
The Shaggy Dog ll'i C. IBrian Robbins. ('5. Zoom 'l‘iin Allcn. Kristin l)a\is. Darin} (ilo\cr. Robcrt I)ownc} Jr ()Xlllln. DA l)a\c Douglas I.-'\|lcni gcts bittcn b} onc ol crzil} Dr KU/ilk.\ ll)ownc) Jr) lab dogs. onl} to turn into a shccpdog hiniscll Writtcn b} thc inarginall) talcntcd husband and wilc diio Mariannc and ('orinac Wibbcrlc} iNuImnul 'Irmiim . / S/ri i this is dixcmng )ct lorinulaic and unrcmarkablc tamiI} larc. (rumor/(l l’ri/‘A/ii'iiil. (ilmcmi, ('ina‘iinrli/ [it/IIII’HI'L'II. ILl/Ill/Nll'L’ll

Shoot First 1 IS) I. Various. 300m 35min. lzdinburgh‘s ncw llitillllil} short lilin slot aims to uncarth ncw lalcnt b} making it casicr for liliiiinakcrs to ha\ c thcir work shown. liniail

shootlirstl" lillillllill\L'L‘lllL‘lll£i.L'tilli loi inorc inlorination. I'I/Nl/IUHH'. lat/inlmruli.

Sin l IX) .... (Rulle Rixlrigucl/l'rank Millcr ispccial gucst dircclor ()ucntin 'larantinol. l'S. 3005i Brucc Willis. (’h\ c ()w cn. Mickc) Rourkc. Jcssica Alba l3-linin. Blcak. hardboilcd comic book adaptation lroni laii Rodriguc/ tco-dirccting with crcatoi Millcri trucr to its sourcc than ainthing to datc. l)cspitc bciiig rcndcrcd tnosll} in black and w hitc. this isn't a film loi thc squcainish. Alongsidc thc supcr st) lisation. Sm ('m boasts dclt \ltir)‘lt‘lllll;.‘. balls) pcrlorinanccs llrotn a to- dic-l’or cnscmblc cast) and a Iinc in bruising humour that'll |ca\'c you black and bluc. Brutal and brilliant. (‘umua lit/in/mrc/i. Stay Alive t l5l 0. (William Brcnt Bcll. l'S. 3006) Jon l‘ostcr. Samairc Armstrong. 85min. Promising sounding. but ultimatcl)‘ totally undcrwhclining ‘tccns in troublc' horror. 'l'his pop culturc-Iadcn l'rightl‘cst lilkcs thc Icgcnd ol ('ollnlcss lili/abcth Bathoi') ol' Hungar} and rclocatcs it to pic-Katrina Ncw ()rlcans. 'l'hc pacing and a lot of thc acting l'roin thc young cast is way off. (ii-Iti'ml I‘i'li’usc. Stormbreaker l l’( n as l( icolli‘c) Sax. (icrmany/l 'K/l'S. 300m .-\lc\ l’cttyl'cr. liwan Mc(ircgor. Mickc} Rourkc. Bill Nigh). Alicia Sils‘crstonc. (Hinin. Young supcr spy Alcx Ridcr tncwcomcr :\|c\ l’cttyl‘crl batllcs villainous billionairc Darrms tMiclsL')’ Rourkcl. 'l‘hc dark Bond— csquc scrics ol‘ books which inspircd thc film hax'c a hcalth}. aiiti-llarr} l’ottcr \ ibc. which gcts lost in translation. 'l'hcrc's somc rcdcmption in thc lorm ol callous MIS boss Bill Nighy and a ()-st_\'lc camco lion] Stcphcn Fry and thcrc arc a l'cw passablc action scqucnccs. too. (iv/rum] rclc'uu'. Superman Returns l l2.-\i oooo lBryan Singcr. l'S. 3000) Brandon Routh. Katc Boswonh. KcVin Spacc}. Jaincs Marsdcn. Marlon Brando. lS-lmin. 'l'hc Son of Krypton has bccn abscnt t'roin lianh on a qucst to lind survix ing l‘ragmciits of his long sincc dcstroycd hoinc world. .-\rchcncm_\ l.c.\ l.uthor is out of prison and hatching anothcr inurdcrous. iiioiic‘}iii:ikiiig schcmc. But. most troubling of all. low of his hit- Lois l.anc is marricd with a child. 'l'hc Man of Stch might bc thc most plt_\sicall} powcrt'ul bcing on thc planct. bill lo\'c. hopc and dcspair arc cinotions that can't bc ignorcd. (it'lti'r'u/ t‘i'li'tni'.

