I Flatshare opportunity With nnc lL'llliIlL‘. lull \l/L' hul-

rnI )lll. III IIIlIlc hul. cxccuIIw lL'iIlllL'r \cul. dusk. llillTiil' \IIIrIlrnhc. 2 lllllix walk lrIIIII \IIlsz} \llllllill. lakes 2 xInps In ( ~cnlml \lillllili. Mb lllll\\. lncul (IlliClllllC\. \llll clcziII IIIl} III III- sIIInkcr. £2‘ticIII Inclust nl cnuIIcIl IIIx (t; gas lIIlls. :IIIIIIIIIIIc IIIIIIchIIIIL-l} 7 Tel 07787 837 786 I Glasgow Flatshare - Kelvinside \‘i'cxIt-IIII. lixccllcnl rnnIII IIIIIIlaIlIlc IInII. inn [HIlL‘i\ Ill llill \Hlll \lIIm L'l'. \llill‘llig \‘iilll lliL‘L‘ penplc. nIIc )CIII‘ ch IIIIIIIIIIIIIII. RL‘lll £350 Inc lax, Icl - 07970 157 722

I Fully furnished double lX'IlI‘IXIIII ill ii lzu‘gc (Elusgnxx \(Illlli-Hltlc llaII (Slum lands). l’IIlIIIc Irunspnn links, l5 liiliilllcx In cII} ccnlrc. \‘IIsI IIITII} nl lncul illllL‘lll- llL'\. £295/Iilnlllli llllC I‘L'nl. gas. A; ClL‘L‘lI‘lL‘Il) i'lL‘l 07966010 385

I North Kelvinside - Freshly pilllllL‘tl IlnIIlIlc I'nnm ilVillllIhlL‘ III \pilcllllh Icncmcnl lliil/ Inwl} llllL‘l‘llil'. AIIIilthlc llIm. RCIII £32ll+hillx ('III)' III girl In \llilrc IIIIlI Inc and Inn calls. NnII-xIIInkcr plcuxc. 'ch 078-13 (I88 (IHl

I Absolutely Fabulous! Professional, I'IIII pc‘l'snn \I'IIIIch llil' IIII'gc. llII‘IIleIc-Il IllIl/I'nnm In Snullixlilc llIIl. Stylish. bright. IIII‘}. \k/pillilil'illli- Ic \ icu's £lL‘i'Ii\\ (lléhglm. chir pIIlI/II'IIIIspnI'I. (‘IIy chIII‘c c‘llixc‘. £7()p\\ IIIIcI. llllllllL‘\l + (lL‘pli\ll. 'l‘clll77-ln 230 88]

I Fully furnished double I'nnIII :IVIIIIIIlIlc III III'n lIcIlI‘nnIII lit‘“ build IIIIIII‘IIIICIII III (ilusgnxi (iI‘CCII/BridchnII III‘CII. l‘lzIleIIII'c \IIIlI 2(I-_\'c;II‘-nlIl ICIIIIIlc pl'lilt‘x— sInIIIIl. RL‘lil {WI/week Including L‘nllncil lilX. Tel 07756 72‘) 265

I West End. Big IlnIIlIlc I'nnIII III \IIIIIIIIIIg 3 l‘t'tl ll;II lil' llIrcx RIl \lIuI‘IIIg \xIIlI 2 nIlqu SIIII II'IcIIIll} A; \lk‘lill‘lc II/x pI'n- l‘mxInIIIIl. 8k}. brnIIIllIIIIIIl. 41in pcIII lliL‘ ("I~ & lilll\ 'lL-lll7755 HNl 72h

I Paisley Road West. Largo Ilnuhlc lIcIl I'nnIII lnI' HIIL' pcrxnn. \llll Pl'lilt'\\llllliil.lll small flat \IIIlI HIIL' IIIIIlc. UllL' lL‘llllllL' llgIIIIIIIIc-(qu ('ll. \llill'L'tl lnIIngc/kIIclIc-II. lull} chIIppul. IIII_\ garden. £21“) Includes (Cl. plInIIc SIIIIII'I nII (WWII—8487M. I Dodsie room fornIIc III hnglII \pucInIIs lInIN nII IlIc \Ulllll \ltlL'. .-\ll likllN cnIIx. ill Illlll\ \IIIlk In IIII (II). (in) lllclkll}. £20“ [VIII llk‘ bills. (‘nIIIIIcI l’lIul 07773 7(I7 073.

