Eight Below

The Chorus t ISA) 0.. (Christophe llarratier. l-raiice/Syy it/ei‘larid/( ieriiiany. Jim-l) (ierard Jtigiiot. Francois Berleaiid. Jean Baptiste Matinier, ()(Hlllll. Set in an austere boarding school in the post WWII period. Hie ('liorm lolloyss new teacher ('leiiieiit Mathieu (Jugnoll. ys ho almost immediately recognises the [ltllills rlcspctalltitt ltil teal L'tlc‘ntttttgcltlenl .ttltl .'\lltl once he discos eis that .se\eial ol the boys are gillt‘il singers. he decides that music could be their salyatioii and. Ill a strange \yay. his lleat'tyyaiiiiiitg. old laslttiiltctl. st‘ltlllllclllal (ialllc bin tilltc‘t‘ siiiash t/luwuii lilm Ilieum'. (ilmeuii Code Unknown l ISi .0000 l Michael llaiieke. l‘lttlch‘. .‘(Nll l Juliette llinoche. Him I ll \eiike. |.tiiiiiiiit.i (ilieoigliiu.

I lbiiiiii llaiieke i/umri (lumen asks llU\\ can \y e start to tliiiik and feel more about others .iiid .i less abotit ourselyes'.’ lle aiisyseis by slioys mg tis semi atomised iiiodeiii ll\ iiig Ill modern day Paris. focusing on a haiidliil ol characters \y hose actions ltay e chain reactions btit ys ho are oblivious ol their ellect on others lltit he provides no easy aiisyseis hit his audience. instead llaiieke presents a series ol perfectly realised but tiiiliiirslied dramatic scenes ‘rncoiiiplete iotiiiiey s' he calls them ys hich leay e Us to diayy conclusions toi oiiiselyes. listraordinaiy (ilriseoii I‘ll"! Ilii'uln'. (ilusgmr‘.


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ll‘r,’\ _ U 5

70 Man“ I i‘cltm‘ a; / 30pm


'0 30am, I 30pm 8. 7 30 pm

WAH-WAH (15)

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

50 TI‘IE LIST 2O Jul—3 Aug 2006

Cold Feveri lSi I.” (thank ‘t‘hoi l‘ridriksson. lceland/(iermaiiy. NUS) Masotoshi Nagase. l.ili Taylor. liisher Steyeiis. 85min. ()ne of" the oddest road mos ies ey er made. \s itli a young Japanese man tray elling from the confines of Tokyo to the mystical. mythical landscapes outside Reykiay ik. Very ltiiiiiy. but also iatliei iiioy mg. the culture clashes ieyeal as

many similarities as dil'l'ereiices. l'llHl/lt'llu'.

[din/Hugh. l’url of“) Years of the [cl/'l' Confetti (Senior Screening) 1 ISi ... (Debbie lsitt. l‘ls’. let)(ii.\1artiii I'reeriiari. Jimmy (‘arru ()ll\ ia (‘olmaii ‘Niiiiri A mostly iiiipioyised comedy seeking to repeat the success ol a certain other llritish lilm inyolyiiig multiple

\\ L'tltltngs l)espite the \\ itlely ltilctilctl cast ol teley isioii comics. the gimmicky conceit iiieaiis (mi/mu" is unlikely to match up to its predecessor. (il‘ny‘i'enm‘. (ilusgmr; Curious George it’) 00

(Matthew ()‘(XillagharL US. 2006) Will l-ei'rell. Frank Welker. Drew Barrymore. Day rtl (‘ross 86mm, Feature animation based on the adyeiittires ol' the hero ot Margaret and HR Key's popular children's book series. Parents may be able to stem any suicidal impulses by listening to the laughter ol their children at the film's simple slapstick antics. Selected I‘t’lt'tlyt' celine and Julie Go Boating l lSi O... iJacques Riyette. France. l‘l7-ll Dominique Labourier. Juliet Berto. litillc ()gier. 193mm. lziiiiiieiit critic Dayid 'l'hoiiisoii describes it as ‘the most timoyatis e liliii siiice ('ilisen Kune.‘ With .-’llu e Ill “ll/lllt'l'ltlllt/ style strangeness of its plotting. shilling betys eeii casual naturalrsm arid stylised melodrama. this \Kl‘lllllSlL‘itl tribute to the pleasures ol imagination. spontaneity and play ltilriess places the protagonists iii a position. iii l‘reud‘s phrase. ‘to recapture the lost latightei ol childhood' (ilmeoir I‘ll/ll lllt'tlll't'. (iluyemi

The Da Vinci Code 1 12m .0

iRoii Howard. [8. 200m Tom Hanks. .-\udiey 'l'autou. laii McKellen. Paul Bettany l-lh‘iiim Hoyyard's tyyo and a hall hour yttullvlcsl display s the ysorst hallmarks ot a llollyyyood rush-Job. reiiiorselessly cashing iii on a popular lad Despite nice locations. ys hat yy as a decent page-turner emerges as a bum-numbing melodrama ot’ little interest in terms ol’ either cinema or tabloid theology .S'elei lt'tl release

>l< The Death at Mr Lazarescu t lSi OD... ((‘risti l’uiu. Romania. llltlfii loii l-‘isctiteaiiu. l.timiiiita (iheoigliui l53mm As Dante Remus l.a/arescti is turned ayyay l'rom oy erlloys iiig hospitals and taken seriously only by a lemale pai‘aiiiedic. \y e are made to care deeply about an indiy idual society ysould pi'el'ei to ignore l’tiiu turns the gruelling prospect iii a Romanian tragi comedy about the liiial hours ol' a dy mg pensioner into a ysork of compelling humanist cinema (ilusgoii I’llm Illt'tlll't’. (ilmemi‘; Film/muse. lz'rliriliiugeli

