
Funny Games I III) ooooo I \tIchat-I Ilattekc. (ierIIIaIIy. I‘I‘NII SIIxanne l.nIlIar. I'lrIcIIe \luhc. I‘rank (iIerIIIg lltiIIIIn -\ ukealllty tanuly are xuhIected In an

IIII Ie.IxIII:|j. I)t'lllllc erIex nt 'gaIIIex' by tun anIIIL' Incn. IIchnnIng \xIIlI IIIIIIIIIIaIInII .IIIII t'llIIlllL' III Mature and murder 'IIIe IInIInI tIIIIIleI xet up xeeIIIx latIIIIIaI. hut I‘ll/HM (II/"ll I Ix nne nl the IIIan InIIn\atI\e and xlInckIng tiIIIIx tn reach nIII xcrceIIx IIIIx IlecaIle (‘IIIIIIIIe cah IIIateII. cerebral. IIIIIIIaIII IIIIIl/IHHH IztllrI/Ime/I I'll/In! “I )i'u’l\ (If [III‘ I Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties It ) I'IIIII Hill. I S, 2006) llIeckIn Meyer. lenntleI lnxe llemtt. IlIlIy ('nIIIInlly. IIIII .‘xlIIIIay, lat) .'\IiL‘lclI)lllI‘lt'. Rnger Reex tx'ItIIIIII \ee .'\IxII Releaxed. page ~12 (it Ill'I'Il/ It It'IIH Germany Year Zero It’( i) 0.. IRnlIeIIn RnxxellInI. Italy. I‘MHI Izanund .\lexclIke. larnxt I’IIIxclIau. lngetraud llIII/e. l'IaII/ ()ttn Kruger 7-1IIIIII ‘I'lIe tlIIrd part nl RnxxI-IIIIII'x \\ \\ 2 IIIlngy depicting the xtiuggle lnI qu\I\a| III \\;ll InIn lleIlIII. xt Ieened In IIIaIk the centenary nt IIIx IIIIIII II/IIl/IHIIH‘, IIIIIl/IHIL'II I’III'I n/ <(I li'un n/ [In I Girls’ Summer Shorts I Ix) IVaI‘IntIx. \aIInux. 200-1 200‘) X iIIIIII (‘nllectInn nl \l\ xlInII lllllt\ lInIII arnund the \xnrld. lncuxIng nu lnx e and lIIxI IIcIII een Iadch. III! n/ [/H' SUI/I Lulu/nu [xx/mm um] (iIII III/II l('\llltl/ llll Inu/ (i/uxenn l'l/Ht I'll: III/'4: (i/menn. I lInI/Inuu', IzI/III/Imje/I. Golmaal Ithc) IRnlIII Shelly. lndIa. 2006) I-WIIIIII l’un IIIIIIIIIIteIl Ix pInIIIIerl III thIx llnlly \\nnd Iale nl lnIIr guyx hnund IngetlIer IIy cIIIIIlleIIIexx and gnnd nld laxlnnned lIaud ()(Il'l'll .Iil IIII‘ Qum. (iluyenu. The Goonies Il’(i) O. IRIetIard I)I)l)llt'l'. I'S. I‘II‘N‘S) Sean .-\xIIn. JanI Ilrnlin. .lell (‘nlIen ll2IIIIII, Rather dire tcetIllIck. In “Inch \e\ en kIdx gn III xearclI nl IIIII'Ied II‘eaxIIIe and are II)III)\\ ed lInIly lIy \ icInIIx \ IIIaIIIx \yIIIg lnI the lnnt. A InyI'Ide \xlIiclI Ix xlnII In xIaI'I and Ilnexn‘t depart ll'Itltl \\ ell cIIaI'teII IIIgIIuayx. (inure/1m; (i/Ineun‘.