Syriana t 15! .0. (Stcphcn (iaghan. US. 3005) Ka} \an .\'o\'als. (icorgc ('loonc). (‘hristophcr Pluinmcr. .lcllrcy Wright. Matt Damon. 137mm. Snapshots l'rom thc inodcrn day oil industr}. from thc porn} and bcardcd (‘IA opcratix'c Bob Barncs ((‘looncyl and his attcmpts to uphold \'arious political intcrcsts to thc l’S imcstigation into thc incrgcr of two oil companics wanting to cxploit oil rcscr\ cs in Kazakhstan. \\'ritcr/dirccior (iaghan is not

intcrcstcd in offering a didactical analysis of

thc oil industry. but through clcvcr cditing hc argucs that nothing is black and w hitc and c\‘cr}‘thing is a compromisc. .-\s such Syriunu is confusing and a hard watch that will borc as many as it dclights. l'm' Edinburgh ()i'cun. Edinburgh.

Thank you for Smoking 1 1M oooo (Jason Rcitman. l'S. 3005) Aaron lickhan. Maria Bcllo. Katic Holiiics. Rob Low c. William H Mac}. 92min. Bascd on (‘hristophcr Bucklcy‘s novcl. Rcitinan's satirical attack on thc pro-smoking lobby takcs pot shots at spin-doctors. lobbyists and politicians with hilarioUs rcsults.

24 THE LIST 3—10 Aug 2006,

lztlthart produccs a tour dc toitc pcrtorniancc with a bcaining sinilc and biting tonguc as thc lHl‘JLkl‘ litl‘l‘}lsl \itk .\a_\|or. pittcd against piiiiiar} toc \cnator l‘inistirrc i.\lat} i who wants a skull and crossboncs placcd on c\cr} t igaicttc pat kct (ii/m o. [din/viii 2/1

The Thief Lord il’( it 0.. IRic hard Claus. (icrinan). 3000i -\aron Johnson. Jaspci Harris. Rollo “ccks ‘ibinin laiil} thaiiniiig and w cll c\ctutcd childicn‘s ad\cnlnrc thtk troin lhc wriici \lllk‘tli‘l ot [lit [HI/c lilIrI/ttli . bascd on thc popular nos cl b} ('oincha l‘unkc about a bunch ol kids on lhc loosc iii a magical \cnicc

helm It't/ I'i'li'itu'

36 (Ouai des Ortevres) i Ii» 00 i()li\icr Marthal. l'iancc. 3004i I)anicl .-\utcui|. (iciard l)cpardicu. -\ndic l)tissol|ici. llliiiiii l’icdictablc. dumb and unbclic\ab|) hca\_\-handcd l’aiisian policici. which pits brutish klk'lk'kll\ cs Dcpaidicu and .-\utcuil against cach othci Il/IH/IUHH'. I r/lIi/iiu'g/i

* Tony Takitaniil roooo «Jun lchiwkawa. Japan. 2001» lssci ()gata. Ric .\li_\a/;iwa. Shiiiohata 'lakahuini "biniii l)cath. tau and lonchncss has c .ilua) s bccn constants in ion} 'l'alsitani's lilc \Vritci/diicctoi lchikaw a iinbucs his lihn with all thc quict icsci'xc. short locus inuch browns. and passion loi lhc ininutc that hc can inustci'. 'l‘hc rcsull is as oil kiltci and as unloi’gctlablc as Murikaim’s liction. I'i/mhoim'. liiliIi/iurg/i.

