
Ite\\eotttet‘\ into the month-long beano. Sadl} llte \etttle elosed il\ doors I‘ot' good this year. btit ('abaret Voltaire has no“ been promoted as one ol the three main \enues. ’I‘he (‘orn Ii\ehange is also a more regular feature. with the big name bands the really big ones. like l’i\ies. Snon l’atrol. .\Iuse and Ham I5erdinand latterl_\ being billed for I’rinees Street (iardens and .\Ieado\\bank Stadium.

"l'he thing that‘s al\\a_\s been a problem \\ itli Iidinburgli is the \enue issue'. sa}s ('orbett. ‘II‘IIL'I‘L‘ \\ ere tlI\\;t}\ \enues til~ l\\ti It) \I\ hundred eapaeit} like the liquid Room. btrt \\ e didn't ha\ e a \enue ot~ larger eapaeit} to put bigger shous into. Then the (‘orn Ii\ehange eame online. \\lIIL'II sol\ed that problem. losing the Venue \\ as a real shame; it \s as a good little plaee. But the problem during the I-'ringe is alxs’a_\s tr_\ing to tind some“ here that's tree: it seems like L‘\'L‘t'}'lititl,\".\ garage is being used for a Venue.

‘Still. \u“\'e established the ones \x'e'Ve got at the moment as ours. (‘abaret Voltaire‘s been on the bill for the last t\\o _\ear.s'. it‘s a great Venue. and the (‘orn I{\ehange \Vorks for fifteen hundred upxxards. It' I had a \\i.\It it would be for a name of t\\ e|\ e hundred that uould be itIettI.‘

(‘ontrar_\ to popular reports. 'I‘ on the Fringe isn‘t just a grand moneyinaking .seheme. In discussing the deeision to Use the Ross Bandstand in I’rinees Street (iardens. (‘orbett explains hon the festival's just as mueh about offering something exclusive; a unique e\'ent

\\ hielr \touldn‘t be seen an} \\ here else.

'lt eosts so mueh inone_\ to set tip a gig in the (itll'tleltsd he s;t_\'\. 'Il rea|I_\ tItILNII‘l \Mit'k \\ ell Iinaneiall}. it's a huge risk lor an Inn return. I know people “I” ne\er belie\e that the} all think \xe're making loads of mone} but honestl} it is. We do it beeause it's sueh a great \enue and the artists \\ ill pla} it tor a t‘elati\el} small amount. It's a onerol'l' loeation and a lot ol‘ them just \iant to pla} somexxhere a bit


.speeial I‘ran/ I-erdinand in the (iardens last year “as one ol' m_\ l‘a\ourite shous so tar. with the sun going down and the lights on the (‘astle in the Imekground.‘

(‘ot'betl also lists \Iiehael I'Vranti as one ol- his l’aVourite pertiormers. Franti has alread} pla_\ed T on the hinge on se\‘eral oeeasions and \kill return this .\ear. .-\t the opposite end of the .speetrum. the testixal also plays host to smaller shows by up-and-eoming artists. ineluding


Ion rke_\' al’ternoon aeoustie slioxss at (’abaret Voltaire. to be announeed nearer the time "I'he I’estixal is all about eneouragmg people to see ne\\ talent.‘ he sa_\s. reterring to the laet that someone might piek tip a prograrmne \xith. sa_\. Sums I’atrol's name on the trout and be entreed lurther donn the bill as the} read on. ('orbett points out that the annual Ilest ol 'li Break Xerillislt \lItI\\L';I\L‘ It;t\ \Hltl gt lttllttIl‘etI IIL'IsL‘I\ on reputation alone. its bill being as )et unannouneed. 'I'Iien there are bands sueh as lzditors. \\IIH pla} the ('orn I-.\eliange this year alter a minor slot at ('abaret Voltaire in 2005.

"'I here are aetuall} more than 50 gigs this _\ear.' sa}s ('orbett with pride. 'uhieh is dramatieall} tip on SIMS \\llL'll there were H. \Vith si\ outdoor shou s. \xe're talking about IIIIHIIII) tiekets stiltl ill the people ()I' Setitltrtttl hit} them all.‘ And uhat ot next _\ear.’ "I‘he target is (ml) e\er It) be its good as the )L'ztt' belore. although it. the opportunities arise to do something bigger and better we'll take them‘

'lzdinburgh has alna_xs been assoeiated more \xith arts like theatre or eomed} than live rnusref s;i_\s Seott l’atterson ol' (ilitsgtm 's Sons and Daughters. \\ hose band pl;t_\etI 'I‘ on the liringe in 2004. 'I.atel_\ the l’eeling has inereased that the musie seene‘s d)ing (ill in Iidinburgh. so a I'estixal like this ean onl} help the eit}. .-\nd il‘ )ou‘re the sort of person it ho doesn‘t like standing in a lield \satehing music. it's the be‘st alternati\ e to 'I' in the I’ark.'


J‘. 7 a r; THE LIST 23