Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Tue 1 Aug

You know that annoying feeling when a tune gets stuck in your head and won't budge? Well. it now has a name that describes the experience pretty much spot on earworm. Taken from the German word from which it originated - ohrwurm - it is also the title of young Scottish composer Oliver Searle's newest orchestral piece. ‘It came from a word spoken to me by a hearing- impaired colleague on a Cochlear implant. The earworm is a phenomenon most people have experienced and

can be particularly irritating.‘

Searle himself is something of a phenomenon too. Still in his late twenties and currently completing a PhD in composition at the RSAMD, he has already had a string of prestigious commissions leading up to this latest one from the National Youth Orchestras of Scotland for their flagship symphony orchestra. Paragon Ensemble,

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Bt‘lliirtl Rtliltl. Ill) 5525. “i illpni Donations illl lht‘ iliiiii. '|’\\ii iil St'iil|;iiid\ lending: llill\lt'l.lll\ [llt'\t'lll Schuingiiin'x lilllllllh mug; t'_\t'|t'. ,\ lliimim'x l.l’('(1II(/I.HH’. pliix \xt'll kiitmn \itl/ill'l iipciu :ii'i.i\. piano pica-x h} Mt‘iitlckwhii and |.l\/l and \tllllt' popular lx’ngcrx giiitl Hurl lil/l llllllll‘L'l\. .-\d\;inct~ honking rcuiinint‘ntlt'tl

I Celebrity Organ Recital Si (iilt-t' (Kilhcdrul. Royil Mile. 3% llh" it Spin. [7 il'ndci‘ Ilix l-I'L‘L'l: Slt'ppiiig up in lhc ken llll\ \u'ck l\ .luhun llt-iiimiix. linin H;l\\t'|l. Belgium. pt‘iliirining \\illk\ li_\ HU\IICIU\I'.‘. .lS Bach. (iiiiliimiil. lt'niincnx. Sigiiiiiii. \lti/url .iiitl l’ct'lcix

St. Andrews

I Thursday Evening Chamber Recitals SI Audit-“x l'niwrxil} \limt‘ ('cnli‘c. Younger Hull. North Slit‘cl. (H334 Jhlllh. Spin. U (4, Sec l'hu Ill.

Friday 28

Stirling I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Highlands Tour 2 Siirlmg (Xixilc. ()ltl Town. “845 I‘ll lh‘ll. Spin L") IL: \t‘hiiul \‘illhll't‘ll {ti \lutlcnlx ().\l’\ it Hit- St‘ultixh ('huinhcr ()i't‘hcxlixi I\ led h} conductor .qucph Sxxt‘nxcn lll ii prugrunimc 10 include Higihiiix' .\ll.'li'llli1. and hl\ U\\H :irrungcincni l'nr Ult‘htNlltl nl Bruhnix’ I’ltl’ll’ Il'li’.

Saturday 29


I Cologne New Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra Si \1.ll‘.\ \

National Youth Chow of Scotland. Britten-Pears Orchestra. Hebrides Ensemble. Psappha and the RSNO

have all had works written for them by the Edinburgh- born composer. His preVious NYOS commiSSion. My Days of Carnage. received its world premiere at the Young Euro Classnc Festival in Berlin and was a determining factor in the orchestra's being inVIted back to the Festival last year.

For Searle, the earworm is something that he experiences on an almost daily baSIs. 'I find that it starts in a number of ways.‘ he says. 'and usually manifests itself by the repetition of a short phrase, during which

your brain seems to displace the muSic increasingly.

|-.pi\t'iip.il (lilht-tlial. I: l’.lllll\‘l\lilll I’Liu‘. Nib Illl‘l " illpin \ullci |l..iliin-' t‘uiiiliit‘lx lht' wit’lit-xlm miit- ul \t‘i; lw. \t'll iii.iii.i_:'t'tl .llltl \t'll liiiiilt-tl wit ilt'\ll.l\ lcll lll ( it'iiimii} i. ll] .i I‘llll‘lJllllllt‘ including \'i\.i|tli\ /wm \i mm.» Mil/.iil'x ( luv/ml (his. 1 Nu .lll\1

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. Giles at \l (illk.\'( .illlt‘tllul. Rnin \lilt‘. 33h Uh": (‘l‘ll‘i lit-c \\ilh t‘iiunlt'i lciiui (iltlhdlll .luwph \illlilll :znii [‘l.lll|\l lllltil (Lulu-ii} [‘t'liillllllll'.‘ .llltl llt‘th‘l “Juli. thllth‘l. \\i'll. Mahler :iiitl |\'ii\\llll

St Andrews

I Oxenfoord Napier Summer School: Masterclass \i l mimil» \t'hmil. lhc l’t‘iitlx. lll ltil \lil l\ll \i‘fl: l'it't‘ \Itl\lk'l\ l.l\\ \xilh lht' xiii‘cihl} \cimlilc and much lint-ti “llihll Ignore l\’_\|.intl l).i\ic\

Glasgov. I The International Piano

until you seem unsure of whether you are actually hearing the original piece or not.‘ His orchestral earworm is thankfully not a replica of this. but aims to encapsulate the frustration and irritation caused by the same couple of bars being heard over and over again in the mind without even having to press play. (Carol Main)

Academy in Scotland: Lunchtime Recital l\'\ \\l|) lw I\)\"lfl\".‘. \wgw Hf *ll" Tyiii '7 ' 0"» \i.lllll. ( ‘,l‘l!i"l‘l.:fil\1\iJl'lli‘ lillflii'

I National Youth Orchestra of Scotland: Summer Tour l-wa .:l (writci' Haj. _‘ \.:i;\ '.,;"..;}I \"

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xiiiiiliztiwl \ltwiac \lwiiiw'quy. “with 7:

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hrs ‘l twizii' \ If.

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fit A' 1': I Oxenfoord Napier Summer School: Student Showcase V

l lit- l’s::.l\ Hi mi xiii 1‘" ‘l‘ll, llct' l?.'.\"i:.; Wednesday 2 (3 2

Royal Scottish National Orchestratiaxma l\’«..; i ll .2 .‘ M \ 1.‘ 152‘" l luv. "ch" 'i' l’zwr'» g .1' l ,. \- \ " Hi. i, l\’\\l l .: Try; t fur? Pratt; llq'” ‘/ \ i /.. "i4".\l ‘i I Celebrity Organ Recital \' ii ( 'l\’ \l- q \;' ['qu In l‘ " lift‘f" \ .gt; l’r's' Hutri." I‘t':f~:':, 1, l\ H..J.\ /’i r ixli i

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I Oxenfoord Napier Summer School: Lollipops \~ I 1:! \i l::ul’-:zi:- ( \f' u"§;::g .w -":.',!1'~'.' :Iilllil 3w: i '- ~;ci:| (illlildiifi h. \ ii. " \\.'.~Ng:fiif ‘: clwgizr'. :ii::,' ?"

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Thursday 3

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I The International Piano Academy in Scotland: Masterclass l'€\ \\ll) .'i"l\’u'7r:'.-. \‘rcql Vi"

:3 \\ '7 :.:.'.:\' l’fh " In ru

I Oxenfoord Napier Summer School: Student Showcase \' l a \m li.;- l’cm: . «i - iii