
the hext ol Ken l.oach. “hen itx humour and xocial critique emerge lrom the pi‘edicaiiienlx ol the characterx. I‘l/Hl/lttllw’. Iii/Hilim'e/i.

Over the Hedge il'iO” i'l‘iiii Johnxon/Kare) Kirkpatrick. l'S. 2mm Bruce \Villix. (iari'_\ Shandling. Avril

l.a\ igne. 8.1mm. Aho\ e a\ei‘age l)i‘eain\\‘orkx animation ahoiit an audacioux raccoon \\ ho l'oolx a lamil} ol l'orext creatni'ex to imade xiihurhia \\ ith une\pected rexultx. (ii-m'ml release:

The Piano Teacheri lHi .0000 (Michael llaiieke. l"raiice/Alixtria. Zlel ) lxahelle lltippei't. Il‘hniii. Ax \xith liix

pre\ ioux lilmx. (1 air I iii/mun and I-iumr (iumm. llanelxe \lltt\\\ hut doexn't tell. lt‘x left It) the atltllelk‘e to piece together lllt' dixturhed px} che ol liiika l'x'ohut. the \"ieniiexe piano tutor ol the title illiipperl i. lltlttelxe tell\ the tale thaxed till lillriede Jeltnek‘x no\el) through a xeriex ol heautilull) compoxed xcenex. editing them together \\ ith the precixion of a xurgeon. lluppei't capitalixex on her opaque \ ixage. pro\ iding her dii‘ectoi \\ illi a heautilull) nuanced underxtated [X'rl'ormance lt'x a pleasure to ‘read' thix lilm. and no xiirprixe it garnered hoth contro\ erx_\ and anardx at the ('annex l'iilm textual. (ilmemi' I'llm Hit'illl‘t'. (;/(I\L'i)\\,

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 1 IZAi O. ((iore \"erhinxki. l‘S. 200m Johnn} l)epp. Keira Knightle). Orlando Bloom. Bill Nigh). ltitlinin. 'l'he haplexx gang are throxx n hack into another adxenture. \\ ith Bloom'x clean cut Turner and Knightle} 'x mandator} girl Suann attempting to .xa\ e Depp'x staggering Sparrow t'rom l)a\_\ Jonex. Rlll‘hlsll chtlt‘l. (it'llt'l‘tt/ I‘t'lt'th‘.

Quo Vadls, Baby? i l5) .0 ((iahriele Salxatorex. Ital}. 2005) Angela Baraldi. (iigio Alherti. IllSinin. l-‘il‘teen years alter axpiring actrexx Ada'x .xuicide. a box of \‘ideotapex containing hourx of her home mox iex arrives in) xteriouxl) on her sister's (who happens to be a private detective) doorxtep. (‘oming alter hix terrific 2002 kidnap drama I'm Not Scared

Sahatoiex noii‘ixh \xhodunnit ix a real dixappointiiient. laxidentl} iiioie preoccupied \\ ith xt_\ Ie lliaii xiihxtaiice. the initiall} intriguing plot ix lelt meandering along xo that h} the time _\ou'\e worked otit \xho did “hat to \xhoin. _\oti don't ha\e enough ol a \exted intei’ext in either xloi‘} or character to care. ('imiui. lat/i'Ii/iiu'e/i.

RV l l’(il 0. (Hair) Sonnenleld. l'S. ltltloi Rohin \Villiamx. ('hei'}l llinex. Jell l)ame|x ‘lh'min The title xtandx lor ‘Recreatioiial Vehicle' and that'x e\act|} \xhal Boh .\limi'o \Villiamxi i'entx to take hix thxliinctioiial l.llllll_\ on a ioad trip to the ('oloi'ado Rockiex \Villiaiiix' return to the laiiiil) coined} ix a lilxcahle ll laii'l} unxurprixiiig allaii'. pitched xonie\\ here hem een (’lii'ii/u'l In I/ii‘ Ihn‘rn 3 and .Viilionii/ hurl/mun '\ \ilt uliun. \ilt' Ia/IIi/m/‘e/i ()i um. l’.t/lll/’Ill'L‘/l.

