Eddy Temple Morris

X marks the spot

Xfm Scotland assemble an enviable DJ bill to cross the indie/dance divide, as David Pollock discovers.

s it. anyone douhted their linger was more

firmly affixed to the pulse than most other

radio stations. Xl‘m Seotland ltaye only gone and organised a danee ey‘ent that's . . well. not all about danee inusie.

()l' eourse. there are some big natne l).ls ol' tlte traditional yariety in there. including sueh \enerahle ligures as l.ayo and Bushwaeka. liddy 'lemple Morris and Tom Middleton. .-\|ongside the Xl‘m regulars that's a good line-up tor anyone's money. httt the inclusion ol' 1)] sets from people like es-Smiths bassist .-\ndy Rourke. Seots‘ roekers lil l’t‘esidente and lidinhttrgh's [‘1on his eehoes the laet that people also like to danee to guitar tnttsie these day s.

Rourke. itt partieular. is sottteotte who w ill get a lot ol‘ indie kids and music geeks yery eyeited. almost purely thanks to the laet that he's heen in .\lorrissey ‘s presenee for an estended period ol‘ time. He play ed on a few" great reeords with him too. ol‘ eourse. but those who saw his set at a Smiths trihute night in Glasgow's Garage the other month reported the arehetypal reformed roeker. replete with perma-tan and the elassie ‘sunglasses at night' style.

‘lt's true that we all bring something yery dil'l'erent to the party.’ says Rourke of his hillmates. ‘hut people that haye eome to hear rne won't leay e the room w hen Layo & Bushwaeka eome iii. and \ isa y'ersa. 'l‘hey 're yery different styles httt I think there's a middle ground; a erossoy‘er point where the energy of the music takes oyer. Indie has eaptured the nation's imagination at the moment. and heeause people low it they‘re happy to hear it in eluhs.‘

llow. though. does manning the deeks under your owtt name eontpare with being one quarter ol a generation's niost \enerated hand.’ ‘lt‘s totally dillet‘entf al'lirttts Rourke. ‘\\'hen l was itt 'l'he Smiths yott spent 33 hours ol' eyery day liying lor the one hour when you‘re on stage. I do miss the ltye perl‘orntanee aspeet hut l loye the energy ot |).ling. espeeially when you‘re playing to huge. enthusiastte erowds. 'l‘he Smiths was a lot ol’ sitting in airports httt ol' eourse it was worth it. That one hour was always atna/ing.'

lil l’residentds Dante (ii//i eehoes Rottt'ke\ sentiments. 'l listen to a lot ol tttttsie.‘ he says. "and what 1 lot e is musie that has rhythtn and style. ot arty genre. I lo\e the old sehool danee tt‘aeks; there will delinitely he some .laekson 5 lrotn me. Basieally. the internet means that anything you want to listen to is a tttottse ehek away and that broadens people‘s taste. .'\llLl wlten ll (UlllL‘\ lit l).llltg‘. lllL‘ L‘l‘oyktl \\lll ltl\L' lit party to musie that you lose playing. It you do it with passion. ll's ettltlagiotls.‘

litltl} 'lt‘lllltlc \lttl'l'ls Ulle‘l's a tllllL‘l‘L‘lll [‘L‘l'spcelhc. while lending hy-now-l'amiliar support to Seots erowds: '.\ly l'ayout'ite l'estiyal erowd was 'l' lit the Park; my layourite Prodigy tour support was (ilasgow .-\eadettty. and l worship l’rirnal Seream. layeryhody knows that the lurther you get lrom London. the l‘L‘llL‘l‘ tlte e‘l’tt\\ tl. \U _\Ull eatt tllltlel‘sldlttl him L‘\s‘llctl l atn to play in lidinhurgh.‘

The Xfm Weekender is at Ocean Terminal, Edinburgh on Sat 29 Jul.


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XFM Weekender A at r,- c‘t' “7:537” g(fr/1’,"{t'i’l’lii'iC‘t hear. Lay. 53 Basra-mom tub Arfl,’ Rourke The Strata“... friable-Tun. E’I’l‘,’ TQ'rl/l‘; l/l/J’t’l‘y and p’é'u‘dri'“? 'Dl 8‘77». OCC‘KM Tir'V‘fl’il, Edi/aback, SH? 29 Jt/t’.

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Tackno Beyer: pears o wise" Gasser; and t’c'q