I Merchant City - Double hmIrnnIII .I\.III.'IIIIc III III‘IgIII lillllIL'lll II.II \II;II‘III§_' \kllIl nnc illilIt' IIlL'IlllIt'\ prnnlc park mp. IIInmIIIIIIIII & UllllllililiilI gunk-II All illilt‘illllt'\ nII (Ililil\It'P \VIIIIIII \llll IInII \lllUL mg IIIIIII-sshIIIIII/pnxlgrziil LZ‘H pun i ("I/IIIIIx 0774* (MI I I7 I Bright, spacious, fully


Iii InH'I} \IIIIII} 3 III-IlInnIII II}'ll(IIilll(I IIIII. \VnIIIIl \lilI li/\ _\nllli;_' prIIII'\\IIIli;II chl l; Ile pcIII I hIlIx, :\\.'II|.'IIIIL' I‘IIII .-\ll;_'ll\l. 0797‘) 55‘ 1-18

I Large double room ill ('II} (‘I‘IIII‘Ia \Ililllil}! \HlIi nIIc nIIII'rlI-IIIIIII'135i. .-\II llllKI L'nli\, InnkIII}; InI‘ rcIInIIII'. II‘II'IIIII). IInIIxIIInkIII}; IIilIlllillt'

Nn t'l)llpIt'\ plum: {ZHII I IIIII»

.I\\i|lIilIlIt‘ iiil(I August ll774lI Ill-l l l I

I Double room in \pllt‘lnlh lliillii (Ilini' lI;Il (Queens Park I. RCL‘L‘IIII)‘ (It't'lil‘illt'd. Nun III\II rinux IiillIll‘nlilii. IkIIL'IlL'lI. IliIIIII}: arm illltI living l‘nniii, SIIIIrIII}: \i'IlIi lrIchIy. [ii'liIt‘\\l(illilI It'lliilIt‘ II.II. Nnn \IIInkIng. £45” Incl ("I/hills 07053 477

7 is

I West End large Ilnuhlc lurnixhul I'nnlii th/l‘IIII liiilII' required lilill/\lll(iklli}_‘.\llil prnICxxInnuI.nwn IIIIIIII'nnIII. t‘ilil) pcr UIIICIIIII~ IIInnlh nIIc

IIInnIII (It'pHNII. All llit‘Ill\l\k‘. 2

minx lrnm Bycrx rII. III-ll H-i 55M).


I Large room wanted Iii friendly IIiiI\Ilili't‘ l'rnm le Scplcmhcr. ,inr nIII prnl.

Ik‘iliilII‘. \I‘L'fJIL'. k'.l\_\ f_'Hlll_*_‘ .lIIlI xix I.'II\II' such \lilllIJI' I nnkIIIL' In DJ} .lilIlIIIII Linn lllx IIIII\ (W7 Kl §§§ .147

I Friendly, easygoing female IIIIIlllilII' unIIluI In \Ilillt‘ 3 I‘t'lI ll;II lli I k'lIII IIIIulII IIIIII- InnIII L “II PC! IIInIIIII IllkI IIIIIx, .'\\.llIilI\It' In \ lt'“ .llllI IIInw Iii lI'nIII 3~1III IllI\ W‘Wl 337 070 '

I Edinburgh Haymarket Inigo cnIIIlnI'lnIIII' IIIighl IIlill IIII' rnnIII III \IIIII'Inm IIilI. .III

IIIINI I'nli\.\\'.\I/III'_\CI.( i( 'I I.\'In\I'

In :III (llllt‘iilllt‘\. IIIIt‘i'iit'I III‘nIIIIIIIIIIII. IIn ( .[In t ‘KIIIII'III I’Iinnc “7735 35-1 7I§