Heading South (Vera Ie Sud) I IF) 0” Il.aurent ('antet. I'raIIce/( 'anada. 2005) ('harlntte Rampltng. Karen Ynung. l.nque l’nrtal. .\lennth_\ (‘exar lI)hIIIIn In I‘J7'l. llaItI. three \ery dIlterenI \MtlllCli cnIne In eany the xex tnurIxIII \x Ithnut realIxIng the unrld nt the exprnprIaIInn. ecnnnInIc xupprexxInn and cnIrIIpIInII that ll IIIaxkx Highly laudable and \x ell IntenIInned. the film Ix derailed IIIIIIally by pnnr perInd detail. an nln InIIx xcrIpI and crIngy. direct In camera IIInIInInguex hut IIIIIIIIaIely Ix undemahly watchable. rexnnating lnng alter the credIIx rnll (llIHQuH I'I/m I/tc'uln', (Humane ll/Hl/IUUH‘. IzI/m/Iure/I

I Stand Alone (Seul Contre Tous) IIX) C... I(iaxpar Nne. I‘ratIcc. I993) l‘lIIlepe Nahnn. I‘llandIne l,ennII. l'rankye l’aIn. MarIIne .-\udraIII ‘HIIIIII. llardcnre penetraIIIe xex and a nauxeaIIIIg xcene III \xIIIclI a pregnant \xnIIIan Ix repeatedly punched III the xtnIIIacII I)Ixturhing and graphic" Yex (lI’atuIInIIx xIInck IAIL‘IICV’ .\'n. nnly IIIaIerIal nl xuch uncnnIprIIIIIIxIng hrIIIalIty can hung the I Iexx er clnxe In the utter dexnlaIInn tell by the IIIaIII character. an IuIenIplny ed 50-year-nld huIcIIer \NIII) hax heen xlaIIIIIIed mm a dead‘end e\IxIence. l'l/Hl/ll’llu'. Iz'I/In/Iureh. lI’Il/‘I III I/H' I'.//‘/'.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown II'I 0.. I('arlnx Saldanha. ['8. 2006) Vnicex nl Ray anann. Jnhn leguI/amn. l)enIx Leary. Seann William Sentt. 00mm. linijnyahle lnllnys -up In the ('anadian 2002 animated feature. Iurry Sum/en and SIM/Mum xcthe Jnn \'IIII pIckx up the

\\ riting reinx \\ IIlI aplnIIIh ax Manlred. Sid and l)iegn lace their htggext challenge In date the end III the Ice Age. (i/Ineun l'I/m 'I‘III'IIII'I'. (i/memc.

In The Realm of the Senses (Al No Corrida) I IX) 0000. I.\'aglxa ()xlIIIna. Japan. l‘)76) 'l'atxuya l-uii. liikn Matxuda. l05min. At laxI deeIIIed lll t‘nr certilicatinn. ()thIIIa'x xlInckingly erntic film can nnxx he puhlicly xcreened. III the

’un n/ 59


jazz & Blues F

52 THE LIST 23 Jul—3 Aug .2005

I C Big Band

umph at 85 . n Transfer

'2 and Friends

james Carter Maceo Parker Salsa Celtica Statesmen of jazz

IIIIIIIarIxI Japan nt N36. a cnuple enclnxe Ihemxelyex III IheIr nu II xenxual \xnrld. IheIr paxxinn excalating IIIIIII nnly death can prm Ide the next nrgaxIII .\laxterly. Ihnugh necexxarIly extremely explicit lnnk at the power nt xexual arnuxal. which hax attracted cnntrnx erxy Ihrnughnut the \xnrld l'I/m/Inuu'. [xIIIII/Iure/I

