Burn offering

Malcolm Jack divulges one of the best—kept secrets of the summer festivals season Wickerman featuring the likes of The Acute and Datapanik.

ni‘ the man} llltlll\illltl\ that didn't manage In get

their hantlx nn a tieket tn l in the Park. an inuxl}

\xatehing 'l'\' highlightx in enining \xeekx \xill he a\ elnxe ax the} get In a lllthle l'exti\al thix )mi'. 'l‘hntigh it‘x \Htl‘lll nnting that \nine penple \\ ill aeti\el} ehnnxe inni‘e ln\\—l\e_\ ehat'nix lni' theii' ixlel\\ llll\ \eaxnn

'l'he l‘l\C nl' the \inall l'exti\al hax heen a hit nl' a phennniennn in i‘eeent _\eai'\. In .\pi‘il. the l'enee ('nlleeti\e\ third annual Ilnnieganie in .\n\ti'nthei' \Hlkl ntit in a matter nl' lllllllllk‘\. ('nine Septeinhet'. Sk‘llllllllkl.\ tlL‘\\L‘\l lie‘\ll\ttl. LUUPHHU. \\lll le‘ltll'll [U l‘llapnnl alter the nwt‘nheltning \ueeexx nl laxt walk ilehut e\ent. .'\llkl. pei'hapx lllthl nntahl}. \Viekei‘nian lll‘.ll'l\\ lntn' _\eai‘\ at l)tintli'ennan thix innnth with it\ higgexl antl innxt eeleetie line<ttp tn elate.

l’i‘nnintetl ax Sentlantl\ ‘altet'natne‘ llltl\lL‘ lexli\al \inee Ill“). and hnaxting a i‘ela\etl. liientll} and \paeinux en\ ii'nnnient. ill'gtllll\t‘l’\ intentl tn hi'ing haek a little nl~ the hipp_\ \pirit. in plaee nl' the nntt‘ight enintnei'eialixetl llL‘LlUlll\lll and diluted enininunalit} that has engulletl nintlei‘n lllll\le‘;tl iainhni‘ee» .\ntl it‘x \ninething puntei‘x enntinue tn i‘expnntl tn \\ ith gi'nu ing L‘lllllll\l;l\lll. ;t\ llll\ walk t‘e‘sti\;il‘\ eapaeit} puxhe\ lll.(l(lll.

'l‘he hn\t nl nppnt'tunitie\ l'ni‘ ne\\ Senttixh hantlx tn gel 11 lll\l l;l\lL‘ Ul~ lllL‘ l‘C\ll\‘.tl L‘\pCI'lClle‘L‘ ll.l\ lk‘e‘ll UllL‘ [“.tl‘liL‘lll;tl'l} pnxiti\ e nllxhnnt nl \\'iel\erntan\ l‘l\L‘. 'l‘he Snlux tent \pnnxni'etl h) l‘lie /.l\l \xill \ee pet'l'ni'inaneex limit the lilxe\ nl~ 'l‘he .r\lien\. .\l_\ l.ate\t .\'n\el. Jn Mangn. H) \laehete antl L‘lL‘ell'U-l‘tllllx\ Dillitptllllk. thrilled l‘i‘ntn the i'emnantx nl eult h}pei‘-

hnhhleenin pnp tiin lll\. llatapanik xxeie nn \ll.tltf_‘t'l\ tn l'exti\al\ nl all \i/ex lll the paxt. antl \inee \inantla .\lael\'innnn l\ quiek tn pnint nut the \t‘lldlll alline nl \inallei'exentx.