I room (IIIIIIIII‘ hull III IIInIIt'I‘II I.k‘lIIl II.II ;I\;III IIIIII' Iinw Innkllif: lni‘ rL'\[k‘L‘l;IIiIL‘ illllI IIII} II.IllIIIIlI' in \Iiiirt' \\ llIi nllt‘ IIIIlCl'. L “III i ("I‘ + IIIIIN I'R't‘ I‘l'UIIIIINIliII IIIIcI'IIcl. IiIIIIIIn (WINK 7M is I Bright dbl. Bedroom il\lllIilI‘IL‘ III \IIIIII) IlllkIt'I'll Hill. 2 illlll\ lrnIII IiIIII Rnu. i llilll\ lI'nIII IirnIIgtIIlnII Slim-I. .\InIII'III gInIIIIIIlInnI' 2 III-III'nnIII l|.'II. Inur nun II.IIIII'nnIII. IllII_\ t‘tllilppt'd IiililIL‘l'li kIIcIIcII. IirliillIhillllI. Sharing: \IIIII t‘il\_\ gnmg prnl (nuplc. I; IZIIH‘ l;I\ .-\\;III 3| .IIII_\. I’IInIIc Iiil' \It'\\ mg. x\lili 079:" ‘Ill Jill

I West End Double rnnm ;I\;III;Ih|c IIIchrgiw I’Iuch £230 + ("I' + IIIIIx. ('nIIIIIcl:

liiil‘n3II2 I (" _\;IIinn.c‘n.III\ 077% HR) ()4:

. Single and double I‘nnIIi in rent. \Iiginn}; \IIIII nnc liIIit‘l' III Ian)‘. “I'll kcpl III” III I.L‘llIl. £390 and £320 per IIInIIIII IIIcIIIII In}: IIIIIx :IIIII cnIIncII I.'I\. .'\\illIilI‘IL' X Augusl. ll7.\’ H all )7 Jlli

I Young professional female InnkIIIj; lnI H.\ll InnIII lil IIII'II‘L'IIIHH \ImkIIIIIIgu

I III-IIIIII. can L'nIII: .lIIiI InII \IlIk'IJIt‘ Ix’I'III Ill.l\ ! NIH lle (I ('.III lllH‘-I‘ .IIIIIIIIII' I‘k'I\\\‘k'II lill\\ .lIIII \k'I‘Ii‘IlII‘I'I H” W HUI

I Fully furnished room lnI II'III III II\'\\ I‘lIIIII IIIIII\I'. \IInmInI [\lllell‘.‘ |n\.III'II nII I‘ll\ IHIIII' ln \t'IIIIk' I‘ llllll\ InIIIIII‘} I’lUII‘\\lUll.II III'IxnIIx nIIII. l. ;*H llll InI.I| [‘k'l IIInIIIII. Imu'lll i‘IInIII' I‘IIII ll “3* III" N WI

I McDonald Road F/F I'II} \k’IIIIk' II.II \klIIl .‘ ("IInIu' nl |)/I\’ l. NMIIKIII I IIIIII IIII‘ hnx I‘nnIII t_'_‘5IlI\'III II*\II I‘lII\ t ('I I \IIII \’\ IIInl II’,"‘(.IITIII 3h?

I Marchmont, nice \lliI'II‘ iIIiIlll .I\.IlI.II‘II'


II.II \Ililllllf.) \\ IIII IIIIk‘t‘ UIIIK'I\. \lllI IIInlI-xxinnnl / Ill.lIllII‘ \Ill lIk'III RI-III LINI [II‘III Illk (‘I I I I‘III\ III II ‘IIiIi .7357

I Festival only. £220 \In Ijlc lI‘IIInIc/tlhll I'nIIpII‘ (I.l_\ lI'II'IIIII}. IIIIgIIl II;Il. I;III \ IL'\\\ \I'IIIIII Sml I’man II.IIkIIIy ()I’L‘ihlilliilI \IIInkcI \II'nIInuIInIIk III‘I' (W715 I‘M H-l-l

