A slice of New York

CUISIne In ' lowdown gear for a Olilr Own on golden cam Ing CI Ies balls wee end

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Such Intention I'elleclx \\ ell on l.elI HIInlx'x pI'IIpI'IeIIII'x. \‘IllH Wright. is the son of the Ubiquitous Chip's founder and chef Ronnie Clydesdale. III-c I‘IIIII} III-cxI—II-III I‘IIcI-x. SIIII-I IIIIII (‘IIIIIc-I-Inc- IIIII‘II; IIIIII Jacqueline l"c*IIIIc*xx_\. II pIIII‘ III locIIl I'exIIleIIIx. \‘vllH lIIIxe

Chef Colin Clydesdale, who owns Stravaigin bar and restaurant with wife Carol