Raiders of The Lost Ark i H il

.0. (Sim en Spielberg. [8. WM i llarrixoii l‘oi'd. Karen Allen. I |5iiiiii l'oi‘d pla_\ x ad\eiituring archaeologixt Indiana Jonex. \tho almoxt lHlL'\ oll more than he can chexx \\ hen he ttirnx up at the Ark ol the (mutant in .\'a/i-inlexted \xartime l-.g}iit. Return to the hreathlexx e\cilemeiit ol the Sattii‘da} morning xei'ial \x ith thix rollci‘coaxtei ol a moxie. \xhich ix prohahl} better than either ol ilx xeqtielx. l'ongue held \er_\ l'irml} in cheek. (i/memi l-ilni I‘llt'tlll't'. (Hinton.

Renaissance i rm 0.. it‘hi-ixiian Volckman. l5rance/l 'K/l.u\enihourg. 3mm Daniel ('raig. l’ati'ick l‘loei'xheim. ('atherine .\1c('oriiiacl\. lllSIltltl See .-\l\ii Relethetl. page 47. (ii'm'm/ I‘i'lcmi' from In 3‘ ./u/ Russian Dolls (Les Poupées Russes) t |5i O. 1(‘edric Klapixch. France. 2005i Romain l)urix. ('ecile de l‘rance. Audre) 'l‘atitou. ll‘hniii l‘our _\earx on lrom the xtirprixe ho\ ollice xuccexx ol' \\ riter-director Klapixch'x l’u! Luck comex thix ximilarl} llliLlL‘r\\llClllllll:_' xequel Runiim DUI/x. 'l‘he xtudent

t“ ent_\xomethiiigx \\ ho xx ere xharing a flat in Barcelona ha\ e noxx xcattered acroxx liiiropc. .-\pproaching hix thirtieth birthda}

.\a\ iei ilhii‘ixi ix xti‘iiggling to make hix mark ax a writer and to lind the \uiiiiiiii ol hix dreamx. ('o} rtihhixh, (Mm-u. lu/iIi/mre/i.

The Shaggy Dog ill .0 ilii-iaii Riihhiltx. l'S. 20W») 'l‘im Allen. Ki‘ixtin l)a\ix. l)ann} (Elmer. Rohert Donne} Jr. ’~)Xinin. l).-\ l)a\e l)oiiglax iAlleni getx hitten h} one ol ei'aI} l)r Ko/alx'x ll)o\\tle} Jri lah dogx. (ml) to turn into a xheepdog himxell. Written h} the inargmall} talented hiixhand and \\ il‘e dtio Marianne and (’oriiiac \Vihherle} i.\'u!iunul Ira/wire. / X/n i thix l\ di\ei'ting )et lorinulaic and unremarkahle lainil} lare. ('inciiur/i/ I’ur/x/u'ml. (i/memi ; (‘i/ii'iuirli/ lat/inhuruli. I'J/IIl/HII‘L‘II.

Show Me i l8) 1(‘axxandra Nicolaoti. (Xinada. 2004i Michelle Nolden. Kett ’l'ui'ton. (iahi'iel Hogan. Allegra l'ttllon. 07min 'l‘enxe kidnap thriller in Much the rolex ol capti\ e and captor are lexx than clearrcut. Alter a lxnil'epoint car hiiaclx. Sarah ix held h} )oungxterx Jenna and Jackxon at a remote cahin 'l‘heir rolex tv. ixt and turn in tliix gorgeoiix xetting. xexiial tenxion charging the unuxual menage a troix \\ ith a quext lor truth. and on to an unexpected climax I’ul'l n/ [he Jill/i [JUN/UN law/mm um/ (im I'i/m l't’UIl’u/ on (our, (;/(1\L’IH1 I‘ll/n I'llt'tlll'i', (illhg‘rm _' l'i/ni/ioim'. lit/inlmrgh.

