Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport© for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.

Glasgow E11551—

Activities & Events

Reading the Leaves 'l'chai ()\ na. 42 ()tago l.attc. 357-153-1. Spin. £2. .lottt gucxt “l'llL‘l'N lot an cxcning ol poctr} attd crcatnc \xt'tttng. lztttail tcadtngthclcatcw! hottttatl.cotti lor tnorc dctailx.

Activities & Events

Fernhill Gala Day l't‘l'llltlll l’at ilion. \t‘ilxaig l)ri\ c. Ruthcrglcn, (>34 315.\'. Sam 4pm. l‘rcc. l-‘un da) ottt coinplctc

\\ itlt a cat'tmal pl‘tk't'\\lUll. lairgt'ound. donkc} ridcx. and li\c tituxic.

Bards in the Park 'l'UllL'l'U\\ \\ llllL‘l' (iai'tlcnx. 'l'ollct‘oxx l’at'k. \Vcllxhot Road. (kit) ISI‘). | 3pm. l-rcc. .\ Illnllllll} incctittg ol poctx. \xritcrx attd thcit‘ lricttdx. rcading li'ottt thcir o\\ n atid othcr poctx‘ \\ot'k. .\'c\\ tncntbcrx uclcontc. Dowanhill: The Jewel in the Crown \at‘iottx \cnucx. “at land. 33‘) (L138. 2pm. £050. A tour ol llll\ arca. c\atnining its churchcx. plcaxurc gardcnx and \lllih. lcd b} liiotura lidcn-lluxhcll. Ilookiug nuptial dcpartttrc point gixcu on plll‘t'ltthc Ul' llL'kL‘l.

Food & Drink

Queen‘s Park Farmers’ Market Quccn‘x Park. 5]) langxidc Park. 237 7273. Want 2pm. ()rganic. qualil) producc dircct ll'Ulll thc chapx aitd chapcttcx \xho tnakc it.

Activities & Events

The Western Necropolis Varioux \cnttt'x. \cht lind. 33‘) (HRS. 3pm. Ut5ll. (ilaxgou lll\lttl‘l;lll Ronnic Scott look\ at thc \culptttrc and tatttil} ltixtor} ol thc

\\ L'\l Clltl.\ o\\ It llL‘c‘l‘UpUllx. Booking cxxcutial - dcpat'turc point gi\cn on purchaxc ol' tickct.


Can’t Stitch, Won’t Stitch llttrrcll (‘UllCL‘llUIL zllhll l’ttllnlulltmx Road. 33,— 35b~l. 2 Jpnt. lircc. An opportunit} to

ha\ c a look around thc dixpla} ol 17th ccntut'} \atttplcrx. l‘ollotxcd b} a CH!“ \titch workshop. Booking cxxcntial. Sunday Social l-‘axcla. 17 John Slt'L‘L‘l. 4 Spin. l-‘rcc. \tht )our salxa taxtcbudx at this allcrnoon ol' dancc and socialidng.


Tapeworms: The X-Files Sl-t ‘( ‘. l-inmcxlttn ()tia}. llSqll (Ht) Milli) (t "pm l‘tcc. l‘.\L'l \tautcd to knott tnotc about thcxc bcaxtx that Inc lllSltlL' pcoplc'x guts arid cart tcach lcngtlh ol I5 30 lcct \o. probabl} not. bttt tot atoonc \Hlll a [‘;l\\lHll lot" p;tl';l\llt'\. l’t'olc\\ot l’hil (‘tatg \\ Ill rc\cal all thc grucxoinc dctatlx.

Wednesday 9

Activities & Events

Film Discussion Group ( ilaxgtm l-ilrn lllk'dllk'. l: RUSL' Sll'L‘L‘l. 333 leh.

o. 3(lptn. l'tcc. .\lcct tip \xtth litlx ol othct' liltn bull\ to “tap lelllttth on rcccitt t‘c|ca\c\. both art hou~c and big blockbuxtcr llllll\.

Summer Evening Walk ( iltixgtm Botanic (iardcttx. 7 3t) ( ircat \chtcrtt Road. 3.34 1132. 7pm. l'ilL'L'. :\ gllltlt‘tl \xalk through thc gardcnx attd glaxx houxcx.


Big Knit Out! North Star ('alc. IHH ()ucctt .\largarct Min: 570 (ll l3. 7pm. Knitting. tca and cakcx.

