Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.

Thursday 20


I Horse 'l he Jain llHlISL'. 5 Queen Streel.33ft-1iSH ‘pnt L3” 4 L5H inelutling three tl‘llr\k' ineali l.n}.i|l_\ PilllUIHSCtl \Illth'l’Sttll}_'\\lllt'l who will no ilntiht he thinning to a lull house


I Utter Gutter Bar Room Brawl lirunxtttek llntel. 553 lllllll.

‘lpin titulntght. l'lt‘t' Madame S keep\ the homo lirex hurntng m er \llllllllt'l V. ith het neuext aural [\lt‘lhlllt‘S alnugxitle Ultl (iultei l.l\t‘\. (‘oek pup. llHlllU eleettu. )unk toek. tlnt} house. thxen \lea/e. punk treatx. teelt heatx .llltl a big lteaktn' \nule.


I Blaze l2git. l-l l’teat‘tl} l’laee. ~17S

7.1 H. llptii iain. (5. HJ ,l.‘tlllL'\ longttnrth tgttitex the ga_\ \teekentl \\llll a ehart antl lunk} house wuntltraek

I Mingin’ 'l‘he Bongo (‘Iulx Mora) lluuxe. i7 lllll)l'ttt)(l Road. 55S Will-l llpnt .iatn. ((5 helnre nutlnightt. .r\lan lo} and Brett King heltn the want night at tlte llnttgu lnt‘ lllIS pietloininantl} ga} eluh. Mtixie ranges lrnnt name to deep littlISL‘ \\ ith a tuueh nl~ teeltno and hard house thrtmn in.


I Death Disco llte .'\l't'llt‘\. fill \lltlltllltl Street. “37’” 3-“) 7523.

llpin 3am. t'lll. li\peet tlte usual gliteh}. glit/t. dark. tleathl} tllSL’t) \\ ith a \peeial guest appearanee h} Martin Mmernp t.’\ ('erlain Ratio). Jun tla Sil\a. l).l Mingntin plttx a llorxe Meat l)i\en mum \\ itlt .l;tlllt‘\ llillartl. .-\ntlre\\ ltaek tlintergene} ) and .\'ia|| tl)t\enpiai.


I Fever ligo. l‘l l’ieartl) l’laee. -l"’S 743-1. llpin .iant. L'llltL'S lllt‘llll‘t‘l'Sl. 'l‘aste lll;llll\l;l_\\ l-isher & l’t'iee autl Martitt Valentine are on the main lloor. “line the Vixitut' atttl lx'attpuxx take an an_\thing gtte\ attitude tltm llSlzlll'S.

I Unveiled (Fremde Haut) l-'ilnthuu\e. SS luthiatt Road. 223 ZhS’S. S.-15pttt. L501) ii-lNl). See l’ilnt llltlt‘\. I’url u/ the SUI/i [wit/mt law/mm A' (1m l'i/m l'i'xnt'u/ m1 lulil'.


I Show Me (llingUM l'tltn ‘l‘heatre. l2 Rme Street. 333 SIIS. 3.|5ptu. [.5 ttL-ll. See l‘ilnt intle\. I’m! u/ the SUI/t [um/nit [ex/trim A‘ (fut I'i/m I'i'tltt'u/ UH Inur.


I Booty Metlina. 45 ~17 l.othian Street. 325 MIX Itlpm 3am. U. More nl' a Suntla} metal tltan a lull—on glam tlllitll'. \xith l).| Dale |.u\h. Sinunune lilaek and neeasional guest \llptt\l;l\ tni\ittg up Refill. ltip hop. wttl and lunk.

I Eleven Men Out (Strakarnir Okkar) l-‘ilttthuthe. SS l.uthtan Road. 328 ZhS‘S. 0pm. [Sun (£4.30). See l‘ilnt llltlL‘\. I’ll/'1 Hill/11’ SUI/l l.Ulli/HII /.¢'\/’ltill and (int I'I’lm l'i'xnml mt Iiiur.

I Taste The liquid Room. 0e \‘ietot‘ia Street. 325 25¢»). I lpnt 3am. £5 lk‘lttl‘c l 1.30pm; £8 alter (£0 members). l‘ixher & l’riee \uppl} a progrexm e nti\ ul‘ house and garage and Martin Valentine “mu “tilt funk} l‘S houxe gents.