Sparking Resistance from Glasgow to Rio i\'ariaux. 2005i \'arioux.A \\ hole e\ ening ol guerilla cinema l‘eaturing a double bill ol' Nina Lope/ lrom (ilohal Women'x Strike‘x lent-melt! Iii/Line u] l’im er and linlre .‘llurm in l'ill't’ltn (Between Biz/Ix in l-uic/m I. a portra}a| ol injuxtice lt)\\tlld\ the poor in Rio de Janiero. together \A ith too in) xter} xhortx ('rilii'u/ Mun and (‘mi \ it uh (iiuix. There xx ill be an opportunit} to go to the bar lrom 7.30-Xpm. ('(‘xL (;I(I\L‘(Ilt.

Stay Alive 1 ISi 0 (William Brent Bell. l'S. 2006i Jon l‘oxter. Samaire Armxtrong. Frankie Muriil. 86min. See Alxo Released. page ~17. (ieneru/ re/(‘uu' from l’ri 38 Jul.

On his final night on Earth Mr Lazarescu is shipped from one hospital to another, each one offering a dfferent diagnosis. Will he be allowed to die with dignity? I FI/Hi/ioi/w, Edinburgh from I'M I’I Hill JV Ju/ (in/i.

Stormbreaker l H il 00 ii it'iilllt'} Sax. (it'rlllltll}/l 'K/l 'S. jtltloi .-\le\ l’ett} lei. l:\\an .\lc(iregoi. Micke} Rourke. Bill Nit—'ll}. Alicia Silwixlone ‘) iiiun See

i‘ex IL'\\. page -l-l (irnwm/ I!'/('tl\('

* Superman Returns I HM 0000 lBr_\an Singei. l'S. 21mm Biandon Roiith. Kate Boxttorth. Kenn Space}. Jaiiiex Mai'xden. .\lailon Brando l5-1iiiin Sec te\ie\\_ page 4-1 (it'llt‘lil/ Ic/uiu'

T-Rex ll'ltlllell l.eonaiil. l'S. l‘)‘)hl ~illllllll. Aiiia/ing looking IMAX moxie about a lather and daughter in dangei lioiii a \ icioux cainixoioiix diiioxaiii (iieat lllll l.ll.'l.\' I’llt'tllll', (i/ll\L’Illl

Take the Lead i 12A: 00 tl.l/ l‘riedlandei‘. [8. lian Antonio Banderax Roh Broun. Allre Woodard. l).iiite Baxco. Ra) l.iotta. ll7iniii Nunei'mm .llim/i lllL'L'l\ Mm] Hui Ballroom in llll\ Iikeahle hut totall} predictable ballroom dance c ia/e caxh-in i‘oiiiancer. Still. thix ix at leaxt a million tiiiiex better than .S/iu/l lli' /)um i" (ldeon At The ()ua}. (ilaxgim. ()deon. lulinhurgh.

Thank you for Smoking t Iii

O... iJaxoii Reitman.l \'. Zillfii Aaioii liL‘lxliat'l. Marla llello. Kalle lltlllllk'\. Roh l.ime. William H Mac} 92min. Baxed on (’hrixtopher Buckle} 'x noxel. Reitiiian‘x xatirical attaclx on the pro-xiiioking lohh} lalixex pol xholx til \pln tlnclolx. liihh}l\l\ and politicianx with hilarioiix rexultx lickhart producex a tour de loic e perlormance u ith a beaming xiiiile and hitmg tongue ax the tohacco lohhyxt Nick Na)|or. pitted agaian priinar} loe Senator l'inixtirre lNlttL‘)! \Nlio\l.;it1txa \lxull alitl croxxhonex placed on e\er} cigarette packet. St’lt't [(‘(l rt’li’tlH'.



20 Jul—’1 Aug 2906 THE LIST 53