I Partick - Double room IIIIIIIIIlIlc lnI‘ IIIIIlc/IL'IIIIIIL' III IIII'gc .i-lchI‘nnIII Hal. 2 ilillllllL'\ lI‘nIII \lilip\/ IIIIIch‘gI'nIIIIIl/ IIIIxc-x/ ll‘iillh. RCIII : £205 pcIII + hills/cnIIIIcIl I;I\. .-\\illlill‘lL‘ Mltl-Scpl. 'lI'l ll7hlh NI: .lll

I Double bedroom in spa- cInIIx \Iillllhlklc‘ Ille In \lliil'L‘ Hill] I pI‘nl lL‘lliiIlL‘ IiUli-\liilll\L'l'. liII \UllL‘. pI‘IIIIIc puI'kIIIg. III‘nuIl- lIIIIIIl. 5 llilll\ ll'Illll (II) Ct‘llll't‘. .-\\;I'I|;IlIlc lllllllL‘Illillt‘l}. £240 plus lIIllx. 07000 ()3 4-1 ‘)(I IWestern Gate (Btm Byres Rd) SupcI‘InI' IIccnIII. III 2—lxlI‘III lliil. In \lIIIIc \\ IIlI ICIIIIIlc lllliIl-}L‘&ll' \llltlL'lll - 2 llilll\ II/gI‘nIIIIIl t& (il\\ l'III. ()\\ II lI/I'nnIII. llllL‘lllL‘l access. .\'/8. URI) pcIII + lIIIlI-xlIIII‘c hills. 'lcl: III 292 2%903

I Furnished single room in lk‘ullllllll Inp llnnI‘ l'IIII III Kch IIIdIIlc In \lIIII‘c II ill] 2 fun. cuggning llIIIIIIIIIc‘x. ()\\ II szI'k- Ing. garden. and 25min IIIIIk In (iluxgnII l'III. li‘IIIIIlc III'clcrI‘L-Il. £25ilpcm Tel 07740 345 085

I Fully fumished room In lcl III \u-lluIIIIIng'Il \\llkll.lll\l\ Il.II ('lnxc In {H} chIIIc. llllIlL'l gInIIIIIl .IIIIl .Ill .IIIIcIIIIch lx’cIII LCM” [\‘III I( ~nIIIIcII l.I\ IIIt’lIIIlt-IlI ('.Il| ('II;IcIIIc nII llfll 2"5 IVIK

I Flatmate wanted for spa L'llllh IlnIIlIlc InnIII III lX'.IlllIlIll lll.Ill\iIllI Il.II l'xt- nI InnI Ignace .IIIIl \\ llk'lt'\\ llllL‘l'llL‘l .I\.lll.Il‘lL' ('lnxc In (II) chIIIc .IIIIl \M'xl lllIl 9; WI lk‘lll. plm l‘lll\. ('nIII.IcI IchIIIl\ L'ilMll II-IIII.Il\'\ VJ lInI III;IIl.cn.IIk IIInlIIlc: “"95" I‘m I" I Quiet flat mate \\.llllt'kl InI lnwl}. \pIIcInIIx ll;II III IX'IIIIlenIIII. \VnIIlIl \Illl \IIIIchII .-\IIIIIn\ l5 llillL‘\ lI‘nIII SII';IIlIcl_\Ilc I 'III. and I", lllllL'\ lI'nIII ( '.IlulnIIIIIII. UH p“ Pllh lIIllx 'lI'l (V'th (i3.\ ill“ I Lovely Sunny double I'nnIII III lII'IIIIIIIIIl. \[Xlt'lllll\. .IIIIl .III‘_\ l’IIllHlxxlIIL‘lIl\ ll.II \\ Iill Innl IcI'I'IIcL'T V Ulll\t'lllt'lll II'.III\IInI‘I IIIIlIc. II‘IIIII. .IIIII l‘llH. £2IISIIcIII + lIIle. l’lcmc cIIIIIIl I'.IclIclI'lI‘;I\- cI'ln' lInIIIIuIlI‘nIII. ,\\.IIl;IlIlc IIIIIIIcIlIuIcl). 'l'cl Ilflll,‘ "-12 (Ill I Double Room available III SnIIIlIxIIlc llt‘ill Slum lilllil\. ( Inle lncul (Illlt'lllllL'\ IIIIIl ll".Ill\|\ll1 lilll\\ In (II) chIIIc. ScckIIIg ll/\ [il'IIlL‘\ ‘Illlliill In \lIIII'c \\ IIlI llllL' lL'IIIIIlL'. £275pIII lliL‘ c.I;I\ cl.li"737 l»1ll"‘)i I Nice fresh spacious ImIII Inch in L‘lL‘illl L'L'llll'ul llin n\ L'I' l-‘wIIIIIl pcrind nI' ll‘}lllltl lIil' IIIIL‘ [\‘l'MHl. SlIIII‘IIIg \\llli UilL‘ IIIIIlc. RL'lll [‘I‘ICL' Ilc'gnlliililt‘. \Ull \llllllx' Cl‘ ilL'ii\L'. lL‘lI lll .ll 477 407:

