 Jul Sun 24 Sep. To complement \im (inc/i mu! li’rmmi at the Dean (iallet‘). llll\ small tll\pla_\ Includes \xot‘kx b} ttl'll\l\ \xlto inlluenced the great Dutch painter. l’iecex b} l)elacroi\. Monticelli. and Seurat appear alongxide draw mgs b} Millet. Daubign} and 'l‘heodorc Rtitl\\e.ltl. NET. SHC‘L.


“’5 Bell’ord Road. (‘24 (32M). Hall}

Illain 5pm.

Felicitas Vogler: World of Light ['ntil Sun 9 Jul. l5ree. Striking imagex lrom around the \xorld b} the photographer and t'ormer \\ ile ot tti’llxl Ben Niellolxoti. EAST CHANCE TC SEE.

Visual Art

Gossip, chat and rumour from the gallery fIOOr

, I The Jerwood Artangel Open is a new 21 million commissioning initiative for the contemporary arts in association with Channel 4 and the Arts Council of England. The award will be split between three projects to bring them to realisation, and can be applied for by visual artists, filmmakers. choreography, composers, writers, theatre practitioners, applied artists and producers living anywhere in the UK. The prize will be awarded for the ambitious transformation of a specific site or situation, urban, suburban or rural. The winning commissions will be developed and produced by Artangel for presentation in the UK between 2008 and 2010. Channel 4 will broadcast specific programmes on television, covering the development of the selected projects. The selection panel includes artists Jeremy Better and Shirin Neshat, theatre director Emma Rice and Art Angel co-directors James Lingwood and Michael Morris, who believe that ‘there is a very rich seam of artistic potential in the UK today and we’re looking forward to being surprised by some compelling ideas.‘ The organisers point to Deller’s ‘Battle of Orgreave', Derek Jarman’s coastal garden at Dungeness, Rachel Whiteread’s cast of ‘House' in East London and Angus Farquhar’s son-et-lumiere on the Isle of Skye as examples of work in the last decade that has inspired the creation of this prize. For more information see The closing date for submissions is 6 October 2006.

Frau Seidler by Marie-Louise van Motesiczky Mon It) Jul.

IZJS llspm. l ree Am} l)ick\on gnex a talk on llll\ poitrait.


l Queen Street. “34 (coo. \ltin \Ved (K l-ri Stiti lilam 5pm; 'l‘liu 10am 7pm. Thoroughly Modern Women

0.. l'ntil Mon ZS Aug Ax a lollov. up to ZlKJ-l'x .llmlw'n Hume/i e\liihition. ll‘ll\ \litm llieltltle\ portraitx ()l re\[)L'elL'tl Scullhll telltale laces.

Alter Ego l'ntil Sun ‘) Jul. l‘t‘ee. lnteractne lllxlitllttlltm \i here participants haxe their images captured on a computer 'mirror‘. which then takes on a lite ol its own. LAST CHANCE TC SEE.

‘rk', J . 2‘72“, THE LIST 93