I Haftor Medboe 8. Ciaron .lllil The Chilli Dogs lhc Jain House. 5 Queen

Slit-ct 3:6 1‘5” a illpni (illll.tll\l \lt’ill‘il" ls lillllt‘il l‘} Nihilist (il.lll'll lot \l'lllt’ .i. tillslls i.i// lollo'.'.ed b} a blues

|.llll hosted h}. the (lulh Hogs

I Kill the Arcade, Left Wide Open and It Wore Him Down Suhwa}

(H‘J- Dale. (W ( 'o\|.j_'.ilt'. 3:5 (ifilt’i

7 illpiii L-i l’op. imk and punk

I Lords of Bastard, Jacob Flynch, The Expendable Penguins of War .tlltl Dick Dangerous 8- The Love Bastards Henry is ('ellai liai. S lba \loiiisoii Sheet. 33.5 “W: 7 illpni L4 \llt'lll.ll|\t' lot i.

I Band Showcase \\ lll\llt‘l‘llll.lt'\.

l (l South liiidgc. 55” 5l li ‘Ipin lice (all lll .ltl\.lll\k' lot .i gt:

Wednesday 26


I Dwight Yoakam .llltl Tift Merrit ,\|l( '. Hll Sauthichall Sheet. ‘33 33 ‘3. “pm St ll l) t )l 'l lhc pailictilail} nasal UHKl‘iI} ch kei .iiid sonictinie .‘lt'ltll la}s down stilllt' puiist honk} touk tunes

I Futuro, 0 without U and Darkwater \Ii( '3. Hit Sauchiehall Sheet. ‘33 3.3.7 "pin L6 (her l-is \ltcinatixe locking three piece llolll ( ilasgim. [tillsctl lo lL'lt‘ilSL' \L't‘olltl l l’ 'l-s'eep It Slioit .r\nd Keep It Snnple' \klllt’ll does what it sa_\s on the hit to line k'llk'kl

I Kill the Arcade and It Wore Him Down lhe ('.ithoiisc. l5 llllilll Street. JIS lilillli “pm [5. ()\cl |~is shim. Set“ 'Iuc :5

I The Shana Morrison Band Rciilicw l'ci'i'). \ndei'ston Qua}. The liiooiiiiclaw. lllo‘lS 365 5| l 7. lllpiu



r" «s 3%

L5 5” uidx i. Llll 'doori \an's daughter lills sonic big. giuinp} shoes

I Acoustic Open Stage llie Halt Hat. lNl “oodlalltls Road. 3“: ""Wi \pni liec “ct-kl} unplugged session I Michael Simons l.li.ii (h ltd. lm l)e.inston Dunno-1‘)?“ \pin L2 See 'I liii Ill

I Reamonn .iiitl Charlie‘s Girl lial'll}. :(ill (‘lytle sir-eei. lis‘o no“ WW hpin L5 lhe headliners .iic big in then n.iti\e (ierinan)

I Need for Acoustic Music llie llold. 'l he .'\tllllll.ll \i'iiis. "2a \\.iteiloo Stieel. Ill "H5 .5 illpni l'iee Regulai singer songwriters night. leatiiiing two to thiec artists c\ei_\ week

I Thrones .iiid Zombi \‘ne'ii'Slt-a/y. 43| Sauchichall Street. 33ill‘lllll

h 3llpin L" its members ol .\ii\.in.i‘s Seattle grunge peers 'l he .\lel\ ins

Edinburgh I Sonic Boom IV, Dead Identities and The Hostiles Suhwa} (‘ow gate. b" ('owgate. 335 baht» " illpin L5 Headed h} \lanchestei ska/hip hop act Sonic lioollt l\' I Open Mic I) ( )nc. 4b 53 (‘onstitution Stiect. l.eith. 55i 3”le Spin. l-ree. New open mic night. Roddy Woomble and Foxface Queen‘s llall. S7 St) ('Iei’k Street. 663 Illl‘). Spin. L|5 iLlIi. See .\ion 24 I St Jude's Infirmary, Action Group, You Already Know and Infinite Spark llL‘lll} ‘s ('ellai' Bar. is loa Morrison Street. 32S 0W3. Spin L5 iL-li. Is This Music indie night. I Harlem 75, Kiddo and Rejected by Hannah \\'liisi|ebiiikies. 4 o South Bridge. 557 5| l4. ‘lpni. Free. (‘ollege punk rock lroni Rciectcd b} Hannah.

Now this is the sort of stuff you don't get everyday.

Brooklyn's Parts & Labor specialise in the sort of experimental noise rock that gets the indie hipsters in a tizzy. But here’s the thing; they're not good. Mixing a healthy dose of melody into their throbbing Lightning Bolt-esque bass and drums attack creates a sound that sounds a lot like indie melodies getting a noise rock makeover.

Sounds weird? It is. \VCeWSiegzxy Glasgow, 8.3? 2: J11.


I Greenman Bluegrass Boys The Jan Bar. 1 ('hainbers Street. SSH-13"” midnight 3am l-ree l‘l\L‘-P1L‘ek' part} bluegrass band


I Paolo Nutini and Claire Sproule The (iarage. 40o Sauchiehail Street. 332 llle 7pm S()l.l) ()l'T The l’aisle_\ pop prodigs runs through the luture singalong classics troin his debut album Illr'w' Sin’r'h.

I Flood of Red, Hate Becomes the Hero, Donphobia, Tricks are for Kids and The United End liarrowland 2. 244 (iallowgatc. 553 4601 7,45pm L5. ()ser- l4s show Selt- st) led "comic book hero inetal‘ lroin (ireenock's Donphobia at this rock- orientated line-up.