I bright, spacious, fully llil‘llhliL‘tl IlnIIlIlc I'nnIII ;I\;III;IlI|c III lnwl} \llllli} 2 lIcIlI'nnIII

ll) lltllillltl llill. 'I'n \liiil'L‘ \\ IIlI llllL' nIIIcr chIIIIlt‘. unuld \llll li/\ l'I‘IcIIIll} _\nIIII;_' pi'lilt'\\lllii;ll. RL‘lll Lilli) [X‘Ill + cI + hills. Axuiluhlc l‘)lli .-\II§_'II\I. 07970 553 4-18

Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE




IGarIden flatshare in \II1IIlIlIIIIIgn l‘IImII' IMIkIII; :Iillll lllL'\ In \l.IllHll :lllllllllL‘\ in ()IIu'II\ [mix \llhl lI.I\c nuII \lll\lt'l

{ZSI iIx-m lg] I IR In “I I I I”) IWest-end: Availdaie I .IleL' IlnIIlIII' Ill‘lll \\ IIlI I'II \llllL' III .I NC“ IIIIIIIl l’.II'k\II'\\ .IIMIIIIIcIII l’II\.IIc .lllllJlL‘kl IIIIkIII; \\nIIlIl \Illl IIInI. In \lldlI‘ \\ IIlI nIIc lL'lll.llL' 1-12! I llltl l‘ill\ cu ‘lltlik' II" “(I E‘x it I.\

I City lientne, Greendyke St. l’InI IcIII.IlI' In \lI.IIc l.II;:I' ll.II \IIIlI IIIIL' Illllt'l ()\\ II IInIIlIlc InnIII l)llllil_‘_' lIIlIllfJI‘. lI.IIlIInnIII \\llll \lInwa. IIIII‘Il l‘xllullt‘ll \ll lllHIl mm [X i, ( I( 'H Win ‘K m «IIIllx 'l‘I-I II“.\II: “I; IIjII

m0 W lk\\l\ Ill;'\ III \\L‘\I l'.ll\l. ll.k‘l\lI1IIII()/ l\’t‘_‘_'lll.ll III -\\li l .Ilk‘. ( LIII .IlMl.I\\i\l II InII lk‘ul \InIk lII lInII‘I HIM wplmx' lIclp' j_‘.ilit'lll.lli0lll" \l.lll\\ N“ tnIIk llfi‘XIl "-31 l »l(\:

IBrigtt, spacious Southside ll;II \\llli IlnIIlIlc InnIII InI mm. \c\\ lII\III‘InII\ lMllll'IIllii. l.II'§_'c lxllk'llk‘ll .IIIIl IIIIIIg.‘ InnIII \ll IIInIl \l‘ll\ 'ln \lllil't‘ \\ IIlI II’IcIIIll}. [‘lIilt'\\|IIll.Il IcIIIIIlt-I “I \nII \IIInkIIIg.v I; ill) ~ Inn. Irwis I“ " I5

I No rooms (one Luge. llllk' \lIgglIIII \III;I|ch‘I. .'I\.Ill.ll‘lt' III l.II';_'I' lInIIxc III IIIIt-I'le IIIIIk .II'm. Lupi- lI\III;_' I'nnIII .IIIIl kIIt'lIcII RcIII LTS and t NI IIIclIIxIII- nl II and .Ill IIIllx lllL'_\\llL‘lt‘\\ llllL'lllL‘l. IIlInIIc IIIIIl L'\L'l'}tlll} llL'L‘L'\\lllL'\ (‘nnlucl 'lL‘l: “win” “I” ‘i I: IDodJle room it l.‘IIj_'c cnIIII) \\L\I l‘Jkl lilllll‘. 5 llllll\ IInIII KL'lHlll‘lltljJL' IIIkL'IpInIIIIIl. RL'lll L V II Ix'III. Inc. \llll t'II-gIIIIc [In ‘lL‘\\ll ‘lLIl nI llhllllll‘ \IIIIchII. 'lL'l: Ill-ll ‘HS 27-1"