Vincent: The Full Story Mail. Janics. l‘l's’. 3004i l50inin. \Vcckl} scrccning ot \Valdcinar Janus/c/aR's ('hanncl J sciics about thc lil'c ot Vincciit Van (iogh. lli‘xlull Lin/t. lat/in/mrg/i.

Warrior King (Tom Yum Goong) l IM .0. tl’i'acli_\a l’lllkilt'\\. ’l'hailand. 3005i lion) Jaa. l’clchtai \Vongkainlao.


Bongkoi khoiiginalai, \ing ling. \alhan Joncs l‘t‘hiiin \ltci thc iiitcinational smash hit (hr; liq-1. tliictlor l)l.l\ll_\.l l’inkacw and action stai Ion} .laa tcuniic tor anothci hca\ ils .tlllltll‘dlg'tl martial arts aibcnturc \\ hilc thc gicat .ttlli‘ll stcncs

w cic donc without spct ial ctlctls it is lct down b} a slot} linc sliainclcssh pandciing to wcslcin audicnt cs \l 1:. I: i.’ u a ..’\¢

The Wild il i0. Atcsc \\ illiains.

l .\. 300m Kictci \uthciland. Jaincs Bclushi. l‘ddic l//aid. .laiicanc (iaiotalo ‘Minin \ li'llllllldk stoi} about a lathci and son tailing to bond l‘Ck.lll\C ol thc picssuic to bc lll.t\llt‘ \\c \Jll scc how this will pan out lhc nioiiicnt w c iiiccl Ryan lhc lion \lll‘. who plans to cstapc \cw \oik /oo and lcain to ioai likc his dad I ( /( hi1} ham.

( lxifi brink. (lift or: lot! Kiri/nun! [rim/1mg}!

The Wind that Shakes the Barley 11%.... ils'cn loacli.

(icinian_\ Ital} Spain liancc liclandl ls 300m (‘illiain \luiph}. l).l\ll.ll\ l)claiic_\.

1 mm ('unninghani. ( )ila l‘il/gciald

l33nnn lclling thc stoi} ol thc liish \\ai toi lndcpcndcntc. lioin thc liish point ot \icw. l,o.ich and \cottish \t'lt‘t'lHHllt‘l l’aul lam-rt) pioducc .i solid. no nonsciisc piccc ot drama. iinpicssi\cl_\ actcd b_\ piolcssionals and noii piolcssionals alikc l-ocusing on thc human costs ol a giand iniusticc. ll sci\cs as a ia|l_\iiig ci} torus to lcai'n lrom past iiiist;ikt's. drawing parallcls to lhc picscnt conflict in bad .Xi'li i lu/ Ii'li'ilu'

Zathura il’( ii 0. iJoii l'a\ icau. [8. 300m Jonah Bobo. Josh llutchcison. Tim Robbins. lliinin. 'l‘wo bioihcis cinbaik on an ad\cntuic as thcii sci-ti boai'dgaiiic coincs to hl'c. l'ninspiicd childrcn's tantas} along lhc salnc lincs ol .lllliltiIl/l. (i/mcon l'i/m Hiram; (ill/won.

Superheroes with problems have been a metier on the rise since the release of Alan Moore‘s Watchman and Frank Miller‘s Batman: Dark Knight Returns. The influence of these graphic novels on the cinematic front has spawned much darker interpretations of Spiderman, Batman and the Hulk than previously attempted. However, moviemakers have lacked zap and pow (i) when making comedies out of the flaws of superheroes. Ivan Reitman in his Ghostbusters heyday would have seemed an ideal candidate to buck the trend of schlock such as Mystery Men, but unfortunately in recent years he’s gone off the boil and My Super Ex- Girlfriend is clearly a film directed by the aging gun for hire who gave us

Six Days and Seven Nights.