it Happened Here Il’IiI oooo IKeHn Brnunlnyx and Andre“ Mnlln. I'K. W66) 03mm Brnunlnxt \\ ax IIIxI eighteen when he dexelnped the Idea tnr IIIIx IIIgenInux lnnk at u hat \Htltld hax e happened In langland had the Na/Ix \xntI WW2. It tnnk IIIIII a t'urther eight yearx nt paInxtakIng xxnrk gathertng the necexxary equipment IngetIIeI In IIIake II The actinn lnllnvu a nurxe leInxe l'eelIng gnex trnIn nne nt cnIIIplacency In hnrrnr nu realIxIng the xtluatinn nl lIIe cnunlry I'IIIrI/Inuu’. I'II/IIIIIIII‘e/I. l’ur! n/ 5‘) li'III'I III the [ill I‘ The Journey I I2:\) .00 die} l’ullappally. India. 200-1) SIIIIaxInI V NaIr. SIIrrIIIII Mennn. I07IIIIn. .-\ celebraIInn nt the right nl \xnmen In lnxe \xnmen III the WIN cIrcunIxIancex pnxthle. IIIIx Ix the xInry nt tun girlx xIrugglIIIg In xtay tngether while then whnle unrld IrIex In tear them apart, Part of the 201/) [um/nu [ex/mm and (im I‘I/m l'i'IIII'III nn Inur. I'I/m/Inuu'. Iz‘IIIII/uugh.

Junebug (Double Bill with Me and you and Everyone we Know) I ISI 0... (Hal Mnrrixnn. I'S. 2005) Iimheth l)a\'Idt/. l)a\‘id Kuhn. .-\lexxandrn NII'nla. ('elia Wextnn. Sentt Wilxnn. Amy Adamx. l06min. llavmg crnxxed the unInn line lnr the tier IIIIIe xInce IIIx marriage In art dealer Madelaine Il)a\'idI/) nn an nutxider art requixtlinn trip. (lenrge (Niynla) takex her In IIix t‘aInIIy IInIIIe III Nnrth (‘arnlina Welcnming hnme Ihe hexntted cnuple are IIIx prickly IaIIIIly and hix innncently garrulnux xixter lit-Iii“ Ashley IAdaIIIx). Ax Madelaine hegtnx In cnnduct prntracted negntiatinnx \\ iIh an inxane lncal arIixt. Axhley and Amy lind a cnnnectinn. l.n\'ely. quirky. nit-heat tamilial drama that wnrkx ax hnIh chamber piece and cnxnIIc IIIedIIaIInn. ('mm'u, Edinburgh.

Just my Luck I P(iI O. It)nnutII l’eIrie. ('8. 2006) Lindxay l.nhaII. (‘hrix I’ine. I‘aiznn I.n\'e. Mixxi Pyle. Me My 103mm. Manhattan xncialite Axhley II.nhan) hax a hit III a xhncker alter her .xeemingly neverending lucky xtreak enIIIex In a halt I'nllnwing a hit nl xInnnclIing \th dnwn-atIdmuI .lake Il’ine). ()ne lnr .‘vlcl‘ly I'anx. General release.

Key Largo (PG) 0”. (Jnhn IquInII. I'S. I948) Humphrey Bngart. Lauren Bacall. Iidward (i Rnhinxnn. l0lmin. Rnhinxnn‘x gangxter hnxx and IIIx hnyx hnle up in a hnIel in the I-‘lnrida keyx. Bngart'x army nl'l'Icer ix already there. alnng u iIlI Ihe hnIel nwner'x daughter. Bacall. Ax a xIanII hreakx nut the tenxinn rixex in lluxtnn‘x taut drama. Scum/nun .S'I'I‘I'I'III'III: Rmmi. Edinburgh.

* Kiss Me Deadly I )8) 00000 IRnhert Aldrich. I'S. l955) Ralph Meeker. Al Dekker. Maxine ('nnper. I05IIIIII. See review, page 45. Him/mute. Iz'I/I'n/Iurgh. Krrish I l2:\) IRakexII Rnxhan. India. 2006) Rekha. llrithik Rnxhan. l’riyana (‘hnpra. Sharat Saxena. l50min. The xuperhern father and .xan dun return in Ihix xequel tn Km' Mil (iuyu. ()(Il'UIl I'D/‘1 Killllull‘d. [LI/Inlmm/I.

