Visual Art

Exhibitions are listed by city, than alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to artGlistcomk. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.

Public Galleries


35.3 .Argyle Street. 0870 340 7538.

anm lllpm; Sun noon Itlpm.

The day without work, the night without sleep l'niil Sun (l Aug. lidinburgh gralliii artist lilph's neys shim locuses on alcoholism and echoes the styles ol Adam Neale. David (True and Picasso. lAST CHANCE TO SEE. Animalario Wed ‘) Thu 3| Atig. Work by pioneering Spanish graffiti artist linrique ('intrano, perhaps best kniiyyn in (ilasgovy lor his mural on the Western Baths on Byres Road. NEW SHOW.


350 Saiichieliall Street. 353 4‘)t)(). Tue l’ri Ilam (rpm; Sat ltlam 6pm.

I Love you But I Hate You Sat .5

Aug Sat Io Sep. A newly commissioned body ol vyork by lirica liyres. including dravvings and videos that look at the way in which \vomcn portray themselves. NEW SHOW.

Tree with Roots Sat 5 Aug Sat lo Sep. first major touring exhibition by ('anadian artist Marcel D/aina. including new large scale composite pieces. sculpture and


University of Sirathcly'de. 33 Richmond Street. 548 3558. Mon Fri lilam 5pm: Sat noon 4pm. Free.

The Scottish Glass Society: Annual Exhibition l’ntil Sat l3 Aug. (‘omprehensive exhibition and sale of eontemporary glass by members ol‘ the SOS.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Royal lixchange Square. 33‘) 19%.

Mon Wed & Sat 10am 5pm; Thu

10am 8pm: Fri & Sun I lam 5pm. Material World: Sculpture from The Arts Council Collection coco

Until Mon 3.5 Sep. l‘ree. A selection ol works by British artists. including Damien llirs't. Sarah Lucas and Rachel Whiteread. Chad McCail: We are Not Dead coco Until Sun 13 Aug. Free. See llitlist.



Youth Panel Exhibition l'ntil Sun 17 Sep. The end result of a yearlong programme oi lieldtrips. discussion groups and workshops by (ioMA's youth panel. a group of young people aged l5 3]. Artist's Talk: Chad McCall Thu .3 Aug. l3.3(lpm. Free. The artist talks to Simon liccles lrom the Burrell ('ollection about the similarities betvveen Ancient ligyptian an and popular symbolism and propaganda.



l(i7 Renl'revv Street. 3.53 4.536. Cordelia Oliver Festival Drawings 1949-1960 l'ntil Thu 3| Aug. Mackintosh Building. See “MN and main piece. page 37.

Going Places l'niil Hi 18 Aug. l’rce. Atrium (iallery. A cross cultural exaiiiinaiion of travel by lirst year design students.


Argyle Street. 387 3(itlt). Mon Thu & Sat ltlam 5pm; Fri it Sun I Iarii 5pm. lir‘ee. Building Stories l'ntil Sun I7 Sep. A celebration of the restoration ol (ilasgoyv's l‘avourite building in photograph and lilm.


l l Mitchell Lane. 331 (i363. Mon & Wed Sat 10.30am 5pm; Tue llain 5pm; Sun noon 5pm. £3 (Slip).

Katy West lTntil Sun D Aug. (‘ei‘aiiiies and lampshades by Katy West. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Defining Place t'niil Sun 37 Aug. lixhibition of images inspired by the Previous shovv xll't'llih’t'llll'l' in Sent/um! 3004 3000.

Marcel Breuer - Design and Architecture ooooo t'niil Sun 27 Aug. See lliilisi.

Lightweight Medical l’ntil Sun ll) Sep. Lightweight Medical unveil their

lirst commercial product from its range of

transport incubators used for ii'ansl'erring critically ill babies.

Fulguro Sat 5 Aug Sat 33 Sep. The only UK showing of an innovative house project by Swiss design company bulguro entitled ‘rc'll()liSlUl3/\'l'll'. a contemporary look at sustainability and ethical design. NEW SHOW.


Station Road. Milngavie. 578 8847. Tue»Sat ltlamAlpm d: 3 5pm.

An exhibtion of new work by the Glasgow-based artist examining ideas of artifice and measurrnent - what

happens when you break a ruler and and set it to work on figurative forms.

I Sorcha Dal/as. Glasgow. until 2 Sep 38 THE LIST 340 Aug 2006

Face and Figure l'ntil l‘ll IS \iig l-ree This minimum on the human body. dravyn limit the gallery is permanent collection. includes portraiture. people .it vyork and play. and the abstract iise ot the ligure in compositions

Riotous Abundance / Still Expanses l‘iitil l‘l‘l 1S .-\iig l-ree Bearsden-born artist Shona Barr captures an abundance ot colour and liinl in botli large vyorks .iiid small scale studies


('entrc l'oi Developmental .\i‘ts. IS \lbion Street. 553 3S33. Mon l‘ll lilam 5pm Future Relics l'niil L“ l Sep \ selection ot tvvo and three dirtiensional \sot‘k by Martin Mc('.inn troni the 'l‘rongate Studios.

