James Dean Bradfield


AUTOMATIC Not Accepted Anywhere

1000D ..

It", fl rlrlht mum: twirl thln ttrtruglrt If

‘;'.'(:l’ ,"l ‘!l M‘

} Various Artists

lefstwal tale“ to; a}: mall lull/WW} 7,? .‘Jlllrih. TV

olrltlarvlFrank'.'tl,.'.'gl;<,t has:«ragrqlrlhantlx ~ : ' " " '. .' : "v " '.- -- ' ,.,'» . r w rt

f;;trltr(;r).'l'l"t1 Not F;ll.‘l‘l3’)l,ll»’rt‘. [\nr ' ' a; --v. .- ,. ~1., - .. ; I __ t

Atorr‘lr Klttrz" Lou“: (:6,- ‘:tlll:(l’.'51“m-’:Ft to relrztav ' " "- ' ' u _; -~. n. “I. .,

thlu, ‘."‘.v’h:lr,-White Rose Movementpmx.‘ml : t: :- : - ,- -r - ; - n 1 .. u t-

then 80‘) hill) {hr/rt» on (IUtilllr’; A sl'te 'lf‘hflh'V?) '- '. '. " ' x .' ; :' --. ' ." . 1' . .'

Mine 'lestnarrl (‘lwl' llt‘rlltrlW:tl’ll¢:t\T“l COO " :' r : w .' rt : :" ' : : 1,") .‘ 1’

that holnlllll- mm luxt east, lw orne l‘krl’ ll',’ ' :- :‘ " v " 3 :~ 1" -i ; -' .' : : - ,t l! 2' w 'o t r (ermlrlev'r‘a; they usuall,’ (,ttH‘utfl J: In ha'd "v - :- ' '-- ; . 3 4 1‘ 1 ._. 1 .r :

:r :r elect ork, Classrrgzr'» n' f .' " ;' ' ' : : " H : ' “1‘ ', <’ l ., ”. '°"° , THE HELLFIRE , . , KNIveS llrltlul'f t (it lth'ttllltlt, lH‘gQ'fi’JHS“)? 2 .Z ' i - - ' 2 : 1 ' 2- it , .‘ )' "~ it (1"

OOO lmtu'w’flsrhat vlmppolntznr; [Mr/ht: ft 7'».- anqnt tor E)(,lll(3tl‘!'l(} altogether Shtlt r_ I! haf, 'lrr; H . unnervrhr; eftelt ’1‘ Sclundrlt; ll'm’? A Ha Stlii at .' '~ '2 1" . l o... ;.' :' ' "~- - ;‘ M 1 , ..-v -( [l

' Bug: in the Attic

Wyoming Town Hall

least they're Tum; ‘$()'tlt?Tllltll} dltt'ererlt. Urme

Manr‘her‘tr‘a "‘dlr: lads). Circlesound. ":11": ")tf : H: ~ "1 f’w /) ‘r; ‘leel The Praerrly' (Retet'hr 0.0 tétllr’; tr, l‘ttzttle" :- : r" v‘.’_’ any energy to feel llt the first place. Odeon : v‘.'l tut l~~ .1". hr wt Beat Club") last mm «\r’<‘>\,">'; COO. ; . ' t " ' : "- » M .t :o «l l H

however If; dulrky, <:;ttr;hy and memorable .' " " 2. 2 Featuring drvxlng; galltar ll'te‘ _ husky male tantali- vocals, and that guaranteed z-xlnner; handolar‘sx, '- ~ ' ' : It remllix fellow (".Iasmrti-glcert':~ llruem Yateura at

. _ _ ~ 1."t"1)."" l'l'tll the” tSttlltlllel Not F30 spunk; 1; Subway " r t: - .' E .v 'w' z"- ' ' :"- " " 'M'ELLO'W'SUB {IND/mu! / whose-2:111(3'l8oulJa/m000 rssa u'rander 4 -- T ;' : V : . . .- ?' : ' ue s "‘ 1W1 !' lltl() low key. electro house. (:Irm ‘02. (JUH‘ItFlOIé’ " : - '- " " r ' .: " ~ ' 2 , :' . msagfixgs MCHOS / rrtr,’ L'./h rt/ wth 808 State keyboard hlvpu. v- :" .- '- v " ~ '1: . . . i :1. ... fawn/«1' haw

Mumm Ra have the heat name Ill IndIe—dom "v :‘ :' :' :3 ' V ' ' 2' ' ' lu‘dlllr' r nth/tron retertmrtlng; the greatest cartoon ot the 805;. ' tx': lhunderrrtts. the” ‘Black Hurts; Day and the : : . ' ' - ' . :' - . - . 1 Night Rolls; On‘ H) {Sow BMW COO 18. Beta - '. ' '. ' '.'- 1" ' ' :" : - Band goes; ounx. hut not uulte as exutrng at; ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' that would nave you helleve. hut the parorng; " ' : " . . hrasx :tnd shades of mentaller lead to some ‘- ' E ' . :: . . . . . Joyouslyhonkersmoments Bonnie ‘Prince’ .:' " -' z ' " '- ; l : z' 1 Billy IS on tyolrtalll, swoonan form on Cursed Sleep' ll)om:not COO. , replete mth rugged ; and (tracked vocals; vrth t>‘."."()0[)lll(] sztrlngs and ' v- a 1 z '.‘ . :. .' v . z ' ' : ' . ' :' lOlkgl'itllllOSES. Evoualrve soulfulanddesoeratelt ' n ~ z , " ' " ' 2 " l - ' :' ‘. melanchollt: E—rne klngts Panic! At the Discos éAéLEs OF 1' 2 'v :- :.- 32"" "' .' z :‘ "- " " - " : H: '- : :~: 'l-S'mél as; the . tost Fun a Glrl Can HaveVl/lthout DEATH METAL "~ .' ' z: : :' : -.' "r " '- ' v: f r.; " 'l Taklng Her Clothes ()tt' (Deltgwdanrxél 0.. Death By Sexy " . ' ' ;' w : ; : 2' 2 : ' " . : :'- L ; a _ sounds; lrke three songs 1n one But thelr g - . .... z" E :' - : ' . -- .z . z ' ' - SYNTAKS enthusrasm m contagrous. Viva Voce somehow w . " . ~ :' ', 2' :v- ' ' - : Awakes make a mug ahout ltm'lltg 'vour blood sucked . I I , .... out' Instantly upllttlng ‘From the Deul Hrmselt'

(Full Tlnte Hohhyl COO . as lune hut surely Satan WOuid want mere?

And Surelv BeeI/ehut) hates AOH. Feeder have a new song. It's; called ‘Save Us” lEcho O. YOu‘ve heard rt hetero. Does the work really need another husky. lone tome. when blllldS to a t‘horus of gustars and haelxground A .. Sungers lthe answer rs ‘no' t); the talavl, Snow t.‘ '- : :' : : .. I ' : . ' - ' ' v w ' : Patrol’s 'Cnasmg Cars' tFlCtlon ReCOrds; ' " ' : " : : SCLATER . . O... COuld have been a Seckly tune of mung . . .- ' " . ".5 Weird In Here . - ~ - ' i” 2' z : love and rose gardens. but ls actually a oeautrlul ' , Z. 7., , ,. 4 . .. . fOur mlnutes of COntuSron, lntatuatlon and ~ ~ " l 2' ' . ... : - " 2' " ' ' 1 IOnglng. And us our Surprlse Single of the Fortnight \Sallx' Cole-Harnliton, Andrew Borihwm‘k 8 Henry NOrth'norel

ll"l;lll rtllll’l‘ (My


66 THE LIST .‘