Thursday 10

Activities & Events

Poplife! l3lll \itlc (ittlc'. 50 (ill King Strcct. 553 INS. S.3()ptu. Ll In thix ntoitthl} pop Lllll/ thc t|uc\tion\ arc \ccondar) to gctttng drunk. \ingiug along to Spandau llallct attd moaning abottt thc


A Dose of Worms: The Latest Health Tonic Sli(‘(‘. l’innicxton Qua}. (lS7ll (l-ll) 4M)“. () 7pm. l'il'L‘t'. (iollltl llllc\llllttl \\Ul‘lll\ bc tltc \olttliott l'or pcoplc \\ ith allcrgic dixcawx such ax axthuia'.’ l’rolcxxorx Auttc ('ookc and Bob Sututucrx c\attiinc thc c\ idcncc \\ htch \uggcxtx that thc_\ prc\ cut \uch allct'gicx lll childrcn li\ iitg in Alrica.

Ongoing Glasgow

Activities & Events

World Sufi Festival Hi 4 Sun (1 Attg. 'l'hc lliddcn (ittl'tlcllx. 'l'raimta}. 35 Albcrt l)ri\c. 08.15 330350]. Noon Illptn. l‘t'cc. Scc caption. right.


Designer Mack l'ntil .\lon 2| Aug. Scotlatrd Strcct School .\lu\cutn. .\lu\cutu ol' litlllcaliott. 325 Scollalttl Sum. 337 050”. Mon 'l‘hu tk Sat Illattt 5pm; l-‘ri & Sun I lain 5pm. An intcractitc c\hihition arid \xorkxhopx ittxpircd b} thc \xork ol' (‘hat'lcx chnic Mackllllnxll.


Books at the Botanics Sat S & Sun () Aug. (ilaxgoxx Botanic (iardcns. 730 (it'cal \\.L'\lL'l'll Rtttttl. 55-1 2—122.

lilaru 5pm. lircc. A popular book tuarkct in thc llopkit‘k Building.

Food & Drink

Gourmet Glasgow l'ntil 'l‘hu 3| Aug. \arioux \cnucx. 337 2873. ‘l'hcmcd and find pricc lllL‘llllN. \\ inc tasting\ and dctnonxtrationx all tlc‘l‘ttxx thc cit}. llighlightx includc thc liood tk Drink l-‘cxtual at thc ()ld l-iuitmarkct lTUlll l‘ri IS Sun St) Aug. l-‘ot' dctails ot‘ participating rcxtaurants go to

\\ \\ \\ .gourmctglaxgtm .com.

Wht sin

Glasgow Kids

Activrties And Fun

Just Juggle! & Snap Happy Workshops l'itttl Still 31) Aug. lttclttdcd Ill .‘ltlllll\\lUll. (ilaxgnu Sctcncc ('cttttc. 5H l’acttic Qua}. >131) 5H0“. l.cartt thc an iuggltng or tlt\co\ct‘ thc \urprtxtng \ctcncc lk‘llllltl plum“ .‘ll lllt‘\t' tntct‘actnc \ktrt‘kxhopx. ('all ()8qu 54” lllllll tor [tint-x Technical Workshop ll! -1 Aug.

lilatn lpitt. U3. 'l‘hcatrc Ro};tl. ZS: llitpc Sll‘L‘L'l. 34“ l I33. “c all \cc \\ lhc actorx do. htrt \kllill about thc backxtagc angclx that tnakc ll all happcn’ (mac and ac hon \tagc tnanagcntcnt. lighting attd \ound cotttrtbtttc to a pcrlortttancc. Agcs l3 l7. Scc

\\ \\ \\.lllL‘;tllll‘;l\\;ttlttl\.colll lttl' tlcltlll\ ol tttot‘c \\tll'l\\llt‘[‘\ at lltc 'l'hcatrc Ro}a| attd Ktttg'x 'l'hcatrc.

Pollok Country Park Family Day Sat 5 Attg. lilatn 5pm. l-‘rcc. l’ollok (‘otttitt"\ l’ark. l’ttllllk\llil\\\ Road. 032 030‘). l'un tor thc uholc latuil} itt l’ollok ('ountr} l’ark's pt'ctt} \lll'l‘tilllltllllgx. \tith Inc music. lacc painting. \modland ci‘al'tx and

Sunday Morning Family Club Sun o Attg. lll..‘s()atn noon. [5 laccotttpatning ilklllllS l't'cc). l’ttllnk llttllxc. zllhll l’ollokxlttmx Road. (ill) (*1 ll). \Vclcolltc lo (’SI l’ollok \t} lc. llcar about tltc itittrdcr that ha\ takcn placc and tnakc _\our own pinholc catttcra to imcxtigatc thc \ccuc. Agcx 5 l 1, Booking rcquircd.

