Classified Personal



VI Saw You on thc train to I)[IIIIII'IL'\. liclpiiig inc out \klIIl IIIL' IIIIILIIIth IILkL'I LIIIIL‘L'IIII l‘anc} mcctIng up loi a drink’ I‘ll pa} \klIII m_\ iclund' l7552/l V I Saw You III |.ah 24I making Riin compctcnt ccllx. _\ou gorgcoux thaiig' Your \IIIIIL‘ gctx IIlL' through thc

da} can I trcat _\otI to a

'I iiidcihox cappuccino I [7552/2

V I Saw You \Iltllx al IIIL‘ chlrcu I'cri'} Slam cxcnt. M} luck \xould had It that I lost lll_\ phoiic hclorc \\ c post- poiicd that datc. gct in touch? .\'at\\\ [7552/3

V I Saw You (‘ai‘lc_\. Hull ('luh _\I(Ill 3(I/(I, \YL' IIIIiIg‘IL‘tI, had ll} lag. lhcn you gin c mc )otil' numth [\KIIIL'II Iii} phonc ltixl' l. (ict III touch. I'd \[Ill IIIH' [II [tilkL‘ _\Htl HUII [7552M

0 I Saw You III lhc .-\B(‘ on 'I'hurx, I lct )ou cxcapc \xithoul inc lor \lllpltl. stupid I'L‘;t\tIlI\. I‘m an idiot. 'I‘c\t mc hclorc _\oii disappcai' to IIK'.’ [7552/5 VI Saw You \xoi'king in 51)” I ‘Iuh III (ilaxgmx. hcxt hird c\cr. think u c‘\ c mct hcloi'c‘.I All} \Ia}. hopc _\ou I'cad this...\\\ [7552/(I

9| Saw You Baxiillc I'I'I I(I/(I/(I, You got‘gcmn hltIIItIL‘ in hacklcxx dI‘L'\\ stroking prcg- nant pal'\ tumm}. inc couho} in grccn shirt in a hurt}. Wish I could II;I\L‘ \I;I)L'tl lol' IIIL‘ BBQ & IIL‘;III\. [7553/7

VI Saw You \i/Iling ('lairc IIIL‘ II.-\ till' II[)\IL‘\\. ttl'L' \\ L‘ \Ill[\\ passing in thc night or do you \Iant toict into in} lilc.’ I‘rom pisxcd-up licspan- 1-1ch ‘comcdian' in Suhhic. X [7552/.\'

V I Saw You sitting on lhc \\ Indo“ chgc and I‘caliscd I lancch you rottcn. You'rc tlic onc. I lo\ c _\ou to thc sun and back and back again III) gor- gcous girl. .\ [7552/‘)

V I Saw You sitting IIL‘\t [o inc at (il’l‘. You bought mc a postcr \\ c \\ ill lll\\;l}\ haxc .\larakaiiii. [7552/III

V I Saw You \xoi'king in 'I'hc .-\rchc\ cal'c har. _\ou Iittlc lircnch l'aiIc}? ()oh la la? \Vhat lo\ cl} l‘rogs lcgs _\oiI ha\ c. [7552/I l

O I Saw You Rick) - (ici'\ai\-a—Iikc uorking in thc .'\i'chc\ ('alc har. l.o\ c thosc gi'a\cll) Ioncxl [7552/l2

V I Saw You Bonsai (iallaghcr propping up 'I‘hc IIalt Bar as [I\[I;ll. .»\i‘c )ou still cI‘oxx-di'cxsing kink} boots. I‘m going to spank _\ou hair} IIIIIL' ;l\\. [7552“.5

V I Saw You in 'I'indcrho\; _\ou tall \xith stripc} top and l'ringc. .\Ic I‘[l\l_\ hlondc \xith bright hluc c_\ C\. You \nIich. but “ill _\ou rcpl} 1’ [7552/l-1 V I Saw You [I] [IN \VUULI} dancing to thc Smiths. I hcar you arc famous for something and its not hcing Irish. I hcar you arc big In ('orkl [7552/I5 V I Saw You Scan I’cnn Iookalikc I knoxx that _\ou arc a famous \Ii‘itcr. I sau _\our intcrxic“ in the Hcrald. \Yh} don‘t \Vc makc crotic I'Iction croiic tact. [7551‘] (1

V I Saw You \Iorking III Roots and I'I'UII\ on I3}rc\ Road .\'o\x I \Iill hc \IIIlIlIlfJ all \xcck long' I Iikc )our “I am Spartacus" 'lehirt' [7552/I"

V I Saw You. .ucll. actual- l}. I didn’t \cc )ou on )oiir hirthda} hax mg a good timc' So \orr} Susic' But I will makc It up to )oll' \chlcc \\ [7552/lx

V I Saw You .-\u\\ic ho}. uatching thc gamc .lfJIllIhI ('roatIa. I challcngc )ou to a rc-match. though I'm \orr} _\tI[l guy \ txcrc guhhcd h} Ital}. ol courxc I am. [7552/l‘)