'\\'ith higgei’ lexti\al\ \elline nut antl heine \nth a

Inaint' deal. I ean eei‘tainl} llllllk'l\l.lllki the appeal nt gnine tn \nniethine nnt \n inann f \he \a_\\. '\\’iel\ei'inan ix \nnieuhei'e )nn ean \ee hantl\ that aren‘t l\);l/itlllj_‘lll ni Keane lni' nne thin: I. antl the like\ nl Reading; eeitani|_\ \taitetl ninth \ntallei. antl e\ei‘_\thin;_' ha\ tn \l.tll \niiie\‘.heie I alw think thexe \inallei' lexti\al\ ai'e eieat lni net». llttl\le. lt'x unhelie\ahl_\ hai‘tl tn ;_'et nn a le\ti\al .tll}l|litle ll _\nn tlnn‘t ha\e a i‘eenitl ennnne nut. \n it\ a l.tlll.t\ll\' nppni'tunit} antl e\peiienee lni new hanth

l’\_\eh—i'nel\ ti'in lhe .\eute \till tnake nne n! then ln\t lexti\al appeaianeex lll |)untliennan. antl ate a|\n lnnking l-Hl'\\;lltl tn the nppnittinit} tn eateh the e_\e nl what the} e\peet \Klll he an lllt]lll\ll|\L' einxxtl

‘\\'e are \ei’_\ e\eitetl intleetl.‘ \a_\\ tinntnian Stephen .\e(‘tllk‘. ‘Sniallei' lextnalx aie an e\eellent plate lni' ne\\ untlei'gi'nuntl hantlx in gain a lnt nl L‘\l‘«t\tlle lll nne \itting, .'\lllltt\l all nl the ne\\ llltl\le I like. I \ttnnhletl ;iei‘n\\ h} llll\lill\L‘ while at a lexti\al \nniev.het'e.'

\Vielxei'inan will he a \lllll) new e\peiienee lni' Stephen. 'l‘in \eei‘etl} hnping that it\ like the inn\ie nt the \anie nanie.‘ he Va)» ‘I’lent_\ nl \eeneN in\nl\ing_' nutlit). l'lltl‘.tl\. l'i'ee ln\e . . and a man heing htn‘netl ‘ttli\L‘..

July, www.thewickermanfestival.co.uk

The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival

"“ I"“l\l :' ' : it..°t J j. i. H .

J (i, D. 9

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‘1' ' I\_‘l. iv. 1! I " l. 4“, 1 I, "

‘- ix 44' I ,‘i .1 a/L'.’ Greentrax 20th Anniversary Concert ii is ;

,l On Fire in: it".t:_

i'ial'l’l-ltl’,” .tttt. ';7lllll"‘,"

v"..“’1r "41.5.. ""VM’J'I?" (pea-l, ,x' (l

(inn/11‘)?“ Him Rik/"1“. (, tint/m" Vii/.275“: / Minna/qty It. 7 la.

Roddy Woomble in» -v u; :; xteii 225m; train in; 2:, pl t' ltll‘:.’."!fl. new lit/2’1]. V'i’muirlil‘: (WAN/‘1" El':‘:l "‘lli?:7‘r'i711i}t"“7t'i ‘fr)j'i‘.;i,' «lag Iig'irflj‘yj‘i, all art. M, (in-Aim /, New": i'.’7i',.’);’i, (ii/:_'/,“w.‘./ i'-/",'fi [’51 Jill. Uta/,1)"; Hall. I n‘x/xljsiIg/., We“! 2”) t/ti/j ()2'1/ fair, (affix/vim LYN] ,7 All“;

Troca-Brahma lira/y inch-7‘, lfif; lll< a tray n" male/,Wa‘an, .‘Jth sets fr‘oi'; Bra/titan minim tint; weir/ream Sen .ltir'ie. {Armenia} [JJ (mes l’e’e'smti. UK rapt/fl 8.24:, and ;;2// '7!E:“/‘:’I(;l’ SCI/0V1 Vii/)7. US/iB’ fifty/l. [ifji/illljljf/ji'il, [H Jt 1/.

Slum Village llv_igr:|/ wa~~3neeted ir. "ti: wintry. this "at." p8,") llli; 17": TU l;.”/.lth’:’ J l) 1?;‘2'2 men/x, waist also ceemat HQ: titer Celititled. :f'or‘gest aft/an": to date. Bongo Cub. Edi/many; Thu 2/ Jul; the Arc r’ G/VV’1’4Q1()L’/. Fri 28 Ju/.