Monday 24

Glasgow I Passionality (‘uhe. 34 Queen Street. 230 8000. ll.3t)pm 3am. £2 £3.

l’leawn;'tl\ll_\ llt'lli l).l \llalkll Roberts. lt'\ll\\ll.tllll‘_' the weekend lnt the :a} intxetl etnml

I Show Me ( il.t\;‘\“~\ l llllt lheatie. l: Rme Street. 1“: \l_‘\ \15ptn :5 2.1) See Sun 3;

Tuesday 25

G asgosr

I FUN ( 'uhe. ‘1 Queen Street. :2“ \tmll ll ll)pni z.un L till l)_| Sl;.i//.i ll.tlll\‘.t‘ll iui\e\ l‘ltlk'l \ l.t\\l\ \ .zntl Illl‘. tunes Rk'klllk'SlS txeltutne


I l'.f_'t‘. l’lkttltl} l’l.l\L'. 'l-‘\ 71‘) llpin l.tni L1 (Ln night \\llll .l.tltlt'\ l ungnutth on the \l\'\l\\. plu\ llie Hanetng Stutl \lullinx. lhe Singing llatr} lilnke .llltl lhe Mtinttig \lill l)on‘t \a} \te tlitln't \\.tl'll _\.i

Wednesday 26


I Allure lhe lunnel. S1 \litthell Street. Ill-1 llllll) ll illptn iatn U ll.ipp_\. eheex} pup lltllll I),l l).itren .llltl the gu_\\ hehtntl l’.t\\lttll.tlll_\

Thursday 27


I Whole New Thing l'lllllllttlISt'. SS lutluan Ruatl. 22S ItiSS (t. l 5pm L5 ‘lll itlt lth. See l‘lllll intle\. I’u/i w! ill! .‘lIi/i [um/nu [ix/mm it (I'm Ill/ii It \illii/ nu

Saturday 29


I Feline Masquerade (Katzenball) l'llllllltllISt‘. SS l nthian Road. 33S 3035 5.l5pltl. l;«l.2llit‘3.“lli, See l'lllll intle\. it"! u/ [/l(' .‘lII/I [um/nu [ix/mm it (im /I/m li’U/lil/ un rum


I Girls’ Summer Shorts ( ilaxgim l'llllll 'l-llt'illl'L‘. l3 Rme Sll't‘t‘l. “3 N l :S 7.50pm. £5 it'J) See l‘lllll index I’m-I u! [/l(' DUI/i [um/mt [ex/mm A'- (im I'i/m l‘t'\lllil/ HI! IHIH‘.


I Booty Metlina. ~15 ~17 l.t)llll;tll Street. 225 (Mi. lllptn Rant. {3, See Still 23. I Show Me l'llllllltllISL‘. SS l.tlllll;lll Ritatl. 33S ZhSS. SJllpni, {5}“) l {4.30). See Sun 33.

I Tackno l'go. l~l l’teartl} l’laee.-1“S "-lH. llpttt .iatn. L‘— (L5 ntetnherx and the appt‘opriatel} tlt‘exxetl l, 'lt'eittl} \Ventl} .llltl hei kitxeh elaxxiex t'eaeh then I lth birthday

I Taste lhe ltqtntl Ronni. ‘le \ietnria Street. 325 250-1. llpin Rant. (5 ltelnre |l.3llpnt; {S al'tet‘ tt'h lllL‘llll‘t'lSI. See Sun 33.


I Boys’ Summer Shorts (ilmgtm l'lllll ll‘llL‘ttllt‘. l: RUSL' Sll'L‘Cl. .55: Nljh. ‘lptn [.5 tut. See l'lllll index I’m-r ur [he SUI/Il.uiit/m1/.t'\/mni A (An l'l/HI lc'xlttu/ un rum.

I Passionality ('ulte. 1-1 Queen Street. 220 S‘Nll. ll.5ll[‘lll ‘xun. L2 L1. See .\ltlll :4.


I Girls’ Summer Shorts l'lllllllttUSL‘. SS l.Ullll;lll Ruatl. 33S IftSS. hpnt. £541) it.‘.‘)(li. See Sun 3t).

Glasgow I (tilk‘. :4 ()Ut‘t‘ll Sll'L‘L‘l. 32h \‘l‘lll. ll..‘~llpnt Rant. (3 it‘ll. See lue 25.

Edinburgh I Vibe ligu. 1-1 l’teartl} l’laee. J".\ "434. llpnt 5am. :4. See line 25.