V I Saw You and )our pcnthouxc. (iraham l'rom thc I'cxtnal 'I'awrn. I could hlamc thc champagnc. or )out' .\Iontro\c ‘li‘Icnd‘ hut in truth I hchmcd appalliIIgl}? .\'o hard l’cclingx'.’ .lo \ [7552/21) v I Saw You rcadmg ‘(‘i\ ll War‘ on 20 bus. You arc \Ia} ItIiI gnt'gCtHh III IIL' a L‘IIIIIIL‘ gcck. I’anc} coming \inh mc to I’rcsttinpandcmiInium’.’ [7552/21

V I Saw You put in a noticc in I Saw You but I saxx )our noticc did not appcar. I saw )otlt' [listlppoinlnlclii and gin- gL‘t' [L‘ttr\. [75.52/22

9 I Saw You at lhc l-‘orcxi ('aI'L" on IIIL‘ 22/7. Northcrn acccnt and \\ caring a strip}

.IlllllpL‘l‘. You u crc uith your

III'IIIIIL‘I/II‘ICIIII. You axkcd mc [or a napkin and I hluxhcd. [7552/23

V I Saw You .Iamcs. l'ot' lhc last timc. thc ollllelL‘l‘. ('omc August‘.’ Samc part}. dillctcnt mcat halls'.’ \Vc'll miss your

.Iigxau lacc III thc landscapc ol‘

Ill} lidinhurgh mind's c} c. I.o\c ('alum. [7552/24

V I Saw You \xilh your ncat facial hair in ’I‘hc Strcct. I took your \\ arm scat and _\ou left with )our Icgg} hlondc 'girll‘ricnd.’ You lookcd \IIILII‘I in a grc)‘ \IIII'I. Drink \omc- timc'.‘ [7552/25

V I Saw You \c\_\ ho} in a “IIIIL‘ 'iumpcr. and hcad to toc Armani. You rock my uot‘ld. \\ [7552/2h

V I Saw You \L‘L‘ond class. loucr di\ ixltm illustrator \\ ith l'ahtiloux tastc iii pcarls. I said ‘mundum pro (‘hrixto \ inca- Iiius' and you said just don't gct caught. [7552/27

V I Saw You my hcatt) haircd sugar dadd} pick mc up at thc airport. .'\ \xcckcnd \pcnl in thc past and all i

\\ ant is a luturc \xith _\ou. | hopc \\ c can makc it \Iork. In thc \xordx ol I)ust_\ Springfield... [7552/2‘)

O I Saw You Iirida}

night. You lcll lirst & Iatcr I got to thinkin'... \\I\IIL‘LI _\ou‘d sta) cd inxtcad. Sccmx \\ c'xc got a lot in common... hmmm...i\ that thundcr in

thc distancc'.’ [75.52/30

V I Saw You .-\Ioha at I’ridc 7 )L‘arx ago. I \pcnt c\cr) da) “ith _\ou xincc thcn. no“ )ou‘rc making me thc happicst girl in thc

uorld h} marr)ing Inc. [7552/3!

VI Saw You. _\ou lcll at m_\ lcct. I pickcd )ou tip You \kcic hcautitul hopc _\ou lound thc rcstaut'ant' I 552, ‘2 VI Saw You lcmalc II‘I\II accountant lrom I)uhlin. lixing III ( 'laphaiii. on thc Stanxtcd I:\prc\\. 49o at ‘tpm [\Il You \kcrc coming hack lrom .i \xcd- ding in \Valcndlc I 7552.55 VI Saw You cutc girl doing ('apocira In I)ancc Baxc. You lcll hclorc I could ask \ou out' So toss/34


Chatllnes , '

O I Saw You IIol innit}

chcl on lll_\ lihl da} You gaw

mc tahlct and no“ _\ou‘ic .I kccpci (‘ongialulationx on )Illll' nc\\ Ioh. \ci‘_\ pioud oI you ('an't \\.III to \cc )oii .IIIL‘I [I tlL'L'L‘lII \IL‘L'I‘ \\II.II IllllL' I\ It ”’ R \\\ l’ 55I 22 V I Saw You ('IIIcahoo. In} harhic loot ma} hc \oic but In} hcai‘t hurts moic I‘ll .ll\\.l_\\ hc )otIi \ci'ulI} pupp} l’honc mc \UIIIL‘IIIIIL‘ soon. \\I' [IILI IIIL‘\L‘ I‘L‘IICI [IIjJL‘IlIL'l' Hainhina I)Ing \\\ [‘ 55I

_‘ \

O I Saw You at [IIL‘ \\t-\i I‘lltl I-cxtotil. thcn .l_‘_'tlIlI on

\ Ictoiia Road that .illciiiooii \\ ill \\ c pth cat h othci .i thud timc ' I am oltcn “andci mg thc I.lIIL'I [ 551 .T-l

V I Saw YOU. _‘.‘iII}.‘[‘iItI\ §.'III .il thc (ioiiic/ \I‘IILK‘II. \Iit '. lioiit \tagc You \\cic \\lIIl _\oiii IIIciId and l \\.l\ oldci gii_\ lichind Ion \lw \pokc to you \ci_\ I‘Ilt‘ll) on thc ['t~ \ [Lilc \lcp\ latci \\o\\. \oiI'Ic hcaulilul' I ll\ 2 Iicai lIoiIi ii [ 55I 25



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