Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Glasgow Activities And Fun

Glasgow Museums Summer Holiday Programmes l'ntil inid Aug. lllllL‘S. datcs and acln itics \ai'y l'i‘cc (ilasgou 's niiisciiins haw laid on a biiinpci ioiind ol cxciting actiyitics and \miksliops io kccp thc littlc. (and not so littlc oiicsi. cntci'taincd lllls suininci' Visit \nuy glasgtminuscuins coin to liiid out \yhat‘s on.

Acting Up! Drama for Children and Young People Sat 33 & 3‘) Jul. 1 Iain; \Vcd 3o Jul; (l, iilpin, £5. ('('A. i50 Saiicliichall Sticct. 353 4000. Drama \yoikshop loi o I l ycai' olds (Sat) and

l3 l8 ycat-iilds (\Vcdl. Hooking L‘ssc'lllltil.

Flame On! l'ntil 'l llll 3| Aug. noon. 3pm tk 4pm liicludcd in admission. (ilasgou Sciciicc (‘ciili‘u 50 l’acilic Quay. 4.30 .5000. (.Ulllt‘ :tlttl lccl thc hcat til thc Scicncc ('cntic's icdihot ncxy intci‘actn c show

Tall Ship Pirates Mon \Vcd until l8 Aug. l0..i0ain 4.30pm. lncludcd in admission: £4.05 (£3.75). 'l‘hc Tall Ship at (ilasgoty llai‘boiii. I00 Stobci‘oss Road. 333 35H. Join thc lull Ship's i'csidciit pii‘atcs and hpr tlicin scrub thc dccks and misc thc llag.

Grand Designs 'l‘uc 35 Jul. ’l‘uc lpiu & 3pm. l't‘cc. lllL‘ lliddcn (iai‘dcns.

'l‘i‘ainyyay. 35 Albcrt |)i‘i\c. 0845 H0350l.

A chancc for budding gai‘dcncrs to build thcii‘ mm iiiiilii scnsory cmironincnt. inspiicd by thc colours. sinclls and tc\turcs 0i thc lliddcn (itit'dclis. Booking csscntial.

Austin’s Summer Picnic Sai 33 Jul. lpin. l'icc. 'l'lic lliddcn (iardcns.

'l‘i'anmay. 35 Albcrt l)i'i\c. 0845 530550l.

Join Austin thc ('hct tor a tact gathcring scssion in thc gai'dcns. grccn houscs and \yoodlaltds bclorc hclping to inakc yummy siiinincr picnic dishcs. Hooking L‘ssc‘tllltil.

Wildlife on your Doorstep Sai 33 Jul. lpin. l‘i'cc. llogganlicld Loch. 7o3 I803. (iiiidcd \yalk and t|lll/.

Sunday Morning Family Club Sun 33 Jul & 30 Jul. 10.30am. £5. l’ollok llousc. 3060 l’ollokshayys Road. (ilo (i410. l’cat'ls and l’ockctwuitclics (33 Juli. l.ilc Without TV (30 Juli. Agcs 5 ll. Booking rcquii‘cd.

House to House Sun 33 Jul. l lain. Frcc. l’ollok Country Park. 3000 l’ollokshayys Road. M3 03‘)”. A guidcd \yalk lTUltl l’ollok llousc to liolnmood llousc \\ ith tlic (‘oiiiiti'ysidc Rangcis.\cs from thc Rl\t‘l'\lLlC ('ai l’ark. Bring a packcd lunch. \yalking shocs and outdoor clothing.

Wild in the City \Vcd 30 c& Thu 37 Jul. noon 4pm. l-‘i'cc. l’ollok ('ountry Park. 3060 l’olliikslttms Road. 653 939‘). Family actiy itics lroin thc ('ountrysidc Rangers.

The Musical Garden Summer Adventure Sat 3‘) & Sun 50 Jul. lpin. l~‘rcc. 'l‘hc lliddcn (iardcns. 'l'rainuay. 35 Albert Driyc. 0845 33035tll. ('i‘catix c adycniurcs iising thc hand craltcd instrumcnis of thc Musical (iardcn. Booking csscntial.

Hip Hop! Mon 31 Jul. Illain. £8. 'l'hcatrc Royal. Hope Street. 340 l l l |. High- energy dance “orks‘hop fusing ihc laicsi strcct styles. Ang 3- 15.