I'Illiil III lnwl} clam IIzIIl Iun \InII') IlIII t'L‘llllIil l).IlkcIIlI. l'lill\lliilt' \\ IIlI V )I-nlIl [II‘nI lL'llliIlL'. \nII \IIInkL-I‘ plum: L2H I per IIInIIIlI plIIx (Ill;l\ tk lIIllx 'lL-l (FUD 5'4 »1l5


EDINBURGH I Friendly room, 260 II. III

‘llltl II .lllIl IIIllxu .I\.IIl.II\lI~ III llwtl l |.II II: \LIIIIII l‘nIInlIclln ('lnxc In l‘.‘.I\ ll. IIIIIIleII'Il .IIIIl \Kllt'lt'\\ lIIn.IIllI.IIIIl \‘..IIl

l InIII l \I'III H ' ‘Id 1": Hm:

I Broughton Street. Friendly IIInl ‘I‘-.‘.lll\'\l InI IlnI'. IIII' InnIII III InIclI \k'llllJl .‘ l‘k'xlllll ll.Il. In \ll.Il\‘ \\Illi .‘II \I nlIl .Ill\ IIInI liIn.IIllI.IIIIl k'lt

l\'t‘lll l. l); o l‘Ill\ '( l ' Ilt'l‘ lI'l l’lInIII- \lnIII.I II" 'II‘ \l \-ll I Double Room in \lIiIlIlIll‘.‘ l’I'IIIlInIIw \;\.IIIIII.'III lllI‘Ilk‘lll l.II.lI.'II. IlllllllL' .III'I |nIIII;'.2 Ixxn l‘.IlliIIN'lII\. kan l.ll"t‘ lxIlI I‘lllk‘\. \\ lllt‘Il Illltlk'lt'll‘llllIl IIIIkIIIU L»1:llol\1ll\ |.~1II“\III_‘IIII in: I On the Beach III l’nIIan‘lln lun l.ll_‘."\' InnIIIx In II'III l \Kllll \IIIIIIIIII: xix: \l\'\\ .I\.IIl.Il‘lI' IInIII lkIan'I II'III.IlI'\ IIInI III.IIIIII' \lll Ilk'lll nIIII \ II'II lilllIIllt'\ IInIII .Ill .IIIII'IIIIIIN L N I .IllIl t. it I l IIIII

IIII lilillllj,’ \Ulllltll l.l\ .'\ l‘lll\ lII‘I' liIn.IIllI.IIIIl lcllllll ~21!le

I Single room available III Inn-II \k'\\lll_‘_'lllll Il.II In \ll.Il\' \‘-IllI 2 [NHlfjlml \lllIlI'lll\ (illllll \t'llll.ll lllt .IIInII t.‘ 'IIIII III ~ l‘Ill\ \‘\.Ill.Il\lL‘ IIIIIII lxl \I'IIII'IIIM'I lI'l llfi‘Nll lllll "W I Double room available III lIIIfglII llllNlL’lll .III.IIIIIII'III III \llltldll I( ianJII'I lnI .I [‘llllt'\ \InII.Il IInII \IIInkI'I \lnIlI'III III-InI IIInIl I'nIIx lx’I'III 22" III-I thlI'IIIlaI IIInIIIlI.(' l.I\ "* ( .II II.IIl.IIIj: \Imtc .I\.IIl.IlIlI- In lk'll .IIlI lk'l (Vbflh lbl IN

I Hi! 25 years «IIII II.III.III pm I\ lnnkIIIgn InI .I InnIII III l'.IlIIIlIIII;:lI' I'Il Me In lI\.I~ uIIlI IIIcIIIll} pcnplc. l'III \lt'dll .lllIl \IlI.IIt'\cI _\nII llt'k'll In IlInnw IIII‘ IIIIclIclI' \L'delL‘ll‘II‘” ).IlIIIII II

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine. it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses. so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 60,000 unique visits per month.

Go to www.iist.co.uk and click on 'flatshare' at the top of the page

You will be asked for:

1 Your name, address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room. rent. number of other occupants and type of person sought 3 A contact number for potential flat mates to ring

Terms & Conditions

Flatshare adverts must be placed using our online booking service. For administration purposes. advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication) The Fiatshare service is for people seeking a flatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication in this section. Adverts for renting a whole fiat must be placed in our

'Fiats to Let' section. full instructions for booking these ads are available on our website In the Shop section.

It is company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be offensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation. if you would like further information about The List flatshare service. there is no need to call The List, please refer to our website www.list.co.uk Click on fiatshare and then FAOs which should tell you everything you need to know. '

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal safety, you should always have

someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.

' , > x; THE LIST 45