I Nice fresh spacious I'nnIII In It'I III \‘Imn u'IIIInI II.II nwr I‘t'\Il\£lI pcIInII lnI nIIc Pk'l \nII, SIIIIIIIIp \\IIIi nIIc IllilIt'. Rt‘lll Pl'lk't' l\ III-gnlmhlc. .\'nII \llinIxI‘l' pIL‘;I\L', III III {I I“ 4073

I Male wanted for 3:;I_\

lI‘IuIIIII) l|;II III I.('IIII. \L‘I‘) clnxi'

in I‘ll} t‘t‘lill't‘. I..‘Il'f_‘t' IInllIiII' IM'iII‘nnIII \\IIIl ilII lilHlI t‘IillN

Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE




- Flatshare

15‘“ I‘\Ill I( I .lIIII IiIII\ (QIII II‘IIMI 1% Im‘

I Huge double bedroom III IIII'II \\'\\ In\\II II.II In \II.III~ \HIII .‘ nIIII'n I I.lI It» lII.l\\l\I‘ kIlI III-II Ill\ IIIIIIIli' \\.l\II\'I IIIII'I. \I'II.~I.III- III-c/I'I. .‘ I\.IIIHIN'lll\. InIIIIgI- \KIIII |)\ I) .lIliI \IIIII\ I‘lIIII'\\lIIll.lI Ik'I.l\k'\I IIIIII‘I IInIIchInIII InnkIIIx' lnI I'.l\\‘.'l'III‘.' I‘II‘II‘\\II‘Il.lI \\ \II ,‘;I\I\ll \lllHIu'h Ill \IIIII‘II‘\ [‘II‘.I\I'


I Room available in mnll \‘III lI.II \Il.lilli_‘,' \KllIl .‘ Ik'IIl.lIi'\ III \I I I'nII.IIII\ 1.7”“ III III ~ III-IImII I II I I‘III\ \\.III.III|I- .‘IIII \lll'll\I III III ;I IIII‘I‘ '1 I Double room in him”. \'Ik'.lll. IIInIII-III l|.II II|.I_\III.IIkI'II In \IIJII' \\llIi III.III' IIInl \IIII III.|I\"I\'IIi.lI\' [‘lIiI . II \. .l\.lII.lI‘II' IIIIIIII'III.III'I§ I! illlpt III Ik‘\\ I IHII\| I’II\.III' [\lllellf.‘ II'MII ll); saw

I Double room available \Ii.lllll_L' \\ IIII Illit' nIIII'I \Ii.llI‘\I lelt'Ik'Iit Illlllig‘k‘ III IIIk" I .l\Il'I IllillI .iIm th‘ xxx-ck IIlI .III IIIII\

IIle cnIIpII' nI Ixxn lk'luil] (HIV

IIX 87%

I Wee room with lug mu Ilnu III Inn-I) IInIIIc .II II.IIIIK _‘._'.lI\It‘II I'HIHIIII'\ \‘II.IIIII;‘ \HIII .‘ IIIII\. \HIIIIII \llll lIII'IIIIII IIIn IL'\\llill.lI/ lll.lIllI\' \IIIIII‘III \\.’ilI.’lI‘Ik' .-\II;1II\I Ix’I'III LINRPIII (' I LIIIIIIII llflfifll III III]

I Double room now .l\.lII .‘IIIII' III IIIIIIIII .lIIII k'It'JII lI;II nII \II’IinIIIIIII Rngul SILIIIII): \HIII nIII' llIIiL'i \nII \IIInkIIIj: [I‘llpcm l ('I I IIIII\ (‘nIILIII I'lllllil nII III ;I w. (lihl

I Flatmate for double InnIII nII \\ IIII.IIII \III‘I'I.