The Lake House (PG) 00

IAlejandrn Agrexti. IS. 2006) Keanu Reevex. Sandra Bullnck. l05mIn, Hnrid. xtilted. hnring. hanal hut nccaxinnally pnetic .xupernatural rnmancer xIarring Speed l‘reakx Sandra Bullnck and Keanu Reevex. Selected release.

Little Fish I 15) CC. Ianx an Wnndx. Auxtralia. 2005) (‘ate Blanchett. Sam Neill. Hugn Weaving. llSmIn. See interx ien. page 45 and reyieyx. page 46. Selected release.

Love + Hate I 15) O Il)nminic Say-age. L'K/lreland. 2005) Tnm Hudxnn. Samina Av» an. 86min. Annther Axian and Britixh ernxx-cultural rnmance in the tradition of East Is Emr. xie Fond Kiss and Bend I! Like Bee/(hum. This time the Axtan Ix l7 year-old Naseema IAwan) and her lme interest ix Adam IHudxnn) uhnxe

tanIIly are IINI’ IlIInIIglI and IIIInIIglI [he that ~\xI.Inx \xIIn .tI‘.lll\I\‘ll tIIeIr taIIIIIy IradItInnx xlInIIlIl he teted and that Ihnxe that aren't tnnx Intetl hx the melting pnIIII xlInIIIIl he beaten up \\\‘llI\I make \anIIan l‘ethI pInuIl St'IIIInIIIxIIIg \Nc‘ll paxl fix erI by date (II/'I."\\'I’\\ III/u IIII'IIIH The Magnificent Ambersons .I'I i) C... I( )Ixnn \\ellex. I'S. l"~l.‘~ .IIWCI‘II ('nttnn. Ilnlntex (‘nxtelln \enex .\Innteltead NMIIIII I‘IIe dec IIIIe .lll\I tall nt an ‘\lllt‘llc'.llt tannly. Inltl \\Ilc‘lt \\ellex \\.I\ at the peak nl IIIx c IIIeIIIaIn pnueI I'\t‘ll

race IIIexxage


qudIn IIIIkeIIng can't lexxen IIx lllll‘dx I. ax IIIe dltectnt takcx an .IIIIIIixnletII \ Ieu nt IIIm \IIIerIcan lite “ax changed In the IndIIxIIIaI age l'IIIIIIxxaIIle. gnen IlIe cuIIent re axxexxIIIcIIt nt \\ellex‘ I.IleIIt ax .I IIIIIIIIIaket (i/Itxenn I'llm [Ilium (r/«nVun

Me and you and Everyone we Know I l5) 0... I

Muanda July. l'S/l K. 20th .II‘IIII llaxxkex. Miranda July. \IIlex llInIIIpxnII ‘IIIIIIII ‘\lt ettlt),\alIly \\Iltlll\l\'.lI IIIIIIIIe In IIIxt"x IIanxtnIIIIaIne pnxerx. .III‘ Ima’ )nu

llllCl“ ea\ ex a number nt xInIIex III xuhurhan l .»\. Inxnlxing \Il.ll.l\lt‘l\ tInnI acrnxx tIIe geIIeIatInnx .Ill xtIIIgglIng In cnnnect enIntInIIally \II' III“! In“ cIIaIIengex anInng nIlIeI IlIIIng. tlIe IalInnx xurrnunding the IlepIctInn nl undeI age xe\IIalIt_\. IInI III .I prIII nt lllIllIl\ll\ prnxncatinn. IIIII \\ ItlI lIuIIInIII .uIII \xIIlI .III ‘\llII It‘x cleaI that the dII'ectnI truly caIex .IIInIII lIeI cIeaIInIIx.