EDINBURGH FESTIVAL Various venues, Edinburgh, from Wed 2 Aug until Sun 3 Sep.

Those in Glasgow, look away now: August is upon us and Edinburgh‘s summer muse of arts and entertainment is both pregnant and priapic (to whit, the Ladyboys of Bangkok are back). Festivals of performance and galas of self-expression have long been associated with love and lust of the non- hetero kind, but a perusal of the programmes for 2006‘s edition suggests that the perception of a festival bursting with gayness is overstated out of two- and-a-bit thousand shows, seminars and spectacles, less than 100 have overtly gay themes, performers or characters.

Local comic heroes Craig Hill, Bruce Devlin and Karen Dunbar make an appearance, and they're backed up by stars Simon Amstell, Amy Lame, Sue Perkins, Scott Capurro and Stephen K Amos, with Christopher Green reprising his characters Ida Barr and Tina C. Cabaret and burlesque feature strongly, with La Clique, Dusty Limits and Kit and the Widow (in a barely civil partnership); Topping and Butch and Four Poofs and a Piano providing the silly end of the spectrum. The songs of Noel Coward and

Cole Porter get an airing, too.

Jonathan Harvey brings a new play about Eurovision, Boom Bang-a- Bang, and Tim Fountain adapts film Midnight Cowboy for the stage. Fountain’s hobbyhorse is dramatised humorously in The Gaydar Diaries, and other dramas run from Wilde to sado-masochism; drag queens to the murder of Matthew Shepard. Musicals take in Madonna, Minnelli, Streisand and Holiday, and two books Edmund White‘s Terre Haute and Armistead Maupin’s The Night Listener - appear on stage and screen respectively.

Mitchell Leisen, the forgotten gay Hollywood director of the 19305 and 19405 who worked with Billy Wilder and Barbara Stanwyck, is treated to a 13 film restrospective, and Looking for Cheyenne and Love Sick both feature celluloid lesbian romance. With a range from Judy Garland (End of the Rainbow) to a man masturbating in Death Valley (Destricted, pictured), dipping a toe in the festival water is difficult to resist. (Robin Lee)

Wednesday 2

Glasgow I Allure 'l'he lunnel. S-l \litehell Street. IliJ llillll ll ilipin iatn. t." See \\etl If) I Boys’ Summer Shorts (ilaxgim l'lllll .l‘llL‘illl‘L'. l: RHSC Sllt't'l. l: Hllx (tplll. 9.5.4“ it; 1 (mi See Mon l


I Disko Bloodbath lugn. l4 l’ieartl} l’laee. 47S "4 U H). illpin 5am, t i. l'.\lllll‘lll-:_'ll.\ lllSl queer alternatne ntght |\ an eeleette llll\ «it eleetru. llltllL'. punk and roek tor thme who ate \ereaintng out lut' winetlung titllerent on the ga} \eene.

Glasgow I Bennets .Sll-‘Nl (ll;i\\inrtl Street. 552 57w]. Wed 'l‘hu & Sun 11.30pm 1am.

l‘rt Sat Ilillpm .‘. Wain. l-rientll}.

down to earth late night tllSLtl \ettue t'eeentl} telurhixhetl and “Still: llttlll the itSllL'S alle!‘ a map)! the

I The Polo Lounge at \\ ilmn Street. 55i llll Mun 'lhu 5pin lattt. l'll Sun 5pm iain Spaeinux. maul}. gayituxetl Merehant (it) eluh. utth \e\etal lthIHS and a tlUV-llSlilllS tlaneelluoi open at the weekend i£5 alter l Ipini


I CC Blooms (ll lllllltllh. 3‘ 2.1 (il'eeltSItle l’laee. 55’) ‘l : tl Mull. l'll Sat (rpm ‘ain. Sun. 'lue 'lhu Spin iatn 'lhe eaxt e'tttixl \eene queen [ltllllPS Hut tlaltee ulttl L'llL‘L‘SC tlL‘llg'lllx CRT} lllletl.

I Mist 20H Dublin Street. 5 4S 7775 Mon 'l‘hu noon ant. in Sat

noon Iain; Sun I: 1“put lain l'urinerl}. the Neutimn liar. Him rettpelletl ttllL’l' a \t}le re\atnp. 'lmxl leatuiex a tllSU) har tlt)\\ll\lilll’\ e\er} l'ritla} and Saturday night.

: .v THE LIST 61