District 13 ( l5) tl’ierre Morel. France. 2004) (‘y ril Ral‘laelli. Dayid Belle. 85mm Setting l.e l’arkour creator Day id Belle opposite regular lightchoreographer ('yril Rallaelli. the agenda is one (it pure action With both cast as reluctant heroes lacing tip to the bullying drug culture iii a Paris banlieu circa 2()l(). this is another ol syriter l.uc Besson's patented kick-ass lilllllrlsllc ady'entures. and perhaps a taster ol the future of the modern action lilm. .S‘elet ml release Dumplings (Gaau Ji) t 1th 00.. (liruit Chan. lloiig Kong. 2003i Ling liar. Pauline l.au. 'l‘ony l.euiig. Ka Far. Uliiim Ageing star Qiiig (Yeting) seeks to remedy her marriage and career troubles. leading her to the black market. Mei and dim sums yyhich reyerse the ageing process, Based on a noyella by Lillian Lee. this mysterious. erotic. iiiouth-yyateriiig and quite sickening liliii ollers a subtle crititiUe ol ('limese society proying that most horror resides Ill the real yyorld. (iluiemi l-‘ilm lllt'tlll't'. (iluigmi.

Eight Below t l’(ii 0.. tl’rank Marshall. l'S. 2mm Paul Walker. Bruce (ireenssood. Moon Bloodgood. Jason Biggs. lltlmm. When an Antarctic expedition l’alls foul ol’ cracks in the ice. the braye hUskies say e both of the humans' ll\ es by transportng them to a nearby base. but u itli an emergency eyacuatton underyyay. poor Maya. Shadow. Shorty. Ma\. Truman. and De“ ey‘ are left to tough out the ysinter alone. Likeably old l'ashioned action creature feature, .S'eler ml release



Eight Below takes us back to the old style Disney we all know and love in this story of survival, adventure and friendship. I GFT Glasgow (Fri 28 Jul only).

Eleven Men Out (Strakarnir Okkar) t lb'l (Robert Douglas. Iceland. 3005i llioiii lllyiitii llaialdssoii. l Il|.t \ott l’tll'ttl’llthlttllll X-liiiiii (‘oiiiedy .ibotit a pro lootballei \sho coiiies otit ol the c loser and ends tip liiidiiig sticc ess ys itli .i mostly queer learn. but only because the opposition itiiis the otliei ysay' I'm! n] [In SUI/i lumlun Lei/mm (Hill (iuy I'll/II I't \lllill on luiu l’Ilm/iume. Iii/Hilrtueli

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drifttll.-\i.. tJtlsllll I Ill. [S 3mm l.ticas lilac k. I.ytida lloyd ‘Niiiiii 'l'his ysoiidrotisly dumb but Hk casioiially etiioyable last cars liatichise takes the action to Japan tor its third iiicaiiiatroii Street racer Shaun llosys e|| tlllacki is sent to the land ol the rising siiii to .t\t)l(l prosecution lit the ['5 and all hell breaks loose. You klitiys “but It) t'\pccl \r lt't Iril I'('/('(l\('

* Fateless (Sontalansag) l i.?.-\i .... ll.a]os Koltai.

lltiiigary/( ieriiiaiiy /l 'K. SUNS) Mart ell Nagy. llela Dora I-ltliiiiii I-l year old (iytirka. a lludapest Jess. is lated to eiiduie stints in three concentration camps Atischysit/ Iiiikeiiati. llticheiiysald. arid /.eit/ 'l‘hiougli a series ol yigiiettes. ls'oltai lolloyss his stoical attempts to stll\ iye barbaric conditions and experieiic e iiiomeiits ol tleetiiig happiness to cieate a daring. allectiiig aiid superlatiye Holocaust drama. I'ilmlmuse. larlinliiue/i

Feline Masquerade (Katzenball) (IBAi (Veronika Minder. Sysit/erlaiid. 2005) 87mm A iotirney through changing attitudes to lesbianism as L'\pc'llL'llc ed by the generations ol Sysiss ysoiiieii I'm! u/ [he JIM/i [um/nu Ix‘\/’lllll (llll/ (My lilm l'estii'ul (in mm: l'lllllllullw‘. [Lillllll’lllfll Felix The Cat: The Movie «ti

0.. t’l'ibor lleriiadi. l'S. I‘Nlli ‘Hliiiiri l'rom his I‘H‘) debut oiiyyaids. l'L'll‘s the ('at became a cartoon superstar belore Mickey Mouse had eyeii been thought ol Nov. oyer seyenty. but still iii peak condition. l‘L'l|\ Iiiiibers up lor his lirst leature length adyenture when he's called iii to help the Princess ol the happy kingdom ot ()riaiia lend till a maleyolent attack lroiii the unscrupulous Duke ot [ill I‘ll/Il/IUHH' Iulmlmreli.

* Forty Shades of Blue 1 15. .... ilra Sachs. l'S. ZlXKii Rip 'lorii. Dina Kor/un. Darren Burrow s. ll)‘)inin, See prey rev». page 43 and res ith. page M). (ilusgrm I‘ll/m Theatre. (iluwmi,