GOMA Youth Fest Mon 7 Sttn l3 Aug. lllllLN tar}. l‘rcc. (iallcr) ol Modcrn An. RU};ll li\changc Squarc. 32‘) two. A \xcck ol lun cxcntx and \Hll'lk\llUp\ run b} )oung pcoplc l‘or _\otmg pcoplc. Scc

\\ u “.glthgtm lllllSL‘lllll\.L‘Ulll l'oi' thc lull progt'atnttic and dctailx ol' othct' ol'

acti\ iticx taking placc at (ilaxgott \ \lllxt‘lllllx thix \llllllllL‘l'.

Beauty and the Beast Mask Making Workshop 'l‘hu lll Aug: 3 3llptn {7 t.tccotttpatt_\tng adultx ttcci King\ l’hcatt'c. 3W llath Sticct. 34” I ll 1 .\lotph into _\out la\outttc chatactct mth a bit ol hpr ttotti thc Kuth .llll\l at lll|\ patcut atid child \torkdtop . gm 3 7 Theatre & Dance The Man who Planted Trees Sat 5 t\ 'l'uc S l'hu Ill.-\ttg. lpttt {7 5H tt5i l\‘i\}.il (‘oncct't Hall. I Sauchtchall Sttcct. 3.53 8th). l’uppct Statc l'hcattc (‘o [‘IL'\t'lll\ llll\ lllllt‘lt‘\\ talc ol rcgcttctation. \tatttng Richard \lcdtington and Rick ('oittc. plux puppctx

Books 8. Storytelling

Storytelling with Captain Scallywag 'l'hu 3. lit -1& 'l‘hu ll) .'\llf..'. ll 3llaitt & l.3llptn. lncludcd tn .ttlllll\\|0ll. l‘hc 'l‘all Ship at (ila\go\\ llatbottt. lllt) Stobctoxx Road. 322 35! 3. .S\\.I\llllllt'kllllf_' \lilllt'S about \Ulllt‘ ol lhc lltt\\l lt‘dlMHllL‘ [\ll';llt‘\ in lltc lilllkli

Family Picnic Time Sat 5 Aug.

noon 3pm. l’t'cc. booking cxxcttttal ('rookxton ('axtlc. 'l‘ollcroxx l’atk. 3531b \Vcllxhot Road. SS: <tl35, You brtttg tltc picnic. tltc Villagc Stor}tc||ct\ pro\ tdc \toricx. gaittcx attd \Ullg\,

Theresa Breslin Sat 5 Aug. opin. l-tcc llot'dct‘x llookx. l'iot‘t Rclatl l’at'k. 3‘)” l’t‘o\an \Valk. 773 NH). ’l‘hc llll local author “1” bc rcwaling \Ulllt' l)a Vtuct \cct'ctx ax \hc \lglh L'Uplt‘S ol hci‘ lillt'xl UllL‘l'lllg. [Ii/Ir .llt't/It‘l .St‘tl/

Yorkhill Hospital Children’s Book Launch 'l'hu ll) Aug, o. 30pm. l‘tcc. llot'dcr\ llookx. l’ott Rclall l’at‘k. 3‘)” l’roxan Walk. 773 2910A llllltllllhlllg pt‘oicct organtxcd b} \llltlt'lll\ lrotn Strathchdc l'uttcrxtt). thc book lcaturcx \loricx thc clttldrcu ll;l\ c \H‘lllL‘ll abottl thctt llL‘l'tK‘S. Join thcttt ax thc} \cc thcu \Hll'k Ill print lot tltc lll\l ttutc.

m “It, m ‘What the world needs now is craft, sweet, craft.’ Or something like that. At the World Sufi Festival

you can find out more about traditional skills and spread a little love at

the same time. The celebration is dedicated to the mystical practice of

Sufism, which promotes peace and understanding between religions, but they’ll also be a bazaar for shopping, poetry reading and music from

Bangladeshi folk troupe, Joler Gaan.

I Wor/o’ 8qu Festival. Tramway. 25 Albert Drive. Ff/ 4—Sun 6 Aug mwvsuf/fest/val org

3—10 Aug 2006 THE LIST 1 1