Jaggy Nettles Day Tuc 1 Aug. l «3pm. lsrcc. ’l'lic lliddcn (iardcns. Tramway. 35

62 THE LIST ‘30 Jul—3 Aug 2006

\lbcrt l)ri\c. 0845 “0‘50l Icain about tlic many things ncltlcs .iic good tor. and plant a lu\cl} llii\\c‘l tub to takc hoinc Hooking csscntial

The Gruffalo \\cd 3 Aug. l ipin t8 pci child l'hcatic Royal. llopc Sticct. 340 I l H l’aicnt and child \yoikshop \Nlllcll ht‘itigs Illi' (flu/lulu atid a host ol otlici magical cltat’actcts to lilc

Drawing Inspiration \\cd 3 Aug.

o 8pm l-icc. 'l'hc lliddcn (iaidcns. li'anmay. 35 Albcit Dow. 0845 “0‘51” (icl cicatn c \\ llll hclp lroin artist Raclicl Miinicc Siiitablc tor adults and cliildicii .igcs 5+ Hooking csscntial

Theatre & Dance

Thomas the Tank Engine luc 1 Aug l 10 ck 4 .’~0piii. \Vcd 3 Aug. l0 *0 A 1.30pm, [I4 50 tl‘) 50 ilainily tickct L50 L00) Sl:(‘('. l'innicston Quay. 0870 040 4000 “w popiilai kids slioxy conics to llic stagc


Family Picnic Time Sat 33 k 3‘). noon ipni l‘t'cc. booking csscntial ('iookston (’astlc. l'ollcioss l’ark. 354i» \Vcllshot Road. 883 3035. You bring thc picnic. thc Villagc Stoi'ytcllcis pio\ idc stoi’ics. gatiics and songs.

Kay McFarlane Sat 33 Jul. 5pm l-icc lioidcrs Books. l'tlti Rctail l’ai'k. W0 l’royan Walk. 773 3‘ll0. l’ioinoiing hci dcbiit childi'cn‘s nm cl. Muir (ii/mm and [la .Si/i'i'r Izgg. atincd at agcs I I3 Storytelling with Captain Scallywag 'l‘hii & l'l'l l'nlil l8 Aug. ll.i0ain ck |.30pin. lncliidcd in admission: [4.95 (l; {75). Jim 'lall Ship at (ilasgim llai‘boui. 100 Stohci‘oss Road. 333 35| i. ('oinc and hcar \\\;t\ltltllcl\llllg stoi'ics about sonic ol tlic inost lcarsoinc pii'atcs in thc land


Activities And Fun

Summer Fun at Lauriston Castle ()ngoiiig. ’l'iincs and daics \at'y U 4. Lauriston ('astlc. 3a ('i'ainoiid Road South. 53‘) 3903. ('hcck out all thc cool \lllll you can inakc and gaincs you can play by going to \\\\\\.lI\l.L‘il.lll\. l)on't loi‘gct thc 'lcdd) Bcar's l’ic‘tilc‘ (50 Jul. lt'cci. Arthur’s Secrets \Vcd 3h .ltll (K \Vc'd 3 Aug. | 4pm. l‘i‘cc. llolyrood l’ai'k. (638150. 'lakc a walk up thc pcak that is also known as thc lion's licad. Booking L‘ssctlllal.

Great Apes - How Great are You? Daily until Sun l3 Aug. lii'cc. Royal Muscuni. ('hainbci's Sti'cct. 347 431‘). li\p|oi‘c thc uoi‘ld ol gt'cat apcs. \\ ith hands-on actiy itics. Suitablc ltll' all agcs. Dance Kids Sat 33 Jul. |0ain. llain ck l3..i0pin. £4 (£1.50 £3). North lidiiibui‘gh Arts ('cnti‘c. l’cnny \ycll ('ourt. .il5 3l5| l-‘un dancc \sot'ksltop. l0ain and 1 Iain:

l 4 ycars. l3.30pin: 3 o ycai's.

The Antonine Guard Sun 33 Jul. 13.45pm. 1.45pm ck 3.45pm. l'i‘cc. Royal Muscuin. 3 ('hainbcrs Strcct. 347 431‘). .\lcct Scotland’s last i‘cinaining Roman lcgion as thcy gi\ c an c\citing dcinonstnition ol “capons cqinpincni. Minibeasts - Microworld Sun 3% Jul. l 5pm. l’i‘cc. llolyrood l’ark. (>53 8l50. ('atch and idcntily sonic bcasis. Booking L'ssc‘ltlltil.

Wing It! 'l‘uc 35 Jul. 3pin. £3.50. \Vatcr ()l~ l.cilh Visitor (‘cntrc. 34 lattiark Road. 455 7307. l)isco\'cr lil‘c on “lugs. Booking csscntial.

Ingredients for Life Tuc 35 Jul. 3pm. £3.50 (£3.50); (family tickct £9). Royal ()bscnator). Blackl'ord Hill. ()68 8404, l-‘ind out n hat lilc on canh nccds to suryiyc at [his family \mrkshop, Booking Cssc‘lllittl.

North Edinburgh Arts Centre Summer Schools Horn 35 Jul. 'l‘inics. datcs and pi‘iccs \ary. .\'l{A('. 15a

l’cnny \ycll (’ourt. 315 315 l. \ththcr it's making mUsic. lcarning tic“ inmcs or getting arty. NliAC will hay c a summcr school for you. Visit

xx \\ \t.northcdinburghartscouk for more into.