Matt Saunders (Luke Wilson) thinks Jenny Johnson (Uma Thurman) is the girl of his dreams until he discovers that she is in fact the neurotic superhero G-Girl, and her archenemy (Eddie lzzard) wants to get at her through him. The action sequences and kitsch story telling style are dated. Things tick along only after Matt dumps Jenny and she vows revenge.

These moments are all too brief and this dire flick quickly loses its power

to entertain. (Kaleem Aftab) I Genera/ release from Fr; 4 Aug.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Glasgow EE—

i‘li Sauchichall Sti'cct. 0l-11 “3 4000 Bookings lllell “3-1000 {1

'ii IL\:s~ nfiv s at I”

Deep Dish TV: Episodes 5-8 illk‘l on

Olneworld Parkhead

lhc l-oigc. l’aikhcad. 0.\'”l 300 3000 .'\klllll LS sill lid 3” l‘t‘lillt' fl[‘llt

.\lon l'hu ('hild U .\0 it;i ‘0

.\lon llllll Studcnt U “0 Iti

.\lon l'liui ()‘\I’ l 'B-lll L i “0 lainiI} tickcl llt'lst'ls l‘t‘liilt‘ “0“” L l 4”

liltlli‘sl W:

The Break-Up i l3x\i ll 30am. l ~10. .1 I0. h.ltl_ 005 Carsil’Ul ll 15am. l3 l5. 4.45. 5.45. 3 *0. H *0. GarfieldzATale otTino Kitties .i'. Illllanl. HS. {.50. 000 Miamliliceilfil sum

Over the Hedge il'l ll |5ani

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s ChestiIZM IlllRam. 3 l0. * 30. 8.30.

Stormbreakeril’to noon. 3 0*. .1 30. 030, 3.45.

Superman Returns : 13M 3.00

joo. too

:l l. -1 M l_

FRIDAY -1 lHUHEleY it;

The Ant Bully il'i

Mail): I 1.00am. I00. Hill. 500. 7.00.

The Break-Up t I2.-\i l)ai|_\: 4.15. (MS. Woo. Cats il’(ii

Hail}: l 1.50am. I350. (rill. 3.50.

Garfield: A Tale of TWO Kitties it'l

l)ai|_\: l 1.00am. I350,

ice Age 2: The Meltdown ll ' r

Matincc Sat: l0.00aiii.

Miami Vice t 15»

Hail}: 3.45. 5.35. 3.35.

My Super Ex-Glrifnend l I3.»\i

l)ail_\: noon inot Sat). 3.“). 430. 0‘0. 3.50.

Overthe iiedgeil'i

.\1atinccl’ri& Sun 'lhu: l|.l5ain. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s

33*. Kill.

ChesliIZAl Hail}: ll.00ain. 3.05. 5.l0. NIS. 0.00.

The Shaggy Dog it'r Malincc Sat: l0.00ain. Stormbreaker il’( il Hail): noon. 3.05. Superman Betums 1 13m l)ail_\: 5.00. 3.”. TheThiefLord il’(ii Malincc Sat: 10,00aiii.

Cineworld Rentrew Street

7 Rciilrcw Strccl. into and ('(‘ booking: 087l 300 3000. .-\dli|l 1.0.30 @530 Mon 'l'hui. (‘hild/studcnts/ciinccssions: £4.30. l’amil} ticlsct {l7 (Sun 'l'hu: £15.60). Bcl'orc lpin all tickcts: “.30. l'nlimitcd ('ard: £10.99 pcr month.

ll. illain


Angel-ANS; H.20ain. 3.40. 4.00. 0.30. 9.“).

The Break-lip l I3Al ll.00ain. 3.00. 5.00. 3.00.

Cars il’(ii l0.30ain. ll.00ain. ll.30am. noon. I30. 3.00. 3.30. 4.30. 5.00. 5.30. 0.00. 7.30. 3.00. GarfieldMTaieof‘MoKittiesil‘i 10.10am. noon. 3.00. 4.00, 0.00. MiamiViceiISi Il.00ain. noon. 3.00. 3.00. 5.00. 000. 3.”). ‘).l0.