New Work by Garvald and KCAT Artists l'ntil L“ 33 Sep. l’aintings.

drayv ings. collage .iiid lt'\lllc vsot'k by artists limit the (iar'vald ('eiitre in lidmburgh and the Kilkenny ('ollectiye toi Arts Talent iK(’ATl in Ireland.


3 ('aslle Street. 553 3557. Mon Thu & Sat lilam 5pm; l'ri is Sun llam 5pm l‘ree.

Women and War l'ritil Sun I 3 Aug Photographs by .lenny Mattlicvy s. who has vvorked in vvar /ones such as H Salvador. the Middle liast. Atrica and At'ghanistan since I‘lb'3.


35 Albert Drive. tlS45 33” 35M. Tue l'l'l Illam 5pm; Sat it Sim noon 5pm.

I 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPEN-DANCE l'ntil Sun 30 Aug. Display ol' past publicity. photographs and film celebrating ten years ot the

'l'r‘amvsay 's resident iiiovement/daiice and disability company.

Private Galleries


5(i7 Dumbai‘ion Road. 07815 o5 l 55‘). Tue Sat noon 4pm.

Petrotyranny l'niil Sat I3 Aug. Nevv photocollage \york by liiian Sutherland.


39‘) Dumbar‘ton Road. 334 (i353. Mon l‘r‘i lilani 5pm.

Made in Scotland l'niil iii 4 Aug. Nevv vvorks by Ross Ryan. (iillian (ioodheir‘. lirances Lays. Marion 'l'lionison. Angela Laurence and |.e\ Meltidyen. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


73 Robertson Street. Suite D. l'iltltll' l. 34S 37] 1. Mon l’ri lilam 5pm; Sat

noon 5pm.

Manfred Pernice l'niil Sat to Sep. Neyv sculptural installation by this (ierman artist. vv ho is recognised lot‘ his pieces that explore lllL‘lllUtlS ol storage and categorisation.


5 St Margaret's l’lace. ()7Sl3 (M5745. Thu Sat l 5pm.

Alex Pollard Sat 5 Aug Sat 3 Sep. Sec lliilist. NEW SHOW.

Artist Spaces

I GLASGOW PROJECT ROOMS ()4 ()sborne Street. 553 1473. l lam 5pm. Kate Temple and Vicky Falconer l‘niil Sat 5 Aug. l opin. Sculptural installation by these two li('A graduates rising found objects. paints and household materials to create a Bauhaus stage design and contrasting vvall painting. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


.33 St Andrews Street. ()7743 3435 l 3. Mon—Sat Itlam 5pm.

Mental Health l'ntil Sun 37 Aug. The first show for this issue-based art gallery includes lilm work created in collaboration with vulnerable young

Gossip. chat and rumour from the gallery floor

I The Edinburgh Annuale returns this year with a series of grass-roots artist-organized exhibitions, events and actions. The Annuale acts as a remedy to the big-money internationalism of the Edinburgh Festival, and draws on the skills and energy of many up and coming artists working in the city. This year the Annuale comprises nightly exhibitions at The Embassy, a film and music event by Aurora, the One O'clock Gun Garden Party, the Collective Gallery Off- Site showing work by Matt Stokes, and Zug - a new ‘zine showcasing new graphic work. For specific dates and times see

I As part of the Glasgow-wide Mackintosh Festival. the Glasgow School of Art will offer a rare opportunity to see the collected architectural drawings of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Speculations On An Architectural Language: Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Architectural Drawrngs is Curated by Drew Plunkett and Robert Mantho and runs in the Mackintosh Gallery, The Glasgow School of Art from 18 Aug-30 Sep 2006.

I Need another reason to pop over to Glasgow? Try giving the newly refurbished Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum a go. Kelvingrove reopened on Tuesday 11 July after a three- year refurbishment and is continuing to be a huge success with the public, attracting 278,779 visitors in the fortnight since its doors opened again. Before closing in 2003 to begin work on the refurbishment, Kelvingrove was the most popular UK museum outside of London, attracting over one million visitors every year. It is expected that over 1.5 million visitors will come to Kelvingrove over the next 12 months.

people. exploring the complex subtcct ol mental health.


334 Duke Street. 55b 7376. Tue Sat noon (rpm.

Phantasm l'niil Sat 1‘) Aug. An exhibition ot international photography locusing on the vsay in which the artists have tised light to capture surreal or dreamy situations. including vvork by David Burrows. Trinidad (itirrilli). Astrid Kruse Jensen and Michelle Hannah.