A near miss mid-flight might make news headlines on a passenger plane, but it's all in a day's work for these guys. The Blades (pictured) are a new aerobatic team led by former Red Arrows chief, Andy Offer, and are just one of the highlights planned for this year's Museum of Flight Airshow. Flying at a speed of 400 knots, the planes pass just a few feet apart, which should illicit a few ‘cools’ from kids down below.

Although much of the airshow is aimed at flying enthusiasts, there's also a packed programme for families. After The Blades have cut through the clouds, the RAF Falcons Parachute Team will tumble from the skies, a trail of coloured smoke in their wake. The 60-year-old ‘Sally 8‘, used in 1990 film, Memphis Belle will be making one of its last ever flights. While the Museum of Flight's resident Concorde will be open for viewing (booking essential), along with a series of workshops where you can create a giant Concorde model, make paper planes and play flight-related games.

Down on the ground you’ll also find a fairground, falconry display, chainsaw carving, flight simulators, puppet shows, live music and TV's Robot Wars. Although pulling children back out of aircraft cockpits might prove most challenging of all. The Museum of Flight’s manager, Paul Hazelwood is building up for what is fast becoming one of Scotland's most

popular days out.

‘The Airshow is a fabulous day out for families with plenty of excitement on the ground and in the air,‘ he says. ‘lt’s a celebration of aviation past and present, with historic aeroplanes taking to the skies alongside cutting- edge modern aircraft. If you love thrills, fun and fantastic entertainment,

this is definitely for you.’ (Kelly Apter)

Tiny Music Makers Sat 3‘) Jul. l0.iin. llani ck noon. £4 it'l.50 L3i. North ladinburgh Aits ('cnti'c. l’cnny \xcll (’ourt. H5 3l5l A tun \L‘sslilll ol music making 'l‘lic tii‘st tyyo \\i)t'l\\llt)ps arc loi kids agcd l 5. llic llttt‘d lot 5 5 )L'ai's.

Butterflies for Bairns Sun 30 Jul.

1 4pm, licc llolyi'ood l’aik. (i538l50. Ait. gaincs. qlll/lc's and a buttci'lly hunt Booking csscnlial.

National Gallery Art Cart Sun *0 Jul. 3 4pm. l'icc. National (iallcry ol Scotland. 'I'lic Mound. (>34 (i300 'l‘hc Art (‘ait \\ lll bc loadcd “till art inatci'ials to c\ploi‘c thc collcctions through lun cialty tic‘lhlllc‘s .‘\:_'L'\ 5 l3


Musical Silk Road Sat 3‘) Jul. 3pm. l't'cc. Royal Nlttscttlli. 3 (‘lltlllllX'l'S Sti‘cct. 347 43 l‘). lakc a musical _|oiii'iic'y along thc Silk Road “lill intisicians lioin l.\lAl’ Sliitablc lor all .igcs.

Theatre & Dance

The Jungle Book l'nlil Sat 33 Jul. 'l'hu l0.50;tlll A; 1.50pm; in I030arn a 7pm; Sat 3.30 ck 7pm. £10.50 L'l4.50 iconcs ayailahlcl. l’layhousc. (irccnsidc l’lacc. 0870 0065434. Rudyard Klpllllg\ classic childrcn's talc is brought to lilc.

The Singing Kettle: Old MacDonald’s Farm l-‘ri 3| Sun 33 Jul.

l n 3pm. Sat llaiii (k 3pm. Sun noon 8.- ipin L‘) l‘c'sll\.tl llicatic. \icolson Strcct. 53‘) (i000 Join Milkinaid ( 'illa. (’ouhand Attic. Scarcct‘im (iary. laiiiici Kcy in and Bolt) thc dog doun on old \lticl)iiti;ilil\ ltil'lll

Greyfriars Bobby'lliu iAug. llain L4 it it Scottish Storytclling ('cntic. lligh Sticct. 55b ()57‘). Kcnspccklc l’tlppcls tcll tlic story ol thc laithtul v. cc dog Agcs 4i


Storyteller of the Day I 'niil Sat 3‘) Jul (not Suni. 3.30pm l'rcc Scottish Storytclling (’ciiti'c. 4‘ High Strcct. 55b 957‘). Stoi‘ytclling tastci scssion how a dillcrcni tcllcr cach day

Tales of the Island ch 30 Jul t’t \‘v'c-d 3 Aug. ch 3pm & 3 15pm. l'rcc Royal Botanic (iardcn. 30a lmcrlciih Run. 553 7l7l Join Rli(il‘. storytcllcrs lot c\ocati\c talcs which takc you into thc hcart ol ihc inagical island in thcii currcnt L'\llll)lll0ll. Agcs ()+

Outside the Cities

Activities And Fun

Airshow Sat 3‘) Jul. lilttilliiplll. L|3

(£7 U0) in adyancc; U5 (U) {I}; on tlic day. l'ndcr 5s lrcc. Muwuin ol l‘light. liast l'onunc. lzast Lothian. 0870 43l 439‘). Scc pancl.