I Laker, Dead City Radio and Daybreak The Hold. The Admiral .-\rnls. 73a \Valcrloo Street. ZZI 7"“5. 7.45pm. L4. Melodic indie rock lroin l.aker. quirk} pop rock l'roni l)(‘R and mod sounds troin Daflueak.

I Billy Joel Sli('(‘. Finnieston ()ua}. ()S7lltl-1tl4tXXl. Xplll. L45 L65. See Mon 24.

I David Rovics Saint Andrew 's lll the Square. I St Andrew 's Square. 55‘) 5902. 8pm. L'7 iL5i. ('S protest singer in the Phil ()chs tradition.

I Jacobkid, The Passengers and Trabeca Bartl). 360 ('l}de Street. 0870 007 009‘). 3pm. £4. Local band line-up. I Karina's Acoustic Showcase Tchai ()vna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. L2. Bi-monthl) night featuring some of the city's best )oung songwriters.

I Crisis Project, Tiny Cuts and Visiting Day Soundhaus. 47 Hydepark Street. 22] 465‘). 8.30pm. £4.50. Soundsel showcase of local bands.

I Danananackroyd and Flndo Gask Nice'n'Slea/y.421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 (l‘)()(l. 8.30pm. £4. Much fancied Albini-intluenced youngsters.

I Little Doses and Delta Mainline King Tut's Wah Wah Hut. 372a St Vincent Street. 32l 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. liX-Snow l’alrol bassist Mark McLelland‘s new band. blending pop. punk and electronica.

I String Driven Thing, Starsky and Jme The Liquid Ship. l7l~l75 (ireat Western Road. 33l Will. 8.30pm. Free. Free (’andy Sessions acoustic night.

I Live Music Mc(‘huills. 4() High Street. 552 3l35. 9pm. Free. See Thu 2t). I Smatka Bar Bloc. I I7 Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. Free. Dark (ierman s}’lllll-pUllk at (‘lub ()lum.

I The Get Set Go and The Shakes Firewater. 34l Sauchiehall Street. 354 0350. Free before I lpin; £3 alter. indie. pop and electronica.


I NFS: Festival Finale The Bongo (‘lub. Mora} House. 37 Holyrood Road. 553 7604. 7pm. 1.5. New Found Sound present the \‘lc‘lnrlolls bands infill the prL‘VloUS heats. plus special guests (‘ayto I Red Well, Frightened Rabbit and Beerjacket ('abaret Voltaire. 36—38 Blair Street. 220 6l76. 7pm. Free. .-\lt.l‘olls‘. indie and Fence (‘ollective shenanigans.

I Fair Witness and Hip Operation The Jam Home. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 7.30pm. Free bet'ore lllpm; £3 alter. l)uo Fair Witness play out t'olky/jally organic innsic with covers l'orm Hip ()peration.

I Kakistocracy, Dreams are Free and Down to Kill Subway (‘ow gate. 6‘) (ms gate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4. Raging hardcore l‘rom Carolina band Kakistocrac)‘.

I Music 8. Movement, King Bear and Johnny 8: the Entries Cate Ro)al Bistro Bar. 17 West Register Street. 557 4792. 8pm. £4. MUsic at Mmement. the new project from Teenage Fanclub’s keyboard player Finlay MacDonald.


1 Check out the new Ilne-up Ok. so the classic line-up ilzzy Stradlin. Steven Adler. Duff McKagan and Slash) are rock royalty. But then again even through the glory days they were pretty fluid in members. With names like Tracu Guns and Gilby Clarke cropping up. Now we have Dizzy Reed (who's been With the band since 1990). Robin Finck (Nine Inch Nails). Tommy Stinson (T he Replacements). Brian ‘Brain' Mantia (Primus). guitar virtuoso Ron 'Bumbleioot' That and of course Lord Axl of Rose. 80 that '5 still a pretty damn impresswe batch of mUSiCians on stage. Not forgetting regular guest slots from old school Gunner, Stradlin. and Skid Row's Sebastian Bach. 2 Catch some oi the best tunes in rock Make no mistake. whoever's playing them, ‘Paradise City'. ‘Sweet Child O'Mine'. ‘My Michelle' in tact pretty much all of Appetite for Destruction rocks like a motherfucker. 3 Hear a legendry howl Whatever you might think of a certain Mr Rose he has one of the best voices in rock. the opening scream to 'Welcome to the Jungle' still sets the hairs on the back of your neck on end. It's tar easier to replace a guitarist (even one of Slash‘s stature) than a vocalist. 4 See it Axl Rose actually turns up Though current evidence shows that he's turning up night after night. 5 Hear the most expensive album . . . ever Axl started work on Chinese Democracy back in 1998, and it still isn't finished. This is yOur chance to catch tracks like ‘IRS'. ‘Madagascar' and 'The Blues' from perhaps the most anticipated album of all time. rumoured to have cost $13 million so far. (Henry Northmore)

SECC, Glasgow, Fri' 27 Jul.

Slum Village The Bongo (Tub. Mora) Home. 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7604. 8pm. L"). Detroit's Slum Village dish out their spontaneous. progressive. forward thinking hip hop from rappers Baatin and T3 in tribute to their producer J l)i|la who died earlier this year. See preview. page 65.

I Sugardaddy, Without Malice and Starry Wisdom Cult Whistlehinkies. 4—-6 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. Free. Rock and indie.

I What they Could Do, They Did Forest Cale. 3 Bristo Place. 220 4538 . Free. Mini-festival of experimental. electronica and improvised music as well as art work. film and installations. Names confirmed include In my Sleep. H. The Capsired Smile. Fourteen Birds and One Million Houses.