IInnext IeengnItInn

regardlexx III the” lnIIIlex anIl eccettlt‘tclltex (imtrn. [III/thumb Memento I IS) .0... I( 'lIIIxInplIeI anan. [8. 2000) ( iuy l’eatte. (‘aIIIe \IIII Mnxx. Jne l’anInIIann IIIIIIIIII IIeI'IIIIIng \x here IIIan nIlIeI tilIIIx unuld end \IIIII an act nl \engeance. \\l|lL'l IIIIeclnI \nlan tellx lle xtnI'y hy gIadually unIkIIIg' hacknardx III tIIIIe |.enIIaIIl Shelby II’earceI Ix nhxexerl Ix ItII axengnu' IIIx \xIte‘x rape and IIIuIIlcr 'I'Inuhle Ix I.enII;IIIl xul'l'erx l'rnIII a cnndIIInn nt xlInII teIIII IIIeIIInry lnxx. and xn lIe Ieliex nn .III


III piece llt}‘t‘lIlt'l

elahnrate xy xIenI nt IneIIIenInex pnIat‘ntdx, Ittttly lttllnnx the cluex III lle IIIxexIIgatInn .\ cnIIIpcIIIng. elIIptIcaI recnnxlructInn nl the Iexenge thriller. \xlIIclI kullIIIly e\;ttltlt)ex tlIe cnnnecIInIIx hetween IIIeIIInI'y. IIleIIIIIy anIl pcrcepltnn ('IIII'IInr/II IzI/III/Iure/I. IzI/I'nlIIIre/I.

Microcosmos I I ' ) .0000 II 'I.IIIIII- Nuridxany/Marte l’erennnu. I'Iance. NUS) 75min. A hugeyed IIIIIk III lItt' \MIIIII IIl lll\CL‘l\. tIItx I‘reIIcII nne nll laIIx xnIIIethere hetyx een a narratnelexx dncuIIIenIary and an eIIerIIIIle piece lnI IIx array nl tIIIy cIIaIacIeI'x What unlnldx Ix a kind III lIte Ina-Ila} hetxxeen tlIe lIladex nt graxx III an mergrnun IIIeadnxx Ihe auaIIl winning IIIacInpIInIngIaplIy and IIIIagIIIaIix e xnund eynke and xIIIpaxx tlIe arIIlicIal \Inrldx created III all IIInxe chenc e lictinn lllI)\lL'\. (ill/mun I'Ilm l/ImII/I: (iluwrm.

Nanny McPhee II'I O. IKIrk Innex. I’K. 2005) IiIIIIIIa 'l'lInIIIpxnn. ('nlIn I‘trlh. Kelly MacIIHIIaIII. ('eIIa IIIII'Ic. Angela I.anxhury ()7llllll. 'l‘lIe receIIIly hereay ed ('edric Ilrnvtn I( ‘nIIII I'll'lllt hax \xay Inn many kIdx and nn mie Alter IIIx hIred help rengnx. lIe tindx Nanny Mcl’hee I'l'hnquxnn). a uart-rIddeII. qugle-IImIlIeIl harrldan whn hax a remarkably calming £1llCClI)!iItl\ mld cIIIldren. hut IIIx tInuhlex arc jttxt beginning hecauxe nan he hax In lind a nevi mle helnre xnnhhy Aunt Adelalde Il,anxhury ) cqu nll IIIx Iinancial III‘eIIne. llndge-plege tale nl priytleged reyelry. cliche and antiquated IIInralIIy that playx like a \x reIched prn-chilthth pxychedelic l‘arce Iahle, (irmImm. (Human;

Offside II’(i) O... IJalar l’anahI. Iran. 2006) 8mm Mubarak-Sham. Shayexteh Irani. Ay da Sadeqr ‘)lIIIIn A \Ihrant. hitterxueet lranIan cnIIIedy xhnI nn handheld dtgttal \ Iden catnerax and engagineg acted. I’anahi‘x lilIII Irackx the ellnrtx III teenage gIrIx In xneak mm a crucial Wnrld (‘up qualitying game In a country where vmmen are l’nrhidden Irnm attending xnccer matchex ()[jsulr recallx