I iIlIlI‘llIX'II t_‘\‘ III III (IINIII,II‘IIII.II II‘\.lIII‘II I .l\\ t'I‘lIl1'II.1Illl.lI\‘ Isl lInnI \III.II' I‘III In“ IinnI I'IIII\ \\\I\'lll \I‘I‘III'II \\ \I’ I I'III.I\I InIIII\ II‘\§‘.\1II'_‘|

I Large double room lnI nIII' III'IMIII. III'.lI \\\'\II'III (lI'IIk'IJI III“\[‘II.lI .llIII II‘IlnIII (HIII‘Z'I‘ IIII ll \ [‘IHI .“I, III I. (i( ll. nll \III‘I‘I II.IIkIIIIM 9.‘\l| I‘\ III IIII IlI\l\\‘ III II "’n‘ I" \ll

I I’m a 26 year nlll nun \IIIIII.I‘I IIl.lII' InnkIII;‘ lnI .l \lll l'Ik' I:'.I\ lIII‘IIIII\ IInnIII III


I Double room (unfur- nished) .l\.lII.lI‘I\‘ III .I I.II_-.'I' III‘IIInnIII lI.II III \I-\IIII;'InII

I IIIIIIIIIII'II \Il.lllll‘.' \\IIII .‘ .lIIII .‘ It'III.lIk'\ \knulll \lllI Ill.lIllII‘\IIIII\'III [\IHII‘\\IHII.II ‘\\.llI.iI‘It' lInIII IIII' l'IIlI nl IIle l.“\ IN III I IIIle .lIllI ( ‘I III II “(if III)“

I Single room to mu m IIIII'III Illl‘lIk'IIl II.lI. I (‘IIII lllk'.ll I \‘II_\ Ix’III. IQVIII III III IIn nIIII'I IIIII\ \llll\ II \ PIHII'\\IHIl.lI


I there, we .IiI‘ .l [\lHII'\ \InII.II \lllII‘Il' InnkIIIt' lnI .l InnIII III .I \II.IIL'II II.II nI Illlll\I' IIII'.I\I' \ .lII \ I.I III.III .lIk"..lII III'iIlk‘lilIl.l\II" ;'III\ III‘ nI lllllI‘lII' (IRRII (I IS -l.‘l

I Room for rent III I nlll InIl.’IIIII' IInIIw III \I;'IIIIII|I. IIIIIIIIIIII'II \II IIInII \Hll\ (III pnan Iill\ IlllIII' IIIIn lnuII \IIII PIHII'\\lHIl.lI IInII \IIInI.I-I LW IK'I \xn'k IIII IlI\l\I' \n [‘l'I\ III \IlllIt'IlI\ ll'” ill \ i ' ARI


Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It‘s a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List Is Scotland‘s best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine. it‘s the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. i'.’ rat's more. t'e advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses. so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of 0-..r flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 60,000 unique visits per month.

Go to www.list.co.uk and click on 'llatshare' at the top of the page

You will be asked for:

1 Your name. address and phone number

2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room. rent.

3 A contact number for potential flat mates to ring

-. ' ~'.‘ . ..

; . f .l it

I' '.. ‘rl . I. .7 L W x R‘

. Terms & Conditions

Flatshare adverts must be placed using our onllne booking service. For administration purposes. advertisers must supply their lull name and address (NOT for publication) The flatshare service is for people seeking a flatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication In this section. Adverts for renting a whole llat must be placed in our

'Flats to Let' section. lull instructions for booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section.

"has-WI -'

.3 .' .. g r' .' 3.4.4851!” "-r r-v-«t ~. rs.» w

. «eke-M'- rxw I -- ., ‘- " C . .,‘- . I "I" lb «.1 o‘ '-‘ -‘-__\¢ "

number of other occupants and type of person sought

~. it is company policy not to accept adverts that to be aliensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our

discretion and without explanation. ltyouwould like lurther inlormationaboutflIe-Llsttlatsha whlchshouldtellyoueverythlngyouneedtoiinow.‘

re is no need to call The List, please refer to our website www.llst.co.uk Click on flatshare and then FAQs

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal safety, you should always have

someone with you when you are showing people your flat. or when you are going to see a room in a flat.

'- .: w me LIST 99